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发布时间: 2021-02-25 02:41:48


翻译为:introce the procts

② 新产品介绍暨技术交流英语怎么说

Introction of new procts and technical communication

Introction of new procts and technical communication

③ 用英语介绍一个产品

Now let us take a look at this proct. this proct was made from (material name) , which has special construction and advantage.Ok, I start to demonstrate it performance. you can use it at..., this proct will help you ... . Our company has been developed this kind of procts for several years. and its price is feasible.I hope this proct will bring more benefits to you.If you have any question, please let me answer now.
现在让我们看看这个新产品,这个产品是用的XX材料,这种材料有特殊的构造和优势. 好的,我开始给大家演示它的性能,你可以在...情况下用它 ,这个产品可以帮你干.... 我公司这几年一直开发这类产品.它的价格很合理,我希望这个产品能带来更多好处给你.如果你有什么问题,请现在向我提问,我当场回答.

④ 关于自己的设计的新产品的介绍英语作文

the Importance of Electricity

When you go to work in the morning and find that traffic lights don’t work, the traffic jam will certainly happen. A patient needs to be operated on at once. What will happen if the operation cannot be made because of the electricity. Without electricity, we can neither watch TV, listen to the tape, nor chat on line. Electricity is closely related to our daily life.
How terrible it would be if there were no electricity!

My Cat
I have a cat named Mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and Mimi would wave its front-legs to me. It brings me a lot of pleasure. But it takes time and costs money to keep the cat. My parents and I spend much time taking care of it, feeding it and cleaning it. We have to clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and smelly

⑤ 产品介绍英文翻译成中文

制造商获得FM认证已经提交了他们的设计,三分之一方然后调频与标准按照审查包括审查结构integrityincluding地板和雪荷载按照标准和能力承受特定的风是美国的标准尤其重要,给沿海地区建设进一步评价firerated墙壁和天花板的完整性和认证规定的地坑能力,与流行的看法相反,UL(美国保险商实验室)没有对这些建筑的标准,所以没有制造商可以使用UL listedmoniker参照建筑。

⑥ 产品介绍 英文怎么说

产品介绍的英文是proct presentation。

1.Proct Application Presentation
2.Proct Diagrammatic Presentation
3.Making a Proct Presentation
4.proct promotion and presentation
5.Starting a proct presentation
1.The project gonna be a manufacturing site, with proct presentation, and shopping.
2.Supports ID on their proct presentation by video editing, compositing, music editing and compositing.
3.Our customer is absolutely satisfied with our proct presentation.
4.How to make your new proct or service different from other peer procts at a proct presentation?
5.Who do you think should be invited for a proct presentation?

⑦ 最新电子产品介绍用英语怎么说

Introction of the latest electronic procts

⑧ 英语"介绍产品"怎么说

Because I introce the proct actively.

⑨ 产品介绍英语翻译

This is an app designed for blind people when they travel, because many blind public facilities are now unreliable, such as blind lanes, broken Braille symbols, and so on. I want an app to solve blind travel problems. Through a new technology, Tesla Touch, this technology is a special technology that can be specially developed for cutting fruit games to enhance the tactile sensation. In simple terms, it uses tiny static electricity to control the user's finger and screen friction, simulating some materials. In this way, I hope that there will be an app that can simulate some environmental information, touch the screen by hand to perceive the environment, and provide navigation services to help the blind travel.
In addition to the new technology, my main research is the information tips for the blind. By what means, such as outdoor noise, we prefer to use vibrating alerts instead of voice prompts, because if you wear headphones outdoors, you will miss a lot of traffic information, such as car horns, which is very dangerous. Communicating right and wrong through the number of vibrations, once correct, twice wrong, and very simple instructions, making it easier and safer for blind people to use.

⑩ "产品介绍"的英文应该怎么说

proct introction

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