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发布时间: 2020-12-27 17:45:34

1. 用英语介绍苏州小吃50字

What to Eat in Suzhou City?
After hundreds of years of culinary development, Suzhou cuisine has developed a unique flavor and a famed reputation. The emphasis of the course is on the use of quality ingredients, tender meat, fresh vegetables and care in preparation. Each course is indivially prepared. The result is a selection of fabulous dishes that are unique in color, shape and taste. Suzhou dishes are often sweet and beautifully presented. You'll find many places to eat in Suzhou.
The Suzhou fish and vegetable dishes of the area are well known throughout China and some of the best local dishes to try are: Stewed and Fried Mandarin Fish (Songshu Guiyu松鼠桂鱼), Braised Shark's Fin in a Clear Soup (Qingtang Yuchi), Stewed Shredded Eel (Xiangyou Shanhu响油鳝糊) and Watermelon Chicken, or Young Chicken Buried in Watermelon Rind and Steamed (Xigua Ji).
Suzhou snacks are also tasty and worth trying. Try the bean curd cakes with honey, pine nuts in syrup, melon seeds fried with rose juice and sesame cake with mashed date.

2. 英语美食介绍

Brazilians were the first to raise cattle in South America, imported from Cape Verde to São Paulo in the 1530s. Churrasco (pronounced shoo-RAS-koo) or Brazilian barbecue was the traditional staple food of the gaú or cowboys of Southern Brazil for centuries before it spread to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. It has become very fashionable and there are excellent churrascarias (restaurants specializing in Brazilian barbecue) all over Brazil and around the world. These are called churrascaria de rodízio because waiters move from table to table bringing different types of meats on skewers from which they slice portions onto your plate. In Rio de Janeiro, you may want to try Esplanada Grill or Porcão, both located in Ipanema and the brand new and very sophisticated Giuseppe Grill in Leblon (for address, check our Little Black Book). If you are a vegetarian, you can still accompany your friends to churrascarias; as a rule, they have fantastic salad buffets too.

3. 用英语介绍一道中国传统美食

Chinese Noodles

Noodles are an essential ingredient and staple in Chinese cuisine. There is a great variety of Chinese noodles, which vary according to their region of proction, ingredients, shape or width, and manner of preparation. They are an important part of most regional cuisines within China, as well as in Taiwan, Singapore, and other Southeast Asian nations with sizable overseas Chinese populations.

Chinese-style noodles have also entered the native cuisines of neighboring East Asian countries such as Korea and Japan (dangmyeon and ramen, for example, are both of Chinese origin), as well as Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia.

Although the Chinese, Arabs, and Italians have all claimed to have been the first to create noodles, the first written account of noodles dates from the Chinese East Han Dynasty, between AD 25 and 220. During the Chinese Song Dynasty (960–1279) noodle shops were very popular in the cities, and remained open all night.

In October 2005, the oldest noodles yet discovered were found in Qinghai, China, at the Lajia archaeological site, ring excavation of a Neolithic Qijia culture settlement along the Yellow River. The 4,000-year-old noodles appear to have been made from foxtail millet and broomcorn millet. Today, millet is not a commonly used ingredient in Chinese noodles.

Chinese noodles are generally made from either wheat flour, rice flour, or mung bean starch, with wheat noodles being more commonly proced and consumed in northern China and rice noodles being more typical of southern China. Egg, lye, and cereal may also be added to noodles made from wheat flour in order to give the noodles a different colour or flavor. Arrowroot or tapioca starch are sometimes added to the flour mixture in low quantities to change the texture and tenderness of the noodles' strands.

The dough for noodles made from wheat flour is typically made from wheat flour, salt, and water, with the addition of eggs or lye depending on the desired texture and taste of the noodles. Rice- or other starch-based noodles are typically made with only the starch or rice flour and water.

Noodles may be cooked from either their fresh (moist) or dry forms. They are generally boiled, although they may also be deep-fried in oil until crispy. Boiled noodles may then be stir fried, served with sauce or other accompaniments, or served in soup, often with meat and other ingredients. Certain rice-noodles are made directly from steaming the raw rice slurry and are only consumed fresh.

Unlike many Western noodles and pastas, Chinese noodles made from wheat flour are usually made from salted dough and therefore do not require the addition of salt to the liquid in which they are boiled. Chinese noodles also cook very quickly, generally requiring less than 5 minutes to become al dente and some taking less than a minute to finish cooking, with thinner noodles requiring less time to cook. Chinese noodles made from rice or mung bean starch do not generally contain salt.

4. 怎样用英语介绍中国的传统美食

To the Chinese, cooking is an art in itself. Chinese cuisine places emphasis on colour, aroma and flavour. Not only must a dish taste good, it must also appeal to the senses to be able to when the appetite.
There are countless ways to cook the same ingredients , and each way of cooking imparts its own unique flavor to the food.
炸:deep fry
麻:西餐不会用到sichuan pepper,应该很少有麻的东西,要解释的话最好是sting,但是最好说明是吃在嘴里的感觉。
Chinese cuisine can be divided into eight main regional branches:
Sichuan, with characteristic rich and spicy
Shandong, which is particular in its selection of ingredients for dishes.
Suzhou, its carefully presented steamed crucian carp
Guangdong, with distinctive sweet and crispy dishes.
Fujian, famed for Buddha Jumps Over the Wall(佛跳墙)
Zhejiang, which emphasises fresh food and natural flavours, particularly seafood.
Huizhou, which favous delicacies from the land and sea
Hunan, which features rich foods with strong colours like cured meats.
最后来说一下煲汤啊 (Tonics)
Besides their daily staples, the Chinese also like to use various herbal medicines to make tonic soup.

5. 用英语介绍家乡的美食80字


6. 怎样用英语介绍一些小吃

油条 Fried bread stick
水饺 Boiled mplings
馒头 Steamed buns
豆浆 Soybean milk
稀饭 Rice porridge
臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)
春卷 Spring rolls
红豆糕 Red bean cake
绿豆糕 Bean paste cake
麻花 Hemp flowers
生煎 Fried plain bun
豆花 Tofu pudding
小笼包 Small stuffed buns
汤包 Steamed buns/mplings
锅贴 Pot sticker
驴打滚 soybean cake
艾窝窝 Steamed rice cakes with sweet stuffing)
炒肝 Stewed Liver
糖卷果 Chinese yam and date rolls
姜丝排叉 Fried ginger slices
奶油炸糕 Fried butter cake
豌豆黄 Pea cake
蜜麻花 Ear-shaped twists with sugar
豆汁 Fermented mung bean juice
油茶 Chatang / Miancha / Youcha
馓子麻花 Crisp noodle
萨其马 Caramel treats
焦圈 Fried ring
糖火烧 Sweetened baked wheaten cake
豆馅烧饼 Bean paste cake/Subsidence fried beans
Beijing Roast Duck is praised as the “The Most Delicious Dish under the Heaven.” It has golden brown and crispy skin, tender meat and strong flavor. All these features make it renowned at home and abroad.

Lurou Huoshao is a snack popular in North China. It originated in Baoding city, Hebei province. Stuff minced donkey meat into baked flour cake and thus Lurou Huoshao is made. The snack is flavorful but not greasy with lean donkey meat. It's both a popular snack and a regular local breakfast item.

7. 用英语介绍湖北的小吃

Wuhan people hot-and-dry noodles is the preferred snacks, so early to its feelings of wuhan, we need to expend words. Speaking from single to wuhan, they mostly because of wuhan, again remind of wuhan hot-and-dry noodles. Hot dry face wuhan people or stay in wuhan after a period of time, it is no longer only friend is a kind of snacks, but a kind of feeling, not to eat the food that is collective thick fragrance spray spray.

8. 用英语介绍英语美食

Jiaozi(chinese Dumpling) is a traditional chinese food ,which is essention ring holidays in nor thern china.Chinese mpling becomes one of the most widely love food in china.
Chinese mpling is one of the most important foods in chinese new year.Since the shape of chinese mpling is similar to ancient chinese gold or silier ingots ,they symbolize wealth .Traditional,th e members of a family get togeter to make mplings ring the New Year's Eve.They may hide a coin in one of the mplings.The person who finds the coin will likely have a good fortune in the New Year.Chinese mpling is also popular in other chinese holidays or festivals,so it is part of the chinese culture or traditional.
Chinese mpling is a delicious food.You can make avariety of chinese mplings using different filling based on your taste and how various ingredients mixed together by you .

9. 用英语介绍一种中国的美食

“ Chinese Dumpling
Jiaozi(Chinese Dumpling) is a traditional Chinese Food, which is essential ring holidays in Northern China. Chinese mpling becomes one of the most widely loved foods in China.
Chinese mpling is one of the most important foods in Chinese New Year. Since the shape of Chinese mplings is similar to ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots, they symbolize wealth. Traditionally, the members of a family get together to make mplings ring the New Year's Eve. They may hide a coin in one of the mplings. The person who finds the coin will likely have a good fortune in the New Year. Chinese mpling is also popular in other Chinese holidays or festivals, so it is part of the Chinese culture or tradition.
Chinese mpling is a delicious food. You can make a variety of Chinese mplings using different fillings based on your taste and how various ingredients mixed together by you.
Usually when you have Chinese mpling for dinner, you will not have to cook anything else except for some big occasions. The mpling itself is good enough for dinner. This is one of the advantages of Chinese mpling over other foods, though it may take longer to make them.
Making mplings is really teamwork. Usually all family members join the work. Some people started to make mplings when they were kids in the family, so most Chinese know how to make mplings.” 谢谢采纳!
饺子是中国新年餐桌上一道重要的食物。 由于饺子的形状类似于中国古代的金锭或银锭,因而象征着财富。在除夕之夜,人们都有和家人团聚一起包饺子的习俗。他们会在某个饺子里包进一个硬币,如果发现它的人将预示着在新年中将会有好运。 饺子在中国的其他节假日也是很受欢迎的食品,从而构成了中国文化传统的一部分。
包饺子是一项团体工作。通常,一家人会参与到包饺子的工作中。有些人从小就学会包饺子,因而大多数中国人都知道怎么包饺子。” 谢谢!

10. 如何写介绍家乡特色小吃英语作文


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