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发布时间: 2022-07-19 17:39:14

『壹』 介绍兴趣小组英语作文

你们学校有很多兴趣小组活动,你参加的是什么小组?请记叙一次你参加的小组活动,什么时间活动?在哪里?活动中做了什么?你的感受是什么?The hobby groups英语作文
The hobby groups
词汇:hobby groups, computer group, photograph group, calligraphy group, dancing group, join, member, start, interesting, knowledge,
句型:there are many in our school, such as
i m a member of ,i join because
i m interested in;not only but also
i hope that ; i have made up my mind
There are a lot of hobby groups in our school. i am a member of the science group. last year, the teacher asked me to grow some flowers and watch them. then i should write a report about these flowers. i felt very excited about it. ring that time, i was so busy with my flowers that i even forgot the time. i have become more and more interested in science, so i hope to be a scientist when i grow up.
our school has many hobby groups. i am a member of photograph group. we often go to the hills or lakes to take good photos. last summer holiday, we went to the great wall. all of us took a lot of beautiful photos. we enjoyed ourselves there. i hope that we can go to mount emei next time.

『贰』 用英语介绍小组成员(同桌,前面的,前面的左边的)的中文名和英文名,要怎么写(名字用xx)

This is my deskmateXX,his or her English name is XX.The boy or girl sits in front of me is XX,whose English name is.And his or her deskmate is XX.

『叁』 用英文介绍小组成员,具体要怎么说。加点修饰词什么的。急急急!!

首先说一下你在这个团队中扮演什么角色,比如说Hello everyone,I'm the compere XXX, Now I'd like to tell you someting about my group members. We have 4 porformers ,they are .......and 2 speakers............Last but not least is the procer of our PPT.中间在介绍各个角色的时候穿插一点他们的分工,如果有比较出众或者说是你们这个团队主心骨的时候可以多一点介绍,比如说我们的porformers 非常认真排练,经常请同学给他们提意见和建议,我们的procer非常严谨,制作出高水准的PPT等等,要控制在你的发言时间内。

『肆』 用英语介绍小组成员(同桌,前面的,前面的左边的)的中文名和英文名,要怎么写(名字用xx)

I'd like to introce my team members. My deskmate is XX. His/her English name is XX. The one sitting in the front is XX. His/her English name is XX. The one sitting on my left is XX. His/her English name is XX.

『伍』 用英语介绍我们的小组,我们小组5男1女,带翻译

there are five males and one female in our team.

『陆』 怎么用英语介绍自己所在的英语兴趣小组

Hello everyone. That's my pleasure to introce out team to you. The name of our team is Amazing.Our team leader is XX. She is ...Our team will help those who are poor at English and try to be the model of English learner in our class.And our team slogan is Making amazing miracles forever.Thank you.

『柒』 写一篇英语作文,介绍你们的小组活动是如何开展的,并谈谈你喜欢或不喜欢这种学习方式的理由

In our school,Learning style is group activity!We are more interesting to learn!

I am very satisfied with this team, took to communicate with each other, the original do their own thing, but it soon will be able to discuss the issues together. Optional groupso that we can study more pleasant, more good cooperation, so that everyone canalso progress.

The design fully express our wishes, not only create far-reaching set of standard,enrich the connotation of the slogan, the Convention strictly specific, is more important in these activities foster our editing, writing and painting ability.

『捌』 英语小组的介绍,有六个人,要写小组名字 小组口号

hello,everyong we are group xxxx

『玖』 介绍英语小组的英语作文。

Everyone has to
study,going to school occupies a lot of people’ time,before they go to work,
they need to study in the school.In China,students work very hard,for they
have a lot of pressure,they have many exams to take,so students are immerged
into the books all the time.While studying all the time is not good for
students,they need to go out of the classroom and take in some fresh air.The
outside world is beautiful,they can play with their friends,watching movies,
taking a break now and then.Play can make study better,students can have new
idea,so they won’t stuck in the unsolved problem.Study needs to combine with

『拾』 介绍英语小组的英语作文

清晨。微光 微微一点亮光照进了我黑暗的梦乡,迷迷糊糊的睁开眼,窗外又是一个大晴天。只听妈妈在门外叫唤:“阳阳,快起床啦!”没错,我的名字里也有一个“阳”,我也就像太阳一样,永远有活力,乐观向上吧!“知道了!母亲大人!”我边整理自己边想着:今天要去补课,加油!我们就是坐着听课,比那些上班族幸福多啦!拎着书包,叼着面包,我冲出家门去赶校车,是的,充实的一天在这和煦的阳光中开始了!阳光,给了我信心与勇气。有阳光,真好!
正午。暖光 “唉,下午还要上两节课,不知道又要做多少卷子,好累呀,这该死的补习班!”身边的密友躺在草坪上抱怨道。我微微笑了笑,说道:“别这么想啦!看,阳光这么好,它一定是在鼓励我们要坚持,要努力呢!”说完,我与她一起躺在草坪上,闭上眼,感受着太阳的芬芳。“叮铃铃——”上课的铃声急促的响起。我们飞快地站起身来,带着阳光,手牵手跑进了教室。坐在教室里的我望着窗外被阳光覆盖的一切,心里竟由衷地快乐。再低头看看叠得很高的书本,也不再那么恐惧了。阳光,给了我快乐和平静。有阳光,真好!

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