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发布时间: 2022-07-14 20:51:24

❶ 荔枝的介绍

荔枝(学名:Litchi chinensis Sonn.),原产于中国南部,是亚热带果树,常绿乔木,高约10米。果皮有鳞斑状突起,鲜红,紫红。果肉产鲜时半透明凝脂状,味香美,但不耐储藏。荔枝与香蕉、菠萝、龙眼一同号称“南国四大果品”。荔枝因杨贵妃喜食而闻名,使得杜牧写下“一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来”的千古名句。荔枝性热,多食易上火,并可引起“荔枝病”。木材坚实,深红褐色,纹理雅致、耐腐,历来为上等名材。荔枝味甘、酸、性温,入心、脾、肝经;可止呃逆,止腹泻,是顽固性呃逆及五更泻者的食疗佳品,同时有补脑健身,开胃益脾,有促进食欲之功效。(概述图参考:中国植物图像库 1)

❷ 描写荔枝的英语小短文拜托各位大神

The shell litchi special amazed, its shell is like a man was frightened, was the place on a "goose bumps," and the expansion of the red face. Litchi pulp is white, quite good to eat. You touch the pulp, ShuiLinLin, as if running a marathon athlete, to bite on one, TianSiSi, the savory, really with food? The pulp is translucent, you through it can still to see the inside of the hidden hazy about stone! Litchi nuclear small, thin, you see it, they seem to see a poor mother of a grandpa, also as if a grain of small bullets. Litchi it there is a little story, once upon a time, in four beauties there is a beauty Yang especially like to eat lychee, the emperor to get some beautiful ? 荔枝的外壳特别的希奇,它的壳就像一个人受惊了,身上吓得到处起“鸡皮疙瘩”,而且脸胀的红彤彤的。 荔枝的果肉挺洁白,挺好吃的。你摸摸它的果肉,水淋淋的,仿佛跑过马拉松的运动员,再咬上一口,甜丝丝,香喷喷的,可真有口福呢。它的果肉是半透明的,你透过它还可以以隐朦胧约看到里面的果核呢! 荔枝的核小小的,瘦瘦的,你看到它,就仿佛看到了一个穷得要命的老爷爷,也仿佛是一粒小子弹。 荔枝它还有一个小故事呢,从前,四大美人中有一个美人儿杨贵妃特别喜欢吃荔枝,皇帝为了讨美人儿喜欢就叫人们运荔枝,人们快马加鞭,为了送荔枝在运输的途中不知死了多少匹马呢! 在宋代,诗人苏轼写过一首诗,说:日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人。意思是:我愿意去做岭南人,那样样的话,我每天就可以吃很多的荔枝了。 我也很喜欢吃荔枝,但也不能多吃!

❸ 用英语介绍水果



Apple is an apple of the family Rosaceae, which is a decious tree.

Apple has high nutritional value, rich in minerals and vitamins, rich in calcium, which helps to metabolize excess salt in the body. Malic acid can metabolize calories and prevent lower body obesity.



Orange is the fruit of the orange tree of the genus Citrus, which originated in Southeast Asia. Orange trees are small trees.

The fruit can be peeled and eaten with its flesh, and the flesh can be used as a seasoning or addition to other foods.



Bananas are musa plants of the genus Musa, widely grown in the tropics. Banana flavor and nutrient-rich.



Pineapple, tropical fruit, fruit quality, nutrient-rich, contains a lot of fructose, glucose, vitamin B, C, phosphorus, citric acid and protease.



Lychee, Sapindaceae, Lychee is an evergreen tree, about 10 meters high.

The peel has scaly patches, bright red and purple. Mature to bright red; seeds are all wrapped in succulent arils. Flowering in spring, fruiting in summer.

When the flesh is fresh, it is translucent and creamy, and it is delicious, but it is not resistant to storage.

❹ 吃荔枝的好处用英文简要介绍



❺ 描述一种水果 英文

cherry 樱桃

a small round red or black fruit with a long thin stem and a stone in the middle

a small, round, soft red or black fruit with a single hard seed in the middle, or the tree on which the fruit grows.

【a bunch of cherries】
【cherry pie】

coconut 椰子

the large brown seed of a tropical tree, which has a hard shell containing white flesh that you can eat and a milky liquid that you can drink

grape 葡萄
one of a number of small round green or purple fruits that grow together on a vine. Grapes are often used for making wine

a fruit which is like a large orange, but has a yellow skin and tastes less sweet.

kiwi fruit 猕猴桃
an oval fruit with brown hairy skin and bright green flesh.






mandarin orange柑橘





Hami melon哈密瓜



honeydew melon蜜瓜





❻ 荔枝英文介绍带翻译

o her. God’lmighty, Ma ought to stop licking u.”

❼ “介绍你喜欢的食物”英语怎么写



❽ 用英语介绍荔枝的产地,荔枝的颜色 大小等 及翻译 谢谢大家

  • There are many varieties of litchi in China. According to the investigation in the early days of liberation, there are 82 varieties in Guangdong and 41 varieties in Fujian. There are no complete statistics on the varieties in Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Taiwan and other regions. Among them, cinnamon, glutinous rice is the best variety, but also the choice of fresh food, hanging green is a precious and difficult to find varieties. "Luogang Gui Wei", "Bi Cun Nuomi Gao" and "Zengcheng hanging Green" are known as "three outstanding litchi". Huiyang Town long Gui flavor, glutinous rice noodles more delicious and sweet.

  • 中国荔枝品种很多。据解放初期调查:广东有82个品种,福建有41个品种,广西、四川、云南、贵州、台湾等地区的品种尚无完整的统计。当中桂味,糯米糍是上佳的品种,亦是鲜食之选,挂绿更是珍贵难求的品种。“萝岗桂味”,“毕村糯米糍”及“增城挂绿”有“荔枝三杰”之称。 惠阳镇隆桂味,糯米糍更为美味鲜甜。

  • The following main varieties are common:

  • 常见以下几个主要品种:

  1. March Red: it is known as March Red because it matures in late March of
    the lunar calendar. Belongs to the earliest mature species. Mainly
    proced in Guangdong Xinhui, Zhongshan, Zengcheng, Guangxi Lingshan and
    other counties.三月红:因在农历3月下旬成熟,故名三月红。属最早熟种。主产广东的新会、中山、增城、广西的灵山等县。

  2. Round branch: also known as Shuidong or Shuidong black leaf. Distributed
    in the suburbs of Guangzhou and counties in the Pearl River Delta. It
    is named because it is suitable for water planting and leaf tip length,
    similar to black leaves.圆枝:又名水东或水东黑叶。分布于广州市郊和珠江三角洲各县。因适宜水多栽植和叶片尖长,近似黑叶而较薄而得名。

  3. Black leaves: the fruit is short oval, the top of the fruit is round or obtuse, the fruit is flat; the skin is crimson, the shell is thin, the tortoise lobes are obtuse, the size is uniform, the arrangement is regular, the cracks and sutures are obvious; the meat is solid and crisp, sweet and juicy, mostly large nuclei.黑叶:果实短卵圆形,果顶浑圆或钝,果属平;皮深红色,壳较薄,龟裂片平钝,大小均匀,排列规则,裂纹和缝合线明显;肉质坚实爽脆,香甜多汁,多数为大核。

  4. Huai: also known as dense leaves, Phoenix, ancient Phoenix, Huai (it is rumored that in ancient times there were Shang Shu passing through Lingnan, the litchi sent by the villagers into the bosom, so the name), locust branch.淮枝:又名密叶、凤花、古凤、怀枝(传闻古时有尚书路过岭南,把乡亲送的荔枝入怀中,故名)、槐枝。

  5. Yuanhong: also known as wrinkle core, mainly proces Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. The fruit is heart-shaped, the top of the family is plump; the peel is purplish red, the lobes are small, there are small spines in the center, and the sutures are not obvious; the flesh is thin, milky white, the nucleus is different in size, and the taste is sweet and sour.元红:又名皱核,主产福建福州市闽侯县。果实心脏形,科顶丰满;果梗长;果皮紫红色,龟裂片小,中央有小刺,缝合线不明显;肉较薄,乳白色,核大小不一,味甜带酸。

  6. Lanzhu: mainly proces Fujian Longhai, Nanjing, Zhangzhou and other counties and cities.兰竹:主产福建龙海、南靖、漳州等县市。

  7. Chen Zi: for Fujian Li in the proct, when mature exudes bursts of fragrance, refreshing. Putian, Xianyou area is the most famous. Cai Xiang. Litchi spectrum.

  8. Glutinous rice pill: also known as rice branch, ancient known as crystal pill, is one of the litchi varieties. The fruit shape of the variety is eccentric visceral shape, askew handle, fruit shape is large, the color is bright red and wax yellow, the sense of pericarp is not obvious, the flesh is milky white, translucent, rich, the taste is tender and smooth, the taste is very sweet, the core is thin, the natural sugar content is high, contains a variety of amino acids, trace elements and vitamins necessary to the human body, has a variety of nourishing functions, is a rare Lingnan good fruit. In Dongguan and other places, the variety is known as the "king of litchi".糯米糍:又称米枝,古称水晶丸,为荔枝品种之一。该品种果形呈偏心脏形,歪柄,果形较大,色泽鲜红间蜡黄,果皮棘感不明显,果肉乳白色、半透明、丰厚,口感嫩滑,味极清甜,核瘦小,自然糖分高,含人体必须的多种氨基酸、微量元素和维生素,具有多种滋补功用,是不可多得的岭南佳果。在东莞等地,该品种有“荔枝之王”之称。

  9. Hanging green: it is a treasure of litchi in Zengcheng, Guangdong, and it is also one of the famous species of litchi in Guangdong.挂绿:为广东增城的荔枝中珍品,也是广东荔枝的名种之一。

  10. Crystal ball: Guangdong, where the flesh is crisp and sweet, the flesh color is transparent, the kernel is small, is an excellent variety with hundreds of years of cultivation history.水晶球:产地广东,果肉爽脆清甜,肉色透明,果核细小,是一个有数百年栽培历史的优良品种。

  11. Concubine smile: Sichuan is called thallium, Taiwan is called green purse or jade purse. Feizixiao is rich in Xiamen, Guangdong, Sichuan, Taiwan and other regions.妃子笑:四川叫铊提,台湾称绿荷包或玉荷包。妃子笑盛产于厦门、广东、四川、台湾等区。

  12. White sugar: also known as bee sugar (electric white). For early-maturing varieties, the main procing areas in Maoming City, Gaozhou Genzi Town, Dian Yangjiao Town and other places also have sporadic cultivation.白糖罂:又名蜂糖罂(电白)。为早熟品种,主要产区在茂名市的高州根子镇,电白羊角镇等地亦有零星栽培。

  • Characteristics of litchi:荔枝特点:

  1. Litchi, native to southern China, is a subtropical fruit tree, evergreen trees, usually no more than 10 m tall, sometimes up to 15 m or higher, bark grayish black; branchlets Terete, brownish red, densely white lenticels. Petiolules 10-25 cm long or over; leaflets 2 or 3 pairs, less 4 pairs, thinly leathery or leathery, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, sometimes long elliptic-lanceolate, 6-15 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, apex cuspidate or caudate shortly acuminate, entire, ventral dark green, glossy, dorsal flour green, glabrous on both surfaces; lateral veins often slender, inconspicuous on ventral surface, conspicuous or slightly raised on abaxial surface; The petiolule is 7-8 mm long. The flesh is translucent and fat-like when it is fresh, and it tastes delicious, but it is not resistant to storage.

  2. Litchi and banana, pineapple, longan together known as "the four major fruits of the South." Litchi is famous for Yang Guifei's love of food, which makes Mu write the famous sentence "A ride on the red world concubine smile, no one knows is litchi to come".荔枝与香蕉、菠萝、龙眼一同号称“南国四大果品”。荔枝因杨贵妃喜食而闻名,使得杜牧写下“一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来”的千古名句。

  3. Litchi fever, easy to eat fire, and can cause "litchi disease." Solid wood, dark reddish brown, elegant texture, corrosion resistance, has always been a top grade material.荔枝性热,多食易上火,并可引起“荔枝病”。木材坚实,深红褐色,纹理雅致、耐腐,历来为上等名材。

  4. Litchi taste sweet, sour, sexual temperature, into the heart, spleen, liver meridian; can stop hiccup, stop diarrhea, is intractable hiccup and five diarrhea diet good food, at the same time, brain fitness, appetizer to benefit the spleen, has the effect of promoting appetite.荔枝味甘、酸、性温,入心、脾、肝经;可止呃逆,止腹泻,是顽固性呃逆及五更泻者的食疗佳品,同时有补脑健身,开胃益脾,有促进食欲之功效。

  5. Litchi is rich in sugar with energy supplement, fatigue and other symptoms; litchi meat is rich in vitamin C and protein; litchi is rich in vitamins, can promote microvascular blood circulation, prevent freckles, make the skin smoother.


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