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发布时间: 2022-08-08 18:07:49

⑴ 帮我选个好的卡通人物用英文介绍(八年级)

My favourite cartoon character is Snow White.She is in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.Her mother died and her step-mother was very bad.She evebn tried to kill her.Later she met the dwarfs in the forest.They helped her.At last a handsome prince married her and she lived a happy life.I likeher because she is brave and clever.I can learn a lot from her.

My favourite cartoon character is doraemon.he gets to a boy's home by a magic machine.the boy's name is daxiong and they become good friends.daxiong always meets problems.but he doesn't like the mouse.
doraemon loves dousha cake a lot.doraemon helps him every time.doraemon is very lovely and he always makes me happy

My favourite cartoon character is Garfeild.
I think everyone knows him.He is a lazy but funny cat.
He was born in a kitchen on 19th.June,1978.
His favourite hobby is sleeping and his best friend is the mirror.
He likes eating pizza very much.But he does'nt like eating fruit cake .
"Money is not everything. There’s MasterCard & Visa."This sentense is very funny.And it is said by Garfeild.
Garfeild makes my life so interesting.I like hin very much.

不知道你找什么样的。 如果不行来找我

⑵ 迪斯尼卡通人物简介 英文的


Mickey Mouse, the representative character of Disney.


It was a big round head and big round ears.


The pear-shaped body is soft as a rubber hose with no visible joints.


A small mouse that can stretch its limbs as if they had no bones.



Minnie mouse is Mickey Mouse's girlfriend. She is a very sweet little girl.


Head often wears a big bow, very lovely.


Minnie is mickey's girlfriend and best friend, and the most beautiful and adorable female character in Disney.



Donald Duck, that is, Donald.


One of the classic cartoon stars created by Disney.


His official birthday was June 9, 1934.


First appeared in the clever little hen.



Daisy is a lovely ck.


As Donald Duck's girlfriend, Tess is sometimes very patient, but sometimes not so patient.


Although Tess often appears with Donald's funny and irascibility.


But she is also a striking figure.



Goofy, the Disney character.


It first appeared in the 1938 animated short Mickey's Revue.

(最早出现在1938年的动画短片Mickey's Revue中。)

Goofy is a kind big goofy, careless, very easygoing, he is mickey's faithful companion.


⑶ 用英文描写一个卡通人物,写出他的兴趣爱好

"Cherry bomb"
Hello! My name is cherry small meatball, everyone calls me sweet.
I like shopping, travel, watching movies and singing.
Although I don't sing well, but I still like singing.
Shopping is my favorite one to buy, and my mother and sister both fruitful.


  • 以上是本人自己篇写,请后人不要摘抄!如果你要我再帮你写一份(方法1:回复。方法2:私信。)

⑷ 用英语介绍动漫角色

◆ People Information

“阿童木”是日语“アトム”的直译,而“アトム”这个词语源自英语的“Atom”,意即“原子”。 "Ah Boy" is a Japanese "ア& Suitesム," the literal translation, but "ア& Suitesム" The word from the English, "Atom", which means "atomic."
出生地:日本科学省精密机械局 Birthplace: Japan Science and Technology Bureau of Precision Machinery
身高:一百三十五公分 Height: 135 cm
体重:三十公斤 Weight: 30 kilograms
创造者:天马博士 Creator: Pegasus Dr.
性格:比人类的小孩还要用功,是个优等生,常常受学校表扬。 Character: even hard than human children, is a honor student, and often praised by the school.
动力来源:原子力引擎 Power Source: Atomic Force Engine

◆七大能力 ◆ Seven capability

1.脚底安装有飞翔用的喷气式引掣,在太空里则转换为火箭引擎。 A. Soles of the feet with the installation of jet flying cited button, in space is converted to rocket engines.
2.会使用超过60种语言。 2. Would be to use more than 60 languages.
3.能分辨人的善恶。 3. Be able to distinguish between good and evil people.
4.可以将听力放大至常人的1000倍。 4. Can be listening to the ordinary people of the 1000 times larger.
5.眼睛随时可以切换到强力探照灯。 5. Eye can always switch to the powerful searchlights. (在2003动画版中眼睛增加了透视能力) (In the 2003 animated version in the eye increased the Perspective capacity)
6.屁股里安装有机关枪,手指能发射激光(2003版增加手臂原子炮) 6. Buttocks where installed machine guns, fingers capable of launching laser (2003 edition with the arm of atomic bombs)
7.最大输出功率为10万马力,漫画《地上最大机器人》卷中被天马博士加强为100万马力。 7. Maximum output power of 10 million horsepower, comic books, "the largest ground robot" Dr. volumes were Pegasus strengthen one million horsepower.

⑸ 请用英语简单介绍一下你最喜欢的卡通人物,包括外貌特征、性格、爱好等特点,以及你从它身上学到的东西。

Haha!Tell you , I like the sakura momoko! Don't laugh at my childish! As for why I like small balls? Answer there are 6: she's cute, her clumsy, unlucky (cute), bad, she is greedy, she likes to sleep in, her free! The small meatball very kawaii, just like me! (a little) is a little difference than I her hair like an umbrella, she was like every day with umbrella go run, funny! Her face is very good-looking, steamed buns face, cheek and two flush, very beautiful! Went on to say that her limbs, Mrs. It was too short! I want to say to design the small meatball guy: "you put the small balls and design a bit longer, she is perfect!"
I admire her at any time can keep optimistic state of mind,which i am lack of.

⑹ 怎么用英语简单介绍卡通人物


1.MUFASA: Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom.


2.SIMBA: Wow!


3.MUFASA: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day,

Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.



4.SIMBA: And this will all be mine?

辛巴: 这一切都是我的吗?

5.MUFASA: Everything!


⑺ 关于动漫人物描写的英语作文.

Watching anime is one of the favorite things I like to do.
Some one may say watching anime is a waste of time and a kind of naive thing, but I don't think so. In fact, I can learn a lot from watching anime. For example , never give up , believe , confidence , intelligent and so on.
I like the person in the anime too. Because they are usually stronger or cooler than the real people. They can make our dream come true.


⑻ 动漫人物英文介绍

Template:See also The manga tells the story of a pair known as the GetBackers, consisting of Ban Mido and Ginji Amano. The o reside in one of the seedier areas of Shinjuku in Tokyo, and are often broke and resort to sleeping in their car. Ban and Ginji operate a freelance repossession service or dakkanya (夺还屋). For a fee, they will recover any lost or stolen item for a client. The two boast an "almost 100% success rate" (100% in the anime). Their motto is: "We get back what shouldn't be gone".

However, Ban and Ginji are not ordinary human beings. They each possess mysterious abilities which they use to carry out their many recovery missions. Ban's powers include the "Snakebite", a skill which gives his hands a grip of 200 kilograms-force, and the "Evil Eye" ("Jagan", 邪眼, a Japanese term roughly meaning "evil eye"), an ability to ince minute-long hallucinations of Ban's choosing in whomever he makes direct eye contact with. However, this ability cannot be used on the same person twice in a 24-hour period, and he has to rest between uses. The Evil Eye can also only be used three times in one day. Ginji, on the other hand, can generate enormous amounts of electrical energy in his body for tasks such as attacking opponents, or overloading electronic systems; this has earned him the moniker of "Lightning Lord" (雷帝, "Raitei", a Japanese term also translated as "Thunder Emperor", or "Lightning Emperor").

Despite the simplicity of their job's description, Ban and Ginji's profession often places them into bizarre and dangerous situations in order to obtain the objects they must find. Their targets range from everyday objects such as a video game a school kid has lost to an even much more dangerous object which might just affect the safety of the nation (such as a vital part of an atomic bomb). As such, the plot mostly revolves around the dangerous (yet sometimes silly) adventures they both go through, which is often complicated by connections to the pair's dark and twisted pasts, and a mysterious place called Infinity Fortress (无限城, "Mugenjou", a Japanese term also translated as "Limitless Fortress", "the Infinite Castle" and "Maze City").

There are numerous "acts" in the story. Each act, divided into a number of chapters, describes a different recovery task taken on by the GetBackers. As the story develops, new characters (some with past relationships with Ban and Ginji) are revealed, and details of a shadowy conspiracy involving the GetBackers slowly rise to the surface.

The plotline of the anime is initially similar to that of the manga, but diverges sharply after the 25th episode as the anime attempted to compress the ongoing story arcs into a manageable anime arc with a reasonable ending. The second Limitless Fortress arc is not in any way connected to the one in the manga, though some of the characters featured have also recently appeared in the manga.

⑼ 用英语简单介绍喜欢的动漫人物

I like c.c.She is beatiful.And she is very cool.She won't die because she has a code.She has green hair .And she is very tall.She
is lonely and want to be loved .She is so cool,isn’t she。。。。。。。。。。话说code可数吗我咋觉得在写英语作文= =

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