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发布时间: 2020-12-27 18:05:04

㈠ 丝绸之路是怎样得名的用英文回答。

古代横贯亚洲大陆的交通要道。自公元前119年张骞出使西域后逐渐出现。东起我国古都长安(今西安附近),沿渭水西行,经过河西走廊(今甘肃省狭长地带),到达敦煌,出玉门关和阳关,进入“西域”(今新疆及以西地区)。南路出阳关沿昆仑山北麓西行,北路出玉门关沿天山南麓西行,翻越葱岭(今帕米尔高原)进入今中亚地区,再往西,经今伊朗等国到达大秦(罗马帝国在中东的领地)境内。汉代多走南路。唐代多走北路。“丝绸之路”全长约7000公里,因运输西方视同珍宝的中国丝绸而得名。通过丝绸之路,中国的丝绸、铁器、打井技术等传到西域,西域的土特产、乐器,印度的佛教等也传入中国。丝绸之路是汉唐千余年间中外经济、文化交流的重要通道 丝绸之路是一条横贯中亚、联系欧亚两洲的交通大道,它对这些国家之间的政治、经济和文化交流发挥了重大的作用。因为大量的中国丝和丝织品由此道西运,所以这条交通大道被称为“丝绸之路”。丝绸之路全长7000多千米,是古代最长的一条陆路商道。 丝绸之路是始于西汉时期的中国与中亚河中地区以及印度之间、以贸易为主的交通路线。因中国丝及丝织品多由此路输出,故称丝绸之路。中国以盛产丝织品而闻名世界,被称为“丝国”。通过丝绸之路,大量丝帛锦绣不断西运,同时,西域的“珍奇异物”也被输入中国。

㈡ 丝绸之路的英文介绍

The Silk Road

Ancient trade route that linked China with Europe.

Originally a caravan route and used from с 100 BC, the 4,000-mi (6,400-km) road started in Xi'an, China, followed the Great Wall to the northwest, climbed the Pamir Mtns., crossed Afghanistan, and went on to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, where goods were taken by boat to Rome. Silk was carried westward, while wool, gold, and silver were carried eastward. With the fall of Rome, the route became unsafe; it was revived under the Mongols, and Marco Polo used it in the 13th century.

㈢ 丝绸之路英语介绍一下


㈣ 简短的介绍中国丝绸的英语句子,加中文翻译

Silk is one of China's greatest treasures. It is a type of fabric made from the cocoons of silk worms. The making of silk has been a secret of China for many years until some Chinese people were kidnapped and forced to tell the secret to the Europeans. Silk is very soft in texture and has been traded for lots of money on the Silk Road before.

丝绸是中国最伟大的宝物之一。这是一种用蚕茧做的不了。丝绸的做法在欧版洲人强行绑架中权国人并逼他们讲出的时候一直是一个秘密 (这个我不是很清楚,但我记得是这样)丝绸很柔软所以以前在丝绸之路上为中国赚取了很多钱。


㈤ 丝绸之路的简单英语是

The Silk Road
This old Silk Road linked China with the west in ancient times.

㈥ 丝绸之路的故事! 用英文

The Silk Road is the most well-known trading route of ancient
Chinese civilization.It grew under the Han Dynasty(202BC-AD220)
It is the trade routes through regions of the Asian Continent mainly connecting Chang'an (today's Xi'an) in Ancient China.
Chan Ch'ien, the first known Chinese traveler to make contact with the Central Asian tribes.In 138 B.C., the imperial court of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian to the Western Regions as an envoy in an attempt to forge alliances which would stop raids by the Xiongnu on the dynasty’s borders.Later came up with the idea to expand the silk trade to include these lesser tribes and therefore forge alliances with these Central Asian nomads. Because of this idea, the Silk Road was born.the route grew with the rise of the Roman Empire because the Chinese initially gave silk to the Roman-Asian governments as gifts.
The 7000 mile route spanned China, Central Asia, Northern India, and the Parthian and Roman Empires. It connected the Yellow River Valley to the Mediterranean Sea and passed through places such as Chinese cities Kansu and Sinkiang and present-day countries Iran, Iraq and Syria.


㈦ 求一篇关于丝绸之路的英语短文

One of the world's most ancient and historically important trade routes, the Silk Road conjures up exotic images of camel caravans, windswept deserts, and such legendary figures as Genghis Khan and Marco Polo. Extending as far as the Indian kingdoms in the west, to present-day Xian in China in the east, the Silk Road was already a crossroads of Asia by the third century B.C.


㈧ 求"丝绸之路" 英文介绍

我这有抄个关于丝绸之路的介绍的文章:网址: http://www.ess.uci.e/~oliver/silk.html

㈨ 跪求介绍丝绸之路的中英文


丝绸之路是古代横贯亚欧的通道。其起点一般认为是长安(今西安),其实它随朝代更替政治中心转移而变化。长安(今西安)、郏鄏洛阳、平城(今大同)、汴梁(今开封)、大都北京曾先后为丝路起点。往西一直延伸到罗马。在通过这条漫漫长路进行贸易的货物中,以产自我国的丝绸最具代表性,“丝绸之路”因此得名。丝绸之路不仅是古代亚欧互通有无的商贸大道,还是促进亚欧各国和中国的友好往来、沟通东西方文化的友谊之路。历史上一些著名人物,如,出使西域的张骞,投笔从戎的班超,西天取经的玄奘,他们的一些故事都与这条路有关。 自从张骞通西域以后,中国和中亚及欧洲的商业往来迅速增加。通过这条贯穿亚欧的大道,中国的丝、绸、绫、缎、绢等丝制品,源源不断地运向中亚和欧洲,因此,希腊、罗马人称中国为赛里斯国,称中国人为赛里斯人。所谓“赛里斯”即“丝绸”之意。 丝绸之路
19世纪末,德国地质学家李希霍芬将张骞开辟行走的这条东西大道誉为“丝绸之路”。德国人胡特森在多年研究的基础上,撰写成专著《丝路》。从此,丝 唐灭西突厥
绸之路这一谓称[1]得到世界的承认。 丝绸之路,概括地讲,是自古以来,从东亚开始,经中亚,西亚进而联结欧洲及北非的这条东西方交通线路的总称。 丝绸之路,在世界史上有重大的意义。这是亚欧大陆的交通动脉,是中国、印度、希腊三种主要文化的交汇的桥梁。丝绸之路,在新疆按其路线分为南、中、北三道。丝绸之路(Silk Road)古代贯通中西方的商路。1877年德国地理学家李希霍芬(F. von Rich 丝绸之路
thofen)命名。不过他所指的是“从公元前114年到公元127年,中国于河间地区以及中国与印度之间,以丝绸贸易为媒介的这条西域交通路线”。所谓西域则泛指古玉门关和古阳关以西至地中海沿岸的广大地区。后来,史学家把沟通中西方的商路统称丝绸之路。因其上下跨越历史2000多年,涉及陆路与海路,所以按历史划分为先秦、汉唐、宋元、明清4个时期,按线路有陆上丝路与海上丝路之别。陆上丝路因地理走向不一,又分为“北方丝路”与“南方丝路”。陆上丝路所经地区的地理景观差异很大,人们又把它细分为“草原森林丝路”、“高山峡谷丝路”和“沙漠绿洲丝路”。丝绸是古代中国沿商路输出的代表性商品,而作为交换的主要回头商品,也被用作丝路的别称,如“皮毛之路”、“玉石之路”、“珠宝之路”和“香料之路”。 隋唐年代(589年~896年)丝路空前繁荣,胡商云集东都洛阳和西京长安,定居者数以万计。唐中叶战乱非常频繁,丝路被阻,后虽有恢复,规模远不如前,海丝绸之路风光集萃(19张)上丝路逐渐取而代之。北方陆上丝路指由黄河中下游通达西域的商路,包括草原森林丝路、沙漠绿洲丝路。前者存在于先秦时期,后者繁荣于汉唐。沙漠绿洲丝路延续千余年,沿线文物遗存多,是丝路的主干道。其起点一般认为是长安(今西安),其实它随朝代更替政治中心转移而变化。长安(今西安)、郏鄏洛阳、平城(今大同)、汴梁(今开封)、大都北京曾先后为丝路起点。草原森林丝路从黄河中游北上,穿蒙古高原,越西伯利亚平原南部至中亚分两支,一支西南行达波斯转西行,另一支西行翻拉尔山越伏尔加河抵黑海滨。两路在西亚辐合抵地中海沿岸国家。沙漠绿洲丝路是北方丝路的主干道,全长7000多公里,分东、中、西3段。东段。自长安至敦煌。较之中西段相对稳定,但长安以西又分3线: ①北线由长安沿渭河至虢县(今宝鸡),过汧县(今陇县),越六盘山,沿祖厉河,在靖远渡黄河至姑臧(今武威),路程较短,沿途供给条件差,是早期的路线。 ②南线由长安沿渭河过陇关、上邽(今天水)、狄道(今临洮)、枹罕(今河州),由永靖渡黄河,穿西宁,越大斗拔谷(今偏都口)至张掖。 ③中线与南线在上邽分道,过陇山,至金城郡(今兰州),渡黄河,溯庄浪河,翻乌鞘岭至姑臧。南线补给条件虽好,但绕道较长,因此中线后来成为主要干线。 南北中三线会合后,由张掖经酒泉、瓜州至敦煌。中段。敦煌至葱岭(今帕米尔)或怛罗斯(今江布尔)。 自玉丝绸之路风光欣赏(20张)门关、阳关出西域有两道:从鄯善,傍南山北,波河西行,至莎车为南道,南道西逾葱岭则出大月氏、安息。自车师前王庭(今吐鲁番),随北山,波河西行至疏勒(今喀什)为北道。北道西逾葱岭则出大宛、康居、奄蔡(黑海、咸海间)。北道上有两条重要岔道:一是由焉耆西南行,穿塔克拉玛干沙漠至南道的于 阗 丝绸之路
[2];一是从龟兹(今库车)西行过姑墨(阿克苏)、温宿(乌什),翻拔达岭(别垒里山口),经赤谷城(乌孙首府),西行至怛罗斯。由于南北两道穿行在白龙堆、哈拉顺和塔克拉玛干大沙漠,条件恶劣,道路艰难。东汉时在北道之北另开一道,隋唐时成为一条重要通道,称新北道。原来的汉北道改称中道。新北道由敦煌西北行,经伊吾(哈密)、蒲类海(今巴里坤湖)、北庭(吉木萨尔)、轮台(半泉)、弓月城(霍城)、砕叶(托克玛克)至怛罗斯。西段。葱岭(或怛罗斯)至罗马。丝路西段涉及范围较广,包括中亚、南亚、西亚和欧洲,历史上的国家众多,民族关系复杂,因而路线常有变化,大体可分为南、中、北3道: ①南道由葱岭西行,越兴都库什山至阿富汗喀布尔后分两路,一西行至赫拉特,与经兰氏城而来的中道相会,再西行穿巴格达、大马士革,抵地中海东岸西顿或贝鲁特,由海路转至罗马;另一线从白沙瓦南下抵南亚。 ②中道(汉北道)越葱岭至兰氏城西北行,一条与南道会,一条过德黑兰与南道会。 ③北新道也分两支,一经钹汗(今费尔干纳)、康(今撒马尔罕)、安(今布哈拉)至木鹿与中道会西行;一经怛罗斯,沿锡尔河西北行,绕过咸海、里海北岸,至亚速海东岸的塔那,由水路转刻赤,抵君士坦丁堡(今伊斯坦布尔)。 海上丝路起于秦汉,兴于隋唐,盛于宋元,明初达到顶峰,明中叶因海禁而衰落。海上丝路的重要起点有番禺(后改称广州)、登州(今烟台)、扬州、明州(今宁波)、泉州、刘家港等。同一朝代的海上丝路起点可能有两处乃至更多。规模最大的港口是广州和泉州。广州从秦汉直到唐宋一直是中国最大的商港。明清实行海禁,广州又成为中国唯一对外开放的港口。泉州发端于唐,宋元时成为东方第1大港。历代海上丝路,亦可分三大航线: ①东洋航线由中国沿海港至朝鲜、日本。 ②南洋航线由中国沿海港至东南亚诸国。 ③西洋航线由中国沿海港至南亚、阿拉伯和东非沿海诸国。 丝绸之路线路图

The silk road is ancient across the channel of asia-europe. Its starting point is usually ascribed to changan (now xian), actually it with dynastic change political center transfer and change. Changan (now xian), Jia Ru luoyang, PingCheng (now datong), BianLiang (today kaifeng), mostly in Beijing has successively for silk road starting point. Went west extending to Rome. In this the long way through trade in goods, proce since China most representative of silk, "silk road" hence the name. The silk road is not only the ancient asia-europe complementarity, still promoting trade avenue countries in Asia and China's friendly intercourse and communication of eastern and western cultures friendship path. Some prominent figures in history, such as, the TouBiCongRong ZhangQian winging, the western BanChao, the buddhist scriptures, some of their stories 7-12 related with this road. Since ZhangQianTong after China and Western Europe, central Asia and the rapid increase of business. Through this article the avenue, China throughout the asia-europe silk, silk, twill, satin, silk and other wire procts, flowing shipped to central Asia and Europe, therefore, Greece, Rome says China for the Chinese people, says reece countries. The rhys The so-called "" rhys" namely "silk" meaning. The silk road
19 century, Germany geologists leahy since the ZhangQian opened up will walk as the things avenue "silk road". German hu in many years research at the basis of silk road, write into monograph ". Since then, silk tang destroy west turks
Silk road the predicate says [1] gain worldwide recognition. The silk road, to sum up, since ancient times, from east Asia is Asia via central Asia, start, Europe and north Africa and the connection between east and west the floorboard of the traffic lines. The silk road, and in the world history has significant meaning. This is the Eurasian transportation artery, is China, India, Greece three main cultural intersection of the Bridges. The silk road, according to its route in xinjiang in the south and the north are divided into three ways,. The Silk Road (ancient Silk too old) and trade route through. In 1877 German geologist leahy since (f. von sorrow silk road
Thofen) names. But he refers to "BC 114 to A.D. 127 years, China HeJian regions and in between India and China, with silk trade as the media this line of the western traffic routes". The so-called YuMenGuan and western ancient is referring to the west of the Mediterranean's rise to the region. Later, historians have communication to the port of Chinese and western collectively silk road. Because of its fluctuation across history involved more than 2000 years, with sea route, so according to land into the pre-qin and han history of Ming and qing dynasties, song, four times, according to a land line with the Marine silk road along the don't. Continental silk road because of the geography to differ, divide again for "northern silk road" and "southern silk road". Land along the silk route's geographical landscape difference is very big, people and put it subdivided into "silk road", the "grassland forest alpine canyon silk road" and "desert oasis silk road". Silk is an ancient Chinese representative goods along the trade route, and output the main back as an exchange goods, is also used as a silk road the nickname, such as "fur road", "jade road", "jewelry road" and "spice road". The (589 sui in ~ 896 years) silk road prosperity, hu east capital and businessmen 66.8%and changan, settlers tens of thousands. Violence was frequent, the silk road quzici were blocked, though a recovery, scale after far less than the silk road before re (19 zhang) scenery on the silk road graally instead. The north land silk road show by western understanding to the port of the lower Yellow River, including silk road, desert grassland forest oasis silk road. The former exists in the pre-qin period, the latter high prosperity. Desert oasis silk road continue along the cultural relic more than 1,000 years, the main road, is the silk road. Its starting point is usually ascribed to changan (now xian), actually it with dynastic change political center transfer and change. Changan (now xian), Jia Ru luoyang, PingCheng (now datong), BianLiang (today kaifeng), mostly in Beijing has successively for silk road starting point. Grassland from the middle Yellow River north of forest silk road, wear the Siberian plain Mongolian plateau, south to central Asia points two, a southwest line of west, the other a Persian turned west turn lal climbing the volga river beach. Over black Two way against valencia convergence in Mediterranean countries. Desert oasis silk road is the main northern silk road stretches over 7,000 kilometers, points east, middle and west 3 pieces. East segment. Since changan to nhuang. A relatively stable in west-middle section, but west and three line chang: (1) by enterprise weihe to the uptown Guo county (now baoji), over which Qian county (now, the LiuPanShan, along ZuLiHe, across the Yellow River in jingyuan Zang (today to gu submission), journey along the short, supply conditions poor, is an early route. (2) by the enterprise have along downtown on tianshui weihe Gui (jailed, today water), LinTao sardis way (today), Bao Abraham (now HeZhou), across the Yellow River, wear by yong jing comes up out of the valley of xining, fight this partial are pulling (four) to mouth. (3) in the midline and Gui FenDao downtown, on JinChengJun (tianshui mountain, to present lanzhou), across the Yellow River, tracing the zhuanglanghe, turn wushaoling to gu Zang. The downtown supplies condition is good, but around longer, so midline later became the main lines around. After meeting up north, in four nubile by jiuquan, melons state, to the nhuang. The midway point. Dunhuang to green hill (now pamirs) or (carlos JiangBuEr) established today. Since jade silk road scenery appreciate (20 copies), the door is shut out two Yang western region, alongside way: from the north, the Po westbound nanshan, to Sally car for south road, south road west more than green hill is a big YueShi, rest. Since WangTing (now before the car division turpan), with the beishan, wave hexi step to shule (kashi) for north way today. Northern road west more than green hill is DaWan, health living, the black sea, the aral sea doesn CAI (between). There are two important north road fork: one is the southwest lines, wear by yanqi taklamakan desert to south road in tachiwakaba silk road
[2];A GuiZi (today from west kuqa) had gu ink (aksu), WenSu (WuShen), turn pull of ridge (don't base), the Red Cross in GuCheng (the wusun capital), west step to established Ross. Because the two way through the white dragon heap, ShunHe the taklamakan big desert, hara road conditions and tough. In north eastern north of tao when starting another together, become an important channel when sui, saying new north way. The original han north road was renamed as the middle road. New north by northwest line, nhuang ways by Iraq hami), pu ur (such BaLiKun lake sea (today), BeiTing (JiMuSaEr

㈩ 丝绸之路英语介绍一下

silk road
The old silk road specialised in luxuries like silk.

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