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发布时间: 2022-07-15 10:41:26

❶ 蒸排骨怎么做才好吃

❷ 豉汁蒸排骨的英文怎么说

Steamed Spare Ribs in Black Bean Sauce

adj. 蒸(熟)的
v. steam的过去式和过去分词;蒸煮
  • Steam has fogged my glasses.
  • The boiler discharged steam.
  • The ship steamed into the harbor.
adj. 备用的;预备的;剩下的;空闲的;瘦削的;简单的;不加修饰的
v. 剩余,剩下;抽出,拨出;使免遭伤害;使幸免;不让…难堪
n. 备用零件,备用轮胎
  • a reserve supply of food; a spare tire; spare parts.
  • Spare the rod and spoil the child.
  • Spare the rod and spoil the child.
n. 肋骨;排骨;罗纹
v. 戏弄
  • Lindy poked him in the ribs.
  • Derby rib machine
  • Knitted Rib Collar


Whether you are planning to eat in a Korean restaurant, visit Korea, or cook your own Korean food at home, this quick introction to Korean cuisine will give you all the basics you need.

The Side Dishes

Korean foodstands out from other cuisines with the many side dishes (banchan) that are served ring meals. The number of side dishes can range anywhere from 2 to 12, but everyday meals feature at least a few.

So when you eat at a Korean restaurant, your various side dishes will come to you before your meal in small bowls and can be anything from vegetables to meat to seafood prepared in any number of ways. Korean dishes are all served at the same time, so there are no separate courses like in Western cuisines.

The Basics

Rice is the backbone of almost everyKorean meal. On rare occasions, noodles will replace the rice, but the vast majority of the time, every person eats a bowl of rice with their meal. Typically, each person will also have their own bowl of soup or stew. The side dishes and main dish or dishes, which can be meat, seafood, or tofu are all be served family-style in the middle of the table. Sometimes a large stew will replace the main dish and will be served family-style at the table.

Common Ingredients

Koreans have perfected the art of preserving food over thousands of years, so many of the side dishes are pickled, salted, or fermented and many are spicy.

Kimchi, Korea's famous spicy cabbage, has over a hundred varieties of different vegetables, including some non-spicy types. Even thoughKorean stewsand soups are served very hot (almost boiling), many of the side dishes are served cold or at room temperature.

Korea is a peninsula, so Koreans eat a lot of seafood although meat has become very popular in the last 50 or so years.

The most common spices and sauces used in Korean cuisine are: sesame oil, chili pepper paste (kochujang), chili pepper flakes (kochukaru), soybean paste (daenjang), soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and scallions. As a result, much of Korean cuisine is intensely flavored, savory, and bold.

The Little Things

Everything, including meat and poultry, is cut into bite-sized pieces so there is no need for a knife. Koreans are also adept atusing chopsticksso if the meat is too large or a whole grilled fish is served, it can be split with chopsticks. (Many Korean meat dishes are braised or marinated for a long time for a tender flesh). Korean food is traditionally eaten with stainless steel chopsticks and a long stainless steel spoon and is traditionally served at a low table with people sitting on the floor.

Some Korean Culinary History

Korean cuisine has been affected by its geography (peninsula), climate (hot, humid summers and very cold winters), proximity to neighbors China and Japan, and the Japanese occupation from 1910-1945. European traders also had an impact on the cuisine with the Portuguese introction of chili peppers to Korea in the 17th century. By the 18th century, chili peppers were already being widely used in the preparation of Korean cuisine.













所有的东西,包括肉和家禽,都被切成小块,所以不需要一把刀。韩国人也擅长使用筷子,如果肉太大或者一整条烤鱼都可以用筷子分开。 (许多韩国肉类菜肴长期炖或腌制肉嫩)。传统上,用不锈钢筷子和长不锈钢勺子吃韩国料理,传统上是坐在地板上的低桌子上。



❹ 用英语讲一些简单的菜谱



salad nicoise 尼斯式色拉
gelatin salad 胶状色拉
sunshine salad 胡萝卜色拉
waldorf salad 沃尔多夫色拉
vegetable combination salad 蔬菜大会色拉
mixed salad 什锦色拉
home-made vegetable salad 家常蔬菜色拉
fruit salad 水果色拉
vegetable salad 蔬菜色拉
chicken laesar salad 卤鸡色拉
tossed salad 油拌色拉
rump steak 牛腿排
T-bone steak T形骨牛排
roast sirloin beef 烤牛外俏
green fillet 青春里脊
fillet steak, country style 乡村里脊扒
beef steak curried 咖喱牛排
plain fried calf ribs 清煎小牛排
fried calf ribs 炸小牛排
roast veal 烤小牛肉
ham steak 火腿扒
sauté pork chop 嫩煎猪排
roast lamb 烤羔羊肉
lamb couscous 羊肉库司
charcoal grilled minced lamb 串烤羊肉饼
roast saddle of mutton 烤羊里脊
grilled mutton chop 铁扒羊排
salami 意大利香肠
bologna sausage 大红肠
game pie 野味排
pastrami 五香烟熏牛肉
ham and sausage 火腿香肠
bear's paw 熊掌
breast of deer 鹿脯
beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参
sea sturgeon 海鳝
salted jelly fish 海蜇皮
kelp, seaweed 海带
abalone 鲍鱼
shark fin 鱼翅
scallops 干贝
lobster 龙虾
bird's nest 燕窝
roast suckling pig 考乳猪
pig's knuckle 猪脚
boiled salted ck 盐水鸭
preserved meat 腊肉
barbecued pork 叉烧
sausage 香肠
fried pork flakes 肉松


fried rice 炒饭
plain rice 白饭
crispy rice 锅巴
gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥
noodles with gravy 打卤面
plain noodle 阳春面
casserole 砂锅
chafing dish, fire pot 火锅
meat bun 肉包子
shao-mai 烧麦
glue pudding 汤圆
millet congee 小米粥


bean curd 豆腐
fermented blank bean 豆豉
pickled cucumbers 酱瓜
preserved egg 皮蛋
salted ck egg 咸鸭蛋
dried turnip 萝卜干


色拉 salad
火腿沙拉 ham salad
鸡沙拉 chicken salad
鸡脯沙拉 chicken-breast salad
鸡丝沙拉 shredded chicken salad
鸡蛋沙拉 egg salad
鱼片沙拉 fish salad
虾仁沙拉 shrimp salad
大虾沙拉 prawn salad
蟹肉沙拉 crab salad
素沙拉 vegetable salad
蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad
鲜蔬菜沙拉 fresh vegetable salad
黄瓜沙拉 cucumber salad
鲜黄瓜沙拉 fresh cucumber salad
红烩鱼片 stewed fish slices with brown sauce
茄汁烩鱼片 stewed fish slices with tomato sauce
鸡蛋鲱鱼泥子 minced herring with eggs
鸡蛋托鲱鱼 herring on eggs
熏鲱鱼 smoked herring
熏鲤鱼 smoked carp
鸡肉泥 minced chicken meat; chicken paste
鸡肝泥 minced chicken liver; chicken liver paste
鸭肝泥 minced ck liver; ck liver paste
酿馅鸡蛋 stuffed eggs
奶酪酿馅鸡蛋 stuffed eggs with cheese
酿馅鸡 stuffed chicken
冷烤油鸡蔬菜 cold roast chicken with vegetables
冷烤火鸡 cold roast turkey
冷烤山鸡 cold roast pheasant
冷烤野鸡 cold roast pheasant
冷烤鸭 cold roas
汤 soup

清汤 light soup; clear soup; consomme
浓汤 thick soup; potage
肉汤 broth
奶油火腿汤 creamed ham soup; ham soup with cream
奶油鸡茸汤 creamed mashed chicken soup; mashed chicken soup with cream
奶油蟹肉汤 creamed crab meat soup; crab meat soup with cream
牛肉扒托蛋 beef steak with egg
鸡蛋牛肉扒 beef steak with egg
葱头牛肉扒 beef steak with onion
蔬菜牛肉扒 beef steak with vegetables
汉堡牛排 Hamburg steak; hamburger
德式牛肉扒 Hamburg steak; hamburger
德式鸡蛋牛肉扒 Hamburg steak with egg
德式牛肉扒蛋 Hamburg steak with egg
法式牛肉扒 French steak
罗马尼亚式牛肉扒 Rum steak
肉丝炒通心粉 fried macaroni with shredded meat
番茄汁炒通心粉 fried macaroni with tomato sauce
黄油炒通心粉 fried macaroni with butter
鸡肉火腿炒通心粉 fried macaroni with chicken and ham
肉汁炒通心粉 fried macaroni with meat sauce
大虾鸡蛋炒通心粉 fried macaroni with prawns and eggs
奶酪口蘑烤通心粉 macaroni au gratin

中餐菜谱 Chinese Meal Menu

肉类 Meat
白切肉 boiled pork sliced
白扣羊肉 boiled mutton
爆牛肚 fried trips
扁豆肉丝 shredded pork and french beans
冰糖肘子 pork jiont stewed with rock sugar
菠萝香酥肉 sweet-and-sour pork with pineapple
叉烧肉 bbq pork(cantonese tyle)/grilled pork
炒腊肉 stir-fried smoked pork
炒木须肉 fried shreds of pork,fungus and eggs ,meat with omelet and fungus
炒里脊丝 saute pork fillet shreds
炒肉片 fried pork sliced
炒肉丁 fried meat cubes
炒肉丝 fried shredded pork
炒猪肝 fried pork liver
炒肚尖 fried tip of pig’s tripes
炒羊肚 fried lamb tripes
豉汁牛肉 fried beef with soy bean sauce
葱爆肉丁 sliced pork with scallion
葱爆肉粉丝 pork slices with vermicelli
葱爆羊肉 fried mutton slice with green scallion
葱头牛肉丝 shredded beef with onion
脆皮三丝卷 crisp rolls of pork,sea-cucumber and bamboo shoots
冬笋炒肉丝 asute shredded pork with bamboo shoots
冬菇猪蹄 pig’s trotters with mushrooms
冬菜扣肉 steamed spicy cabbage abd pork
豆瓣牛肉 beef in chilli bean sauce
炖猪蹄 stewed pig’s trotters
粉蒸排骨 steamed spareribs with rice flower
咖哩牛肉 fried curry beef
干煸牛肉丝 sauteed beef shreds with chilli
宫爆腰花 stir-fried kidney with chilli and peanuts
古老肉 sweet-and-sour pork
蚝油牛肉 oyster sauce beef
红烧肉 stewed pork with brown sauce
红烧狮子头 stewed meatballs with brown sauce
红烧排骨 spareribs with brown sauce
红烧肘子 pork leg braised in brown sauce
红烧蹄筋 braised tendon with brown sauce
红烧牛肉 beef with brown sauce
红烧羊肉 mutton braised in brown sauce
红油肚丝 shredded tripe with chilli sauce
滑肉片 sliced prok with cream sauce
滑溜里脊 saute fillet with thick gravy

❺ 名菜的英文描绘

全体乳猪 Roast whole suckling pig
特色五福拼盘 Special five varieties
葡国碳烧肉Portuguese roast pork
脆皮靓烧鸡Crispy chicken
湛江皇后水晶鸡Zhanjiang Crystal chicken
金牌回香鸡Golden tasty chicken
盐香脆皮鸡Salty crispy chicken
高州葱油先鸡Gaozhou style shallot favour Chicken
蜜汁碳烧*烧Honey charcoal pork
碳烧靓排骨Charcoal spare ribs
骨香乳鸽Tasty baby pigeon
锦绣烧味拼盘Assorted barbecue meat
新派卤水拼盘New style soy sauce stewed meat
新派卤水掌翼New style soy sauce stewed goose wing and feet
新派卤水大肠头New style soy sauce stewed pig’s intestine
新派卤水肚仔New style soy sauce stewed pig’s tomach
新派卤水脚仔New style soy sauce stewed pig’s hoof
盐焗肾片Baked salty chicken kidney
凉拌海蜇Marinated cold jelly fish
刀拍黄瓜Marinated cold cucumber
日式海蜇Japanese style Jelly Fish
日式八爪鱼Japanese style Octopus
凉拌青瓜Marinated cold cucumber
凉拌粉皮Marinated cold bean pasty
蒜香肾片Garlic taste kidney
蒜香猪耳仔Garlic taste pig’s ear
麻辣凤爪Spicy hot chicken feet
琥珀核桃Deep fried walnut in Syrup

特别介绍Special Recommendation

泰汁银雪鱼Codfish in Thai sauce
甜麦豆炒带子北极贝Stir fry sweet bean scallops
脆皮咸猪手Salty taste crispy trotter
XO酱爆花枝片XO Soy Sauce Fry Flower Branch Pieces
芦笋蚌肉鸽片Stir fry boneless pigeon, mussel and asparagus
盐焗猪肚Baked salty pig’s stomach
XO酱爆生肠Stir fry intestines in XO sauce
辣子鸡Stir fry chicken with hot chilli
酥炸百花球Crispy fry flower ball
酱爆竹肠Stir fry intestines with bean sauce
黑椒蝴蝶骨Fry sphenoid with black pepper
剁椒鱼咀Stir fry fish head with hot chili
红葱头蒸鸡Braise chicken with shallot
沙锅鱼头煲Braise fish head clay pot
爆野兔Stir fry rabbit
京葱爆驼峰肉Stir fry camel hump with shallot
西芹腰果核桃肉Stir fry celery, cashew and walnut
鲍汁百灵菇鹅肠Stir fry mushroom and goose intestine in abalone sauce
椒盐排骨Spicy spare ribs
剁椒鱼咀Stir Fry fish mouth with chopped pepper
尖椒猪肚Stir fry Pig’s Stomach with hot chili
罗定豆豉鸡Luoding style braise chicken in bean sauce
辣子鸡丁Stir fry chicken dices with hot chili
鲍汁百灵菇Stir fry mushroom with abalone sauce
红葱头猪俐Stir fry pig’s tongue with onion
盐焗肾片Salt Kidney Pieces
蒜香骨Garlic tasty spare ribs
栗干炆鸡Stew chicken with chestnut
川汁鸡球Sichuan style chicken meat ball
酱爆双脆Soy sauce fry double cracking
水煮牛肉Poach beef with hot chili
鲜鱿让鲮鱼胶Squid with fish stuffing
豆腐鱼头煲Boil Fish Head with bean curd
豉汁蒸排骨/鱼Steam spare ribs/fish with black bean sauce
豉油王鹅肠Stir fry goose intestines with soy sauce
姜葱爆牛肉Stir fry beef with ginger and shallot
黑椒炒牛肉Stir fry beef with black pepper
茶树菇蒸牛柳Steam beef and mushroom
酱爆牛柳Stir fry beef in bean sauce
剁椒鱼头Stir fry fish head with chopped hot chili
生炒骨/酸甜排骨Sweet and sour spare ribs
老坛子 Old crock
海味什锦煲Stew seafood combination in clay pot
泰式凤爪Thailand style chicken feet
回锅肉Sichuan style stew pork
梅菜蒸肉片Steam port with preserved vegetable
西汁鸡扒Chicken with western sauce
鲜淮山炆排骨Stew spare ribs with yam
翠玉兰花 Stir fry broccoli
酸茄黄金酿Brew sweet and sour eggplant
双菇扒菜胆略Stir fry mushrooms
牛肉炒蛋Stir fry beef and egg
凉瓜炒牛肉Stir fry beef with bitter melon
竹笙酿玉液Brew bamboo Shoot with wine
金华娃娃菜Stir fry baby cabbage
尖椒牛肉Stir fry beef with hot chili
芦笋炒牛肉Stir fry beef and asparagus
西兰花超鱿鱼Stir fry squid and broccoli
西芹炒腊味Stir fry preserved ham and celery
XO酱爆鱿鱼Stir fry squid in XO sauce
韭菜花炒银鱼Stir fry whitet with chives
土豆炒肉片Stir fry pork with potato
煲淋大芥菜Leaf mustard in soup
三色蒸蛋Steam eggs
丝瓜炒肉片/猪肝/猪什Stir fry pork/liver/bowels with gourd
潮式大芥菜肉碎Chaozhou style mustard leaf and minced pork
豆豉鲮鱼炒时蔬Stir fry fish and vegetable in black bean sauce
节瓜虾米粉丝煲Stew dried shrimps, vermicelli and melon in clay pot
凉瓜炒肉片Stir fry pork with bitter melon
酸豆角炒肉碎Stir fry minced pork with pickle bean
菜甫煎蛋Fry egg with vegetable
榨菜肉丝韭黄Stir fry pork with pickle vegetable and leek
上汤油菜Boil vegetable in chicken stock
盐水菜芯Boil vegetable in salty water
广州炒饭Guangzhou Fry Rice
白玉藏珍’Treasures hides in white jade
麻婆豆腐Sichuan style bean curd
凉瓜炒蛋Fry Eggs with bitten melon
炒油菜Stir fry vegetable
茄子煲Stew eggplant clay pot
蒜蓉炒丝瓜Stir fry gourd with garlic
虎皮尖椒Tiger Skin fry pepper
辣椒圈炒蛋Stir fry egg in hot chili
酸辣土豆丝Chili and sour potato
干炒牛河Dry fry rice noodles with beef
肉片炒面Stir fry noodles with pork
斋汤面Vegetarian noodle soup
豆豉爆辣椒圈Stir fry hot chili with bean sauce
老火例汤Soup of the day
豆腐鱼头汤Fish head and bean curd soup
番茄豆腐汤Tomato and bean curd soup
紫菜蛋花汤Laver and egg soup
椰子炖鸡Braise chicken in coconut
土茯苓煲龟Tortoise with tuckahoe soup

单尾品种Snacks and Desserts

榴莲酥Durian Crisp Nosh
*烧酥Barbecued Pork Crisp Nosh
萝卜酥 Turnip Crisp Nosh
蛋挞 Egg custard nosh
咸甜薄撑Salt/Sweet pancake
潮式煎饼Chaozhou style pancake
番茨饼Sweet potato pancake
黄金饼Golden cake
葱油饼Shallot pancake
香煎生肉包Fried minced pork bun
鸳鸯馒头Assorted steamed bun
炸馒头Fried bun
pork with preserved vegetable 梅菜扣肉
steamed minced pork with salt fish 咸鱼蒸肉饼
sauté diced pork fillet with brown sauce 酱炸里脊丁
ham with fresh bamboo shoots 鲜笋火腿
braised pork leg 红烧猪蹄
pig tripe with chili sauce 麻辣猪肚
sliced meat and liver with fried rice crust 双片锅巴
pork chops with bean sauce 豆豉排骨
pork chops with sweet and sour sauce 糖醋排骨
sauté pork cubelets with hot pepper 宫保肉丁
meat with cayenne pepper 麻辣白肉
braised pork tendons 红烧蹄筋
meat balls braised with brown sauce 红烧狮子头
fried crisp pork slices with sugar powder 糖粉酥肉
roasted suckling pig 烤乳猪
fried crisp pork 脆皮锅酥肉
stewed pork with preserved bean curd 腐乳炖肉
braised pork slices in soy sauce 红烧扣肉
quick-fried pork and scallions 葱爆肉
sweet and sour pork 咕噜肉
steamed pork with rice flavor in lotus leaves 荷叶粉蒸肉
double cooked pork slices 回锅肉
beef with orange peel 陈皮牛肉
mutton shashlik 烤羊肉串
rinse-mutton / mutton slices rinsed in chafing dish 涮羊肉
mutton braised in brown sauce 红烧羊肉
consommé 清汤
chowder 羹
double-stewed soup 老火汤
pork and radish soup 连锅汤
three fresh delicacies soup 三鲜汤
five-flavored mutton soup 五滋汤
shark’s fin soup 鱼翅汤
scallop soup 干贝汤
snake potage with eight delicacies 八珍蛇羹
stewed white gourd soup with eight ingredients 八宝冬瓜盅
ginseng and black hen soup 人参炖乌鸡
laver egg soup 紫菜蛋花汤
soup with bamboo shoots and fresh mush 竹笋鲜蘑汤
mushroom soup 清炖冬菇汤
Mt. Lushan stone fungus soup 庐山石耳汤
sliced roast 火鸭芥菜汤
mashed chicken and asparagus soup 芦笋鸡茸汤
consommé of snow egg with bean sprouts 豆苗鞭蓉蛋汤
hors d’oeuvers Jinjiang style 锦江拼盆
butterfly-shaped appetizer 蝴蝶冷盆
assorted appetizer 什锦冷盘
eight-diagram-shaped appetizer 太极八卦
spiced chicken liver and gizzard 卤鸡珍肝
shredded boiled pork meat 卤牛肉
spicy chicken giblets 卤鸡杂
salted ck gizzards 盐水鸭肫
ck wing tips 鸭翅膀
cold ck web 拌鸭掌
ck flippers with mustard sauce 芥末鸭掌
spiced peanuts 五香花生仁
sauté sword beans with dried shrimps 开洋炝刀豆
pickled hot vegetables 泡辣菜
cold vermicelli with mustard and meat shreds 冷拌粉皮
wine preserved crabs 醉蟹
boiled shrimps with salt 咸水虾
sliced pork tripe in hot chili oil 红油肚片
chicken pickled in fermented rice wine sauce 糟鸡
roast ck / goose 烧鸭(鹅)
multi-flavor chicken 怪味鸡
spiced beef 麻辣牛肉条
mixed meat in aspic 白切肉
sauté meat and vegetable 什锦肉冻
marinated chicken feet 五香凤爪
spiced marinated chicken 五香酱鸡
chicken skin with mustard sauce 芥末鸡皮
chicken slices with bean jelly sheets 鸡丝粉皮
chicken sings with chili sauce and sesame paste 辣味麻酱鸡翅
roast ck shred in sauce 拌烤鸭丝
ck cutlets with sesame paste 麻酱鸭块
stewed salt-preserved ck 桂花盐水鸭
shrimp chip 虾片
cucumber with jellyfish and dried shelled shrimp 瓜皮虾
raw fish in sauce 生拌鱼
bird’ s nest in crystal sugar 冰糖燕窝
braised snipe in port wine 红酒烧竹鸡
grilled young pigeon 铁扒乳鸽
minced quail 鹌鹑松
eggs preserved in wine 糟蛋
pickled egg 酱蛋
egg in tea 茶叶蛋
spiced goose wing tps and webfeet 蒸腊鹅
spiced goose, Chaozhou style 潮州卤鹅
roast goose, Chaozhou style 潮州烧雁鹅
braised whole ck in soy sauce 红烧全鸭
spiced ck 五香鸭
steamed Nanjing salted ck 蒸南京板鸭
roast Beijing ck 北京烤鸭
sliced chicken in wine sauce 香糟鸡片
deep fried spring chicken 炸童子鸡
steamed chicken in lotus leaf packets 荷叶粉蒸鸡
fried chicken in paper packets 炸纸包鸡
chicken in orange flavor 陈皮鸡
curry chicken 咖喱鸡
braised chicken in casserole 砂锅鸡
mud-baked chicken 叫化子鸡

❻ 排骨怎么蒸好吃


❼ 中式家常菜的英语表达方式

全体乳猪 Roast whole suckling pig 特色五福拼盘 Special five varieties 葡国碳烧肉Portuguese roast pork 脆皮靓烧鸡Crispy chicken 湛江皇后水晶鸡Zhanjiang Crystal chicken 金牌回香鸡Golden tasty chicken 盐香脆皮鸡Salty crispy chicken 高州葱油先鸡Gaozhou style shallot favour Chicken 蜜汁碳烧*烧Honey charcoal pork 碳烧靓排骨Charcoal spare ribs 骨香乳鸽Tasty baby pigeon 锦绣烧味拼盘Assorted barbecue meat 新派卤水拼盘New style soy sauce stewed meat 新派卤水掌翼New style soy sauce stewed goose wing and feet 新派卤水大肠头New style soy sauce stewed pig’s intestine 新派卤水肚仔New style soy sauce stewed pig’s tomach 新派卤水脚仔New style soy sauce stewed pig’s hoof 盐焗肾片Baked salty chicken kidney 凉拌海蜇Marinated cold jelly fish 刀拍黄瓜Marinated cold cucumber 小食类Entree 日式海蜇Japanese style Jelly Fish 日式八爪鱼Japanese style Octopus 凉拌青瓜Marinated cold cucumber 凉拌粉皮Marinated cold bean pasty 蒜香肾片Garlic taste kidney 蒜香猪耳仔Garlic taste pig’s ear 麻辣凤爪Spicy hot chicken feet 琥珀核桃Deep fried walnut in Syrup 特别介绍Special Recommendation 泰汁银雪鱼Codfish in Thai sauce 甜麦豆炒带子北极贝Stir fry sweet bean scallops 脆皮咸猪手Salty taste crispy trotter XO酱爆花枝片XO Soy Sauce Fry Flower Branch Pieces 芦笋蚌肉鸽片Stir fry boneless pigeon, mussel and asparagus 盐焗猪肚Baked salty pig’s stomach XO酱爆生肠Stir fry intestines in XO sauce 辣子鸡Stir fry chicken with hot chilli 酥炸百花球Crispy fry flower ball 酱爆竹肠Stir fry intestines with bean sauce 黑椒蝴蝶骨Fry sphenoid with black pepper 剁椒鱼咀Stir fry fish head with hot chili 红葱头蒸鸡Braise chicken with shallot 沙锅鱼头煲Braise fish head clay pot 爆野兔Stir fry rabbit 京葱爆驼峰肉Stir fry camel hump with shallot 西芹腰果核桃肉Stir fry celery, cashew and walnut 鲍汁百灵菇鹅肠Stir fry mushroom and goose intestine in abalone sauce 椒盐排骨Spicy spare ribs 剁椒鱼咀Stir Fry fish mouth with chopped pepper 尖椒猪肚Stir fry Pig’s Stomach with hot chili 罗定豆豉鸡Luoding style braise chicken in bean sauce 辣子鸡丁Stir fry chicken dices with hot chili 鲍汁百灵菇Stir fry mushroom with abalone sauce 红葱头猪俐Stir fry pig’s tongue with onion 盐焗肾片Salt Kidney Pieces 蒜香骨Garlic tasty spare ribs 栗干炆鸡Stew chicken with chestnut 川汁鸡球Sichuan style chicken meat ball 酱爆双脆Soy sauce fry double cracking 水煮牛肉Poach beef with hot chili 鲜鱿让鲮鱼胶Squid with fish stuffing 豆腐鱼头煲Boil Fish Head with bean curd 豉汁蒸排骨/鱼Steam spare ribs/fish with black bean sauce 豉油王鹅肠Stir fry goose intestines with soy sauce 姜葱爆牛肉Stir fry beef with ginger and shallot 黑椒炒牛肉Stir fry beef with black pepper 茶树菇蒸牛柳Steam beef and mushroom 酱爆牛柳Stir fry beef in bean sauce 剁椒鱼头Stir fry fish head with chopped hot chili 生炒骨/酸甜排骨Sweet and sour spare ribs 老坛子 Old crock 海味什锦煲Stew seafood combination in clay pot 泰式凤爪Thailand style chicken feet 回锅肉Sichuan style stew pork 梅菜蒸肉片Steam port with preserved vegetable 西汁鸡扒Chicken with western sauce 鲜淮山炆排骨Stew spare ribs with yam 翠玉兰花 Stir fry broccoli 酸茄黄金酿Brew sweet and sour eggplant 双菇扒菜胆略Stir fry mushrooms 牛肉炒蛋Stir fry beef and egg 凉瓜炒牛肉Stir fry beef with bitter melon 竹笙酿玉液Brew bamboo Shoot with wine 金华娃娃菜Stir fry baby cabbage 尖椒牛肉Stir fry beef with hot chili 芦笋炒牛肉Stir fry beef and asparagus 西兰花超鱿鱼Stir fry squid and broccoli 西芹炒腊味Stir fry preserved ham and celery XO酱爆鱿鱼Stir fry squid in XO sauce 韭菜花炒银鱼Stir fry whitet with chives 土豆炒肉片Stir fry pork with potato 煲淋大芥菜Leaf mustard in soup 三色蒸蛋Steam eggs 丝瓜炒肉片/猪肝/猪什Stir fry pork/liver/bowels with gourd 潮式大芥菜肉碎Chaozhou style mustard leaf and minced pork 豆豉鲮鱼炒时蔬Stir fry fish and vegetable in black bean sauce 节瓜虾米粉丝煲Stew dried shrimps, vermicelli and melon in clay pot 凉瓜炒肉片Stir fry pork with bitter melon 酸豆角炒肉碎Stir fry minced pork with pickle bean 菜甫煎蛋Fry egg with vegetable 榨菜肉丝韭黄Stir fry pork with pickle vegetable and leek 上汤油菜Boil vegetable in chicken stock 盐水菜芯Boil vegetable in salty water 广州炒饭Guangzhou Fry Rice 白玉藏珍’Treasures hides in white jade 麻婆豆腐Sichuan style bean curd 凉瓜炒蛋Fry Eggs with bitten melon 炒油菜Stir fry vegetable 茄子煲Stew eggplant clay pot 蒜蓉炒丝瓜Stir fry gourd with garlic 虎皮尖椒Tiger Skin fry pepper 辣椒圈炒蛋Stir fry egg in hot chili 酸辣土豆丝Chili and sour potato 干炒牛河Dry fry rice noodles with beef 肉片炒面Stir fry noodles with pork 斋汤面Vegetarian noodle soup 豆豉爆辣椒圈Stir fry hot chili with bean sauce 老火例汤Soup of the day 豆腐鱼头汤Fish head and bean curd soup 番茄豆腐汤Tomato and bean curd soup 紫菜蛋花汤Laver and egg soup 椰子炖鸡Braise chicken in coconut


❽ 求“蒸菜”的英文说法。。。最好哪位高人能把浏阳蒸菜用英文介绍一下。。。

浏阳蒸菜是湘菜中的一道传统菜系,相传起源于明朝,历经500多年发展。 以蒸腊菜为主,基本菜品有:干扁豆蒸蜡肉丁、 清蒸火腿肉、剁椒蒸土豆、清蒸土家蜡肉、清蒸鸡蛋、清蒸茄子、清蒸干豆角、清蒸芋头,以及清蒸白豆腐、干豆腐、 黄豆腐、黑豆腐、臭豆腐、白沙豆腐、卤豆腐、清蒸青辣椒等。浏阳蒸菜做法也颇多。
翻译Liuyang evaporate hunan cuisine is one of the traditional cuisine, said to the Ming dynasty, after 500 years originated in development. To evaporate la cuisine is given priority to, basic dishes are: dry lentils steaming wax diced meat or chop ham, steamed steamed potatoes, steamed pepper tujia wax meat, steamed egg, steamed eggplant, steamed dry beans, steamed taro and steamed white bean curd, dry bean curd, yellow bean curd, black bean curd, stinky tofu, pak sha bean curd, halogen tofu, steamed green peppers, etc. Liuyang steamed vegetables practice is quite a lot.
浏阳蒸菜健康、味美、价廉、快捷。 以蒸腊菜为主,基本菜品有:干扁豆蒸蜡肉丁、
[1] 清蒸火腿肉、剁椒蒸土豆、清蒸土家蜡肉、清蒸鸡蛋、清蒸茄子、清蒸干豆角、清蒸芋头,以及清蒸白豆腐、干豆腐、 黄豆腐、黑豆腐、臭豆腐、白沙豆腐、卤豆腐、清蒸青辣椒、清蒸鱼头、清蒸火焙鱼,还有清蒸空心酸菜、红薯酸菜、青菜酸菜, 豆角酸菜,以及清蒸豆子、清蒸香肠、清蒸猪肉、鸡丁、牛肉丝,清蒸伏鱼、 伏鸡、伏鸭, 清蒸干笋、 小笋、豆笋, 清蒸青菜、清蒸黄菜等,达数十种之多。蒸菜色泽丰富,多以辣为主。 但因蒸气去火, 因此清毒润肺。
做蒸菜讲究颇多。首先绝不用高压锅、电炉快蒸,大多店家都是早早起床,买新鲜菜或准备特制菜,然后打开蒸笼, 细细漫漫的蒸。 有的菜还要一蒸二蒸三蒸,如蒸木瓜,必须做到七蒸七晒,最后入味冰糖,才叫美味。蒸菜的碗,多为磨纱的粗瓷器,或者干脆从山上砍来竹子,把蒸菜置于竹筒内。蒸之鲜加上竹之香,更为美味。蒸菜用的辣椒分很多种,剁辣椒、鲜红辣椒、鲜青辣椒、浸酸辣椒、浸朝天椒、浸野山椒、晒青椒等等。不同的菜. 入不同的辣椒,放不同的作料,味道自然不同。
蒸菜的分量小, 最多不过一个吃饭的小碗大小. 因此不适合海吃. 只能漫漫吃. 多点几样. 每样只吃到7分就行,美味十足, 便没有了分量. 得留下余味. 下次还想吃蒸菜。
吃浏阳蒸菜,得佐上一两个汤。 什么佐都不是美味, 惟独佐水豆腐最好。水豆腐用连夜熬的肉汤冲煮, 出裹前撒上一层盐须菜、青葱, 放上两片空心菜叶子, 火候到好处, 柔润爽口, 汤为鲜淡。
f翻译Liuyang steamed vegetables healthy and tasty, cheap, fast. To evaporate la cuisine is given priority to, basic dishes are: dry lentils steaming wax diced,
Liuyang steamed vegetables
[1] steamed ham meat or chop bell pepper steamed potatoes, steamed tujia wax meat, steamed egg, steamed eggplant, steamed dry beans, steamed taro and steamed white bean curd, dry bean curd, yellow bean curd, black bean curd, stinky tofu, pak sha bean curd, halogen tofu, steamed green peppers, steamed fish head, steamed fire baked fish, and steamed hollow sour pickled cabbage, sweet potato sour pickled cabbage, green vegetables, beans, and vegetable vegetable steamed beans, steamed sausage, steamed pork, chicken, beef silk, steamed chicken, fish, and fell fell fell ck, steamed dry bamboo shoots, small bamboo shoots of bamboo shoots, bean, steamed vegetables, steamed HuangCai etc, about 30 kinds. Steamed vegetables, colour and lustre is rich with spicy primarily. But because of steam hotness, therefore poison cleansing runfei.
Do steamed vegetables exquisite quite a lot. First they never use electric pressure cooker, fast evaporate, mostly inn-keeper is got up early, buy XinXianCai or prepare special dishes, then open the steamer, fine fine long evaporate. Some vegetables and a steamed two steamed three evaporate, such as steam papaya, you must do the seven evaporate seven bask, finally ruwei, just call delicious ice-sugar. Steamed vegetable dishes, many for grinding yarn of coarse porcelain, or simply from the hills to cut the steamed vegetables in bamboo, bamboo inside. The steaming fresh plus of bamboo incense, more delicious. Steamed vegetables with chili divides a lot of kinds, and chop chili, bright red chili, fresh green peppers, immersion acid leaching, dipped ChaoTianJiao chili, wild salamanders, bask in green pepper, etc. Different dishes. Into different chili, put different condiments, taste different nature.
The weight of the small steamed vegetables, most but a meal the small bowl that size. So it's not for sea boundless eat eat. Only a few samples. Multi-point. Everything only eat to 7 points on the line, delicious and dye-in-the-wood, without weight. Stays aftertaste. Next time also eat steamed vegetables.
Eat steamed vegetables, to assist in liuyang on one or two soup. What carrizo is not only tasty, assist best. Water tofu Water overnight stay with bean curd broth simmer, before the rush wrapped layer shall sprinkle salt, put green vegetables, two KongXinCai leaves, temperature to benefit, moist and refreshing, soup for fresh light.
The restaurant door placing a few mouth cauldron, pot placing as high as five or six stories of the ZhuMie steamer, pot of boiling water to keep the temperature, whenever visitors to the shop, will be brought to select. Steaming dishes, many kinds of meat as bamboo steaming ribs, dry beans steamed meat, LaYu bacon close steaming, steamed sausage, grain is steamed soybean, steamed turnip slice, steaming, taro, although different varieties of design and color, but one thing is the same, is whether evaporate anything, the top of the hill mostly is a layer of dry chili brilliant piece, otherwise is several star black liuyang douchi. Steamed vegetables because all is beforehand steaming, breed more again, thus became the most easily be brought hunan changsha with fast food business, the mode and often become liuyang evaporate cuisine of the elder brothers repast land.

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