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发布时间: 2020-12-27 18:44:21

① 漳州卤面英文简介


汤 类
鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup
贡丸汤 Meat ball soup
蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup
蛤蜊汤 Clams soup
牡蛎汤 Oyster soup
紫菜汤 Seaweed soup
酸辣汤 Sweet & sour soup
馄饨汤 Wonton soup
猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup
肉羹汤 Pork thick soup
鱿鱼汤 Squid soup
花枝羹 Squid thick soup

甜 点
爱玉 Vegetarian gelatin
糖葫芦 Tomatoes on sticks
长寿桃 Longevity Peaches
芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls
麻花 Hemp flowers
双胞胎 Horse hooves

冰 类
绵绵冰 Mein mein ice
麦角冰 Oatmeal ice
地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice
红豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice
八宝冰 Eight treasures ice
豆花 Tofu pudding

果 汁
甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice
酸梅汁 Plum juice
杨桃汁 Star fruit juice
青草茶 Herb juice

点 心
牡蛎煎 Oyster omelet
臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)
油豆腐 Oily bean curd
麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd
虾片 Prawn cracker
虾球 Shrimp balls
春卷 Spring rolls
蛋卷 Chicken rolls
碗糕 Salty rice pudding
筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding
红豆糕 Red bean cake
绿豆糕 Bean paste cake
糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes
萝卜糕 Fried white radish patty
芋头糕 Taro cake
肉圆 Taiwanese Meatballs
水晶饺 Pyramid mplings
肉丸 Rice-meat mplings
豆干 Dried tofu

其 他
当归鸭 Angelica ck
槟榔 Betel nut
火锅 Hot pot
Shaomai 烧麦(还有一种比较复杂的说法:Steamed mplings with dough gathered at the top)
Wonton 馄饨
Pulled noodles 拉面
Millet congee 小米粥
Porridge 粥
Fired rice and egg 蛋炒饭
Slightly fired mpling 锅贴
Small steamed stuffed bun 小笼包
Kebabs 烤肉串
Sweet and sour spareribs 糖醋排骨

② 怎么写介绍我的家乡漳州英语作文


③ 英语短文作文。要求:1.我的家乡位于漳州南部是一个美丽城镇,人口大约80万。2.改革开放以来,家长

一个人的兴趣爱好,不是三五日或一两年时间养成的,它最能体现本人的性格特回点、道德修养答和学识水平。而且,这种兴趣爱好一旦形成,起码要维持一段相对较长的时间,有些甚至终身相伴,成为生活中不可或缺的一部分。 人届中年,诸事平常,没有什...

④ 漳州小吃的英文介绍


烧饼 Clay oven rolls
油条 Fried bread stick
韭菜盒 Fried leek mplings
水饺 Boiled mplings
蒸饺 Steamed mplings
馒头 Steamed buns
割包 Steamed sandwich
饭团 Rice and vegetable roll
蛋饼 Egg cakes
皮蛋 100-year egg
咸鸭蛋 Salted ck egg
豆浆 Soybean milk

饭 类
稀饭 Rice porridge
白饭 Plain white rice
油饭 Glutinous oil rice
糯米饭 Glutinous rice
卤肉饭 Braised pork rice
蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg
地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee

面 类
馄饨面 Wonton & noodles
刀削面 Sliced noodles
麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles
麻酱面 Sesame paste noodles
鸭肉面 Duck with noodles
鳝鱼面 Eel noodles
乌龙面 Seafood noodles
榨菜肉丝面 Pork pickled mustard green noodles
牡蛎细面 Oyster thin noodles
板条 Flat noodles
米粉 Rice noodles
炒米粉 Fried rice noodles
冬粉 Green bean noodle

汤 类
鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup
贡丸汤 Meat ball soup
蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup
蛤蜊汤 Clams soup
牡蛎汤 Oyster soup
紫菜汤 Seaweed soup
酸辣汤 Sweet & sour soup
馄饨汤 Wonton soup
猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup
肉羹汤 Pork thick soup
鱿鱼汤 Squid soup
花枝羹 Squid thick soup

甜 点
爱玉 Vegetarian gelatin
糖葫芦 Tomatoes on sticks
长寿桃 Longevity Peaches
芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls
麻花 Hemp flowers
双胞胎 Horse hooves

冰 类
绵绵冰 Mein mein ice
麦角冰 Oatmeal ice
地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice
红豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice
八宝冰 Eight treasures ice
豆花 Tofu pudding

果 汁
甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice
酸梅汁 Plum juice
杨桃汁 Star fruit juice
青草茶 Herb juice

点 心
牡蛎煎 Oyster omelet
臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)
油豆腐 Oily bean curd
麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd
虾片 Prawn cracker
虾球 Shrimp balls
春卷 Spring rolls
蛋卷 Chicken rolls
碗糕 Salty rice pudding
筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding
红豆糕 Red bean cake
绿豆糕 Bean paste cake
糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes
萝卜糕 Fried white radish patty
芋头糕 Taro cake
肉圆 Taiwanese Meatballs
水晶饺 Pyramid mplings
肉丸 Rice-meat mplings
豆干 Dried tofu

其 他
当归鸭 Angelica ck
槟榔 Betel nut
火锅 Hot pot
Shaomai 烧麦(还有一种比较复杂的说法:Steamed mplings with dough gathered at the top)
Wonton 馄饨
Pulled noodles 拉面
Millet congee 小米粥
Porridge 粥
Fired rice and egg 蛋炒饭
Slightly fired mpling 锅贴
Small steamed stuffed bun 小笼包
Kebabs 烤肉串
Sweet and sour spareribs 糖醋排骨

⑤ 用英语介绍福建漳州

Zhangzhou introces
Mentions Zhangzhou, the people can remember the narcissus, thisbeautiful land is narcissus's hometown, therefore its life forZhangzhou's city flower. The Zhangzhou city has more than 1,300 yearshistory, it is Fujian Province famous overseas Chinese district andthe compatriots in Taiwan is main 祖居, also is the countryhistorical city which the State Council announces. Zhangzhou is thesurging waves fairy maiden narcissus flower's hometown, here mountainsand rivers are elegant, galaxy, folk custom character and style,differ in thousands of ways. The precious flower, the good fruit, thewonderful mountain, the different stone, the ancient temple, thegrotto, the volcano, the round building, the sea water, the sandbeach, the lake, the waterfall constituted the Zhangzhou seashorescenery, the fruit and flowers botanical garden, the culturalmonument, the green ecology, the religion went on a pilgrimage and soon five big each characteristic traveling resources. Among them, takechannel West bank traveling island - Dongshan Island, the ZhangzhouBinhai volcano landform country geology park as representative'sseashore scenery beautiful, is mysterious; Take the Zhangzhou teaabundant park, the Zhangzhou flower abundant garden asrepresentative's fruit and flowers botanical garden gorgeous, isattractive; Take the world construction marvelous sight - earthbuilding, the Zhangpu Zhao Chiapao as representative's culturalmonument glorious, is radiant; Take the tiger uncle Laos countrynature protection area, the Yunsiao mangrove forest are stronglyfragrant as representative's green ecology onion, directs the person;Take the millennium ancient temple three even temples, 南山 thetemple face 迩 the saint as representative's religion to bewell-known 遐. Other scenic spots include: The cloud hole crag,kindly aids the palace, the quick crag, the immortal character deeppool, the hundred flowers village, 天宝 蕉 forest as well as thehistorical celebrity ruins ecliptic week memorial hall, prestige HuiMiao, Chen Yuanguang the grave and so on. The Zhangzhou seashorescenery beautiful is mysterious, has the Zhangzhou Binhai volcanocountry geology park the unusual seacoast geology landform landscape -"the marine burial figures of warriors and horses" the Longhai Mt.niutoushan ancient crater and "the volcanic island" Zhangpu Lin Jinyuand so on. Has the national 4A level traveling area Dongshancompressed-air driven stone - tower islet scenic spot, national levelseashore forest park Wu Jiaowan, "the natural seashore bathing place"Ma Luanwan, prosperously teaches the bay, "marine zoo" dragon, tiger,lion, elephant islet, Yunsiao Zhang Jiangkou "mangrove forest"traveling area, as well as "Fujian mountain first peak" South PacificWushan and so on. Zhangzhou is famous "township of the fruit andflowers", the fruit and flowers botanical garden gorgeous isattractive, is all previous years two sides across the Taiwan Strait(the Fujian Zhangzhou) the flowers and plants exposition mainconference site. Has a flower market street, the narcissus flowerfield, the hundred flowers village, the Pheonix mountains ten thousandChinese acres litchi chinenses seas, Ma Kouhua the abundant garden andso on as well as various counties (city, area) quite has the scale thefruit and flowers botanical garden like Changtai 芦柑 park, theNanjing blue garden, gentle shaddock garden, 天宝 banana forest andso on. Zhangzhou northwest multi- mountains, green ecology onion YuYinren. Winds the mountain range which fluctuates to form everywhereattractive natural big oxygen, the Changtai Tienchu mountain countrylevel forest park, the Hua'an country level forest park, Nanjing tigeruncle Laos (tiger uncle Laos, the paradise rain forest, goose immortalhole, 紫荆山) the national level nature protection area and so on,is the eco-tourism place of ideal. Zhangzhou religion culturedeveloped, goes on a pilgrimage the traveling to win praiseeverywhere, the nation key Buddhist temple 南山 temple, themillennium ancient temple three even temples, the national levelcultural relic preservation organ temple to Guanyu, kindly aids thepalace, opens Zhang saint mark prestige Hui Miao, the Chinagchunshanpark and so on is known far and wide. In recent years, the Zhangzhoumunicipal party committee, the municipal government enlarged totourism's support dynamics, was clear about the tourism determinationis the key instry, appeared "about To speed up Traveling KeyInstry Developed Certain Stipulations" the preferential policy,formulated "Zhangzhou Tourism To develop Overall plan", the whole citytourism developed vigorously is upward, the tourism has formed thecertain instrial scale, graally became the Zhangzhou economydevelopment the important instry. "Wants to tour the Zhangzhou whatfashion, when most is the litchi red orange, the Longjiang eternitywill keep the victory mark, will draw Shan Xiushui to be allpleasant." "The surging waves fairy maiden 万般 character and style,the southern part of China Binhai thousand postures charm", thefriend, beautiful and rich Zhangzhou welcomes you the presence!

⑥ 关于漳州的英文介绍

提到漳州,人们就会想起水仙,这块美丽的土地是水仙的故乡,故将其命为漳州的市花。漳州城有1300多年的历史,它是福建省著名侨乡和台胞主要祖居地,也是国务院公布的国家历史文化名城。漳州是凌波仙子水仙花的故乡,这里山川秀美,人文荟萃,民俗风情,千姿百态。名花、佳果、奇山、异石、古寺、岩洞、火山、圆楼、海水、沙滩、湖泊、瀑布构成了漳州海滨风光、花果园林、文化古迹、绿色生态、宗教朝圣等五大各具特色的旅游资源。其中,以海峡西岸旅游岛——东山岛、漳州滨海火山地貌国家地质公园为代表的海滨风光秀丽、神奇;以漳州茶博苑、漳州花博园为代表的花果园林绚丽、诱人;以世界建筑奇观——土楼、漳浦赵家堡为代表的文化古迹悠久、璀璨;以虎伯寮国家自然保护区、云霄红树林为代表的绿色生态葱郁、引人;以千年古刹三平寺、南山寺为代表的宗教朝迩圣闻名遐。其它景点有:云洞岩、慈济宫、灵通岩、仙字潭、百花村、天宝蕉林以及历史名人遗址黄道周纪念馆、威惠庙、陈元光墓等。漳州海滨风光秀丽神奇,有漳州滨海火山国家地质公园的奇特海岸地质地貌景观——“海上兵马俑”龙海牛头山古火山口和“火山岛”漳浦林进屿等。有国家4A 级旅游区东山风动石——塔屿风景区,国家级海滨森林公园乌礁湾,“天然海滨浴场”马銮湾、隆教湾,“海上动物园”龙、虎、狮、象屿,云霄漳江口“红树林”旅游区,以及“闽山第一峰”南太武山等。 漳州是著名的“花果之乡”,花果园林绚丽诱人,是历届海峡两岸(福建·漳州)花卉博览会的主会场。有花市一条街,水仙花田,百花村,凤凰山万亩荔枝海,马口花博园等以及各县(市、区)颇具规模的花果园林如长泰芦柑公园,南靖兰花园,平和柚子园,天宝香蕉林等。 漳州西北多山,绿色生态葱郁引人。蜿蜒起伏的山峦形成一处处诱人的天然大氧吧,长泰天柱山国家级森林公园,华安国家级森林公园,南靖虎伯寮(虎伯寮、乐土雨林、鹅仙洞、紫荆山)国家级自然保护区等,是生态旅游的理想之地。 漳州宗教文化发达,朝圣旅游饮誉海内外,全国重点佛教寺庙南山寺,千年古刹三平寺,国家级文物保护单位关帝庙、慈济宫,开漳圣迹威惠庙、将军山公园等闻名遐迩。 近年来,漳州市委、市政府加大对旅游业的扶持力度,明确把旅游业确定为重点产业,出台《关于加快旅游重点产业发展若干规定》的优惠政策,制定了《漳州市旅游业发展总体规划》,全市旅游业发展蓬勃向上,旅游业形成了一定的产业规模,逐步成为漳州经济发展的重要产业。 “欲游漳州何时好,最是荔红桔黄时,龙江千古留胜迹,画山秀水皆宜人。” “凌波仙子万般风情,南国滨海千姿神韵”,朋友,美丽富饶的漳州迎候您的光临!
Zhangzhou introces
Mentions Zhangzhou, the people can remember the narcissus, thisbeautiful land is narcissus's hometown, therefore its life forZhangzhou's city flower. The Zhangzhou city has more than 1,300 yearshistory, it is Fujian Province famous overseas Chinese district andthe compatriots in Taiwan is main 祖居, also is the countryhistorical city which the State Council announces. Zhangzhou is thesurging waves fairy maiden narcissus flower's hometown, here mountainsand rivers are elegant, galaxy, folk custom character and style,differ in thousands of ways. The precious flower, the good fruit, thewonderful mountain, the different stone, the ancient temple, thegrotto, the volcano, the round building, the sea water, the sandbeach, the lake, the waterfall constituted the Zhangzhou seashorescenery, the fruit and flowers botanical garden, the culturalmonument, the green ecology, the religion went on a pilgrimage and soon five big each characteristic traveling resources. Among them, takechannel West bank traveling island - Dongshan Island, the ZhangzhouBinhai volcano landform country geology park as representative'sseashore scenery beautiful, is mysterious; Take the Zhangzhou teaabundant park, the Zhangzhou flower abundant garden asrepresentative's fruit and flowers botanical garden gorgeous, isattractive; Take the world construction marvelous sight - earthbuilding, the Zhangpu Zhao Chiapao as representative's culturalmonument glorious, is radiant; Take the tiger uncle Laos countrynature protection area, the Yunsiao mangrove forest are stronglyfragrant as representative's green ecology onion, directs the person;Take the millennium ancient temple three even temples, 南山 thetemple face 迩 the saint as representative's religion to bewell-known 遐. Other scenic spots include: The cloud hole crag,kindly aids the palace, the quick crag, the immortal character deeppool, the hundred flowers village, 天宝 蕉 forest as well as thehistorical celebrity ruins ecliptic week memorial hall, prestige HuiMiao, Chen Yuanguang the grave and so on. The Zhangzhou seashorescenery beautiful is mysterious, has the Zhangzhou Binhai volcanocountry geology park the unusual seacoast geology landform landscape -"the marine burial figures of warriors and horses" the Longhai Mt.niutoushan ancient crater and "the volcanic island" Zhangpu Lin Jinyuand so on. Has the national 4A level traveling area Dongshancompressed-air driven stone - tower islet scenic spot, national levelseashore forest park Wu Jiaowan, "the natural seashore bathing place"Ma Luanwan, prosperously teaches the bay, "marine zoo" dragon, tiger,lion, elephant islet, Yunsiao Zhang Jiangkou "mangrove forest"traveling area, as well as "Fujian mountain first peak" South PacificWushan and so on. Zhangzhou is famous "township of the fruit andflowers", the fruit and flowers botanical garden gorgeous isattractive, is all previous years two sides across the Taiwan Strait(the Fujian Zhangzhou) the flowers and plants exposition mainconference site. Has a flower market street, the narcissus flowerfield, the hundred flowers village, the Pheonix mountains ten thousandChinese acres litchi chinenses seas, Ma Kouhua the abundant garden andso on as well as various counties (city, area) quite has the scale thefruit and flowers botanical garden like Changtai 芦柑 park, theNanjing blue garden, gentle shaddock garden, 天宝 banana forest andso on. Zhangzhou northwest multi- mountains, green ecology onion YuYinren. Winds the mountain range which fluctuates to form everywhereattractive natural big oxygen, the Changtai Tienchu mountain countrylevel forest park, the Hua'an country level forest park, Nanjing tigeruncle Laos (tiger uncle Laos, the paradise rain forest, goose immortalhole, 紫荆山) the national level nature protection area and so on,is the eco-tourism place of ideal. Zhangzhou religion culturedeveloped, goes on a pilgrimage the traveling to win praiseeverywhere, the nation key Buddhist temple 南山 temple, themillennium ancient temple three even temples, the national levelcultural relic preservation organ temple to Guanyu, kindly aids thepalace, opens Zhang saint mark prestige Hui Miao, the Chinagchunshanpark and so on is known far and wide. In recent years, the Zhangzhoumunicipal party committee, the municipal government enlarged totourism's support dynamics, was clear about the tourism determinationis the key instry, appeared "about To speed up Traveling KeyInstry Developed Certain Stipulations" the preferential policy,formulated "Zhangzhou Tourism To develop Overall plan", the whole citytourism developed vigorously is upward, the tourism has formed thecertain instrial scale, graally became the Zhangzhou economydevelopment the important instry. "Wants to tour the Zhangzhou whatfashion, when most is the litchi red orange, the Longjiang eternitywill keep the victory mark, will draw Shan Xiushui to be allpleasant." "The surging waves fairy maiden 万般 character and style,the southern part of China Binhai thousand postures charm", thefriend, beautiful and rich Zhangzhou welcomes you the presence!

⑦ 漳州的特产用英文描述

Zhangzhou falvor and rich natural resources, known as the "city of", "the land of fish and rice" laudatory name. Here abounds in "six shaddock are" : LuGan, litchi, banana, longan, grapefruit, pineapple; "The three famous flowers" : the daffodil, camellias, orchid; And prawn, grouper, abalone, lobster, red fry, scallops, oysters, Han, squid etc. Marine mud. Days of daffodils, "sweet beauty god medicine" national treasure Huang brand piece wang wang tablet Huang and "light" campaign, known as the "sweet inkpad zhangzhou treble", famous overseas. Puppet sculpture, Jane bei lacquered, Kowloon tourism souvenirs from jade carving etc loved by Chinese and foreign tourists. Zhangzhou has rich plant resources, aquatic resources, hydropower resources and mineral resources and hot spring resources.

A, plant resources

In addition to proced rice, greengage, sugarcane, peanuts, tobacco, jute, tea, and fruit, vegetables, flowers, medicines and other specialties. 1, fruits are 47 kinds, 330 varieties. Spring has loquat, waxberry, over-wintering citrus and banana; Summer have peach, plum, litchi, longan, watermelon, mango, guava, pineapple; Autumn has tianbao banana, calm pomelo, following more olive, pear, wigan, yellow skin bombs and persimmon; Winter has LuGan, red orange, olive and fruit, and the like. 2, vegetables are 35, 108 cultivars, and have Onions, garlic, phenanthrene, spinach, celery, mustard greens, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, radish, tomatoes, BiJi etc; Xia qiu retaining, towel gourd, pumpkins, gourd, octagon melons, garden bean, string beans, hollow tea, rape, eggplant, onion, lotus, etc. Three, flowers have about 1200 lu kind, such as daffodil, hong mei, contending, camellia, facilities.we, hitom, rose, Chinese rose, chrysanthemum, peony, smiling, yulan, chamaejasme, cuckoo, osmanthus fragrance, water chestnuts, big beautiful chrysanthemum, qilixiang, orchid, SanJiaoMei, tree, fu, and furong to enumerate. There is LuoHanSong, bonsai potted ShiLiu, BLL, asparagus, etc. Medicinal materials have 200 kinds of, such as tuckahoe, origin, the HuaiShan, turmeric, sand benevolence, cinnamon, ba ji, a see xi, gold thread Ephraim, honeysuckle, 30%-50%, hook, cane, mountain gardenia, huang2 lian2, aloes, cranes, etc. 4, other herbs, woody, vine plants there are more than 1,000. NaJingXian and creek township six doosan subtropical rainforest, area of 20 hectares, of which tropical and subtropical plants reach 10.5 various, such as the myrtle family, having families, wild peony branch, leguminosae, rutaceae, without suffering from child branch, the Japanese ardisia subject and apocynaceae, beech families, etc. One of the most distinctive and rich economic value is red had, yellow qi and rubber plants spend some cane. Township enterprise NaJingXian south pit area, also retains a large relatively complete subtropical forest vegetation, area 2666 acres, known as the "tree", which is the largest area of fujian province only the piece. More than ten dilute Jane plants such as sign, fokienia hodginsii, lodge shaft mulan, including "bamboo", "four had bamboo", "YinLian bamboo", "golden instrumental" rare species, has listed for bamboo protecting country and province.

⑧ 漳州南山寺英文简介

我帮你找到了一篇南山寺的介绍,不知道能不能帮到你 ^_^
Nanshan (South Mountain) is the southernmost mountain in China. It is situated 40 miles west of Sanya, the only tropical seaside city in China.

Nanshan was also named Ao (Tortoise) Mountain in ancient time because of its tortoiselike shape. Tortoise is considered as the ride of Guanyin Buddha and also the totem of longevity. Covered by luxuriant vegetation with clouds curling up, facing South China Sea with boundless expanse of blue water and vast shining wave’s white breakers leaping against rocks, Nanshan Bay (also called Small Moon Bay) extending tens of miles, the sea and the sky setting each other off beautifully, Nanshan is really a beautiful paradise.

Nanshan has been deemed an auspicious and blessed land in Brahma and links with many historic facts and legends. According to the record from Buddhism scriptures, Guanyin Buddha vowed twelve oaths to save all living beings. To dwell at South Sea permanently is the second oath of the twelve. Master Jianzhen, the renowned monk in the Tang Dynasty, tried in vain five times to sail eastward to Japan to preach Buddha's teaching. On his fifth sail to Japan, he drifted to Nanshan by a typhoon. While staying in Nanshan for one year and a half, he set up a temple and did missionary work, and then, finally succeeded in his sixth voyage to Japan. The Japanese travel monk named Konghai also landed at Nanshan on his way to learn Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty. The well known saying "Good fortune as boundless as the East Sea, Long life as great as Nanshan Mountain" shows further the Nanshan's origin of relations between Chinese traditional culture of auspiciousness and longevity.

Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone is a rare extra large-scale eco-cultural tourism zone with an area of 50 square km including sea area of more than 10 square km. The master plan of the project was made by Urban International New York and revised by EDSA.The schematization has been accomplished respectively by China Buddhism Cultural Institute, China Ethnic Association, China History Museum, China National University, China Environment Science Institute, and Ecological Research Center of China Environment Science Institute. The total investment of Nanshan will be RMB 6 billion Yuan and the construction period will be ten years.

Basing on its beautiful sea and mountain landscape and rich historical culture resource, Nanshan will be built into several cultural theme parks and resorts including Buddhism Park, Guanyin Park, Historical Site in India, World of Auspiciousness and Longevity, Statues of Fairy Tales, Gate Scenery District, relevant hotels, vocation villas and other facilities.

Among those, the construction of Nanshan Buddhism Cultural Theme Park was started in Nov. 1995 and was completed and opened to the public in April 1998. The park consists of sites and sceneries with concept of Buddhist Culture including "Nanshan Temple" with Tang Dynasty style, the scenery of the main entrance "Dharma-Door of Nonality" with the style of South-North Dynasty, "Savior Garden" with Guanyin culture, "Auspicious Garden" characterized with Japanese and European landscape style, "Longevity Valley" with two thousand meters up to Nanshan mountain covered with tropical forest, "Tree Houses" a marvelous ecological spectacle, built on tamarind trees on the beach sand ne, "Gold and Jade Guanyin Statue" which has been put into the Word Guinness Record, the world largest inkstone "Dragon- Phoenix Inkstone" with the weight of 36 tons, famous "Yu's Clay Sculpture Workshop", "Brahma Bells Collection Garden" and further more a marvelous phenomenon and world focus, the giant Nanshan Guanyin Statue standing on the South Sea with the height of 108 meters and "three figures in one" of great magnificence. This project, called "the No.1 statue project in the world as well as in the century", took 6 years for the construction period and will have the grand opening by holding a great Buddhism ceremony in the year of 2005.

The service facilities are in their perfection with a shopping street, battery tour cars, deluxe sea view hotel, four-star leisure villas, tree houses, a unique vegetarian restaurant named "Heaven Restaurant", Chinese Restaurant, Nanshan Homely-Food Restaurant, Nanshan Iron-plate Barbecue, Coffee Break, swimming pools, beauty salon, health massage, sauna, tennis court, indivial and family bicycle tour along the beach road of Nanshan Bay.

Nanshan can also serve various conferences and meetings with its high-class International Conference Hall, meeting rooms and multimedia functions.

Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone established "Macro Ecology, Macro Culture, Macro Ecation, Macro Tourism" as the development principle from very beginning of the project and took the lead in implementing ISO14001 in China becoming the first large tourism zone in China that passed the certification of ISO14001 and later ISO9001. Now Nanshan practises the management system mixed with both ISO 14001 and ISO9001.

Nanshan has been a new star rising from Chinese Tourism Instry focusing the worldwide attention with its excellent achievements in ecological construction, environment protection, cultural development, advanced management and services. It has been awarded by the Government prizes and titles like "Priority Project of China Tourism Instry", "National AAAA Class Scenery Park", "The Model of National Civilized Resort", "National Key Scenery Resort In Sanya Tropical Seashore" ,"National Youth Civilization", "The Model of China Residential Environment", "Hainan Provincial Customer Satisfied Service", "Hainan Provincial Quality Model" ,"The Model of Hainan Provincial Ecological Development Project", "The Model of Hainan Provincial Ecological Tourism Zone", "Hainan Provincial Civilized and Credible Enterprise", "Advanced Enterprise on Management Benefit", "The Best Enterprise on Innovation in Hainan", "Excellent Visit Place for Foreign Guests in Hainan", "The National Guests Reception Base In Hainan" etc.

Nanshan, with its uniqueness and beauty, is now a tourist destination attracting more and more tourists coming from home and abroad. It is here that people can enjoy themselves not only in the great ecological environment with Sun, Sand, Sea, but also can feel with a heart deep within the real beauty of peace and harmony of Buddhism culture and taste the joyfulness of returning to nature.

⑨ 用中英文或者用英语翻译介绍有关于漳州

Zhangzhou City, the resident population of 498 million. Located in east longitude 117 ° -118 °, 23.8 ° -25 ° north latitude and between the east near the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan Province across the sea, symbol of the city - town of Granville Court, bordering the Northeast and Quanzhou and Xiamen, Longyan phase northwest, southwest Adjacent to Guangdong's Chaozhou. Zhangzhou City, the vast majority of Han Chinese, but also She, Gaoshan other 21 ethnic minorities. Is the famous hometown Zhangzhou and Taiwan ancestral home of overseas Chinese living abroad, 70 million people in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan's population of 1 / 3 of people in the Ming Qing Dynasty is the ancestral home of Zhangzhou, is overseas, where Taiwanese roots Yezu One. Zhangzhou Nanjing, calm, clouds, there are many Hakka counties Zhao'an town, village, there are hundreds of thousands of Hakka people, the use of words affected by the Hakka Zhangzhou.Party Secretary: No appointments (Liu Qing been transferred to the mayor of Xiamen, Xiamen appointed); Mayor: Chen DongMineral resources:Zhangzhou bountiful, known as the "city of flowers and fruits, ""land of plenty"reputation. This rich, "the six fruit ": citrus, litchi, banana, longan, pomelo, pineapple; "three flowers": daffodils, camellias, orchids; and shrimp, grouper, abalone, lobster, red crab, scallops, Oysters, mud clam, squid and other Seafood. Fantasy beauty of the daffodils, "David magic pill, " Pien Tze Huang Brand Pien Tze Huang and "the light of domestic procts, " Eight inkpad, known as the "Zhangzhou Sambo ", famous overseas. Puppet carving, Jane shell painting, jade carving, jade and other handicrafts, Kowloon by Chinese and foreign tourists. Zhangzhou has rich plant resources, aquatic resources, water resources, mineral resources and hot springs.中文:漳州市,常住人口为498万。地处东经117°-118°、北纬23.8°-25°之间,东濒台湾海峡与台湾省隔海相望城市象征-威镇阁,东北与泉州和厦门接壤,西北与龙岩相接,西南与广东的潮州毗邻。漳州市绝大多数为汉族,也有畲族、高山族等21个少数民族。漳州是著名的侨乡和台湾祖居地,旅居海外的华侨、港澳同胞有70万人,台湾人口中1/3的人在明朝清朝时的祖籍是漳州,是侨、台胞寻根谒祖的地方之一。漳州的南靖、平和、云霄、诏安等县还有不少客家镇、村,有客家人几十万,使用受漳州话影响的客家话。 市委书记:暂无任命(刘可清已调往厦门任命为厦门市长);市长:陈冬物产资源:漳州物产富饶,素有"花果之城"、"鱼米之乡"的美称。这里盛产"六大名果":芦柑、荔枝、香蕉、龙眼、柚子、菠萝;"三大名花":水仙花、茶花、兰花;以及对虾、石斑鱼、鲍鱼、龙虾、红蟳、扇贝、牡蛎、泥蚶、鱿鱼等海珍品。天香丽质的水仙花、"国宝神药"片仔癀牌片仔癀和"国货之光"八宝印泥,被誉为"漳州三宝",名扬海外。木偶雕刻、珍贝漆画、九龙璧玉雕等旅游工艺品深受中外游客的喜爱。漳州拥有丰富的植物资源、水产资源、水电资源、矿产资源和温泉资源。</SPAN></SPAN></p>

⑩ 漳州的天气 英语作文

The weather in my hometown
My hometown is a village .It's not big ,but it is very beautiful.The climate here is always wet ,You will feel very comfortable. In Spring,It's very nice ,We can fly kites or riding bicycles .In Summer ,It's hot ,we can swim in the lake .In Autumn ,It is cool and the sky was clear , There are indeed many fruits here .We can pick fruits in an orchard or having a walk.In Winter ,It's cold .We can make the snowman or we skating , skiing , and sledding .
Many people living in the city often come here on holidays,they like it very much .I like it,too.

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