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❶ 迪斯尼的简介 英文的

The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) is the second largest media and entertainment corporation in the world, after Time Warner. Founded on October 16, 1923 by brothers Walt and Roy Disney as a small animation studio, it has become one of the biggest Hollywood studios, and owner of eleven theme parks and several television networks, including the American Broadcasting Company (ABC). Disney's corporate headquarters and primary proction facilities are located in California at the Walt Disney Studios (Burbank).

华特迪士尼公司(英语:The Walt Disney Company,NYSE:DIS),简称迪士尼(Disney),是世界上第二大传媒娱乐企业,1923年由华特·迪士尼与兄长洛伊·迪士尼创立。在1995年之前该公司曾有许多不同版本的译名,例如在中国大陆它曾译作沃尔特迪斯尼,在台湾曾译作华德狄斯奈或华德迪斯奈,在香港亦曾译作和路迪士尼。

华特迪士尼公司旗下的电影发行品牌有:华特迪士尼影片(Walt Disney Pictures)、试金石影片(Touchstone Pictures),好莱坞影片(Hollywood Pictures)、米拉麦克斯影片(Miramax Films)、彼思动画制作室(Pixar Animation Studios)和次元影业(Dimension Films)。华特迪士尼、试金石、好莱坞三个品牌与金牌电影制作人杰瑞·布洛克海默有过十余次合作。迪士尼与吉卜力有发行方面的合作。


❷ 上海迪士尼的英文简介



❸ 谁有关于迪斯尼乐园英文介绍加中文

Disneyland is a theme park that is located at 1313 South Harbor Boulevard in Anaheim, California, USA. It opened on July 17, 1955. The park is owned and operated by The Walt Disney Company. Currently the park has been visited by more than 515 million guests since it opened to the public, including presidents, royalty, and other heads of state.

When the park initially opened, it consisted of five themed areas:

Main Street, U.S.A., an early 20th century Midwest town
Adventureland, featuring jungle adventures
Frontierland, illustrating western frontier
Fantasyland, bringing fantasy into a reality
Tomorrowland, looking into the future.
Three additional areas were added to these original park areas later:

New Orleans Square, opened in 1966, based on 19th century New Orleans
Critter Country, opened in 1972 as "Bear Country", themed both to the South in the 19th century and to forests of the Pacific Northwest.
Mickey's Toontown, opened in 1993, themed on the Toontown seen in the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit
An elevated berm supports a three-foot (narrow) gauge railroad which circumnavigates the park. Disneyland features rides and attractions designed to appeal to all ages.

In 1998 Disneyland was renamed Disneyland Park in order to distinguish it from the larger Disneyland Resort complex. Today, there are three other parks which share the Disneyland name, Disneyland Resort Paris in Paris, France, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort in Hong Kong, China, and Tokyo Disneyland in Tokyo, Japan. These resorts are in addition to Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, whose Disneyland-like park is called the Magic Kingdom.

迪士尼乐园(Disneyland,正式全名为Disneyland Park),是一个位於美国加州安纳罕市(Anaheim)的主题乐园。由华德·迪士尼一手创办的迪士尼乐园是由华德·迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)所创立与营运的一系列主题乐园与度假区中的第一个,离洛杉矶市中心大约有20分钟的车程(高速公路)。迪士尼乐园於1955年开放,吸引了众多小朋友和成年人。内有许多迪士尼人物,如米老鼠,及迪士尼电影场景。园内设施也经常更换。原来在一个人工湖内,可以乘潜艇看到真人扮的美人鱼,但因扮演卡通人物的员工工作条件不适应长期在水下,所以后来改成了假的美人鱼。园内曾一度有座很高的假雪山,人们可以坐缆车从中间穿过,但也已经退出了历史舞台。1990年代,又在同样的地址,扩建了迪士尼加州冒险乐园(Disney's California Adventure),而原本的迪士尼乐园,新设立的加州冒险乐园,与周围一系列相关设施(包括几座配合乐园而设置的观光旅馆),则共同组成迪士尼度假区(Disneyland Resort)。

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Many companies throughout the United States and beyond are resorting to developing their business abroad. This is e to numerous factors such as the ability to cut costs through cheaper building material or labor, which leads to increg their revenues, functioning with more advantageous tax and labor laws, and expanding their market, just to name a few.

The Walt Disney Company was one of those many American organizations to expand on foreign soil. Its first foreign venture proved to be so successful that the decision was made to further expand abroad. This next foreign expansion experience, named Euro Disneyland did not prove to be the successful venture that had been anticipated by its creators.

Euro Disneyland a theme park comprised of an updated, state of the art Disney's Magic Kingdom, is a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company located outside Paris, France, and has experienced numerous complications from its inception. Because the Walt Disney Company executives were determined to adhere to American philosophies, they did not thoroughly investigate all aspects of the European environment. This failure to do adequate research caused the Walt Disney Company executives and visionaries to construct their American dream theme park on foreign soil with little if any regard for the practical reality of the physical, financial, and/or cultural environment of their chosen site. More specifically, the Walt Disney Company's "...biggest mistakes were its overambitious plans to develop the site, plus Euro Disneyland's financial structure itself, which depended on a highly optimistic financial scenario with little room for glitches" (Gumbel & Turner, 1994, p. A 12). These massive oversights were contributing factors to the problems faced at Euro Disneyland.

As a company planning on expanding abroad, it is helpful to study the history of companies which previously have developed in other countries. For example, studying the Walt Disney Company's venture into France will allow other companies to learn from the Walt Disney Company's experiences. Recognizing, understanding and avoiding their mistakes will allow a company entering a new country increased opportunity to succeed. Reviewing the Euro Disneyland venture from the site research investigation to the present day operation will be beneficial to a company considering expansion abroad.


The human resource professional often is involved in determining the optimum site for a business and is responsible for many other aspects of an international expansion, such as cultural evaluation of the site, employee selection, training, development, compensation, and evaluation, just to name a few. Thus, as a human resource professional it is pertinent to research companies which have succeeded and those which have not, in order to better prepare. Furthermore, human resource professionals must comprehend the laws, traditions, culture, and people of a country in order to minimize problems which can occur.


In order to understand the issues involved in the Walt Disney Company's international expansion in Europe it is pertinent to review the background of Euro Disneyland. This can be done by looking at how the site, Paris, France, was chosen, at the signed agreement, at the risk management issues, and at the opening.

Why Paris?

The Walt Disney Company choose Paris, France, as the site of Euro Disneyland for many reasons. On April 15, 1983, the Walt Disney Company opened in Tokyo, Japan, their first theme park outside the United States. This theme park, Tokyo Disneyland became an instant hit. In fact, since the Walt Disney Company executives believed they learned so much about operating a theme park in another country, and since Tokyo Disneyland was an instant success, they began immediately to search for a site for a fourth park (Scimone, 1989).

To find a site for their fourth theme park, the Walt Disney Company looked to Europe where Disney films historically have done better than in the United States. Because of this film success, the Western European audience already was familiar with Disney entertainment and merchandise (Scimone, 1991). From 1983 through 1987 the company searched for sites in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy. Finally the possibilities were narrowed down to Costa del Sol in Spain and Paris in France. Although Spain had the edge e to its climate, France had a larger population and a spectacular transportation network (Scimone, 1989). The Walt Disney Company executives believed since Tokyo Disneyland located in a cold-weather climate and virtually the same latitude as Paris, was so successful, they would be able to operate in similar weather conditions in Paris. In fact, Disney executives admit that "...without the cold-climate (Tokyo) Disneyland success, they would never have picked Paris, which has the same or worse weather than Tokyo" (Anything but a 'Mickey Mouse', 1989). Thus, Paris was selected to be the site of their fourth theme park.

The site for Euro Disneyland is a "...parcel of prime suburban real estate in a mushrooming region called Marne-la-Vall闲" (Tully, 1986, p. 172). In fact, the land is one-fifth the size of Paris itself (Scimone, 1991). When the French government used its right of eminent domain to sell Disney the 4,400-acre (1,943-hectares) site at a fraction of its market value for approximately $7,500 an acre, there were bitter protests by the local farmers whose sugar beet fields had been farmed by the same families for a hundred years or more (Tully, 1986; Toy, Maremont, & Grover, 1990). The Walt Disney Company worked with the local farmers to avoid any potential problems. Their efforts were successful. The farmers were proud of the fact that people from many nations would be coming to their area of the world (Tully, 1986; Toy, Maremont, & Grover, 1990).

Marne-la-Vall闲 is located in an ideal geographic location since it is 20 miles (32 kilometers) e east of the center of Paris and is halfway between the two international airports of Orly and Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle. The French railway regional express network connects Marne-la-Vall闲 with the Paris metro system, and major highways are nearby (Scimone, 1989). In fact, of more than 350 million Western Europeans, 17 million can reach the Euro Disneyland resort within two hours by car (Scimone, 1991) and 310 million can fly creating a "...denser market than the United States" (Toy, Maremont, & Grover, 1990, p. 61). With the scheled opening (which took place May 1994) of direct rail links to Great Britain via the English Channel there were countless additional potential guests. Thus, e to its transportation availability, Paris offers Euro Disneyland a wealth of potential guests and employees (Grey, 1989).

The Agreement

On March 23, 1987, the Walt Disney Company signed a contract with the French national, regional and local governments, which promised Disney: favorable loan terms; that the rapid transit railway system would be extended to the theme park from Paris; that two interchanges would be built to link Euro Disneyland with a main highway; and that a special station for high-speed trains would be constructed at the park (Shapiro, 1989; Introcing Walt d'Isigny, 1992). Unlike the Walt Disney Company's wholly-owned American theme parks, and Tokyo Disneyland where Disney receives license fees from Mitsui and Oriental Land Corporation, Euro Disneyland is a public company with 51% of equity owned by EC indivials and institutions (Anything but a 'Mickey Mouse', 1989). The other 49% of the shares are owned by the Walt Disney Company who maintains management control of the company (Grey, 1989).

The Walt Disney Company promised new jobs and contracts for local suppliers which resulted in red carpet treatment from France. More specifically, Euro Disneyland planned on hiring 12,000 new Cast Members (employees). About 6,000 would work in Euro Disneyland's Magic Kingdom, 5,200 in hotels on the property, and the remainder in recreation and support facilities. The area was suffering high unemployment at the time and the Walt Disney Company executives believed the economic benefits to the region would be great since they would employee so many local citizens and since tourism generates revenue without requiring such costly social services as schools and hospitals (Scimone, 1989).

Risk Management

Once the Walt Disney Company executives chose Paris, France, as the site for their fourth theme park, they had to integrate American risk management techniques into a French environment. This integration of differing management techniques is typical with any company doing business abroad (Shapiro, 1989). However, a great deal of time, patience, understanding, ecation, and willingness to accept and/or compromise are needed from all parties involved in order to make this integration successful. The Walt Disney Company has been known for their strict construction and risk management requirements which they wished to impose upon the French workers. Likewise, the Walt Disney Company had to cope with language barriers and an unfamiliar French legal framework derived from the Napoleonic code (Shapiro, 1989). Thus, this joint venture caused many conference sessions to determine how to best integrate American and French risk management practices covering a multitude of diverse risks (Euro Disneyland combines American, 1989). It was important to each side for them to join their philosophies and requirements into a system which would work for Euro Disneyland.

A good example of the blending of two different systems is the difference in insurance laws in France and the United States. A ten-year owner/contractor insurance policy that covers property damage and third-party claims stemming from construction-related defects was required by French law. The Walt Disney Company would have preferred to purchase a three-year contract as would be allowed by American standards, but could not since they were developing in another country (Shapiro, 1989). Instead, the Walt Disney Company had to abide by the laws of France.

An issue which the French were against was the installation of sprinklers in the hotels (McIntyre, 1990b). Such an installation is not mandated by French law. The French believe the sprinklers are not necessary since "...their hotels are built with superior construction, building materials and compartmentalization, and are equipped with smoke alarms that would quickly summon firefighters" (McIntyre, 1990b, p. 143). 2 Thus, since Euro Disneyland was a French Company, the French did not believe they needed to install sprinklers. The Walt Disney Company believed in such sprinkler installation and embarked on an ecation program to explain why they wanted the French contractors to install the sprinkler system. Once the Walt Disney Company presented a film on fires depicting how quickly flames can spread, explained about potential delays in firefighters arriving at a hotel, and discussed the difficulties in finding the location of the fire, the French approved the installation of the sprinklers.

These are only two examples of many situations which were discussed by the Walt Disney Company and the French ring their risk management meetings. In a wrap-up meeting of risk management issues in the construction of Euro Disneyland Stephen M. Wilder, director of corporate risk management at The Walt Disney Company believed, "The result of compromise and learning is a program that is far superior to what an American company or a French company would have done in isolation" (McIntyre, 1990a, p. 141).

Opening Day

On April, 12, 1992, despite a few protests, the Walt Disney Company's fourth theme park, Euro Disneyland opened its doors to the public with essentially the same attractions as in the other Disney theme parks in California, Florida, and Japan (Introcing Walt d'Isigny, 1992). Euro Disneyland executives hoped to attract 11 million guests a year, more than twice the number that visit the Eiffel Tower (Introcing Walt d'Isigny, 1992). Half of the guests were excepted to be French. Euro Disneyland was confident that with its superior investment, professionalism and French government assistance, it would succeed. If it did not, it would most likely be the fault of the weather and not of any French cultural chauvinism (Introcing Walt d'Isigny, 1992). Unfortunately, the dream of succeeding did not become a reality and eventually Euro Disneyland brought in new management and made other changes in order to save Euro Disneyland (Gumbel & Turner, 1994).


Although Disney believed they had hit a "gold mine" by developing their fourth theme park just outside of Paris, in time they would learn this was not the case. Euro Disneyland's target of 11 million guests in the first year was met, but revenues did not roll in as had been planned. In fact, Euro Disneyland reported a $905 million loss for the fiscal year that ended in September 30, 1993 (Sterngold, 1994), and by December 31, 1993, Euro Disneyland had amassed cumulative loss of 6.04 billion French francs or 1.03 billion US dollars (Gumbel & Turner, 1994).

It should be noted, Euro Disneyland's first chairman, Robert Fitzpatrick, an American, won kudos for setting up the park, yet he stumbled over day-to-day operations. Fitzpatrick spoke French, knew Europe well and his wife was French. But he seemed to be "...caught in the middle and quickly came to be regarded with suspicion by some on both sides" (Gumbel & Turner, 1994, A 12). Numerous times he attempted to warn Disney executives that France should not be approached as if it were Florida, but his warnings were ignored. He was replaced in 1993 by Frenchman Philippe Bourguignon. The all-American enterprise suddenly had raced to put on a European face. ourguignon was responsible to "...ensure the park goes native without losing the American feel that is its main draw" (Sasseen, 1993, p. 26).

Although there was a change in the head of Euro Disneyland there are problems which it faced with the old management and still faces problems with the new management. Among these problems are included their optimistic assumptions, staffing and training, cultural issues, interest rates, marketing, communication, and convention business.

Optimistic Assumptions

The Walt Disney Company, overly ambitious in their venture, made several strategic and financial miscalculations. In addition it gambled, incorrectly, that the 1980's "...boom in real estate would continue, letting it sell off assets (discussed below) and pay down the debt quickly" (Gumbel & Turner, 1994, p. A 1). Further, it relied too heavily on debt when the interest rates were beginning to increase. Another costly assumption was that Disney believed it could change certain European habits.

Budget - Breakers

The Walt Disney Company wanted to build a state of the art, as near to perfect as possible, theme park. In order to meet this goal the company frequently attempted to build and rebuild, with no regard for the "bottom-line" construction cost. Michael Eisner, the Chief Executive Officer of the Walt Disney Company, ordered several last-minute construction changes, known as budget-breakers, which further increased Euro Disneyland's debt (Gumbel & Turner, 1994). For example, one cold day before Euro Disneyland opened Eisner warmed himself by a Paris hotel lobby fireplace and ordered more than a dozen wood-burning fireplaces for Euro Disneyland despite the added construction cost and upkeep (Solomon, 1994). Another example of an Eisner budget-breaker was his decision to remove two steel staircases from Euro Disneyland's Discoveryland. He wanted them removed because they blocked a view of the Star Tours ride. It was estimated the cost to remove the staircases was approximately $300,000 (Gumbel & Turner, 1994).

European Recession

Euro Disneyland executives and advisors failed to see the signs of the approaching European recession. "Between the glamour and the pressure of opening and the intensity of the project itself, we (the executives) didn't realize a major recession was coming" (Gumbel & Turner, 1994, p. A 12). As the recession began to develop the French real-estate market tumbled (discussed below), thus, destroying Euro Disneyland's hopes of selling their assets and receiving revenues. In addition, the recession caused French and European disposable incomes to shrink, causing families to think twice about taking an expensive trip to Euro Disneyland (France: Disney gears up, 1992).

Furthermore, Euro Disneyland did not realize the magnitude of the impending recession and when given numerous opportunities to sign partners who would share the risk or buy the existing hotels, Disney refused. Euro Disneyland did not want to give up any of the potential revenues once the recession was over (Gumbel & Turner, 1994).

Real Estate Market

The Walt Disney Company executives involved in the development of Euro Disneyland were determined they would not repeat two mistakes which they had made in past ventures. One mistake was allowing other companies to build lucrative hotels surrounding their theme park, as happened at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, where the Walt Disney Company owns only 14% of all hotels. The other mistake was in letting another company own a Disney theme park, as in Tokyo, Japan, where Disney just collects royalties from an immensely profitable attraction (Solomon, 1994). Thus, in France the Walt Disney Company bought far more land then it needed in order to eventually build 700,000 square meters of office space, a 750,000 square meter corporate park, 2,500 indivial homes, a 95,000 square meter shopping mall, 2,400 apartments and 3,000 time share apartments (de Quillacq, 1994).

Euro Disneyland planned to develop the land and then sell it to prospective buyers, making a large profit. In addition, this would allow Euro Disneyland stringent control over designing and building of future areas within the resort and then the ability to sell off the completed commercial properties in e course and at a large profit. In fact, Disney budgeted for real estate to account for 22% of revenues in 1992, 32% of revenues in 1993, 40% of revenues in 1994, and 45% in 1995 (de Quillacq, 1994). Euro Disneyland executives must have known rather rapidly that the financing structure for the resort was in trouble. Unfortunately, this revenue generating plan never really "got off the ground" e to the collapse of the real-estate market which, in turn, caused the demise of the planned development around the theme park (Turner, 1993, December; de Quillacq, 1994). Thus, Euro Disneyland did not receive revenue from property development as had been anticipated.

Operational Errors

There were numerous errors made regarding the overall operation of Euro Disneyland. For example, from its American experience the Walt Disney Company thought Monday would be the light day for guests and Friday a heavy one, and allocated staff accordingly. In reality the reverse was the case. In fact to this day, the company still struggles to find the right level of staffing at a theme park where "...the number of visitors per day in the high season can be 10 times the number in the low season" (Gumbel & Turner, 1994, p. A 12). Furthermore, to add to the operation problem is the difference in employee acceptance of conditions of employment. In Orlando Cast Members are accustomed to and have learned to accept being sent home if they are not needed. However, in Paris, French Cast Members feel extremely irritated by and have a very difficult time accepting the inflexible scheling (Gumbel & Turner, 1994).

Another example of operational assumptions at Euro Disneyland i

❺ 用英语简短介绍迪斯尼乐园

it is located in america and famous around the world,all the children love it!它坐落于美国,并且全世界文明,所回有答的孩子都爱它!

❻ 迪士尼全英文简介

迪士尼,即华特·伊利亚斯·迪士尼(Walter Elias Disney,也译作华特·埃利斯·迪士尼)(1901~1966)。 美国动画片制作家、演出主持人和电影制片人,1901年12月5日生于美国伊利诺伊州的芝加哥。他以创作卡通人物米老鼠和唐老鸭闻名。
他制作了世界第一部有声动画片《蒸汽船威利》(也译作《威利汽船》《威廉号汽艇》,1928年)和第一部动画长片《白雪公主》 (1938)。他与其哥哥罗伊·迪士尼(Roy Oliver Disney)创办迪士尼兄弟动画制作公司。

Disney, which China Teyi Casillas Disney (Walter Elias Disney, Disney is also translated as China Teai Aires) (1901 ~ 1966). American animation proction house, show host and film procer, December 5, 1901 Born in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He created cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck famous.
He proced the world's first sound cartoon "Steamboat Willie" (also translated as "Steamboat Willie", "William No. launch", 1928) and the first animated film "Snow White" (1938). With his brother Roy Disney (Roy Oliver Disney) animation proction company founded Disney Brothers.

❼ walt Disney的英文简介

Walter Elias "Walt" Disney (December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1966) was an American film procer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, entertainer, international icon,and philanthropist, well-known for his influence in the field of entertainment ring the 20th century. Along with his brother Roy O. Disney, he was co-founder of Walt Disney Proctions, which later became one of the best-known motion picture procers in the world. The corporation is now known as The Walt Disney Company and had an annual revenue of approximately US$36 billion in the 2010 financial year. Disney is particularly noted as a film procer and a popular showman, as well as an innovator in animation and theme park design. He and his staff created some of the world's most well-known fictional characters including Mickey Mouse, for whom Disney himself provided the original voice. During his lifetime he received four honorary Academy Awards and won twenty-two Academy Awards from a total of fifty-nine nominations, including a record four in one year,giving him more awards and nominations than any other indivial in history.[citation needed] Disney also won seven Emmy Awards and gave his name to the Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resort theme parks in the U.S., as well as the international resorts Tokyo Disney, Disneyland Paris, and Disneyland Hong Kong. The year after his December 15, 1966 death from lung cancer in Burbank, California, construction began on Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. His brother Roy Disney inaugurated the Magic Kingdom on October 1, 1971.


❽ 美国迪士尼英文简介


❾ 急,迪士尼乐园英文简介

A Brief History of Disneyland

Disneyland has seen 50 summers pass in procession since its gates first opened July 17, 1955. Forty-five summers of parades and fireworks, of Mickey and Minnie, of playing host to people from all over the world.

Over the years, Disneyland has acquired the unmistakable characteristics of a national institution. It is a "must see" destination for any visitor to the western United States. Many Californian regard Disneyland as one of the states natural assets - like the Pacific Ocean or the Redwood forests. It is indeed a place for all ages.

Sometimes it is hard to remember that before there was a Disneyland... there was only a vision and a dream of one man - Walt Disney.The vision and dream was made possible with some empty sketch pads, canvases and a few sandwiches. It was these first "sketches" of "The Happiest Place on Earth" that provided Walt and Roy Disney the ability to secure the necessary financial backing to build Disneyland.

Inspired and led by Walt Disney over a long weekend in September 1953, artist Herbert Dickens Ryman was selected by Walt Disney as his master imagineer to bring the dream to reality...Disneyland is more than just buildings, attractions and adventures.

It is a virtual "masterpiece" in the making. Virtually every square inch of Disneyland - every building, street corner, attraction, store interior - in fact every little detail from lampposts to trash cans are inspired by a painting, drawing or piece of sculpture... it is the artist's vision that guides the builders hand.

The process of creating Disneyland attractions is lengthy and complex. And yet the artist's role remains pivotal. He or she is responsible for giving initial form to new ideas, for refining concepts through artistic renderings and for providing the inspiration and cohesive vision for turning dreams into reality.

In celebration of Disneyland's 50th Anniversary and the 10th Anniversary of the Ryman Foundation for Young Artists, the Disney Gallery, located above the Pirates of the Caribbean in Disneyland, is pleased to present the art of Herbert Dickens Ryman in release of his autobiography "A Brush with Disney".


❿ 美国迪士尼英文介绍(英文介绍要带中文翻译

Disney Co.

U.S. entertainment corporation.

It was founded by Walt Disney and his brother Roy as Walt Disney Proctions in 1929 to incorporate their cartoon animation studio. It proced short and full-length animated cartoons in the 1930s and 1940s, then expanded in the 1950s to make nature documentaries and live-action films as well as television programs. The opening of the amusement parks Disneyland (1955) and Walt Disney World (1971; see Disney World and Disneyland) strengthened the company's dominance of the family entertainment instry in the U.S. The company declined after Disney's death in 1966 but was revitalized under new management in the 1980s. As the Walt Disney Co. it expanded its proction units to include Touchstone Pictures and Miramax, makers of films for more mature audiences, and revitalized its animation division, procing films such as The Little Mermaid (1989) and Toy Story (1995), the first full-length computer-animated film. The company took an active role in reviving and commercializing New York City's Times Square, including the recreation of some of its animated films, such as The Lion King (1994), as Broadway musicals. In 1994 it opened Celebration, a planned community in central Florida. It acquired the ABC television network in 1996 and became the world's largest media and entertainment corporation; it also operates the cable television Disney Channel.

美国娱乐公司。1929年华特‧迪斯尼与其兄罗伊把两人成立的华特‧迪斯尼制作公司并入他们的卡通动画工作室。1930年代和1940年代制作出短篇和长篇动画片,然后在1950年代扩大到制作自然记录片和真人表演的影片,还有电视节目。娱乐公园迪斯尼乐园(1955)和迪斯尼世界(1971;参阅迪斯尼世界与迪斯尼乐园〔Disney World and Disneyland〕)的开幕加强了该公司在美国家庭娱乐事业中的支配地位。1966年华特‧迪斯尼去世后,公司营业情况也随之衰落,然而在1980年代,公司在新的经理人领导下又获得生机。华特‧迪斯尼公司扩大它的生产部门,包括为成年观众制作影片的试金石影业公司(Touchstone Pictures)和米拉迈克斯公司(Miramax),恢复其动画部门的生机,制作出像《小美人鱼》(1989)和第一部足本的计算机动画片《玩具总动员》(1995)等影片。该公司在振兴纽约市的时代广场并使之商业化方面起了积极的作用,包括它的一些动画片改造,如《狮子王》(1994)就是改编自百老汇的音乐剧。1994年在佛罗里达州的中部开办了一个规画好的「庆典」小区。1996年购并美国广播公司(ABC),成为全世界最大的媒体和娱乐公司;它还经营有线电视迪斯尼频道。

Disney World and Disneyland

Two theme parks built by the Walt Disney Co. (see Disney Co.), a U.S. corporation that became the best-known 20th-century purveyor of entertainment.

Disneyland, an interactive, family-oriented fantasy environment that opened in Anaheim, Calif., in 1955, was Walt Disney's response to typical amusement parks, which entertained children but not their parents. The park, which has architecture that is a blend of futurism and nostalgic 19th-century reproctions, has different sections devoted to specific themes. Walt Disney World opened near Orlando, Fla., in 1971. Besides containing Epcot Center (an idealized city), Disney-MGM Studios, and the Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom theme parks, Disney World was the first amusement park to incorporate hotels (including two designed by Michael Graves) and sports and other recreational facilities into its master plan. In the late 20th century new Disney theme parks also opened in Paris and Tokyo.


美国华特‧迪斯尼公司(参阅迪斯尼公司〔Disney Co.〕)设立的两个主题乐园,这家公司是20世纪最著名的娱乐承办商。迪斯尼乐园是交互式、适合全家同游的幻想乐园,1955年在加州安纳汉姆开幕,是华特‧迪斯尼对当时典型乐园的一种反弹,这种典型乐园只娱乐儿童而不及双亲。迪斯尼乐园的建筑混合了未来主义及怀旧的19世纪再现,以专门的主题画分区域。1971年迪斯尼世界在佛罗里达州奥兰多开幕。除了有未来实验原型小区中心(理想化都市)、迪斯尼-米高梅制片厂、魔幻王国与动物王国等主题乐园外,迪斯尼世界是第一个将旅馆(包括由格雷夫斯设计的两栋)与运动等休闲设施结合到主计划之中的乐园。20世纪晚期,巴黎和东京也开办了新的迪斯尼主题乐园。

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