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发布时间: 2020-12-27 10:10:56

『壹』 一篇介绍奶牛的英语文作文

This morning, I looked at a table arrayed with a glass of milk, then the situation which was not thought through the cow, if the cleaning is the greatest human beings, then the cow is the greatest animal kingdom animal, and it Always with his selfless dedication to their most precious asset is the only dedicated human, cow milk can provide. Can help farmers make money, can provide beef. Also can proce milk, but it ignored its own, perhaps they would think that as long as human happiness, they will be very happy, I like them lovely expression, and small but clear pupil of the eye, but I was more concerned about their selfless spirit of !

『贰』 关于牛奶的介绍(英文)


『叁』 介绍奶牛的英语片段

Milk is a dairy proct. It is a white liquid proced by the mammary glands of mammals. Milk is also the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types of food.

『肆』 奶牛的英文介绍


[英] [kaʊ][美] [kaʊ]

n.奶牛,乳牛; 母兽; 雌(象,鲸等); <侮辱>对女性的蔑称;

vt.恐吓; 吓唬; 威胁;

[例句]He kept a few dairy cows.他养了几头奶牛。


『伍』 奶牛的英语怎么读!

cattle ['kætl] n.牛
ox [ɔks] n.牛;公牛 [ 复数oxen ]
cow [kau]n.奶牛,母牛
bull[bʊl] 公牛
calf [kɑ:f]小牛,牛犊

『陆』 当你想介绍这些是奶牛用英语怎么回答

l want to introce the milk to you.lt
is milk.

『柒』 怎么用英语大概介绍奶牛习性啊

This morning, I looked at a table arrayed with a glass of milk, then the situation which was not thought through the cow, if the cleaning is the greatest human beings, then the cow is the greatest animal kingdom animal, and it Always with his selfless dedication to their most precious asset is the only dedicated human, cow milk can provide. Can help farmers make money, can provide beef. Also can proce milk, but it ignored its own, perhaps they would think that as long as human happiness, they will be very happy, I like them lovely expression, and small but clear pupil of the eye, but I was more concerned about their selfless spirit of !今天早上,我望着桌子上摆着的一杯牛奶,便情不自经的想到了奶牛,如果说清洁工是人类中最伟大的,那么奶牛便是动物界中最伟大的动物了,它总是无私的奉献着自己,把自己最宝贵的,也是仅有的财富献给了人类,奶牛可以提供牛奶。
还可以生产奶粉,但却忽视了自己,也许它们会认为只要人类快乐,它们便会很开心,我挺喜欢它们那可爱的表情,和小而清澈的眸子, 但我却更在意它们的无私精神!

『捌』 它是奶牛用英语怎么写

It is milk

『玖』 用英文介绍牛奶简单一点

Milk is one of the oldest natural drinks.Milk the cow from female name suggests that out.In different countries,the milk also points have different level,at present the most common is whole,low-fat and skim milk.The present market condition milk additives also quite a lot,such as high calcium low-fat milk,they emphasize which added calcium.牛奶复,是最古老制的天然饮料之一.牛奶顾名思义是从雌性奶牛身上所挤出来的.在不同国家,牛奶也分有不同的等级,目前最普遍的是全脂、低脂及脱脂牛奶.目前市面上牛奶的添加物也相当多,如高钙低脂牛奶,就强调其中增添了钙质.

『拾』 奶牛的英文怎么写

[词典] cow; dairy cattle; milch [milk] cow; milch cow;
He kept a few dairy cows

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