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发布时间: 2022-08-27 01:01:08

A. 用英文写出花的各组成部分 花茎,花瓣,花蕊,花叶,花根。

花瓣 petal
花茎 scape
花蕊 stamen(雄蕊)
花被 perianth
花梗 pencle

B. 写一篇介绍花的英语短文(如要更多悬赏。跟我说。我看情况)

My have a dahlia.

C. 玫瑰花的英语介绍

Enter the required language Translation Rose, Rosaceae, Rosa (Rosa rugosa Thunb.) Rose my country of origin and cultivation history for a long time. Is a good flowering shrubs and aromatic plants are important.
[Morphology] numerous upright decious shrub, stems sticks taupe, Micronesia Health bristles with Spinibarbus, feathery leaf, lobules 5-9, oval to elliptical-shaped inverted oval, blunt serrated, quality thick, have wrinkles, above bright green , gray green below, the pubes or刺毛, petiole and leaf axils of small skin thinning Health barbed and glanlar hairs. Most of the stipule and petiole Keidanren, a small zigzag. Flower flowers solitary or 3-6 sets of Health, 6-8 cm flower diameter, flower fragrance, Micronesia were hairs and刺毛, purple or white petals, Single or double. Rosa flat spherical fruit, red, Zun-chip deposit places. Flowering May to September, fruit 9 1 10 month period.
Common variants are: The Purple Rose of f. Purple Rose Flower typica. Red Rose f. rosea flower red roses. White Rose f. alba white flower. Double Purple Rose Flower Rose f.plena purple, double, aroma and fragrance, fine quality, many are not firm, and is widely cultivated throughout. Double white rose and white flower f.albo-plena, plena.
[Distribution] of origin of Liaoning, Shandong and other places, is cultivated throughout the distribution to Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, for many, Pingyin, Shandong, Beijing, Miao-bee mountain gully, Henan and Zhejiang商水县weeks Wuxing Town and other places Rose is famous origin. DPRK, Japan and Europe and the United States have cultivated.
[Habits] Rose Department of temperate tree species, hardy, drought-resistant, not strict on soil, at the growth of micro-alkaline land in humus-rich,Good drainage of the neutral or slightly acidic loam and light on growth and flowering the best and most hi-ray, at the growth of non-performing under the tutelage, flowering scarce intolerant of stagnant water, while lower leaves yellow受涝ups and downs, Meng strong tillering, rapid growth .
Ecology and types of roses roses originating in the East, but now perhaps has been all over the world, mainly in the temperate zone. Original species, including wild rose a total of 250 kinds of different types, which are hybrid and have thousands of variants. Nowadays there is more than 30 kinds of known as the "smell the rose," but one of only three other roses are the "parents", because of floral elegance, but to a large area planted. The first one is the Red Rose
(R.gallica), are most vulnerable to propagation, originating in the Caucasus, often referred to as the "French Rose", "the general result of the Rose" (Provins rose) or "Anatolia" (Rose of Anatolia). The second old roses are roses Chiba
(R.centifolia), originating in Persia, often referred to as "普罗斯旺Rose" (Provence rose) or伊斯帕罕Rose (Rose of Ispahan), the offspring are red roses for the Soviet Union moss roses and heart volume Rose's parents. The third old roses are the rose of Damascus (R.damascena), originating in Syria, smelling aroma, essential oils are most commonly for the distillation of roses, but also the most medical value.From ancient times to the origin of roses, because roses smell lovely, flower-shaped beautiful and colorful and highly valued, it has long been the introction of Europe, the Middle Ages, Europeans choose the medical value of plants in the convent garden. By the eighteenth century, the old rose varieties are most valuable1816, the first four seasons of flowering hybrid roses - "King of the Rose" (the Rose roi) appears, followed by a variety of new species of roses. Since before the French Revolution, the French people on the start date distillation Rose, which was mainly for extraction are the world famous Rose Hydrosol, are a by-proct of oil instead. In 1987 when the roses all over the world oil proction is 15-20 tons.Bulgaria was the biggest procing countries, while the United States as the main importing countries, other oil procing countries have Turkey, France, Morocco, India and China. Bulgaria Damascus plant roses, and rose essential oil distillation extraction, Berg proced by the Bulgarian Rose Oil also rose, with the majority of oil are part of petal, stamen but also contains some oil quality,Can add petal extract together. While French is used volatile solvent extraction of raw materials rose Chiba. 1888, Damascus Rose, near Leipzig at米尔提兹(Miltitz) planted since 1894, the region in Turkey beginning安娜托利亚, today This extraction method has since become very common. Balkans high on 300-800 meters of area, has a number of plant Damascus roses, many experts claim that the "height Feiyang" Rose essential oil, the ground is better than roses. Russia beginning in 1931 species of roses, particularly in the Crimea and Transcaucasia region, called "Donovan card" (Novinka) variant,there is much for Turkey to visit various parts of the distillery. Bulgaria to use essential oils from the solvent extraction in 1904,Even at ultra-low temperature survival under harsh environment. In a short span of 4-6 weeks of the season, Morocco distillation region 4000-5000 t of Damascus Rose. With modern distillation methods, they can extract 150 tons every day, one for the most part on one of distillation essential oil extraction rose, while the remaining solvent extraction.Substantial use of the Roman people rose from the roof of a banquet sow; with roses favorite worship God; and David Rose to prevent drunk.塔昆(Tarpuin the Superb) planted in the garden is famous for a variety of roses, his gardener beloved by the whole city. Virgil had described Eros Rose Flavor request smear Hecht's body. Greeks also love the use of roses, Homer at (Elliott) and (Odyssey) in a tribute to Rose, the ancient Egyptians used for religious ceremonies will be Rose, the mummy tomb of the side is still visible Rose.Rose is now up to more than 100 kinds of types, there is white roses, red roses, blue roses, pink roses, pale pink roses, yellow roses, bicolor roses and so on, in fact, most of the roses are the use of several common roses to improved R & D into new varieties of roses.
Rose's original narrow range, but after crossbreeding alone officially sign minimum more than 15,000 kinds. According to the size of roses can be divided into large round species, in rotation, small rotation,蔓性of four main categories.
Big round of the world so far, most varieties of roses, flowers, and one flower stem 1, on behalf of varieties have He-ping Dior. In rotation with more corymbosa inflorescence, flower size of about 6 ~ 10cm, on behalf of varieties have red puppet, if it li. Small rotationFlower small, only about 1.5 ~ 2.5cm, corymbosa inflorescence, small plants, small potted plants or flower beds can do landscaping, on behalf of varieties have small Sunset, Shi Lina.蔓性species of its origin by Rosa蔓性breeding or non-mating mutant蔓性roses from up to 4 ~ 6cm high, non-cling capability, to be fixed manually branches.

玫瑰 ,蔷薇科,蔷薇属(Rosa rugosa Thunb.)
[形态特征] 落叶直立丛生灌木,茎枝灰褐色,密生刚毛与倒刺,羽状复叶,小叶5-9,椭圆形至椭圆状倒卵形,钝锯齿,质厚,有皱纹,上面亮绿色,下面灰绿色,被柔毛或刺毛,叶柄及叶轴疏生小皮刺及腺毛。托叶大部与叶柄连合,具细锯齿。花单生或3-6朵集生,花径6-8厘米,花芳香,密被茸毛及刺毛,花瓣紫红或白色,单瓣或重瓣。蔷薇果扁球形,红色,尊片宿存。花期5-9月,果期9一10月。
[习性] 玫瑰系温带树种,耐寒,耐旱,对土壤要求不严,在微碱性土地能生长,在富含腐殖质、排水良好的中性或微酸性轻壤土上生长和开花最好,最喜光,在庇荫下生长不良,开花稀少,不耐积水,受涝则下部叶片黄落,萌蘖性很强,生长迅速。

玫瑰原产于东方,但如今大概已遍布全世界,主要出现于温带。原始的品种包括野生玫瑰共有250种不同种类,而混种与变种则有成千上万种。现今有三十多种称为「香味玫瑰」,但其中只有三种是其它玫瑰的「亲代」,由于花香优雅,而以大片面积栽种。第一种是红玫瑰(R.gallica),最易繁殖,原产于高加索,常称为「法国玫瑰」、「普罗因玫瑰」(Provins rose)或「安娜托利亚玫瑰」(Rose of Anatolia)。第二种老玫瑰是千叶玫瑰(R.centifolia),原产于波斯,常称为「普罗斯旺玫瑰」(Provence rose)或伊斯帕罕玫瑰(Rose of Ispahan),是红玫瑰的子代,为苔苏玫瑰与卷心玫瑰的亲代。第三种老玫瑰是大马士革玫瑰(R.damascena),原产于叙利亚,香味扑鼻,是最常供蒸馏精油的玫瑰,也最具医疗价值。

从古至今,玫瑰因为香味迷人、花形优美且色彩艳丽而倍受珍视,它很早就被引进欧洲,中古时期,欧洲人取其医疗价值而栽种在修道院的花园中。到了十八世纪时,老的玫瑰品种最为珍贵,一八一六,第一种四季开花的混种玫瑰—「国王玫瑰」(the Rose roi)出现后,继而出现各式各样的新种玫瑰。自法国革命前起,法国人就开始蒸馏玫瑰至今,当时主要是为了萃取举世知名的玫瑰纯露,精油反而是副产品。一九八七年时,全世界玫瑰精油的产量是15到20吨。保加利亚是当时最大的产国,而美国为主要进口国,其它生产精油的国家有土耳其、法国、摩洛哥、印度与中国。保加利亚种植大马士革玫瑰,并用蒸馏法萃取玫瑰精油,柏格所生产的玫瑰精油也是保加利亚玫瑰,含大部份油质的部份是花瓣,但雄蕊也含有一些油质,可加入花瓣中一起萃取。而法国则是用挥发性溶剂萃取千叶玫瑰的原料。一八八八,大马士革玫瑰在莱比锡附近的米尔提兹(Miltitz)栽种,自一八九四年起,在土耳其的安娜托利亚地区开始种植,今日土耳其各地有许多可供参观的蒸馏厂。保加利亚用溶剂萃取精油起于一九0四年,这种萃取法此后变得非常普遍。巴尔干半岛上高度300至800公尺的地区,有多处种植大马士革玫瑰,许多专家宣称这种在「高处飞扬」的玫瑰精油,胜过平地的玫瑰。一九三一年俄国开始种玫瑰,尤其在克里米亚与外高加索地区更,一种称为「诺文卡」(Novinka)的变种,甚至可以在超低温的恶劣环境下存活。在短短四到六周的花季,摩洛哥地区蒸馏4000至5000吨的大马士革玫瑰。以现代的蒸馏方法,他们可以每天萃取150吨,其中一部份以蒸馏法萃取玫瑰精油,其余则以溶剂萃取。
罗马人大量使用玫瑰,宴客时从楼顶撒下;用玫瑰供奉最喜爱的神;并戴玫瑰以防酒醉。塔昆(Tarpuin the Superb)的花园以遍植各种玫瑰而闻名,他的园丁受到全城的敬爱。弗吉尔曾叙述,爱神要求用玫瑰香精涂抹赫克特的尸体。希腊人也爱使用玫瑰,荷马在(埃利奥特)与(奥德赛)中赞颂玫瑰,古埃及人将玫瑰用于宗教仪式,坟墓中木乃伊之侧仍可见玫瑰。






用较多,繖房花序,花约6~10cm 大小,代表品种有红木偶、若丽那。





D. 用英文写出花的各组成部分

花瓣 petal
花茎 scape
花蕊 stamen(雄蕊)
花被 perianth
花梗 pencle

E. 用英语简单的介绍花及花语。玫瑰,薰衣草,彼岸花,向日葵,水仙,郁金香,风信子,樱花,蒲公英,蓝色妖

Roses: love, love and beauty, radiant

Roses (red) : enthusiasm, love you I love you, love, hope and passion of love. You wucaichi

Roses (blue) : and gentle. Kindness.

Roses (pink) : moving, declaration for love, remember in heart, first love, like you shining smile

Roses (white) : innocence and purity, respect, humility

Roses (yellow) : infidelity, jealousy, happiness, happy, and apologize

Roses (purple) : melancholy dream and dream. Love.

Roses (bouquet) : happiness of love

Roses (orange) : shyness, offering you a mystery of love

Roses (bud) : beautiful and youthful

Roses (orange) : desire.

Roses (red + white) : there were

Roses (red + yellow) : happy

Roses (black) : you are evil, and for my all

Mei rose: pure love, beautiful love, good in bloom

Red roses: madly in love, enthusiasm, love you

Pink roses: first, courtship, love and special care

Yellow roses: nobility, beautiful or apology

Orange roses: rich green breath, first love mood

White roses: innocence and purity

Rose: pure green simplicity, in bloom, I only love you one

F. 请问生物里面花的结构,和每个部分的作用,如果是英语的就更好了,谢谢

Flower Structure

The male parts of a flower consist of one or more stamens. Each stamen is made up of paired anthers (sacs containing pollen) on a filament or stalk.
The anthers are the orange/yellow structures often seen in the centre of a flower.
Pollen from the anthers of one flower is transferred to the stigma of another usually either by wind, or by animals, especially insects.
Flowers do not always have the two outer layers of calyx and corolla. These two layers are most noticeable in plants which are pollinated by insects. The corolla, or petals are often brightly coloured with markings attractive to insects. The flowers may also be scented. For instance, Honeysuckle has showy, attractive flowers which attract insects by day. However, in the dark, their colourful show is not much use, and their heady scent then helps to attract night-flying moths.
In insect-pollinated plants, there are also usually nectaries which secrete sugary nectar, located within the flower. These provide an incentive to insects to visit the flowers. In the search for nectar, the insects will often get pollen grains caught on their bodies. This may then brush off onto the stigma of the next flower visited and in this way the flowers are pollinated.

Many flowers have evolved very specific associations with a particular insect species or group of species. In these cases flower structure may be very specialized (e.g. orchids). Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) and Primroses (Primula vulgaris) show a range of adaptations to insect pollination.
Wind pollination is also common in flowering plants. In this case, because there is no necessity to attract insects, the calyx and corolla of the flowers may be absent.

foxglo3.jpg (12105 bytes) This is a cross-section of a Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) flower. It has been cut across the centre of the flower from top to bottom.
The purple structures are the petals. The white circular markings on the petals act as guide lines, directing insects towards the nectaries hidden in the base of the flower. The green outer structures are the sepals.
The female reproctive structures are hidden, but the stamens with their yellow anthers are clearly visible at the top of the flower.

Once a pollen grain reaches the stigma of another flower of the same species, it will proce a pollen tube. This grows down through the style until it reaches an ovule. Fertilization then takes place, resulting in a seed.
When pollen from one flower fertilizes the ovule of another flower, it is called cross pollination. If an ovule is fertilized by pollen from the same flower, it is called self fertilization. In evolutionary terms, this is generally not particularly favourable, as it leads to inbreeding. Most species therefore tend to be cross pollinated. In this case they need something to transfer the pollen from one flower to another. This might be insects, birds, wind or water. This need to use an outside agent to transfer the pollen has led to the extraordinary variety of shapes, colours, scents and arrangements of flowers seen today.

G. 花各个部分的英文

花轴 rachis
花萼 calyx
花瓣 leaf
花梗 pedicel
花粉 st
雄蕊 androecium
花冠 anadem

H. 如何用英语描述花

azalea 杜鹃花
begonia 秋海棠
Brazil 巴西木
cactus 仙人掌
camellia 山茶花
carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)
Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花
Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花
chrysanthemum 菊花
dahlia 大丽花
daisy 雏菊
datura 曼陀罗
epiphyllum 昙花
fringed iris 蝴蝶花
fuchsia 倒挂金钟
gardenia 栀子
India canna 美人蕉
jasmine 茉莉
lilac 丁香
lily 百合
mangnolia 木兰花
mangnolia 玉兰花
morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)
narcissus 水仙花
oleander 夹竹桃
orchid 兰花
pansy 三色堇
peony 牡丹
peony 芍药
phalaenopsis 蝶兰
rose 玫瑰
rose 月季
setose asparagus 文竹
touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花
tulip 郁金香
violet, stock violet 紫罗兰
water hyacinth 凤眼兰

I. 花各部分的英语介绍

Pedicels (stalks)

Branchlets connecting stems, but also stems and flowers connected to the channel, and support the flowers.


Is a slightly inflated part of the tip of the flower stalk, having a calyx, corolla, and other parts, it has a variety of shapes.


The outer flowers composed of abnormal leaf, green sepals; often, from gamosepalous calyx, and epicalyx. Protect the infant flower.


Spend the second round of abnormal leaf, composed of several petals; often a variety of color and fragrance. With polypetalous flowers, gamopetalous. Can attract insects for pollination, and to protect the stamens and pistil.


Collectively, calyx and corolla. Usually divided into two flowers, flowers monochlamydeous, achlamydate (nakedflower) three.


All of the stamens in a flower, in general, there are a variety of types, but each stamen structure is as follows: stigma anther and style, filaments, the petals, sepals, ovule, ovary, receptacle and pedicel


The floorboard of all a flower pistil. Can be composed of one or more pistils. Composition of pistil reproctive organs known as carpels, including ovary, and locule have ovule (containing the female gametes). A pistil may consist of more than one carpel, in this case, if each carpel separation form free of simple pistil, known as apocarpous gynoecium and vice if syncarpous is called for compound pistil. Pistil viscous top known as the stigma, the pollen receptor. Style connecting the stigma and ovary, pollen grains germinated pollen tubes enter the ovary of the channel.


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