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发布时间: 2022-07-25 14:35:10

㈠ 我很高兴向你介绍我们这里举办的美食节如何翻译

I'm glad to introce you to the food festival we have here.

㈡ 很高兴能向你们介绍我自己。这句话用英语怎么说

It's my pleasure to introce myself to all of you.

㈢ 英语I am very pleased to extend to you怎么翻译

I am very pleased to extend to you 翻译成中文为:我很高兴向你致意

㈣ 口头英语翻译,明早口语考试,帮个忙会加悬赏。 我很高兴能向你介绍我的家乡,我的家乡是位于珠江三角洲

I am very happy to introce you to my hometown, my hometown is located in the central and southern parts of the Pearl River Delta, Zhongshan, ancient name Xiangshan, in honor of Dr. Sun Yat Sen so renamed Zhongshan is China's only named after the great name of prefecture level cities. Mild climate throughout the year, many overseas Chinese and the sea outside the business. Chrysanthemum is the city flower of Zhongshan, salty water songs Zhongshan rich local characteristics of folk songs, Qijiang river is our mother river, there are a lot of delicious specialty I do not list one by one, because the time is limited, so if you want to know more you are welcome to my hometown, I will treat you.

㈤ 翻译汉译英:我很高兴和你成为笔友,让我为你介绍自己。(整句)

Very glad to be your pan pal; allow me to introce myself.
Very glad = 很高兴
allow me = "让我" 的礼貌语 (对陌生人)

㈥ 我很高兴用英语怎么说

虞其君英语翻译:I am happy. I am pleased.

㈦ 英语翻译 很高兴收到你的来信,现在,我将要为你介绍我的家乡

Very pleased to receive your letter,and now,I will introce you to my hometown

㈧ 翻译:I am happy to introce myself to you

introce sth/sb to sb 1.把某物/某人介绍给某人
eg.It was he that introced me to English.是他使我第一次接触到英语

㈨ 求翻译 很高兴能向你方详细介绍我方的新产品 急,在线等,谢谢

We are very glad to introce to you our new proct in details.

㈩ 很高兴能在这里做自我介绍用英语怎么说

很高兴能在这里做自我介绍的英文:I'm glad to be here to introce myself.

introce 读法 英[ɪntrə'djuːs]美[ˌɪntrə's]

vt. 介绍;引进;提出;采用


introce oneself自我介绍

introce myself自我介绍

introce yourself自我介绍;介绍你自己

introce intov. 引进







2、introce是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,把自己介绍给别人时接反身代词。可用于被动结构。introce的宾语后面接介词to时表示“向某人介绍”“把…介绍给某人”; 接介词into时,表示“传入”“引进”“采用”。


Allow me to introce you my friend Mr Porter.


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