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发布时间: 2020-12-27 10:18:39

㈠ 孙悟空的英文简介

Sunwukong,also known as Qitiandasheng,which title he appointed himself ,an equivalent of emperor above.


He was a spirit stone on the top of Huaguo mountain many years ago,exposed naked in the alternative of sun and moon,experienced the bathing of sun and rains,he got some magic power and turned into a monkey,which had every character of human and was extremely clever .


At an occasional chance,he met a Taoist whose name was Taiyi zhenren,who was a supernatural being。


Sunwukong was attracted by his ability of turning himself into many animals,so he pleaded for being the Taois's apprentice,the Taoist agreed and taught him many skills,which helped Sunwukong to be in the highlight of both in heaven and in the world.







㈡ 英语作文美猴王60左右带翻译

Monkey,Monkey King is one of the rol
es that Chinese Ming Dynasty novelist
Wu Cheng's book Journey to theWes
t"in.Monkey Qunhou lead into the shu
iliandong become the king of Zhongho
u,since then, the high throne, the"ston
e"hidden word child, and then calledt
he Monkey King. When I visited theM
onkey King huaguoshan hero, the acq
uaintance of other six cattle devil devi
L,seven sworn brothers, therefore bec
oming one of the seven holy monkey,r
ankedseventh position.AfterMonkey
Monkey King, claiming"Monkey.
Monkey naturally smart, lively, brave,
oyal,vengeful,in Chinese culture has
become a resourceful and brave incar
nation,so it's easy to become Monkey
boy idolized.


㈢ 关于美猴王的英语作文100字左右

  • Monkey, Monkey King is one of the roles that Chinese Ming Dynasty novelist Wu Cheng's book "Journey to the West" in. Monkey Qunhou lead into the shuiliandong become the king of Zhonghou, since then, the high throne, the "stone" hidden word child, and then called the Monkey King. When I visited the Monkey King huaguoshan hero, the acquaintance of other six cattle devil devil, seven sworn brothers, therefore becoming one of the seven holy Monkey, ranked seventh position. After Monkey Monkey King, claiming "Monkey."

  • Monkey naturally smart, lively, brave, loyal, vengeful, in Chinese culture has become a resourceful and brave incarnation, so it's easy to become Monkey boy idolized.

  • 美猴王,即孙悟空是中国明代小说家吴承恩的著作《西游记》中的角色之一。孙悟空带领群猴进入水帘洞后成为众猴之王,自此,高登王位,将"石"字 儿隐了,遂称美猴王。孙悟空在花果山遍访英豪之时,结识了牛魔王等六大魔王,七人结拜为兄弟,因此孙悟空成为七大圣之一,位排第七。之后孙悟空大闹天宫,自称"齐天大圣"。

  • 孙悟空生性聪明、活泼、勇敢、忠诚、嫉恶如仇,在中华文化中已经成为机智与勇敢的化身,所以孙悟空很容易就会成为小男孩崇拜的偶像。

㈣ 用英语怎么介绍孙悟空

Sunwukong,also known as Qitiandasheng,which title he appointed himself ,an equivalent of emperor above.He was a spirit stone on the top of Huaguo mountain many years ago,exposed naked in the alternative of sun and moon,experienced the bathing of sun and rains,he got some magic power and turned into a monkey,which had every character of human and was extremely clever .At an occasional chance,he met a Taoist whose name was Taiyi zhenren,who was a supernatural being;Suenwukong was attracted by his ability of turning himself into many animals,so he pleaded for being the Taois's apprentice,the Taoist agreed and taught him many skills,which helped Sunwukong to be in the highlight of both in heaven and in the world.

㈤ 用英语介绍孙悟空大闹天宫的故事60词以内


In his travels to the west, Monkey King went to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea to rob the Golden hoop stick and to the prefecture to sell the books of life and death.

Dragon King and Yan Jun went to heaven to complain. The Jade Emperor called Sun Wukong into heaven and gave him Prama Wen.

Wukong suspected of being a small official and returned to Huaguo Mountain, claiming to be "the Great Sage of Qitian".

The Jade Emperor sent Tianbing Tianjun to capture Sun Wukong. Without success, Sun Wukong was allowed to manage Pantao Garden.

Sun Wukong stole peaches, destroyed the Queen Mother's peach feast, and stole the golden Dan of Lao Shang Lao Jun and fled from the Heavenly Palace.

The Jade Emperor then sent King Li Tianwang to lead the Tianbing to capture him; the Guanyin Bodhisattva recommended Erlang Zhenjun to assist him in the battle;

the Emperor Tai Shang sent hidden weapons to help him, and finally Wukong was captured.

Wukong was chopped by knives and axes, lightning and fire, and even put Dan stove for forty-nine days. He was still doing nothing, and he was still fighting in the Temple of Heaven.

The Jade Emperor ordered Buddha Tathagata to press Monkey King under the Wuxing Mountains.








第四回:官封弼马温心何足 名注齐天意未宁

第五回:乱蟠桃大圣偷丹 反天宫诸神捉怪;

第六回 观音赴会问原因 小圣施威降大圣;


主要人物孙悟空由开天辟地以来的仙石孕育而生,因带领群猴进入水帘洞而成为众猴之王,尊为 “美猴王”。







㈥ '美猴王"的英文介绍

Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, is a main character in the Chinese classical novel Journey to the West. Sun Wukong is also found in many later stories and adaptations. In the novel, he is a monkey born from a stone who acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices. After rebelling against heaven and being imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha, he later accompanies the monk Xuanzang on a journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from India.

Sun Wukong possesses an immense amount of strength; he is able to lift his 13,500 jī (7,960 kilograms (17,550 lb)) staff with ease. He is also extremely fast, able to travel 108,000 li (54,000 kilometres (34,000 mi)) in one somersault. Sun knows 72 transformations, which allow him to transform into various animals and objects; however, he is troubled in transforming into other forms, e to the accompanying incomplete transformation of his tail. Sun Wukong is a skilled fighter, capable of holding his own against the best warriors of heaven. Also, each of his hairs possess magical properties, capable of being transformed into clones of the Monkey King himself, and/or into various weapons, animals, and other objects. He also knows spells that can command wind, part water, conjure protective circles against demons, and freeze humans, demons, and gods alike.[1]

One of the most enring Chinese literary characters, Sun Wukong has a varied background and colorful cultural history. For example, Sun Wukong is considered by some scholars to be influenced by both the Hin deity Hanuman from the Ramayana and elements of Chinese folklore.

㈦ 用英语介绍孙悟空40词

songwukong a chinese ancient legend.It born from a magic stone,one day he get a fantastic ion bar ,it name's Ruyi gold hoop stick.songwukong use it fight against the gods,Then he held under a mountain.he set free by a Tang dynasty monk ,Xuanzang.help Xuanzang travel to the West with Pigsy and Sandy .

㈧ 我最爱的美猴王的英语作文怎么写

Monkey, Monkey King is one of the roles that Chinese Ming Dynasty novelist Wu Cheng's book "Journey to the West" in. Monkey Qunhou lead into the shuiliandong become the king of Zhonghou, since then, the high throne, the "stone" hidden word child, and then called the Monkey King. When I visited the Monkey King huaguoshan hero, the acquaintance of other six cattle devil devil, seven sworn brothers, therefore becoming one of the seven holy Monkey, ranked seventh position. After Monkey Monkey King, claiming "Monkey."
Monkey naturally smart, lively, brave, loyal, vengeful, in Chinese culture has become a resourceful and brave incarnation, so it's easy to become Monkey boy idolized.
美猴王,即孙悟空是中国明代小说家吴承恩的著作《西游记》中的角色之一。孙悟空带领群猴进入水帘洞后成为众猴之王,自此,高登王位,将"石"字 儿隐了,遂称美猴王。孙悟空在花果山遍访英豪之时,结识了牛魔王等六大魔王,七人结拜为兄弟,因此孙悟空成为七大圣之一,位排第七。之后孙悟空大闹天宫,自称"齐天大圣"。

㈨ 美猴王英文概括

Note: the original site has a Bai transcoding, for viewing on mobile devices. 'Monkey King' synopsis _CCTV.com_ Chinese CCTV 'Monkey King' synopsis CCTV.com2008 December 30th 16:32 into the Renaissance forum making source: CCTV.com making larger view on the mountain of flowers and fruit, the monkeys are nervous and a fiend in human shape battle. A bear in the mountain of flowers and fruit for many years of the stone suddenly collapsed, born out of a stone Houlai from inside. In the old king's be good at giving systematic guidance, stone monkey monkey out by until the support for the monkey, but all this is to let the stone monkey friend six ear macaque jealous. In order to better protect the mountain of flowers and fruit, they appealed to the next, small stone monkey decided to learn. The stone monkey came to Lingtai Fangcun mountain Bodhi art. He is not only a success, also referred to the red moon, life, fruit and other new friends, but also has its own name -- Sun Wukong. Art after the success of the Sun Wukong back to the mountain of flowers and fruit, the eradication of a fiend in human shape, and make friends, have hell make the Dragon Temple, the best gold hoop stick as a weapon. He refuses to accept the jurisdiction of heaven, Tianma, put make peach, until the king Li led the divine troops descending from Heaven against Huaguo Mountain, sun

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