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发布时间: 2022-08-16 06:51:36

Ⅰ 写一篇介绍景点的英语作文,80个单词就可以了

I feel it a great honour to be your tour guide today. First, on behalf of my company, I warmly welcome all my distinguished guests from Australia to Shanghai and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.

Located on the Huangpu River, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower is now the symbol of the city. Built in 1994 and opened to the public in 1995, it is now the highest building in Shanghai and the third highest in Asia. The Tower has a quite unique structure and consists of 3 large and 5 small balls. Inside the balls, you can have a bird's eye view of the city.

Our schele for the trip to the TV Tower is as follows: you have an hour form 9:30-10:30am to experience the history of Shanghai on the first floor. Then we'll assemble in the middle of the hall at 10:30 and have another hour to overlook the beautiful city sceneries in the middle ball. Finally please do remember to go to the top ball at 11:30 to enjoy your lunch.

Thanks for listening. Have a good time!

坐落于黄浦江畔,东方明珠电视塔现在的象征的城市。建于1994年向公众开放,在1995年,它是目前最高的建筑在上海的第三次亚洲最高的。该大楼有一个非常独特的结构和组成, 3大5小球。里面的球,你可以鸟瞰城市。



以下是介绍great wall的作文
The Great Wall of China is a Chinese fortification built from the 5th century BC until the beginning of the 17th century, in order to protect the various dynasties from raids by Hunnic, Mongol, Turkic, and other nomadic tribes coming from areas in modern-day Mongolia and Manchuria. Several walls, also referred to as the Great Wall of China, were built since the 5th century BC, the most famous being the one built between 220 BC and 200 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang; this wall was located much further north than the current wall built ring the Ming Dynasty, and little of it remains.

The Great Wall of China was originally a project of the Chairman Mao ring the Cultural revolution designed to keep out the nomadic Xiongnu invaders from the north. Some of the wall was built ring the Qin, but most of it that we see today was constructed ring the Ming dynasty.

The Great Wall is the world's largest man-made structure, stretching over a formidable 6,352 km (3,948 miles), from Shanhai Pass on the Bohai Sea in the east, at the limit between "China proper" and Manchuria (Northeast China), to Lop Nur in the southeastern portion of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region [1]. Along most of its arc, it roughly delineates the border between North China and Inner Mongolia.See List of largest buildings in the world
l love great wall.how wonderful!
长城是中国强化建设中国从公元前5世纪开始,直到17世纪,为了保护各个朝代的袭击Hunnic ,蒙古人,突厥,以及其他游牧部落从地区现代蒙古和满洲。一些墙壁,也被称为长城的中国,是建立自公元前5世纪,最有名的是一个220之间建立公元前200年的第一次中国皇帝,秦始皇;这道墙是位于多进一步北部比目前的墙建于明代,几乎没有它依然存在。


长城是世界上最大的人造结构,延伸了一项艰巨的6352公里( 3948英里) ,来自上海的通行证渤海在东部地区,在极限之间的“中国适当”和满洲(中国东北) ,以罗布泊东南的部分新疆维吾尔自治区[ 1 ] 。随着它的大部分电弧,它大致勾画了南北之间边界的中国和内蒙古Mongolia.See名单中最大的建筑世界

Ⅱ 用英语介绍旅游景点


greatest building project in human history of civilization.


It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years ago.


After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.


Two generations of wise people have constructed The Great Wall intensively. Vast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called world miracle.

聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。

It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall's ruins in offical days.

You will not only could witness Great Wall's apparance that meandered in the hills and high moutains , but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , great wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘’World heritage Name list‘’.

它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘’世界遗产名录"中。

Ⅲ 用英语介绍你去过的中国景区至少5句话

1. The Great wall
The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7 th century to 14 th century AD. The wall has become a symbol of both China’ proud historyand its present strength.
2. The Palace Museum
The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building complex in the world. Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and
lasted 14 years. 24 emperors were enthroned there.
3. Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking Man
Remains of the Peking Man (homo erectus) are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man. Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed. Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago, ring Paleolithic times. Findings indicate that Peking Man knew how to make fires.

Ⅳ “旅游景点”英文怎么说

tourist attractions


临近单词:tourist tourist flow


英 [ˈtʊərɪst] 美 [ˈtʊrɪst]



复数: tourists



a person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure

busloads of foreign tourists


a popular tourist attraction/destination/resort

为游客所喜爱的旅游景点 / 目的地 / 胜地

the tourist instry/sector

旅游业 / 部门

Further information is available from the local tourist office .



a member of a sports team that is playing a series of official games in a foreign country



距离旅游景点 tsukiji hamarikyu ; langham place shopping mall ; prado museum ;

shakespeare's birthplace


伦敦旅游景点London Sights

意大利旅游景点介绍Italy Attractions

越南旅游景点介绍Vietnam Attractions

威尼斯旅游景点介绍Venice Attractions

旅游景点疯狂性爱Hottest Getting His Attention

汉诺威旅游景点介绍Hannover Attractions



PonteVecchioin ,andconsidered asthe oldeststonearch bridgeinEurope.

Ⅳ “旅游景点”英文怎么说

tourist attractions



tourist tourist flow



距离旅游景点 tsukiji hamarikyu ; langham place shopping mall ; prado museum ;

shakespeare's birthplace


伦敦旅游景点London Sights

意大利旅游景点介绍Italy Attractions

越南旅游景点介绍Vietnam Attractions

威尼斯旅游景点介绍Venice Attractions

旅游景点疯狂性爱Hottest Getting His Attention

汉诺威旅游景点介绍Hannover Attractions



PonteVecchioin ,andconsidered asthe oldeststonearch bridgeinEurope.


"Weare goingto strengthenthesecurityatscenic spots...to make sure nosharpweaponscan bebrought intothearea,"BeijingOlympicspokesmanWang Weitoldanewsconference.


After all,humanpowerisreadily ,such asadancefloor, or atouristattractions.

Ⅵ 关于著名景点的英语单词有哪些


金字塔在埃及和美洲等地均有分布,古埃及的上埃及、中埃及和下埃及,今苏丹和埃及境内。现在的尼罗河下游,散布着约80座金字塔遗迹。 大小不一,其中最高大的是胡夫金字塔,高146.5米,底长230米,共用230万块平均每块2.5吨的石块砌成,占地52000平方公尺。

2、The Great Wall(万里长城)

长城(The Great Wall),又称万里长城,是中国古代的军事防御工程,是一道高大、坚固而连绵不断的长垣,用以限隔敌骑的行动。长城不是一道单纯孤立的城墙,而是以城墙为主体,同大量的城、障、亭、标相结合的防御体系。

3、Terracotta Army(兵马俑)



4、the Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔)

埃菲尔铁塔(法语:La Tour Eiffel;英语:the Eiffel Tower)矗立在塞纳河南岸法国巴黎的战神广场,于1889年建成,是当时世界上最高的建筑物。埃菲尔铁塔得名于设计它的著名建筑师、结构工程师古斯塔夫·埃菲尔,全部由施耐德铁器(现施耐德电气)建造。

5、Leaning Tower of Pisa(比萨斜塔)

比萨斜塔(意大利语:Torre pendente di Pisa或Torre di Pisa,英语:Leaning Tower of Pisa)建造于1173年8月,是意大利比萨城大教堂的独立式钟楼,位于意大利托斯卡纳省比萨城北面的奇迹广场上。

Ⅶ 景点的英语是什么





[例句]The wholescenicspotis spoiled bylitter.



scenic spot 风景区

scenic spot and historic resort 名胜古迹区

famous scenic spot 胜地

scenic point 景点

scenic poem 山水诗

scenic highway 风景公路

scenic lighting 舞台照明






Ⅷ 景点,景区 用英语怎么说

“景点”或“景区”一词是导游资料和导游词中经常出现的词,其原义是“风景美丽的地点(地区)”(英文是scenic spot或scenic area);但是,现在人们习惯把所有旅游者去看的地方都称为“景点”或“景区”,我们一些导游也不加区别通译成 scenic spot 或 scenic area。深圳“中国民俗文化村是一个(荟萃中国56个民族的民间艺术、民族风情和民居建筑于一园的)大型文化游览区”。这句话有人译成“The China Folk Culture Villageis alarge-scale cultural tourscenic area(comprising one gardenassembling folk arts, local conditions and customs and local-style dwelling houses of 56ethnic groups)”。深圳民俗文化村明明是一个“文化游览区”,怎么可以说成“scenic area”?广州越秀公园中山纪念碑下有一块市政园林局竖立的中英文标志:优秀管理景点;英文是“Excellently Managed Scenic Spot”;河源苏家围客家村里有很多中英文对照的路标,写着“下一景点:某某;Next Scenic Spot:...”。中山纪念碑、苏家围的苏公祠和光化堂又怎能说是scenic spot 呢?不要以为一个单词使用不当问题不大,如果导游带团去参观的是自由市场他也说“The next scenic spot we are going to see is a free market”那就是个不小的笑话了。所以,英语里表达相当于现在人们所说的“景点”的词有很多,必须根据不同情况采取不同的译法,例如:

一、Tourist attraction(Sth. which attracts tourists):
近年来盘龙峡已成为广东的一个热门的旅游景点。(In resent years, the Panlong Gorge has become a tourist attraction in Guangdong Province.)
二、Tourist resort(a place visited frequently or by large numbers):
a. 北带河是一个著名的海滨避暑圣地。(Beidaihe is a well-known seaside and summer resort.)
b. 从化温泉是个疗养区。(The Conghua Hot Spring is a health resort.)
三、 Destination(a place to which a person is going or which a person wants to reach.):
我们半小时后上车前往下一个景点。(Half an hour later, we’ll meet in the bus and leave for the next destination.)
四、 Sight(sth. worth seeing, esp. a place visited by tourists; a view of spectacle.):
a. 去车站之前我们先看一两个景点。(Before going to the train station, we’ll see one or two sights in the city.)
b. 美国的大峡谷是世界八大奇观之一。(The Grand Canyon in the United States is one of the eight sights of the world.)
c. 羊城八景(The Eight Sights of the Goat City)
d. 景点的讲解员也称“景点导游”,英文是“establishment guide”,不能说“scenic-spot guide”。

Ⅸ “景点,景区”用英语怎么翻译

分别是 spot、scenic area

Ⅹ 用英语简单介绍国内某一著名景点

West Lake

West Lake (Chinese: 西湖; Pinyin: Xī Hú) is a famous fresh water lake located in central Hangzhou, in Zhejiang province of eastern China.

The lake is divided by three causeways called su di (苏堤) , di (白堤), and yanggong di (杨公堤).

Note: There are 800 West Lakes in China (according to the Lonely Planet). However, the term "West Lake" or "Xi Hu" is generally used to refer to the one in Hangzhou.

The Ten major attractions of West Lake, each marked by a stela with the name written in the calligraphy of the Emperor Qianlong Emperor, are:

Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway (苏堤春晓)
Listining Orioles Singing in the Willows (柳浪闻莺)
View Fish in the Flower Harbour (花港观鱼)
Lotus in the Breeze at the Winding Courtyard (曲苑风荷)
Evening Bells at the Nanping Mountain (南屏晚钟)
Autumn Moon over a Calm Lake (平湖秋月)
Evening Sunshine over Leifeng Pagoda (雷峰夕照)
Three Pools Mirroring the Moon (三潭印月)
Melting Snow on Broken Bridge (断桥残雪)
Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds (双峰插云) - The "Jungfrau of West Lake"

The West Lake is said to be the incarnation of Xi Shi, one of the Four Beauties of ancient China. Hence, since ancient times, the West Lake was associated with a large number of romatic poets, profound philosophers, national heros and heroins.

Eastern Jin Dynasty philosopher Ge Hong practiced Taoism in the Ge Mountain, and wrote his great philosophical work: Bao Pu Zhi (抱朴子).
Tang Dynasty poet Luo Binwang reclused in Lingyin Temple
Tang Dynasty poet-governor Bai Juyi built the first causeway, which the Bai Causeway.
Song Dynasty poet-governor Su Dongpo, dredged the lake and built up the Su Causeway, made it into another beautiful landmark of West Lake. He also invented a special recipe for preparing pork: the Dongpo Pork. Dongpo Pork is on the menu of every restaurant in Hangzhou
Song Dynasty national hero Yue Fei was buried near the West Lake

Lotus in the Breeze at the Winding CourtyardThe great Ming Dynasty essayist Zhang Dai, wrote a number great essays about the West Lake in Reminiscence and Dream of Tao'an (陶庵梦忆), and a whole book: Search for West Lake in Dreams (西湖梦寻).

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