Ⅰ 求一篇介绍迪士尼乐园的演讲稿(英文)
Ⅱ 日本迪士尼乐园的项目介绍和必玩的设施有什么
东京迪士尼乐园主要分为世界市集、探险乐园、西部乐园、动物天地、梦幻乐园、卡通城及明日乐园等7个区,园内的舞台以及广场上定时会有各种各样的游行活动。 在迪士尼正门的中心,可以看到高耸的“灰姑娘城”这座主建筑,在它的周围则建造了多种主题的游乐场和游乐馆,例如冒险宫、世界著名故事、传说宫、风景宫、闲游宫、宇宙宫、幻想宫等。
Ⅲ 迪士尼的简介,中英结合版的
Disney has briefed today on the Disney lot of information and, However, the system is still relatively rare Disney introced the term, let us know below bars. What is Disney? English words : Disney's intention is very simple fact, the word itself, it is a name names. But let's look at the dictionary to explain what Lane. "Heritage ® Dictionary /American Heritage Dictionary" (the United States authoritative dictionary), this explanation : Disney pronunciation entries : [ '] dizni Walter Elias Known as "Walt. "(1901-1 2966) American animator, showman. and film procer. Noted for his creation of the cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duc k, he proced the first animated film with sound. Steamboat Willie (1928). and the first full-animated feature. Snow White (1938). Disney. They hold the link-Intel (usual "exceptionally") (1901-1966) proced American cartoon family, Moderator performances and film procers to create famous cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. He has proced the world's first sound cartoon "Willy steamship" (1928) and the first animated movie "Snow White "(1938 *). * Note : The magical moment was in fact the "Snow White" premiered on December 21, 1937. It seems that word has a specific meaning, the system that Disney has the following meaning of the word. Name names : Disney Naturally, the Disney family of all the people in the world named Disney. For example, Roy E. today. Disney and others. Walt Disney, in particular to the country whose people Walt Disney (Walt Disney), They hold the link to the Disney-Intel full name (Walter Elias Disney). He is one of the founders of the Walt Disney Company (the other was his brother, Roy Oliver Disney-Roy Mr. Disney). In other words if Disney peacetime, the environment or if no special article explains that In general there are referring to the Walt Disney President. The Walt Disney Company, Walt Disney Company indicator of the English name for the company : The Walt Disney Company (TWDC). California's Burbank headquarters in the United States. Is a world-wide multi-media entertainment company. Disney, an entertainment brand name brands. 2005 Interbrand/BusinessWeek 100 strong brands in the world (according to Brand Value) for the seventh place ranking. In fact, usually the most common. Disney theme park and refers someone will say "you visited Disneyland? , "" I want Disney tickets. " This means there is a Disney theme park Disney, the theme park and all. California Disneyland is the largest indicator of the situation. Only general of China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) will use this method indicator. The Walt Disney Company on the Walt Disney Company, founded in 1923. At that time, only two brothers Walt Disney Disney and the Disney Brothers Carto Roidi on Studio, and now Disney has become one of the world's largest entertainment companies. continued commitment to providing the most special people in the entertainment experience. and always carried a constant pursuit of quality and innovation of the company's fine traditions. The basic message : English company stands Walt Disney Company, the initials : TWDC Chinese generic : The Walt Disney Company corporate headquarters : Burbank, California, 500 Street City CAEXPO great Walt Disney Company 500 South Buen a Vista Street, Burbank, California. USA 91521 Tel : United States (818) 560-1000 annual turnover : 30.752 billion U.S. dollars (2004 Annual Report data. 2005 Fortune Global 500 ranked No. 159) Market value : 50.96 billion U.S. dollars (August 29, 2005) chief executive officer (CEO) : Michael D. Michael Eisner. Eisner, president and chief operating management (COO) : Robert Eggington Robert/Bob A. Iger (soon-to-be-installed Eisner), the Walt Disney Company set up on October 16, 1923. from Walt Disney (Walt D. Disney) and Gegeluoyi Disney (Roy O.. Disne y) to establish, then called the Disney Brothers Studio (Disney Brothers Studio). Later renamed the Walt Disney proction companies (Walt Disney Proctions). In February 6, 1986. officially renamed the Walt Disney Company (The Walt Disney Company). As an integrated entertainment giant, the Disney company has numerous subsidiaries, and there are many aspects involved in the business. The Walt Disney Company will be divided into four major business these large part of them : television and entertainment, theme parks and resorts. consumer procts and media networks : Disney film and entertainment throughout the Walt Disney Company were established on the basis of this part of the business. This part of the core business of the world's most famous animated films and live film. The department is charged with Disney, the touchstone, Miramax films and other brands worldwide, The company issued a video DVD. And is responsible for musical, theatrical and other ice world in the proction of the Disney issue and the issue of multi-brand discs. Disney theme parks and resorts in the department responsible for global Disney theme park operator, design and construction. Apart from the global five Disneyland, the theme park 11, Disney has two giant oil tankers at sea -- the same cruise line. Also for Disney Regional Entertainment Business ESPN Zone theme restaurants. Movement and Anaheim (Anaheim Sports. Inc.. ) is responsible for operating Disney's NHL ice hockey team "big ck team (The Mighty Ducks) . " Disney started in the sector of consumer goods in 1929 is mainly responsible for the authorization of Disney consumer procts around, As the world's largest consumer brands business authorized Disney and global co-launched a broad mandate, including clothing, toys, food and other consumer goods. Another Disney is a global publishing departments under the department. Wei Bo and Walt Disney Interactive Group will be responsible for game software development and distribution. Disney and the Disney website specializing in direct marketing, including direct marketing business. Disney Disney's media networks operation of the department responsible for a variety of media networks and assets. Disney acquired ABC in 1996, including the completion of the group's activities. Specifically, a television program proction and television operations. Equally responsible for the proction and broadcasting of radio operators, including Radio Disney and other specific. Another highlight of ESPN, Disney is holding. Part of the global network of the cable companies who control the Disney Channel (The Disney Channel) and shares of some other channel. Responsible for the operation of the Walt Disney Internet Group Walt Disney Internet assets which are part of this. Disney in China as early as the 1930s, the Disney Company has already entered the China market. Now let us find out the Walt Disney Company in China. The Walt Disney Company in China's Shanghai offices of the Office of the Beijing office of the management structure of the Guangzhou office in China, Zhang Zhizhong - Walt Disney International's Executive Vice President and Managing Director (China) | Stanley Cheung. Executive Vice President & Managing Director, Walt Disney International (China) office in Shanghai, Zhang Zhizhong , and is responsible for all Disney business, the Walt Disney Company in the International Business Division (Walt Disney In ternational) Andy Bird, president of Walt Disney Television in China on the Wal business t small enclosed Disney Television International Club-The Dragon Club was established in small enclosed Club on September 19, 1994, has just passed the 10-year-old birthday TV also broadcast daily in all parts of the country. "Disney animation in the country," the slogan is a small enclosed club, and the program has affected generations of Chinese children. South joy Disney-Disney recently launched Club. CCTV broadcast in the South TVS-6 possible CCTV broadcast in the late 1980s cartoon "Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck" 2001 CCTV-1 large windmill "Mickey Mouse New Biography" Adventures of Winnie the Pooh 2003 CCTV-14< Remember "CCTV-14< spicy girls in 2004" awards ceremony has been broadcast several times CCTV-6 Oscars ceremony, the Disney film and television - Buena Vista Internation Television often possible al CCTV-6 Disney family film entertainment companies are more brands Treasury (DVDs. VCD) - Buena Vista Home Entertainment Internat ional this part of the business started in 1997 by the Disney family entertainment and agents were limited Degara Division progress has issued a DVD (170+) VCD (330+) consumer goods business - this part of the Disney Consumer Procts mainly to empower the main. Many businessmen in the mainland authorized Disney. And the country has over 1,100 store selling Disney procts. Fullerton dreams have authorized the famous Laguna stationery FLOMO Housing infant wear, children's wear, baby clothing meters Wonderful World Wing Chun leather youth leather garments, there are many boutique. Silverware Internet business-Walt Disney Internet Group, Disney Chinese website (D isney.com.cn) in the 2001 Disney Haihong holding cash and the website, Disney selected in the 2003 partnership Sohu Company. Disney (Disney Mobile) mobile services based on the Disney website Sohu same company provided. For WAP download from the Disney procts, indexing network (IndexWeb). (Source "Xin Jing Bao" and other media) Disney World on Ice-Disney On Ice in 1995. "Walt Disney World on Ice : Beauty and the Beast" Spring had come to Beijing in 2004, "Disney on Ice World : Beauty and the Beast "had come to Guangzhou, Shanghai in July 2004," Disney on Ice World : Disney 100th anniversary, "had come to Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, on 8 July 2005," Disney on Ice World : Adventures of the jungle "had come to Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Disney On Ice : Summer 2006 Magical Journeys to the upcoming Chinese film distributors - Buena Vista Inter national Disney began back in 1995 to issue the film on the mainland. Disney brand film is a typical issue of the "Lion Dgnce Performers" and the "Toy mobilization", "Hua Mulan", "Mountains" "Dinosaur" and the "Cross-general" and the "Caribbean bootlegging," "Superman" and the "mobilization of national treasures." Brand also issued a touchstone for many films, such as "Pearl Harbor" and the "Alabama" and the "Yankee" "Agni ambition." Record issuance in 1996 to 1999, the Disney record business in China is a developed country. Disney Taiwan and the passage of the Rolling Stones, Shanghai, image, audio Shanghai. China's home-made audio recordings and other publishers bring in a lot of tapes published in Taiwan's right elevation, but the more expensive CD. Pricing 65 million. Around 2000, the United States issued a number of low-quality audio card Disney album where there are "Disney cinema" words. Disney man, and / CD 100 generation to issue some, Disney also recently issued the "Cross-general," very few genuine Disney record books - Disney publ ishing Worldwide Disney books have a number of business partners in China. Children's Fun Publishing Limited (China's largest partner Disney) magazine (these magazines in which children's magazine top circulation and market share) in 1993 to set up the "Mickey Mouse" fortnightly. This is the largest circulation publication for children, more than 350,000 copies each issue. "Mickey Mouse" newsletter (monthly) "princesses" Pictorial "Winnie The Pooh" Pictorial "magic" Disney various stories, album Little Einstein series of books Disney magic-the Disney Magic English (days - Blue-) explore magazines (Discover Magazine), "Science and Life" magazine Hong Sishan Group " Disney children's encyclopedia "theme park resorts - Walt Disney Parks and Reso rts Hong Kong Disneyland opened on September 12, 2005 and will soon begin construction of a new theme park. Shanghai Disneyland have appeared with the news media, but concrete progress is not yet clear. Disney officials have known "will not give up the building of Disneyland in Shanghai. If the building after the opening date in 2010. " The latest media sources said that Shanghai Disneyland will be built in Shanghai's Pudong Airport, Design will begin in 2006, started in 2008, 2010-12 opening. Strawberry started the game software through software Taiwan and China Children's Publishing House, Issue 2 is a general toys, interactive games for children 4 Taishan interactive games software was passed in English and Hong Sishan software cooperation Cross issued a general, two interactive games,
位于美国洛杉矶的加州迪士尼乐园,是全球首个迪士尼乐园, 1955 年 7 月 17 日开业,今年将迎来其开业 50 周年庆典。从今年 5 月起,迪士尼乐园将开展长达 18 个月号称“世界最开心的庆祝活动”,香港迪士尼乐园的开幕庆典也是其中一环。加州迪士尼乐园在这段期间,将会有全新设计的花车汇演和巡游表演,而经过翻新的室内“太空过山车”也将重新揭幕。
1964 年,喜爱迪士尼的人们开始筹建一座更大规模的游乐公园,这就是奥兰多的“迪士尼世界”。经过 5 年营造,迪士尼世界终于在 1971 年 10 月 25 日向公众开放了。奥兰多迪士尼世界最瞩目的是“太空任务”。这个游戏借离心机产生巨大的离心力,模拟火箭升空时太空人紧贴座位动弹不得的状态,并把太空的景象投射在飞行舱窗上,令人恍如置身于太空中。
被誉为亚洲第一游乐园的东京迪士尼乐园是目前世界上最大的迪士尼乐园。它的主题乐园面积为 80公顷。比美国本土的两个迪士尼乐园还要大。东京迪士尼乐园是迪士尼欢乐王国第一个位于美国以外的据点,园中有独家商品2万件,每天都有精彩表演与巡游,适合全家人一起玩,也是约会的好地点。 迪尼斯海上乐园是东京迪斯尼乐园的姊妹园,也是世界上仅有的以海为主题的迪斯尼乐园,共耗资 3380亿日元,费时3年兴建。
Ⅳ 用英语介绍一下日本迪士尼乐园
The capacity of the park is 34,000 visitors per day, and is the smallest Disneyland park. It has so far fallen short of meeting its targeted visitorship figures. The park attracted 5.2 million visitors in its first year, below its target of 5.6 million. Visitor numbers fell 20% in the second year to 4 million, which was below company targets,inciting criticisms from local legislators.
Ⅳ 迪斯尼乐园(大侠帮忙用英文给介绍下面的内容)
Walt Disney Company was founded in 1922 by Walt Disney (Walt D. Disney) and its哥哥罗伊Disney (Roy O. Disney) to create, then called the Disney Brothers Studio (Disney Brothers Studio), later renamed the The Walt Disney proction companies (Walt Disney Proctions), in February 6, 1986, it is now renamed as The Walt Disney Company (The Walt Disney Company). After years of development to become a successful multinational corporation, whose business involves the movies, theme parks, real estate and other entertainment instry and other fields. At present, Disney has developed into a technical system, including not only the hardware, facilities, machinery and processes, but also to link this all transportation, communication and information networks and the efficient operation of a large number of employees and a series of rules and regulations.
In 1919, the poor 19-year-old artist and animation procer Walter Elias Disney and his friends eWork with an old movie camera the first time a film released only a two-minute animated feature film, and then it also proced such as "Three Little Pigs," "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," "Aladdin," "Robin Hood" series of works and so on, forming a unique Disney World. In 1923, Walter and his brother Roy founded the Disney Company. In 1955, Disney animated film by the use of color, excitement, magic and other methods with the function of the amusement park combining the introction of the world's first modern theme park - Disneyland in Los Angeles. Walt Disney Company in 1971 in the local community and built a square one hundred and thirty square kilometers, from seven different styles of theme parks, six golf clubs and 6 subject hotel consisting of Disney World in Orlando. 1983 and 1992, Disney to sell out a patent, etc., respectively, in Tokyo, Japan Paris, France, completed the construction of two major Disney theme parks. So far, Disney has become the world's theme park instry mega-class multinational corporations. 80's, Disney was once considered a While but have lost their luster to the great enterprise, but since 1984, Michael Eisner became Disney's CEO, the company's growth record has it differently, Disney record for 14 consecutive years 20% of the annual growth rate of 18.5 percent and the annual rate of return on assets of the score. Eisner from Disney in 1984 when took over the assets of 1.4 billion U.S. dollars to develop into mid-1998 revenue more than 180 million companies, to 1999, the Disney company's market value has changed from the original three billion U.S. dollars surged to 70 billion U.S. dollars .
Ⅵ 急,迪士尼乐园英文简介
A Brief History of Disneyland
Disneyland has seen 50 summers pass in procession since its gates first opened July 17, 1955. Forty-five summers of parades and fireworks, of Mickey and Minnie, of playing host to people from all over the world.
Over the years, Disneyland has acquired the unmistakable characteristics of a national institution. It is a "must see" destination for any visitor to the western United States. Many Californian regard Disneyland as one of the states natural assets - like the Pacific Ocean or the Redwood forests. It is indeed a place for all ages.
Sometimes it is hard to remember that before there was a Disneyland... there was only a vision and a dream of one man - Walt Disney.The vision and dream was made possible with some empty sketch pads, canvases and a few sandwiches. It was these first "sketches" of "The Happiest Place on Earth" that provided Walt and Roy Disney the ability to secure the necessary financial backing to build Disneyland.
Inspired and led by Walt Disney over a long weekend in September 1953, artist Herbert Dickens Ryman was selected by Walt Disney as his master imagineer to bring the dream to reality...Disneyland is more than just buildings, attractions and adventures.
It is a virtual "masterpiece" in the making. Virtually every square inch of Disneyland - every building, street corner, attraction, store interior - in fact every little detail from lampposts to trash cans are inspired by a painting, drawing or piece of sculpture... it is the artist's vision that guides the builders hand.
The process of creating Disneyland attractions is lengthy and complex. And yet the artist's role remains pivotal. He or she is responsible for giving initial form to new ideas, for refining concepts through artistic renderings and for providing the inspiration and cohesive vision for turning dreams into reality.
In celebration of Disneyland's 50th Anniversary and the 10th Anniversary of the Ryman Foundation for Young Artists, the Disney Gallery, located above the Pirates of the Caribbean in Disneyland, is pleased to present the art of Herbert Dickens Ryman in release of his autobiography "A Brush with Disney".
Ⅶ 日本东京迪士尼英语介绍。
Tokyo Disneyland, built in 1982, is located in Pu'an City, Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, Japan. It was built by Disney Corporation of the United States and Catalpa Design Company of Japan. Tokyo Disneyland, known as Asia's first amusement park, was built according to American Disneyland. The theme park covers an area of 46 hectares.
Tokyo Disneyland is mainly divided into seven districts: World Fair, Adventure Park, West Paradise, Animal World, Dreamland, Cartoon City and Tomorrow Paradise. There are various parades on the stage and square.
Ⅷ 日本迪士尼乐园 的项目介绍和必玩的设施
Ⅸ 迪士尼乐园用英语怎么说
Disney Resort
The Golden Horseshoe Revue, (1954美国电影)《迪士尼乐园》是1954年上映的美国西部动画片电影,由 Ron Miller执导,安妮特·弗奈斯洛、Gene Sheldon 及Wally Boag等主演。 《迪士尼乐园》讲述了华特·迪斯尼的冒险、传记故事。
东京迪士尼乐园Tokyo Disneyland ; TDL ; Tokyo Disney Resort ; Tokyo Disney
迪士尼乐园酒店Disneyland Hotel ; Disneyland Hotel Hong Kong
香港迪士尼乐园铁路Hong Kong Disneyland Railroad
Thepark,expectedtostartfull-scaleconstructionin the first half ofthis year, would be builtina7square-kilometerareathat thecityhas designated asan .
Ⅹ 迪士尼全英文简介
迪士尼,即华特·伊利亚斯·迪士尼(Walter Elias Disney,也译作华特·埃利斯·迪士尼)(1901~1966)。 美国动画片制作家、演出主持人和电影制片人,1901年12月5日生于美国伊利诺伊州的芝加哥。他以创作卡通人物米老鼠和唐老鸭闻名。
他制作了世界第一部有声动画片《蒸汽船威利》(也译作《威利汽船》《威廉号汽艇》,1928年)和第一部动画长片《白雪公主》 (1938)。他与其哥哥罗伊·迪士尼(Roy Oliver Disney)创办迪士尼兄弟动画制作公司。
Disney, which China Teyi Casillas Disney (Walter Elias Disney, Disney is also translated as China Teai Aires) (1901 ~ 1966). American animation proction house, show host and film procer, December 5, 1901 Born in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He created cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck famous.
He proced the world's first sound cartoon "Steamboat Willie" (also translated as "Steamboat Willie", "William No. launch", 1928) and the first animated film "Snow White" (1938). With his brother Roy Disney (Roy Oliver Disney) animation proction company founded Disney Brothers.