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发布时间: 2020-12-27 19:15:58

Ⅰ 世界各国节日,风俗习惯英文版

Chinese New Year or Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year , is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. It is an important holiday in East Asia. The festival proper begins on the first day of the first lunar month (Chinese: 正月; Pinyin: zhēng yuè) in the Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th; this day is called the Lantern festival

Chinese New Year's Eve is known as Chúxì . Chu literally means "change" and xi means "Eve".

Celebrated in areas with large populations of ethnic Chinese, Chinese New Year is considered a major holiday for the Chinese and has had a strong influence on the new year celebrations of its neighbours. These include Koreans, Mongolians, Nepalese, Bhutanese, Vietnamese, and formerly the Japanese before 1873.

The Mid-Autumn Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a popular Asian celebration of abundance and togetherness, dating back over 3,000 years to China's Zhou Dynasty.

The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month of the Chinese calendar (usually around mid- or late-September in the Gregorian Calendar), a date that parallels the Autumn Equinox of the solar calendar. At this time, the moon is at its fullest and brightest, marking an ideal time to celebrate the abundance of the summer's harvest. The traditional food of this festival is the mooncake, of which there are many different varieties.

Dragon Boat Festival
Lunar May Chu Wu, commonly known as "The Dragon Boat Festival", the client is "beginning" and "early" means. Chu Wu-five can be called. Lunar New Year to Earthly Branches Ji, Yin Jian New Year in February for Mao, sequential to May for the afternoon, it said in May for the afternoon, "five" and "afternoon"-the "five" and for several Yang, the Dragon Boat Festival and End of five, five-, Duan Yang, transit, re-afternoon, the afternoon, some places will also known as Dragon Boat Festival May Festival, Ai Festival, the summer festival. From the history books, the "Dragon Boat Festival" in the first week were found in Shanxi, "endemic in mind": "Midsummer Dragon Boat Festival, cooked millet Wu Kok." China's Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival for Chinese people. This day has evolved essential activities: eating mplings, the dragon-boat race, hanging iris, Artemsia argyi, Kaoru Cangzhu, Bai, drink Xiong Huangjiu. It is said that eating mplings and dragon-boat race, is to commemorate Qu Yuan, known as the Dragon Boat Festival brought after the liberation, "the poet's Day" to commemorate Qu Yuan. As for the link iris, Artemsia argyi, Kaoru Cangzhu, Bai, drink Xiong Huangjiu, is said to be evil in order to pressure.

Today, the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is still a very popular people in the grand festival. Dragon Boat Festival from 2008 onwards for national holidays. State attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage, May 20, 2006, the folk approved by the State Council included in the first batch of state-level intangible cultural heritage.

Ⅱ 用英语介绍德国风俗习惯60词左右












Germany are the vast majority of germans. Residents believe in Christianityaccounted for about half, while 46% of people believe in the Catholic church.
Germans German discipline, pay attention to credibility, the extreme self-esteem, others warm, very emotional importance. Love music.
Call attention to the Germans, is a distinctive feature in the interpersonal contacts. Improper term for Germans, usually greatly displeased the other side.
Under normal circumstances, do not address him by the German name. Its full name, or only its name, can also. And the Germans speak, do not neglect the "you" and "you" the two person pronoun usage. For acquaintances, friends,peers, can "you" proportionality. In Germany, known as the "you" that respect,saying "you", said equality, close.
The Germans pay more attention to the hair. In Germany, men should not shave their heads to avoid being treated as "Neo Nazi" molecular. German girl's hair style for short hair or long hair perm hair, most of them are marriedwomen.
The Germans pay attention to dress, go out when must be neatly dressed,clean; meet said hello to the title, does not address him by name; date time,strong sense of time; others warm, hospitable, attitude, honest and reliable;the banquet, the man sat in women and people of higher status on the left side, the lady leaving and returning to the table, the man must stand up to show politeness; please the Germans dine, prior arrangements must be made for. To talk to them about the best wilderness scenery, personal amateur love a lot for sports activities. Answer the phone would be the first to tell each other their names.
The Germans most like to eat pork, followed in order to turn the beef. A variety of sausage made of pork, so that the Germans eat a hundred tire.Abstain from eating walnuts.
If you also drink beer and wine, to drink and drink beer, wine, or else be regarded as harmful to health.
Whispering in public places, is considered very rude.
In Germany, Rosa Memorial dedicated to, can not give people. Taboo in brown, red, dark blue.
Clothing and other goods packaging Jiyong Nazi symbols.

Ⅲ 德国风俗习惯












Ⅳ 德国简介 英文

The Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland (help·)), or simply Germany (Deutschland), is one of the world's leading instrialised countries. Located in Central Europe, it is bordered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea, to the east by Poland and the Czech Republic, to the south by Austria and Switzerland, and to the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Germany is a democratic parliamentary federal republic, made up of 16 states called Bundesländer, which in certain spheres act independently of the federation. Historically consisting of several sovereign nations with their own history, culture as well as religion, Germany was unified as a nation state ring the Franco-Prussian War in 1870/1871.

The Federal Republic of Germany is a member state of the United Nations, NATO, the G8 and the G4 nations, and is a founding member of the European Union. It is the European Union's most populous and most economically powerful member state. Germany also plays a role as one of the world's major powers.

Ⅳ 用英语介绍德国的文化,音乐,历史名人 还要有汉语翻译 谢谢啦


Germany's New Year's to celebrate the time before and after one week. During this period, each household must be put on a fir tree and cross-trees, the leaves between the Department of Man-silk flower that flowers such as Jin, spring Poppins. German presence in the moments before the New Year's Eve midnight, climbed a chair, a bell rang, they jumped off a chair, and after a weight thrown back to show their rejection to the scourge, jumped into the New Year. Children formed the band and put on new clothes, holding a harmonica and accordion, lined up in the street playing. Alt was carrying colorful flags, singing with the cry behind to celebrate the New Year, the German women in the New Year to the family theme of improvisation comedy sketches. Spread in rural areas in Germany, a kind of New Year customs - "tree-climbing game," the boys race along the bare tree climbing, first known as the "New Year's Hero," to show that rise higher and higher.


Ⅵ 德国的风土人情 (中英对照的)

方。否则,不仅失礼,也被认为是对其的莫大侮辱。 德国人工作中讲求效率,注重纪律,一丝不苟。







Ⅶ 用英语介绍德国

德国位于欧洲中部,东邻波兰、捷克,南接奥地利、瑞士,西界荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、法国,北与丹麦相连并临北海和波罗的海,是欧洲邻国最多的国家。面积为357020. 22平方公里(1999年12月)。地势北低南高,可分为四个地形区:北德平原,平均海拔不到100米;中德山地,由东西走向的高地块构成;西南部莱茵断裂谷地区,两旁是山地,谷壁陡峭;南部的巴伐利亚高原和阿尔卑斯山区,其间拜恩阿尔卑斯山脉的主峰祖格峰海拔2963米,为全国最高峰。主要河流有莱茵河(流经境内865公里)、易北河、威悉河、奥得河、多瑙河。较大湖泊有博登湖、基姆湖、阿莫尔湖、里次湖。西北部海洋性气候较明显,往东、南 部逐渐向大陆性气候过渡。平均气温7月14~19℃,1月-5~1℃。年降水量500~1000毫米,山地则更多。1995年1月1日起,根据1982年国际海洋法协定,德国在北海和东海的领海由3海里增至12海里(约22公里),其面积各增加4100和1700平方公里。


首都: 柏林 (Berlin) ,人口:338.7万(2001年9月),年平均气温约8.6℃。

德国统一的象征: 勃兰登堡门,位于柏林市中心菩提树大街和6月17日大街的交汇处,是柏林市区著名的游览胜地和德国统一的象征。

Germany is located in central Europe, Poland, the Czech republic, Austria and Switzerland, south west Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, and the north sea and connected in Denmark and the Baltic sea, it is the most European neighbours. 357020 area, 22 square kilometers (December 1999). Terrain can be divided into north meteorological DeXingOu: four, northern Germany, average altitude of less than 100 plains, Sino-german mountains, for the land by high, Southwest Rhine valley area, a fault, the wall; steep hill South of the Bavarian Alps, plateau and the Alps mountain and ZuGeFeng altitude, the highest 2963. The Rhine river is flowing (mainly domestic 865 kilometres), the river, the river, a siddhartha, the Danube river. Large lakes have lake compensates, chiemsee, amare lake, the lake times. Obviously, the climate in northwest toward the east, south of transition to a continental climate. Average temperatures on July 14 ~ 19 degrees Celsius, January - 5 ~ 1 ° c. Annual precipitation 500-1000 mm, hill is more. As of January 1, 1995, according to the international law in 1982, Germany in beihai park and agreement by 3 miles east of the territorial sea to 12 nautical 22 kilometers), the area of each increase 4100 and 1,700 square kilometers.

Population: 8237 million (2001), mainly is the German people, and a few danes, carefree gypsy and cable cloth. Foreigners have 7.5 million, total population of 9%. German. People who believe in 33.7% protestant and Roman Catholic 33.2% people believe.

Capital: Berlin (Berlin), population: 338.7 million (September 2001), average temperature, about 6 degrees Celsius.

German reunification, the symbol of the Brandenburg gate in Berlin: downtown lindens street and June 17th street, is the famous tourist attractions in Berlin, Germany and the symbol of unity.

Ⅷ 关于德国的饮食文化,用英语写

1.德国人多属日尔曼族。The germans are the Germanic family.
2.爱好“大块吃肉,大口喝酒”。“ Big eat meat, big drink”.
3.每人每年的猪肉消费量达66千克。Each year 66 kg of pork consumption.
4.居世界首位。Occupies the world first place.
5.德国的早餐比起午餐和晚餐是最丰盛的。Germany than breakfast lunch and dinneris the most abundant.
6.酒宴上,德国人互不劝酒也不逼酒,喝者各自量力而为。The germans are not forced QuanJiuwine, drink each person over your head.
7.德国的饮食特点是营养丰富,方便省时,文明科学,吃饱吃好。Germany's food characteristic are rich innutrients, convenient province, civilization science, eat satisfied eat well.
8.德国人主食为黑麦、小麦和土豆,面包是德国人最喜爱的食品;还喜欢吃奶酪、香肠配以生菜色拉和水果。German staple food for wheat and ryebread, potatoes are German favorite food; Also like to eat cheese sausage matchwith lettuce salad and fruit.
9.德国人吃饭讲究实惠,不图浮华。TheGerman people eat cultured for affordable, glitz.
10.德国人口味喜清淡、甜酸,不爱吃油腻食品,不爱吃辣。German taste like light sweet and sour,
not the love eat greasy food, not the love eat spicy.
11.在饮料方面,德国人最爱喝啤酒,也爱喝葡萄酒。 In the drink, the germans love to drink beer, also love to drink wine.


When the germans in the party or have dinner, they paying
attention to the principle of lady first .
2.他们有个习俗,那就是吃鱼的刀叉不能用来吃别的。They have a custom, that is knives and forks to eat fishcannot be used to eat the others.












Ⅸ 德国概况英语介绍


A country of north-central Europe. Occupied since c. 500 B.C. by Germanic tribes, the region became part of the Frankish empire by the sixth century A.D. Later it became a loose federation of principalities and the nucleus of the Holy Roman Empire until the imperial state was broken up by Napoleon in 1806. Germany became a confederation after 1815 and then an empire centered around Prussia (1871–). Following its defeat in World War I, it was reorganized as the Weimar Republic, which collapsed when Adolf Hitler rose to power and formed the Third Reich. Germany's defeat in 1945 at the end of World War II resulted in its division into four occupation zones, each controlled by an Allied power. Out of the U.S., French, and British zones West Germany was established in 1949, while the Soviet zone became East Germany. The two Germanies were reunified in 1990 after the fall of the East German Communist government. Berlin is the capital and largest city. Population: 82,400,000.

Ⅹ 关于各国的习俗,英文版


On New Year's eve in England, the family must have wine in the bottle and meat in the cupboard.


They believe that if there is no wine and meat left, the next year will be poor.


In addition, Britain also popular New Year "well water" custom.


People strive to be the first to draw water, think that the first water is a happy person.



French people think that the weather on New Year's Day is a sign of the new year.


Easterly wind, fruits harvest year.


A harvest year of westerly winds, fishing and milking.


It's a windy and rainy year.


When the north wind blows, the harvest year falls short.



On New Year's Day, Spanish parents are especially "benevolent" and they will meet all the demands of their children.


They think that children's swearing, fighting and crying are bad omens.


Meanwhile, most Spaniards carry a gold or copper coin for good luck.



The first thing belgians do on New Year's day is pay New Year's greetings to their animals.


Go to the cow, sheep and pet cat and dog side, solemnly greet them: happy New Year.



The Germans climbed into their chairs just before midnight on New Year's Eve and jumped out of their chairs as soon as the bell rang.


And throw a heavy object behind the chair, in order to show off the disaster, jump into the New Year.


In addition, they will put some scales in their wallets, because scales are the mascot of the New Year, which indicates that money is rolling.


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