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发布时间: 2020-12-27 13:27:49

❶ 请问,用英语介绍长城怎么说(请把翻译带上)

Do you know which building is the greatest in China? I think it is the Great Wall.It was built about 2000 years ago. It is about 6000 kilometers long. The width of the Great Wall is between 4 and 5 meters. The height of it is b。

❷ 用几句英语介绍长城

  1. The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world.It is about 4000 miles long.


  2. The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten-thousand-Ii Great Wall" in Chinese.


  3. The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries.


  4. The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side.


  5. It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines.


  6. Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world.


  7. Many of them have come to know the famous Chinese saying:"He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."


  8. The Great Wall is the sign of China. It is the pride of all the Chinese.


  9. Now the Great Wall is a famous building. Many tourists from China or other countries are attracted to visit it. It has been a place of interest.


  10. Now it becomes a miracle and a place of historical interest that people all over the world can appreciate.




    译文: According to legend, when Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall, the labor was heavy, young men and women, Fan Xiliang, Meng Jiangnu married three days, the bridegroom was forced to build the Great Wall, soon died, Meng Jiangnu tried hard to find her husband, but he learned of her husband's death. She cried for three days and nights, and the the Great Wall collapsed. Then Meng Jiangnu threw herself into the sea.

❸ 这个关于长城的英语简介怎么写

The Great Wall extends from the Jiayu Pass in Western Gansu Province to the Eastern mount of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province. The Great Wall measures more than 6000 Km in length. The height of the Wall is approximately 7.8 meters and the width is about 5.8 meters at the top. A strongly build battle fort accompanies each section of the wall, from which the soldiers can protect the wall and stop the attacks of the invaders.

Although, archaeologists are trying to confirm which section of the Great Wall was built first, it is said that the first section was constructed in the central area of Chin around 200 B.C. The remaining section of the Wall took many years to complete the entire Wall. The Great Wall Society of China thinks that the Chu people (who once ruled the states of chin) can be considered as father of the Great Wall. Initially, the wall was not built directly, in stead, there were smaller sections of the walls; each section was raised to protect the state it surrounded. The northern states which came under Chou Dynasty are said to have built these sections of walls to defend their states from the neighboring states and also from the tribal invaders.

According to the director of Institute of Archaeology of the Henan Academy of Social Science, Xiao Luyang said that the earliest section of the Great Wall that was built was an inverted "U" shaped wall with a length of about 500 miles and was across the counties of Yexian, Fangcheng, Lushan and Nanzhao in southwest Henan.

Some sections of the Great Wall are built up only using stones and no mortar at all and some sections are built using the combination of stones and bricks. The Great Wall runs through the mountains portion and even deserts. A battle fort or tower (which was built for the surveillance purpose) was built at the regular distance (about 50 meters) with the Great Wall. The battle forts served the purpose of aiding the soldiers for watching and shooting at the invaders.

Today, the Wall stands at its place even after hundreds of years of its construction. The size, shape and strength of the Wall have not deteriorated too much. The credit of it goes to each dynasty that ruled the states of Chin. Each dynasty that ruled the states of Chin showed high interest in keeping the Great Wall stronger which defended them from the invaders. It is said that the Ming Dynasty which ruled in 13th century, undertook a huge repairing work of the wall and it took nearly two centuries to complete the task. Ming Dynasty also built a huge section of the Great Wall which runs along the mountains northwest of Beijing.

The decision of joining the sections of Walls was taken when all the states unified near 200 B.C. A strong and longer Wall was made by joining all the section of the walls to defend Chin from the invaders from the Tsongnoo Tribes from the north side. The actual length of the Great Wall has not yet known because small sections of Walls are being discovered today also in excavation.


Great wall of China was an ancient gigantic defensive project. It is one of the largest construction projects ever completed.
Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It winds its way westward over the vast territory of China from the bank of the Yalu River and ends at the foot of snow-covered Qilianshan and Tianshan mountains. It is seldom that we see such a gigantic project in China or elsewhere in the world. The Chinese call it the Wall of 10,000 li. Its size is better seen on a map or from an aerial photograph. According to astronauts who looked back from the moon, of all projects built by man, the Great Wall of China is the most conspicuous seen in space.

❹ 用英语介绍万里长城并翻译

Ancient China Great Wall of China one of the great works. Built in the Warring States (770 ~ 476 BC),
Today the survivors built for the Ming Dynasty. West from Jiayuguan in Gansu, Liaoning Dandong Yalu River east to Tiger Pass, runs through Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Mongolia, Hebei, Liaoning and other places. Strategically located along the gateway or hub are provided, such as Shanhaiguan, Juyongguan, Niangziguan so. Referred to as the Great Wall. The initial construction of the Great Wall is the Warring States Period of Yan, Zhao and other countries, aims to defend against the invasion of northern mixed.
Emperor Qin Great Wall was to connect them off. It was reported that the soldiers spent three hundred thousand and millions of people and slaves. However, the Great Wall and not to completely prevent the effect of alien invasion. Because the Great Wall is completed, the North still often mixed across the Great Wall of China border attack on a village, snatch crops or livestock.
The Great Wall is the only ever seen in space, three-dimensional structures can be. Modern technology to build is not easy, but our country can escape from building in the Spring and Autumn Period 2,000 years ago, is rare. Department of the Great Wall of building materials using local resources, rather different parts. Han Dynasty Great Wall built with mud and reeds. Wall sizes vary to Juyongguan area, the height of about 8.5 meters wide and 8.5 meters lower, the upper width of 5 meters. Every 70 to 100 meters with a Fort (equivalent to the tower), about 12.3 meters high, the majority of the fortress, is a heavy, vital to the home of two triple.
East through the mountains or hilly Great Wall, called as "Cut Hill mound," and "insurance system with force", unlating winding, majestic form; the middle of the dry western part of the region are sparsely populated, only the color desolate. If the boarding ring the Yanmenguan, Juyongguan, Gubeikou or Shanhaiguan, facing the situation of China's great rivers, the stunning ancestors exploiting the boundary of the difficult, but unlimited ambitions are aroused.

意思:中国万里长城 我国古代伟大的工程之一。始建于春秋战国(公元前770~476),

❺ 万里长城用英语怎么说

“长城”的英文是:The Great Wall。


用美式音标发音读作:[ðə;ði:][ɡret] [wɔl]。

“The Great Wall”中“great”的意思是伟大的,“wall”的意思是枪毙,白话意思是:伟大的墙壁。指的就是中国的“长城”。



The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world.


❻ 用英语介绍长城

Construction of the Great Wall has a long history of the majestic immensity of the world rare miracle. Great Wall was less than non-hero. Great Wall north-south staggered things, stretching in our great motherland vast land. It seems like a dragon, crossing the Towering mountains and through the vast grassland, crossed the vastness of the desert, plunging toward the ocean. According to historical literature, there are over 20 countries , the feudal monarchy and the nobility, to the Great Wall, if the construction of the Great Wall various times combined, about 10 Miles above. Of the Qin, Han and Ming dynasties three of the required length of the Great Wall are more than 1 Miles. Currently, China's Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Henan, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan and other provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have the Great Wall, a relic of Taiwan-fire. Of which only the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the Great Wall, to more than 30,000.

Ming in the "outside" of the Great Wall, the construction of the "edge" Great Wall and the "three " The Great Wall. "Guan" to the Great Wall built by the Northern Qi Dynasty basis, starting from Inner Mongolia and Shanxi Pianguan at the junction of the west, the East via Yanmenguan, Ping-all related to Hebei, and then discount to the northeast。 the source, Fangshan, Changping Zhuxian, Direct Juyongguan, and then from the north and east, Huairou to the four customs, and the "outside" Great Wall connecting to Zijinguan as the center, a generally north-south. "Three-" The Great Wall in many places and "edge" Great Wall parallel, in some places, separated only two scores in the city. In addition, the construction of a large number of "heavy City." Yanmenguan area "heavy city" has as many as 24!

Great Wall was China's ancient miracle created by the working people. Since Qin Shihuang, the construction of the Great Wall has been a major project. According to records, the emperor used to build the Great Wall nearly 1 million labor force, the country's population of 1 / 20! There was no machinery, in addition to transport soil, the blocks can be transported by donkey, goats can mountaineering livestock, all have to rely on human labor, and the working environment is mountains, cliffs Shenhe. One can imagine that a lot of people did not take painstaking labor, it is impossible to complete this enormous project.

The works of the Great Wall, according to a rough estimate, only the construction of the Ming Dynasty as an example, if the brick, earthworks built with a 1 m thick, high-five meters of the wall, around the Earth more than a week. If built to a width of 5 metres, 35 cm thick in the road, it will be able to orbit the earth in the 34 weeks. If all dynasties of the required total to 10 Miles, then this long wall, and orbit the earth 10 weeks of this road, and orbit the earth 34 weeks.

"Because of the topography, with the risk of Cypriot" is the construction of the Great Wall, which is an important experience, the emperor of the time it is certainly down, Sima Qian it into the "Historical Records" are. Every subsequent construction of the Great Wall are a dynasty in accordance with the principles of this. All are built Guan City Pass merits in the choice between two mountain valleys, or at the turn of the river. Pingchuan or the necessary contacts, such险要 control, but also save manpower and materials, in order to meet the "one husband when customs million Fumo open the" effect. Build castles or towers also choose "to the Department Sigu" As for the construction of walls, but also to make use of the terrain, as if Juyongguan, Badaling Great Wall are on the back along the mountain building, and some lots from the walls looking very dangerous lateral and medial Zeshen was smooth, or "easy to defend and hard to attack" effect. Liaoning in the territory of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall Liaodong there is a town called Mountain dangerous walls, Pishan wall is steep wall of a cliff, a little on the cliff Piqiao to become the Great Wall. Many places use exclusively cliff cliffs, rivers, lakes, as a natural barrier, can be said to be true of the south pointing carriage

Great Wall, as one of the great works as a precious heritage of the Chinese nation.

❼ 求一篇介绍长城的英语作文

介绍长城的英语作文:The Great Wall of China,one of the greatest wonders of the world,was enlisted in the World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987.Just like a gigantic dragon,the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts,grassl!





❽ 关于长城的一些简单介绍用英语翻译20个词左右

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China to protect the Chinese states and empires against the raids and invasions of the various nomadic groups.

❾ 用英语介绍长城

In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture.

Lots of beautiful legends and stories about the Great Wall took place following along the construction, and since that time these stories have spread around the country. Those that happened ring construction are abundant, such as Meng Jiangnu's story and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass. Meng Jiangnu's story is the most famous and widely spread of all the legends about the Great Wall. The story happened ring the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). It tells of how Meng Jiangnu's bitter weeping made a section of the Great Wall collapse. Meng Jiangnu's husband Fan Qiliang was caught by federal officials and sent to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu heard nothing from him after his departure, so she set out to look for him. Unfortunately, by the time she reached the great wall, she discovered that her husband had already died. Hearing the bad news, she cried her heart out. Her howl caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall. This story indicates that the Great Wall is the proction of tens of thousands of Chinese commoners.

❿ 长城英文简介。带翻译。简短一些。


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