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发布时间: 2020-12-27 22:08:52

『壹』 印度英文介绍

Where is India ?India is located in southern Asia, is the largest country in the South Asian subcontinent, Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh for the neighborhood, near the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea coastline of 5560 km. Divided into the Deccan Plateau in India and throughout the central plateaus, plains and the Himalayas on three natural geographic area. Tropical monsoon climate, the temperature varies by altitude, average annual temperature of the Himalayas 12 ℃ ~ 14 ℃, the eastern region 26 ℃ ~ 29 ℃.
India has about 2,000 languages, of which 55 species have their own language and literature. Have their own literature for the 19 perfect language is set for India's official language. India, each religion has its followers in the subcontinent. The majority Hin people, 85%, followed by Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Jain, all of different religions live in harmony. Over the entire Indian subcontinent many beautiful temples, magnificent churches, grand mosques, Buddhist temples, strong incense, synagogues and Zoroastrian temples. India's western Mum city can be big business in India of religion, race, language diversity in microcosm. In addition to the above the city to teach the temple hall, there are well-known Armenian churches, temples and Shinto religion Temple in Datong.

『贰』 用英文介绍印度文化

The Republic of India
The Republic of India is a large South Asian country rich in ethnic diversity,with over one billion people speaking hundreds of languages. Politically it is the world's largest liberal democracy. The Indian economy is the fourth largest in the world, in terms of purchasing power parity, and is the world's second-fastest growing economy. India is also the second most populated country in the world. India has grown significantly, in terms of both population and strategic importance, in the last twenty years attributed to economic reforms.

Strategically located in Asia,constituting most of the Indian subcontinent,India straddles many busy trade routes. It shares its borders with Pakistan,the People's Republic of China,Myanmar,Bangladesh,Nepal,Bhutan and Afghanistan.Sri Lanka,the Maldives and Indonesia are the nearby island nations in the Indian Ocean. Home to some of the most ancient civilisations in the world, India was formally ruled by the British for almost ninety years before gaining independence in 1947.

Origin of India's name: The official name India is derived from Sindhu, the historic local appellation for the river Ins and is the most internationally recognisable of the country. The Constitution of India and general usage also recognises Bharat as the other official name of equal status. Bharat comes from the name of an ancient Hin king and means seeker of knowledge. The third name is Hinstan, meaning land of the Hins (where Hin refers to those who dwell to the right of the Ins/Sindhu river) used from the Mughal times onwards.

India,a sub-continent with 5000 year old History. A civilization united by its diversity,richness of culture,the glory of past,the turbulences and triumphs. The landmarks of each era,the achievements of a change,the legacy of a regime. As we walk through the history,India is an amazing discovery and its history is a unique tale of the past.

With the arrival of the Portuguese, French and English traders, advantage was taken of the fractured, debilitate kingdoms to colonise India. In 1857, an insurrection amongst the army sepoys ensued in the popular Revolt of 1857 against the powerful British East India Company; this mobilised resistance, though short-lasting, was caused by the widespread resentment against discriminatory policies of the British. After the revolt, the Indian independence movements started demanding complete independence. On August 15th, 1947, India was finally granted independence from British rule and became a secular republic.

January 26 (Republic Day of India): Republic Day is one of the greatest national celebrations observed throughout the country on January 26 every year. India became Republic on the 26th Jan, 1950. The country became a sovereign democratic republic with a written constitution and an elected parliament.

At the time of independence, although India was under British rule, there were 565 Princely States, big and small, ruled by powerful sovereigns who were protected by treaties of alliance with the British Crown. Without bringing them together, the fundamental unity of the country was not possible. This unification was accomplished by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, whose statesmanship helped to integrate the country into one nation. In a little less than 2 years, all the princely States became a part of the Republic of India.

It was on this date in 1927 that the Indian National Congress, then fighting its non-violent war for freedom, voted for complete independence as against 'dominion status'. When members of the INC took the pledge to work towards a 'sovereign democratic republic' of India.

Indian Constitution:
When India gained freedom from the British on August 15, 1947 there was the need to regulate the meaning of freedom.Therefore, to have a set of rules and regulations that would guide the nation, the Constituent Assembly met on December 9,1946.The Constituent Assembly was convened and appointed a committee with Dr. B.R.Ambedkar as Chairman to draft the Constitution.

Borrowing from the Constitutions of other countries, for example, the parliamentary form of government from Britain, supremacy of judiciary from the United States, federal system with a strong centre from Canada, directive principles of state policy from Ireland, the idea of concurrent powers and co-operative federalism from Australia, the system of procere established by law from Japan, the Indian Constitution is an amalgam of all these.

The Indian Constitution, the longest in the world, consist 397 articles and 12 scheles which provides for a single citizenship for the whole of India.The constitution of India was originally written in English It gives the right to vote to all citizens of 18 years and above, unless they are disqualified. Fundamental rights are guaranteed to the citizens, equality of religion and so on.

National motto: Satyameva Jayate (In sanskrit it means Always Truth Alone Triumphs)

The Great Indian Flag: This is an ancient Indian symbol associated with the powers and changes of nature.
Officially, the Orange color stands for Courage and sacrifice.
The White color signifies Peace and truth.
While Green symbolises Faith and Chivalry.
It is the ty of every Citizen to realise the significance of our flag and pay the honour and respect its commands.

Official language: Hindi,English
Having being declared a Democratic Republic, the people starting governing themselves according to the Constitution written by the Constituent Assembly. With this, Republic Day became the most important day in the history of India. It is therefore natural that the festivities for the day are a lot more elaborate than that for Independence Day.

The Republic Day Parade
The parade showcasing India's military might and cultural diversity covers an eight-km route, starting from the Rashtrapathi Bhavan through the picturesque Rajpath down to India Gate before winding up at the historic Red Fort in Old Delhi.

The events of the day begin with the Prime Minister laying a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti (at India Gate).He meets the dignitaries present and unfurls the National Flag.Following the unfurling the National Anthem is played to a 21-gun salute.

After this a brief investiture ceremony takes place ring which the President awards India's top gallantry awards - Param Veer Chakra, Veer Chakra and Maha Veer Chakra. In army these are known as the most prestigious awards for bravery for saving their motherland from the enemy of our country.

Indian struggle continues till now...
After independence,India has fought four wars with its neighbours. From 1975 to 1977, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a "State of Emergency in India", thereby freezing civil rights and detaining civilians without trial. Sikh riots in 1984 resulted in religious strife in much of India.

Also the destruction of the Babri Masjid in 1992 resulted in religious strife in much of India. In the desert town of Pokhran, in 1998, the Indian government exploded five nuclear warheads, confirming India's nuclear status. In 1999, India mobilised its military in Kargil, Kashmir to repel Islamist terrorists who, under the auspices of the Pakistani government, were encroaching upon Indian territory.

『叁』 印度的介绍(最好是英文的)







People and Culture

India is the world's second most populous nation (after China). Its ethnic composition is complex, but two major strains predominate: the Aryan, in the north, and the Dravidian, in the south. India is a land of great cultural diversity, as is evidenced by the enormous number of different languages spoken throughout the country. Although Hindi (spoken in the north) and English (the language of politics and commerce) are used officially, more than 1,500 languages and dialects are spoken. The Indian constitution recognizes 15 regional languages (Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Ur). Ten of the major states of India are generally organized along linguistic lines.

Although the constitution forbids the practice of “untouchability,” and legislation has been used to reserve quotas for former untouchables (and also for tribal peoples) in the legislatures, in ecation, and in the public services, the caste system continues to be influential. About 80% of the population is Hin, and 14% is Muslim. Other significant religions include Christians, Sikhs, and Buddhists. There is no state religion. The holy cities of India attract pilgrims from throughout the East: Varanasi (formerly Benares), Allahabad, Puri, and Nashik are religious centers for the Hins; Amritsar is the holy city of the Sikhs; and Satrunjaya Hill near Palitana is sacred to the Jains.

With its long and rich history, India retains many outstanding archaeological landmarks; preeminent of these are the Buddhist remains at Sarnath, Sanchi, and Bodh Gaya; the cave temples at Ajanta, Ellora, and Elephanta; and the temple sites at Marai, Thanjavur, Abu, Bhubaneswar, Konarak, and Mahabalipuram. For other aspects of Indian culture, see Hin music; Indian art and architecture; Indian literature; Mughal art and architecture; Pali canon; Prakrit literature; Sanskrit literature.





首都:新德里(New Delhi)

















经济:印度是一个农业大国,主要农产品有稻米、小麦、牛奶、油料、甘蔗、茶叶、棉花和黄麻等。全国耕地面积约1. 6亿公顷,人均0. 17公顷。印度是世界第一大产奶国,也是世界重要的产棉国和产茶国。牛、山羊、绵羊、水牛头数居世界第一。印度拥有云母、煤、铁、铝、铬、锰、锌、铜、铅、磷酸盐、黄金、石油等丰富的资源,其中云母的产量和储量为世界之首,铝土产量和煤产量均居世界第五位,云母出口量占世界出口量的60%。森林5300万公顷,覆盖率为16%。印度的工业主要包括制造业、电力、矿业、纺织、食品、精密仪器、汽车制造、软件制造、航空和空间等行业。近年来,印度政府实行全面经济改革,经济发展速度引人注目。印度目前在天体物理、空间技术、分子生物、电子技术等高科技领域都已达到相当的水平。印度的主要出口商品有珠宝制品、棉纱及棉织品、化工制品、机械及五金制品、石油制品、皮革、海产品、铁矿砂及矿产品等。此外,印度的旅游业和服务业也比较发达,在国民经济中占有相当的比例。印度主要旅游点有阿格拉、德里、斋浦尔、昌迪加尔、纳兰达、迈索尔、果阿、海德拉巴、特里凡特琅等。铁路是印度最大的国营部门,亦为主要运输手段,总长度居亚洲第一位,世界第四位。近年来,公路运输发展较快,已承担了全国80%的客运量和60%的货运量,全国日平均客运量逾6000万人次,为世界最大的公路网之一。

『肆』 介绍印度的英语作文70个单词

India (/ˈɪndiə/ ( listen)), officially the Republic of India (Hindi: भारत गणराज्य Bhārat Gaṇarājya; see also official names of India), is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world. Mainland India is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the west, and the Bay of Bengal on the east; and it is bordered by Pakistan to the west;[note] Bhutan, the People's Republic of China and Nepal to the north; and Bangladesh and Burma to the east. In the Indian Ocean, mainland India and the Lakshadweep Islands are in the vicinity of Sri Lanka and the Maldives, while India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands share maritime border with Thailand and the Indonesian island of Sumatra in the Andaman Sea. India has a coastline of 7,517 kilometres (4,700 mi).

Home to the ancient Ins Valley Civilisation and a region of historic trade routes and vast empires, the Indian subcontinent was identified with its commercial and cultural wealth for much of its long history.Four of the world's major religions—, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism—originated here, while Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam arrived in the first millennium CE and shaped the region's diverse culture. Graally annexed by the British East India Company from the early 18th century and colonised by the United Kingdom from the mid-19th century, India became an independent nation in 1947 after a struggle for independence which was marked by a non-violent resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi.

India is a federal constitutional republic with a parliamentary democracy consisting of 28 states and seven union territories. A pluralistic, multilingual and multiethnic society, India is also home to a diversity of wildlife in a variety of protected habitats. The Indian economy is the world's eleventh largest economy by nominal GDP and the fourth largest by purchasing power parity. Since the introction of market-based economic reforms in 1991, India has become one of the fastest growing major economies in the world;however, the country continues to face several poverty, illiteracy, corruption and public health related challenges. India is classified as a newly instrialised country and is one of the four BRIC nations. It is the world's sixth de facto nuclear weapons state and has the third-largest standing armed force in the world, while its military expenditure ranks tenth in the world.India is a regional power in South Asia.

It is a founding member of the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement, the World Trade Organization, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the East Asia Summit, the G20 and the G8+5; a member of the Commonwealth of Nations; and an observer state in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

『伍』 英语简介印度

The subcontinent of India lies in south Asia, between Pakistan, China and Nepal. To the north it is bordered by the world's highest mountain chain, where foothill valleys cover the northernmost of the country's 26 states. Further south, plateaus, tropical rain forests and sandy deserts are bordered by palm fringed beaches .

Side by side with the country's staggering topographical variations is its cultural diversity, the result of the coexistence of a number of religions as well as local tradition. Thus, the towering temples of south India, easily identifiable by their ornately sculptured surface, are associated with a great many crafts and performing arts of the region.

In the desert of Kutch, Gujarat, on the other hand, a scattering of villages pit themselves against the awesome forces of nature, resulting in Spartan lifestyles made vibrant by a profusion of jewelry and ornamental embroidery used to adorn apparel and household linen. In the extreme north is the high altitude desert of Ladakh. Local culture is visibly shaped by the faith - Buddhism -as well as by the harsh terrain. Yet another facet of Indian culture is observed in the colorful tribal lifestyles of the north eastern states of Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura and Manipur with their folk culture.

In the central Indian states of Orissa and Madhya Pradesh tribal village life has resulted in a variety of artistically executed handicrafts.

India's mountains provide heli skiing, river running, mountaineering and trekking. Its beaches provide lazy sun-bathing as well as wind surfing and snorkeling, and its jungles provide shooting wildlife -with a camera.

India's history goes back to 3,200 BC when Hinism was first founded. Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism. Judaism. Zoroashtrianism, Christianity and Islam all exist within the country today. As a consequence of India's size, the history of the country has seldom been the same for two adjoining territories, and its great natural wealth has lured a succession of traders and foreign influences to it, each having left their imprint in the country, however faint or localized. Thus, Chinese fishing nets in Kerala are a throwback to that country's ancient maritime trade, while in the north, terra-cotta figurines of the centuries BC bear distinctly Greek traces.

Modern India is home alike to the tribal with his anachronistic lifestyle and to the sophisticated urban jetsetter. It is a land where temple elephants exist amicably with the microchip. Its ancient monuments are the backdrop for the world's largest democracy where atomic energy is generated and instrial development has brought the country within the world's top ten nations. Today, fishermen along the country's coastline fashion simple fishing boats in a centuries old tradition while, a few miles away. motor vehicles glide off conveyor belts in state-of-the-art factories

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『陆』 印度中英文简介

印度,是印度共和国(Republic of India)的简称,位于亚洲南部,是南亚次大陆最大的国家,最悠久的文明古国之一,具有绚丽的多样性和丰富的文化遗产和旅游资源。与孟加拉国、缅甸、中华人民共和国、不丹、尼泊尔和巴基斯坦等国家接壤,与斯里兰卡和马尔代夫等国隔海相望。古印度人创造了光辉灿烂的古代文明,印度也是世界三大宗教之一—— 佛教的发源地。

India is the Republic of India (Republic of India) short, located in southern Asia, is the largest country in the South Asian subcontinent, one of the oldest ancient civilizations, with their magnificent diversity and rich cultural heritage and tourism resources. And Bangladesh, Myanmar, The People's Republic of China, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan and other countries bordering countries such as Sri Lanka and the Maldives across the sea. Ancient Indians created a splendid ancient civilization, India is also one of the world's three major religions - Buddhism originated.

『柒』 印度英语的介绍

19 世纪初,英语开始在印度得到使用,不过当时它被看作是地道的外语。早在殖民时回期之初,英国政府答就想对印度的教育进行渗透和改造,麦考利曾提出:“要在印度国内培养一批精英,他们有着印度人的血统和肤色,头脑里装的却是英国人的品位、思想、道德和才智。”这一观点当时在印度引起较大的争议,一直到1835 年才被接受,之后,英国殖民当局开始在当地使用英语,殖民教育政策也开始鼓励英语在印度的广泛使用。时至今日,麦考利的梦想在一定范围内和一定程度上得到了实现,因为英语已经成为今天印度最重要的语言之一,就连严肃的印度国家文字委员会也宣布印度人用英语创作的文学作品为印度文学的组成部分。有专家认为,英语已成为印度向现代化迈进和加速西化进程的重要媒介。

『捌』 用英语介绍印度的传统节日

Diwali - Traditional Indian Festival
星期一除了是Halloween之外原来还是印度一个传统的节日 -- Diwali。由於公司有很多印度人,星期一我们决定吃Indian food,好食程度就见仁见智啦。顺便在这里post一下这个节日的一些背景和传统。

1. Diwali is the biggest Indian Festival.
2. It is also called the Festival of Lights.
3. It symbolizes the victory of good over evil and the beginning of a new era. Hin's start their new year on this day. A huge number of traditional businesses start their accounting calendars on this day.
4. Diwali is celebrated by offering one's prayers to Laxmi, the goddess of Wealth and Ganesha, the remover of all obstacles.
5. People go on a spending and shopping spree before this festival, shopping for gifts, clothes, cleaning and decorating their homes.
6. People exchange gifts, money and sweets and light up their houses with clay lamps (these days candles and 100s of mini-light bulbs work too).
7. Oh yeah, people always observe a vegetarian diet on this day


『玖』 关于印度的介绍英文版

India, India Republic (Republic of India) abbreviation, is located in southernAsia, is the largest country in the subcontinent, most located in north latitude 10 degrees to 30 degrees. Is located in a low latitude, mostly intropical and subtropical. Bordering Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal andChinese, countries such as Pakistan, and Maldives across the sea. A member of the commonwealth. India has a magnificent diversity and rich cultural heritage and tourism resources.
India is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, but is alsoextremely uneven distribution of social wealth in developing countries, the caste system is a serious problem.
India in the software instry export outstanding performance, financial,research, technical services and other instries also have rapid development. India is one of the BRIC countries today, agriculture from theserious lack of food to self-sufficiency, instrial form a complete system,self-sufficiency ability is relatively weak.
India has the meaning in Sanskrit, is known as the beautiful things.
India has become the software instry's dominant export, finance,research, technical service and so on will become an important exporter

『拾』 古印度文明的英文介绍


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