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发布时间: 2020-12-27 21:50:00

㈠ 法国国旗英语怎么样说

按照法语来说是le drapeau de la france,这是正规的说法,那么直译成英语就是The flag of France或者The French Flag

㈡ 法国国旗简介






法国的三色旗产生代表着一个新的革命运动的开始。在它的影响下,包括比利时,乍得,爱尔兰,意大利,墨西哥和罗马尼亚等许多国家都采用了于法国三色旗类似的国旗。在加拿大一些地区,如新伯伦瑞克省(New Brunswick)来自法国的移民阿凯迪亚人(Acadians)所采用的旗子也是基于法国三色旗设计的。

㈢ 法国国旗的寓意

Le drapeau français voit le jour pendant la Révolution française à l’issu
d’un compromis entre la Royauté et les Révolutionnaires de Paris. Sur le
drapeau, la Royauté est représentée par le blanc. Le blanc est la couleur
traditionnellement associée à la monarchie française.

Le bleu et le rouge sont les couleurs de la Ville de Paris, donc les
couleurs symbolisant le peuple, les couleurs des Révolutionnaires.
En effet, pendant les émeutes révolutionnaires, trois jours après la prise
de la Bastille, La Fayette, très malin, propose à Louis XVI d’insérer la couleur
blanche entre le bleu et le rouge de la cocarde bicolore. Louis XVI se rend
alors à l’Hôtel de ville en portant une cocarde tricolore, symbole de l’union
entre la monarchie et le peuple. L’idée marche et sachez que les couleurs
étaient alors disposées en bandes horizontales !
Le drapeau tricolore ne prend la forme qu’on connait aujourd’hui le 15
février 1794 suite à un décret de la convention signalant que le pavillon
national «sera formé des trois couleurs nationales, disposées en bandes
verticalement, de manière que le bleu soit attaché à la gaule pavillon, le
blanc au milieu et le rouge flottant dans les airs».
Enfin, retenez que l’ordre des couleurs aurait été choisi par le peintre
Louis David.
最后,我们可以知道这三种颜色的顺序是由画家Louis David选的。

㈣ 法国国旗用法语怎么写

偏正名词结构的话不要忘了法国作为一个国家时必须要加的定冠词: le drapeau de la France
或者直接的形版容词形式: le drapeau français
新闻报道里权面也常用 le drapeau bleu-blanc-rouge, 稍微文学一点

㈤ 法国英文简介。注意是英文简介。主要包括国旗,人民,首都,加翻译

France, officially the French Republic, is a state in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans.Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. It is often referred to as l’ because of the geometric shape of its territory. It is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Monaco; with Spain and Andorra to the south. France is linked to the United Kingdom by the Channel Tunnel, which passes underneath the English Channel. In addition to these borders on the European continent France has land borders with Suriname and Brazil through French Guiana, as well as with the Netherlands through the Collectivity of Saint Martin. It is the largest west-European country and possesses the second-largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the world, covering 11,035,000 km2 , just behind the one of the United States

Over the past 500 years, France has been a major power with strong cultural, economic, military and political influence in Europe and in the world. During the 17th and 18th centuries, France colonised great parts of North America; ring the 19th and early 20th centuries, France built the second largest empire of the time, including large portions of North, West and Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and many Caribbean and Pacific Islands.

France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its main ideals expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. The French Republic is defined as indivisible, secular, democratic and social by its constitution.France is one of the world's most developed countries and possesses the fifth largest economy by nominal GDP and Europe's second largest economy. France enjoys a high standard of living as well as a high public ecation level, and has also one of the world's highest life expectancies. It is the most visited country in the world, receiving 82 million foreign tourists annually. France has the world's fourth largest nominal military budget, the third largest military in NATO and EU's largest army. France also possesses the third largest nuclear weapons stockpile in the world-with ~300 active warheads as of 25 May 2010- and the world's second largest diplomatic network.

France is a founding member of the United Nations, and a member of the Francophonie, the G8, G20, NATO, OECD, WTO, and the Latin Union. It also is a founding member state of the European Union and is the largest one by area. It is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. In 2007, France was listed 14th on the Human Development Index and 24th on the Corruption Perceptions Index.

㈥ 法国国旗简介 英文

法国国旗是一面从左至右蓝、白、红色垂直排列的三色旗。法国人称之为:le drapeau tricolore(“三色旗”)le drapeau bleu-blanc-rouge(蓝白红旗)le drapeau de la France(法国国旗)有时也叫le tricolore,口头称作les couleurs。

From left to right side of the French flag is blue, white and red vertical tricolor arranged. The French call it: le drapeau tricolore ("tricolor") le drapeau bleu-blanc-rouge (blue and red) le drapeau de la France (French national flag) is sometimes called le tricolore, orally known as les couleurs

凡尔赛宫(法文:Chateau de Versailles)位于法国巴黎西南郊外伊夫林省省会凡尔赛镇,作为法兰西宫廷长达107年(1682-1789)。1979年被列为《世界文化遗产名录》。


正宫前面是一座风格独特的 “ 法兰西式 ” 的大花园,园内树木花草别具匠心,使人看后顿觉美不胜收。而建筑群周边园林亦是世界著名。它与中国古典和皇家园林有着截然不同的风格。它完全是人工雕琢的,极其讲究对称和几何图形化。

如果凡尔赛宫的外观给人以宏伟壮观的感觉,那么它的内部陈设及装潢就更富于艺术魅力,室内装饰极其豪华富丽是凡尔赛宫的一大特色。 500 余间大殿小厅处处金碧辉煌,豪华非凡:内壁装饰以雕刻、巨幅油画及挂毯为主,配有17、18世纪造型超绝、工艺精湛的家具。大理石院和镜厅是其中最为突出的两处,除了上面讲到的室内装饰外,太阳也是常用的题目,因为太阳是路易十四的象征。有时候还和兵器、盔甲一起出现在墙面上。除了用人像装饰室内外,还用狮子、鹰、麒麟等动物形象来装饰室内。有的还用金属铸造成楼梯栏杆,有些金属配件还镀了金,配上各种色彩有大理石,显得十分灿烂。天花板除了象镜厅那样的半圆拱外,还有平的,也有半球形穹顶,顶上除了绘画也有浮雕。宫内随处陈放着来自世界各地的珍贵艺术品,其中有我国古代的精品瓷器。



Versailles Palace (French: Chateau de Versailles) in France Balixinan Yvelines outside the capital town of Versailles, the French court as long as 107 years (1682-1789). 1979 as "World Heritage List."

Versailles palace for the classical style building, the Legislative Palace of Versailles facades face the standard classical three-step treatment, the elevation will be divided into vertical, horizontal three sections, symmetrical architecture, modeling profile neat, solemn majesty, is called is the reason for the U.S. representative. The Baroque interior Zeyi mainly small auditorium for the Rococo style.

Palace is a unique style in front of the "French style" garden, park trees and plants ingenious, people look beautiful after the Dunjue. The buildings around the garden is world famous. It has a Royal Garden Chinese Classical and different style. It is entirely artificial crafted, very high symmetry and geometry of.

If you give people the appearance of Versailles magnificent feeling, then it is even more richly decorated interior furnishings and artistic charm, luxurious interior decoration is extremely rich and beautiful is a major feature of the Palace of Versailles. Were more than 500 magnificent Basilica of small theaters everywhere, luxury extraordinary: wall decorated with sculptures, paintings and tapestries based giant, with a superb 17,18 century style, exquisite workmanship of the furniture. Marble House and the Hall of Mirrors is one of the most prominent of the two, in addition to the above mentioned interior, the sun is also a common subject, because the sun is the symbol of Louis XIV. Sometimes and weapons, armor appear together on the wall. In addition to employment as interior decoration, but also with the lions, eagles, unicorn and other animal images to decorate the interior. Some of them cast into a staircase with metal railings, and some metal parts also gilded, coupled with a variety of colors with marble, it is extremely bright. In addition to the Office of the ceiling as the mirror as the semi-circular arch, there are flat, there are hemispherical dome, the top is also relief in addition to painting. Chen stood everywhere intrauterine precious works of art from around the world, including fine porcelain in ancient China.

Versailles Palace fountain has more than 1,400 fountains, they use up the water even more than the whole of Paris, while Parisians often because of lack of water and then get sick, many people would have just one or two more to be able to save water dripping. King of the 30,000 soldiers built a huge water of 14, composed of more than 200 pumps a big machine, from the Seine River water to the fountain, but the machine will often fail.

Used throughout the construction process of the 3000 construction workers, 6,000 horses - from construction workers to complete the rock work, horses to carry things. Even so, the construction or continued for a full 47 years.

㈦ 法国国旗由蓝,白红三种颜色组成 英语怎么说

The national flag of France is made up of three colors: red, white and blue.

㈧ “法国国旗”怎么翻译

法国人称之为:le drapeau tricolore(“三色旗”)
le drapeau bleu-blanc-rouge(蓝白红旗)
le drapeau de la France(法国国旗)有时也叫le tricolore,口头称作les couleurs。

㈨ 法国国旗简介

le drapeau tricolore
le drapeau bleu-blanc-rouge
le drapeau de la France
有时也叫le tricolore,口头称作les couleurs。
法国国旗也被使用英文的人叫做French tricolor(美式英语),或French tricolour(英式英语)。

㈩ 法国的国旗的英语是什么

the national flag of France

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