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发布时间: 2020-12-27 10:09:27

1. 关于博物馆的英文介绍,英文导游词,还有古文物的英文说法,

1. The murals of the Eastern Han Dynasty:
The murals of the Eastern Han Dynasty were found in Luoyang City of central China’s Henan Province. Luoyang is a city which acted as the capital of nine ancient dynasties and is therefore worthy to act as an ancient tomb museum.

The museum is located in the village of Zhongtou in Luoyang City. It is the first of its kind in China and has 22 restored tombs dating from the Han Dynasty (206-220 BC) to the northern Song Dynasty (AD 960-1127). Many colorful murals have been restored and pottery pieces and other extracted relics are also on display.

2. Tombs of Han Dynasty:

3. Han tomb of Liu Sheng:

4. 关于汉墓出土的道德经的一段:
The Dao De Jing from the Han tomb is quite different though. The original Dao De Jing as excavated from the Changsha Mawangi tomb has two volumes: First volume is name "De" and second voume named "Dao". There are also two versions 甲本 , 乙本. Each of them is missing part and the version we see today probably is from combination of different versions. As there was no printing press and everything relied on hand , there are a lot of errors in both of them. I guess this is what Carl was interested whether the original version was distorted by transcription into modern writing.

According to a very scholarly book by Li Shui Hai (1990), there are a lot of Chu language used in Dao De Jing which were not fully understood by the northern states. Many of the original words in the Han tomb are different from the current version.

2. 文物的英语怎么说

cultural relics
historical relics

3. 报考市文物局下属的博物馆事业单位招聘考试,职位英文讲解员 。。笔试考什么呢


4. 出土文物用英文应该如何表达

unearthed cultural relics
unearthed historical relics
unearthed artifacts

5. "历史文物"用英语怎么说

cultural relic
historical relic

6. 谁知道关于文物的英语作文

www.chinacov.com/EN/default.asp 这里来面很自多,自己选吧

7. 中国文物展的导游 用英语怎么说

Tour guide of China Cultural Relics Exhibition

8. 博物馆里有很多文物英语用怎么说

There are a lot of cultural relics in the museum.

For example, the Forbidden City Museum has a collection of antiques
museum; repository
a great many; a great deal of; a large number of; plenty of
cultural relic; historical relic

9. 古代的文物用英语怎么说

relics from ancient times
As we travelled through this country, we saw many relics from ancient times and ruins of the native population of this kingdom.

10. 高分悬赏几段文物类文章的英文翻译!!!!

1 the Ming Dynasty Great Wall crosses the thing, just like greatdragon palatial magnificent sight. The Great Wall to grand isworld-famous, it is our ancestor intelligent wisdom crystallization,it is the Chinese nation great heroic and unyielding spirit symbol.

2 from here unearthed extinct organism fossil and human civilizationremaining, was allowed to tell us as early as to have the fierce 犸 in ancient times time here, the deer, the cow, the bluesheep, cutting tooth animal and so on antelope perches in this. Afterthe humanity appears, lives the multiplication on this place beautifulland, has passed through for tens of thousands of years year.

In 3 Great Wall's enemy tower, the beacon-fire shop room, on the stelecarving engraved inscription and the mountain body touches the cragprefatory remarks, is the Great Wall culture main body; Inside andoutside the Great Wall spreads in the folk story fable, is the GreatWall culture bright oral literature.

4 today, the grand Great Wall is this city important travelingresources, obtains the properly protection and the use. The displayarchaeological finds, the remote sensing map and the three dimensionalrealistic model image and the picture, outline becomes famous theGreat Wall culture the rich connotation.

5 "to the Great Wall non- real man", "does not love my China, repairsmy Great Wall". The Great Wall spirit never but actually, it foreverdrove person civil instrious both hands will create compose happiertomorrow

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