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发布时间: 2020-12-27 10:24:14

『壹』 "人物介绍"英语怎么说

Character Introction!

『贰』 成员介绍用英文怎么说


『叁』 人物介绍英语翻译

this is lihua. she comes from shanghai. she is 12 years old and studies in xinhua school. she is tall and thin.
she likes listening to music, playing basketball and making friends. she wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

『肆』 用英文介绍小组成员,具体要怎么说。加点修饰词什么的。急急急!!

首先说一下你在这个团队中扮演什么角色,比如说Hello everyone,I'm the compere XXX, Now I'd like to tell you someting about my group members. We have 4 porformers ,they are .......and 2 speakers............Last but not least is the procer of our PPT.中间在介绍各个角色的时候穿插一点他们的分工,如果有比较出众或者说是你们这个团队主心骨的时候可以多一点介绍,比如说我们的porformers 非常认真排练,经常请同学给他们提意见和建议,我们的procer非常严谨,制作出高水准的PPT等等,要控制在你的发言时间内。

『伍』 人物介绍用英文怎么说


The man in the picture

Look at the picture! There is an old man in the picture. His head is bald. Look at his eyes, they are fishlike, (应加上连词and) they are so big. I think his nose is high-bridged, but it is not hooked. His face is very flabby. And he has a big mouth. It’s not full. He wears a white T-shirt, (应加上and) he wears conservative (应用副词). His ears look very small, because his face is very long and big. He wears a clean white T-shirt.

I think the man is very ugly. How about you?


My favorite star

My favorite star is Zhang Jie. He has got a round face and he is thin. He has curly hair and fringes. His hair is chestnut and his eyes are small. His eyelid(应是eyelids) are doubled and his eyelashes are long. He has got a great high nose bridge. I like his teeth because they’re even. His back is straight and he is tall. He is very handsome and gorgeous. His dress is fashionable.


My classmate

She is my classmate. Her name is Xu Bingyu. Her face is round and dimpled. Her hair style is (应加上a) ponytail, and her hair is jet-black. She has two big and watery eyes and long eyelashes. She also has a high-bridged (加上nose) and two small ears. Her mouth is generous, and her teeth are even. She has a round chin and a bull neck. Her back is stiff. She is kind of short but really cute and pretty. Her dress is tidy and fashionable, and she usually wears a black blouse. Her smile is sunny.

We are good friends.



I have a round face. And when I watch (应是look in) the mirror, I can see a pallid face. I am well-featured but I have some pimple (pimples). I don’t have any dimple (dimples).

My haircut is a crew cut. Sometimes it’s center parting and sometimes it’s side parting. And my hair is jet-black. I have two big eyes, and they are close-set. And I have double eyelids. And I even have long eyelashs (应是eyelashes).

My nose is pointed. I have a pair of beautiful ears, and I have a big mouth, so sometimes I am very big mouth (应为sometimes I am a very big mouth). My teeth are even (maybe, it’s just I think), and the color are blonde. My chin is round, and my neck is a little long. My belly is flat because I am too thin though I eat a lot of things (food更好) every day. My back is a little bended. I am of medium height and I am very thin. My classmates say that I am very cute but I don’t think so.

My dress is tidy and well-featured, but (没有转折关系,用and更好) sometimes it’s very fashionable!


My favorite star

Akiyama Mio is my favorite star. She is slim. Her hair is long and straight. Sometimes her hair style is (加上a) bun. Her eyes are watery. She has long eyelashes. Her nose is pointed. Her smile is happy. She has a slender neck. But usually her dress is conservative, because Mio is a shy girl. Even though, many people shout at her that (应该为many people call her) “Miss Akiyama”. Her legs are slender. But I still think she is very gorgeous.


My classmate

Oh, do you think this boy is really ill-looking? He is my classmate in school. His name is Dai Shunxin. Do you think his face just likes a piece of square and white paper? He looks very poor. His hair is matted and brown. He has a crew cut. His eyes aren’t watery at all, and they’re fishlike. His nose is also ill-looking, and it’s a hooked nose. He has jagged teeth and his teeth aren’t very clean. He is bended, so he looks very short. He is ugly but he usually has a sunny smile. Though he is really ill-looking and everybody usually laughs at him, he studies very hard!


My favorite person

She is very gorgeous everywhere. She has a dimpled face. It’s very lovely, well-featured. And her hair style is curly, it’s short and kind of chestnut. Her eyes are dewy. Her nose is short but beautiful. Her mouth is full, and there are even teeth. Her back is stiff, so she looks like a (加上number)“threee”. She has a slim figure, so she is good-looking. Her height is long (身高应为tall) but not too tall. She always wears a tidy dress, and her smile is friendly. She is my favorite person—Baubuzhen Lin.


My best friend

She is my best friend, called Wang Linyutong. Her face is thin, and big featured. And she always has dimple (应为dimples) when she smiles. Her hair style is short and straight. And she has fringes. Her hair is jet-black. Her eyes are watery. She has a small mouth. Her teeth are capped. She looks like (去掉like) pretty. She always wears well-dressed (she is always well-dressed). She is so beautiful. She is my best friend, Wang Linyutong.

Do you like her?

『陆』 “角色”用英文怎么说




n. 性格,品质;特性;角色;[计] 字符

vt. 印,刻;使具有特征

n. (Character)人名;(英)克拉克特


chinese character汉字

moral character品德

main character主要人物;主要角色

indivial character个性;单字

character recognition[计]字符识别


The film is autobiographical and the central character is played by Collard himself.




n. 角色;任务

n. (Role)人名;(意、塞、赤几)罗莱


role playing角色扮演 ; 角色扮演法 ; 职能演习 ; 角色表演

role model行为榜样 ;[社科]角色模型 ; 榜样 ; 模范

role stereotype角色模型 ; 性角色刻板印象

role set[社科]角色丛 ; 角色定向 ; 角色集 ; 角色组

Influential role重要作用


She has just landed the lead role in their latest proction.






n. 铸造;铸件;角色分配

v. 铸造;投掷;选派演员;扔掉(cast的ing形式)


casting stress铸造应力 ; 铸件应力 ; 锻造应力 ;[机]浇铸应力

casting paper浇铸纸 ; 塑料薄膜用浇铸纸 ; 铝衬纸

aluminum casting铝铸件 ; 铸铝 ; 铝合金表面氧化 ; 铝模铸造

casting vote决定票 ; 主席决定性一票 ; 决定性一票 ; 决定性的一票

casting time浇铸时间 ; 施法时间 ; 浇注时间 ; 翻译


What ifcinematicclassicslikeThe Godfather werecastingright now, forthe firsttime–in2010?


『柒』 我先介绍一下我组成员所扮演的角色用英语怎么说

我先介绍一下我组成员所扮演的角色First,I introce the roles our group members to play.

『捌』 “人物介绍”的英文

Introction to Persons



英 [ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃn] 美 [ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃn]


复数: introctions




类似词:人物简介:Brief Introction to Characters



英 [briːf] 美 [briːf]




第三人称单数: briefs

复数: briefs

现在分词: briefing

过去式: briefed

过去分词: briefed

比较级: briefer

最高级: briefest


『玖』 是"人物介绍"英语怎么说啊,1

It's "the introction of people"
Personage introction

『拾』 “角色”用英文怎么说

角色, 任务

role 也作 r

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