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发布时间: 2020-12-27 10:31:27

『壹』 关于邯郸历史的英语小作文,100词左右

Handan is a medium-sized city located in the southern part of Hebei Province .It lies at the east foot of Taihang Mountains (太行山), and borders the North China Plain (华北平原) in the east. it is in the communication center of Hebei, Henan , Shanxi and Shandong provinces. Handan has a history of more than 2,500 years, and is considered one of China's historical and cultural cities’. It was the capital of the Zhao Kingdom (赵国) in the Warring States Period (战国时期). It is also a commercial centre ring the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties (西汉和东汉).There are many renowned historical figures such as the First Emperor of China, Qinshihuang (秦始皇), Emperor Wuling (武灵王) of the Zhao Kingdom, Lian Po (廉颇) and (蔺相如), etc
As a notional historical and cultural city, Handan is the hometown of idiom and allusions, There ore over 500 Chinese idioms and allusions derived from Handan including the following typical ones: Riding and shooting in Hu's garbs, carrying rod to ask for punishment(负荆请罪). imitating another without success and losing what used to be own ability(邯郸学步). As we all know beautiful girls always come from Handan. Xishi, do you know? Yeah, she is the best beautiful girls in ancient china. Her beauty is said to be so extreme, that while leaning over a balcony to look at the fish in the pond. The fish would be so dazzled that they forgot to swim and graally sunk away from the surface. Birds would forget to fly and fall down from the sky, The moon would fade, and flowers would close their petals in shame in comparison to her. (Thus the idiom 沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花, which is used to compliment somebody,s beauty). Nowadays, Handan has a very good reputation, It is called an "Excellent Tourism City (优秀旅游城市)", "National Garden City (国家园林城市)", "National Double-supported Model City (全国双拥模范城市)", "the Hometown of Idiom and Allusions (成语典故之都)", "the City of Prose (散文之城)" and “the Cradle of Tai Chi (太极之乡)". Handan is also approved by the State Council (国务院) with local legislative power. Welcome to Handan and enjoy its beautiful landscape and culture.

idiom and allusions
Riding and shooting in Hu's garbs --(胡服骑射)
Returning the jade intact to the state of Zhao --(完璧归赵)
The story "The General and the Premier Make Up --- (将相和)".
The carriage return alley Carrying rod to ask for punishment --(负荆请罪)
Imitating another without success and losing what used to be one's own ability --(邯郸学步) Volunteering one’s service (毛遂自荐);
Relieving the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers (围魏救赵); No one picks up and pockets anything lost on the road (路不拾遗);
Embracing a woman on his breast, one has no indecent feeling (坐怀不乱); Worth a couple of towns together (价值连城);
When the snipe and the clam grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit (鹬蚌相争, 渔翁得利);
Burning one's own way to retreat and being determined to fight to the end (破釜沉舟);
The proverbial Lord Ye who claimed to be fond of dragons was in fact mortally afraid of them ( 叶公好龙).

『贰』 求一篇关于邯郸的英语成语演讲稿

Handan: the hometown of idiom and allusions

Cishan Culture an early Neolithic culture in the Yellow River of China, occupied from about 6500-5000 BC. The site is located on an alluvial terrace near the modern town of Cishan in Wu'an County, Hebei Province, and has evidence of barley, rice, and millet farming as well as domesticated pigs, dogs, and chickens. Cishan represents one of the oldest sites in the world to have evidence for domesticated dogs and pigs. The millet was recovered from 80 hoards, some of which were two meters in height. The Cishan Cultural Remains Site, occupying a land area of near 140,000 square meters, has been listed as the nation key cultural relic preservation organ by the State Council. These cultural relics proved that, as early as in more than 7300 years ago, the ancients already resided in half burrow -like house, primarily has been settling down the life by the primitive.

The Handan Dream one of the literary masterpieces written by Chinese dramatist Tang Xianzu in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), is adapted from Shen Jiji's romance story A Tale within the Pillow. And what’s more, the idiom Living in a fool's paradise derived from this story. It was about a scholar who went to the capital for the civil exam and was enlightened by an Immortal. Lu Sheng , the protagonist, is a down-and-out scholar who meets with Lu Dongbin, an immortal on a mission to convert a man into the world of the ever living, at a small inn in the city of Handan. Upon hearing Lu Sheng's complaint about his wretched life, Lv Dongbin lends him a porcelain pillow to sleep on. In his dream, Lu Sheng experience 50 years of vicissitudes of life as a high official, only to wake up to the stark reality that the yellow millet the innkeeper has been cooking for him is not yet done. The drama captures the seamy side of officialdom in the feudal society.

There are over 500 Chinese idioms and allusionsare derived from Handan, including the following typical ones: Riding and shooting in Hu's garbs 胡服骑射), Living in a fool's paradise, Returning the jade intact to the state of Zhao ( 完璧归赵), Carrying rod to ask for punishment ( 负荆请罪), Imitating another without success and losing what used to be one's own ability (邯郸学步), Volunteering one’s service (máo suì zì jiàn 毛遂自荐), Relieving the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers (围魏救赵), No one picks up and pockets anything lost on the road (路不拾遗), Embracing a woman on his breast, one has no indecent feeling (坐怀不乱), Worth a couple of towns together ( 价值连城), When the snipe and the clam grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit ( 鹬蚌相争, 渔翁得利), Burning one's own way to retreat and being determined to fight to the end (破釜沉舟), The proverbial Lord Ye who claimed to be fond of dragons was in fact mortally afraid of them (叶公好龙).

Tai Chi is definitely part of the life in Handan. Early morning walks are rewarded with high quality Yang-style Tai Chi (杨式太极) being performed all over the place. Each morning on one of Handan's main squares, large groups of Tai Chi practitioners gather to study with a variety of teachers, and the quality is really good. The original home of the Yang Family is actually just outside Handan near a walled village called Guangfu (广府), which is an hour's bus ride from Handan. It has the potential to be quite a nice area. They are doing it up at the moment, and it will obviously be a tourist attraction in the future.

说实话,我也真的是很想帮你写一篇,我呢也是邯郸人,呵呵,一篇关于邯郸古城的英文的介绍或者成语的介绍是早晚要用的,,不过,我真的是很忙,所以谷歌了一篇文章,我个人认为这篇文章还是不错的 呵呵

『叁』 求一篇介绍邯郸的英语作文.急!

你可以找一篇中文的介绍邯郸的文章,然后用专业的翻译软件翻译一下就可以了,我以前做过水泥英文的相关操作,效果不错 你可以试一试!

『肆』 河北省邯郸市用英语怎么说

Handan, Hebei

『伍』 急求一篇英语短文,简单的介绍一下邯郸的历史。

Handan,the special word of two Chinese characters, is unique in the list of Chinese place-names, for it has been used since the ancient time and never made any change, while no other city in China enjoying such a way of naming (In the word, Han is the name of a mountain, Dan means the end of the mountain). It has a history of more than 7,300 years since Handanese lived here. Cishan Culture was discovered in this region, which kept the earliest records of planting grains and walnuts and raising poultry.In history, Handan used to be the capital of Zhao Dynasty, one of the seven greatest kingdoms ring Warring-states periods. In Han dynasty, Handan maintained one the five biggest cities. Handan had been prosperous for about 500 years.
Today, Handan is one of the ubmetropolis? holding the rights to set up local regulations and laws, enjoying the titles of National historic and Cultural
City, the National Excellent Tourism City, and the Model City of the First Chinese Residential Environment Award.
Handan is divided into four districts (Hanshan, Congtai, Fuxing and Fengfeng), one city of Wu an and fourteen counties (Handan, Quzhou, Jize, Qiuxian, Yongnian, Guantao, Daming, Weixian, Chengan, Guangping, Feixiang, Linzhang, Cexian and Shexian). It has a population 8,640,000 people among which 1,400,000 people lives in urban areas.

『陆』 介绍邯郸的英语演讲稿





『柒』 急急急 英语自我介绍 我叫李天晓我来自河北邯郸很高兴认识大家

My name is Tian-Xiao Li from Hebei Handan very pleased to meet you all(希望能帮到您、望采纳

『捌』 用英语介绍邯郸历史文化


『玖』 关于介绍邯郸的作文。 英语的。50词左右。只能多不能少。 谢!


『拾』 请用英文介绍一下邯郸的历史

Handan City, a municipality under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province, is located at the southern end of Hebei Province。(邯郸市是河北省辖市,位于河北省南端。)

Handan at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountains, west of Taihang Mountains, east of North China Plain, and adjacent to Shanxi, Shandong and Henan provinces, with a total area of 12073.8 square kilometers.(邯郸在太行山东麓,太行西麓,华北平原以东,毗邻山西、山东、河南等省,总面积12073.8平方公里。)

Handan has a history of 3,100 years, and 8,000 years ago it gave birth to the early Neolithic Cishan culture. (邯郸有3100年的历史,8000年前诞生了早期新石器时代的西山文化。)

Handan was the capital of Zhao in the Warring States Period, Cao Wei was the capital of Linzhang in the late Han Dynasty, and the first capital of Zhili Province in the Qing Dynasty.(邯郸是战国时期赵国的都城,曹魏是汉末临漳的都城,清代直隶省的第一个都城。)

During the War of Liberation, Shexian was the headquarters of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army and the seat of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Region Government. (解放战争期间,涉县是八路军第1299师的司令部,晋冀鲁豫边区政府所在地。)

In August 1949, the Hebei Provincial People's Government was established and Handan Special Zone was established. (1949年8月,河北省人民政府成立,邯郸特区成立。)

In 1993, with the approval of the State Council, Handan was abolished, and the prefectures and cities were merged. (1993年,经国务院批准,邯郸市撤销,州市合并。)

The counties under the jurisdiction of Handan were assigned to Handan City, which was called Handan City.(邯郸市划归邯郸市管辖,称邯郸市。)








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