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发布时间: 2022-07-26 13:44:41

1. 描述乌镇风景之词


2. 请给我一篇描写乌镇的风光景色的英文作文

Wuzhen is one of China’ ancient water towns, where waterways thread their way through the flagstone streets and alleys. Wuzhen in North Zhejiang Province, is a 45 minute bus ride away from Hangzhou East Bus Station.
The waterways of Wuzhen are kept topped up with water by the adjacent Hangzhou to Beijing Grand Canal, which is still used to supply the dry north with water from the wet south and local goods transport. It was a major transport artery in times gone by, which led to the rise to prosperity of water towns like Wuzhen.
Dong Zha (the East Sector) is basically one waterway, about 400 meters long sandwiched between two streets of original Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) houses. The street on the entrance side has souvenir shops and restaurants and the street on the far side has various museums exhibiting beds, clothes, blue flower printed fabric, etc. There are various exhibitions showing the old way of life in this water town. In the peak season the streets are thronged with Chinese tourists (few foreigners) and the waterway is busy with single-oar skiffs carrying up to six passengers up and down the waterway. Despite being given over to tourism Dong Zha is still inhabited by the original residents who go about their lives among the tourists.
The author found Xi Zha (the West Sector of Wuzhen) a much better experience than that of Dong Zha, and believes most non-Chinese visitors will find Dong Zha interesting, but Xi Zha positively charming. Xi Zha is quieter (ring the day) and is more spacious. There is a marsh with a firefly aviary and wooden water-drawing system, and a sizable pagoda at one end by the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal. It is similar in layout to Dong Zha with a main waterway and streets either side, but larger at 1000 meters long, with a good number of side alleys, bridges, ancient docks and secondary waterways, which makes it a fascinating place to stroll around.
Xi Zha has been rebuilt and renovated in the original style (it is still being constructed (August 2009) in the western corner), with many charming architectural features: colonnades, small bridges, balconies, piers, wooden windows and doors, and gray stone walls and paving. Xi Zha has few local residents and is instead given over to accommodation for visitors. There are three main accommodation providers. The largest and cheapest is Min Su (Wuzhen Guest House), with antique style wooden furnishings and all the modern conveniences including internet access and satellite TV.
To enter Xi Zha visitors need to take a short single-oar ferry ride across a man-made lake. The streets of Xi Zha are lined with guest houses, restaurants, bars and souvenir and arts and crafts shops. Xi Zha has a similar feel to West Street of Yangshuo(the backpackers mecca and highly-developed tourist town in Guilin, South China), but it is less crowded and hasn’t really been discovered yet. Xi Zha has the potential to become East China’s Xi Jie (West Street).
The karaoke and bars at both ends of the waterway are noisy ring the evening, though still little frequented, but the middle of Xi Zha is peaceful. Xi Zha is beautifully lit at night, subtly highlighting various architectural features and the bridges. There is a silent flow of skiffs making night cruises on the main waterway. Xi Zha is well-constructed, tastefully decorated and well-kept. The streets are immaculately clean and even the eaves of the buildings are given a sting in the mornings. Xi Zha is pleasing to the eye and draws one in - into a forgotten time in China when waterways were used like road and rail, and life was simpler. This resort combines new and old really well.

3. 请求描述一下乌镇的景色迷人

乌镇作为江南水乡六大古镇之一,乌镇距今已有1300年的建镇历史。除了拥有小桥、流水、人家的水乡风情和精巧雅致的民居建筑之外,乌镇更多地飘逸着一股浓郁的历史和文化气息。 乌镇的东、西、南、北四条老街呈“十”字交叉,构成双棋盘式河街平行、水陆相邻的古镇格局。民居宅屋傍河而筑,辅以河上石桥,体现了小桥、流水、古宅的江南古镇风韵。乌镇街道上清代的民居建筑保存完好,梁、柱、门、窗上的木雕和石雕工艺精湛。

4. 形容乌镇美景的词

一、鸟语花香 [ niǎo yǔ huā xiāng ]

二、湖光山色 [ hú guāng shān sè ]
三、碧空万里 [ bì kōng wàn lǐ ]
四、人杰地灵 [ rén jié dì líng ]
五、佳景 [ jiā jǐng ]

5. 形容乌镇美景的词语有哪些


6. 乌镇的介绍,要日文版的



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