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发布时间: 2021-02-24 07:58:59

Ⅰ 酒店“客房”的英语怎么翻译

hotel guest-room。。。住哲酒店管理软件

Ⅱ 关于酒店简介的英文翻译


Located in ZhongNan Bussiness area,connect with downtown inner roads,has excellent transportation,which allowing you to drive around all the highways of WuHan
地处武汉政治文化中心,毗邻湖北省政府,美丽的东湖风景区,历史悠久的黄鹤楼,典藏丰富的省博物馆均在宾馆周边。The hotel built at the political and cultural center of WuHan,neighboring with the provincial goverment,and there are attractive East Lake resort area ,long history of Yellow Crane Tower and provincial museum with abundant archives laying around the hotel

wide categories of buying items provided by the shopping commercial streets in which stands some worldwide supermarkets .and it just takes you few minutes to those large shopping centers either by walking or driving

With 369 exquisitely decorated rooms ,various delicious food in our canteen and bar,more than 1,400 square metres all-purpose conference rooms and different kinds of elegant small and medium multi-function conference rooms,here is the best place to performing variety of bussiness meetings,press conference, procts presentation and feast

A series of Health and Recreation facilities smoothing your mood and limbering up your muscles and joints

Such geographical advantage and sophisticated bussiness atmosphere create a permanent commercial icon.HongShan hotel where is your first choice for operating administrative or commercial affairs and your conference holding

Bussiness centre
perfect multiple facilities providing you the best of bussiness service and tickets booking
位 置:酒店一楼西大厅
location: west lobby,first floor of the hotel
Open on 8:00 to 21:00(Any bussiness services if you are looking for out of the working time,please call the service center)
分 机:8108
service including:
1、英特网 Access to the Internet
providing you LCD screens ,high speed fibre optics Internet surfing,independent zone for roaming the Internet with graceful environment
2、塑封 Plastic-sealed
3、装订 Binding
4、扫描、复印、打印 scaning,ing,printing
5、邮寄快递服务 delivery service
6、票务中心 ticket-Booking center
可为您提供火车票、飞机票预订服务及旅游服务 providing train and airplane tickets booking and traveling services

Ⅲ 酒店介绍英文翻译

the SHANYU LAKE GOLF HOTEL is located in the centre of GUANG FO ecology new city. it's only 40kilometers far away from the BAIYUN airport, GUANGZHOU downtown and FOSHAN downtown. that is to say, it's very convenient to you to change the different city and your vacation life in half an hour. the HOTEL is suit for different kinds of people's different requirements e to it's perfect supporting facilities and all kinds of guest rooms. the view balcony is designed in every guest room that can make sure you will enjoy the beautiful scenery from every corner of the guest room. you still can feel the beauty of mountain and lake, even you are in the room. what's more, the unique service of golf can make you play the golf at anytime if you want. more project, such as, professional golf training, special catering, mountain-climbing, fishing, KTV,outdoor barbecue and private yacht and so on will make you and your family enjoy a relaxed and cool vacation life.

每句的开头字母大写,自己翻译的 希望对你有帮助

Ⅳ 用英语向顾客介绍酒店房间类型

单人间:来single room 双人自间:double room 标准间:standard room 套间:suit room 总套房:presidential suit 客厅:sitting room

Ⅳ 急求酒店介绍的英文翻译


Ⅵ 关于酒店简介的英文翻译,请高手进来看一下。

xxx is a four star tourist hotel, located in Three Gorges construction site, near Xiling Gorge River. The hotel's unique design side by side with the surrounding environment of elegant blend, in fact, business, meeting the team's best place to stay. Look at the crystal from the room overlooking, but also viewing the Three Gorges scenery. Chinese and Western restaurants cuisine, offers Chinese, French and other fine cuisine, can accommodate 800 people dining. International Conference Centre is ideal place for organizing various meetings.

Ⅶ 客房用英文怎么说,酒店的客房

guest room 供旅客住宿的房间

Ⅷ 急求一篇关于酒店客房部介绍的英文段落


Please pay attention to fire prevention measures following a guest of the Fire Code:
1.请勿在床上吸烟。 1. Do not smoke in bed.
2.请勿在灯罩上烘干衣物。 2. Do not dry clothes on a lampshade.
3.请勿将烟灰倒在垃圾桶内。 3. Do not ash fell to the stbin.
4.请勿让儿童玩火柴。 4. Do not let children play with matches.
5.除电须刀、手机充电器、吹发器外,禁止在客房使用任何电器,如不需使用电器时,请将电卡拔出。 5. In addition to CLP is a knife, cell phone chargers, hair blowing, prohibits the use of any electrical appliances in the room, such as the use of electrical appliances when not required, please unplug the power card.
6.客房内供应电压为220伏特,错误的使用电器容易引起电源中断或火警。 6. Room supply voltage is 220 volts, the error likely caused by the use of electrical power failure or fire.
7.请与睡前或外出前将电视关上。 7. Please before going to bed or go out before the TV off.
8.若有任何可疑燃烧气味或烟冒出,应致电2237或2236通知服务台。 8. If there is any suspicious burning smell or smoke emitting from 2237 or 2236 should call the help desk notice.

如发生火灾: In the event of fire:
1.保持镇静。 1. To stay calm.
2.用衣物或湿毛巾等物捂住口鼻,低姿前进,以防吸入烟气。 2. With wet towels and other items of clothing or cover your mouth and nose, low-tzu forward, to prevent inhalation of smoke.
3.服从救援人员指挥。 3. To obey the command rescue personnel.
4.立刻疏散至最近安全出口,迅速沿楼梯疏散。 4. Immediately evacuated to the nearest safe exit and quickly along the stairs to evacuate.

请注意: Please note:
为保障宾馆及各宾客安全,任何人是因违反上述安全规定而引致火警者,将需负刑事责任及按值赔偿宾馆一切损失。 To protect the hotel guests and the safety of any person because of violation of safety regulations caused the fire, they will be required to bear the criminal liability and compensation in accordance with the value of hotels all losses. 本宾馆恳请贵宾忠诚合作,务使xx宾馆成为一家安全的宾馆。 The hotel guest loyalty to urge co-operation to ensure the safety of xx hotel as a hotel.

客房部介绍 英文段落

We Haikou Hainan Airlines International Hotel for the garden floor, Y-shaped building, located in the center. In January 11, 1992 officially open January 18, 2001 as four-star hotel, until June 1, 2005 HNA Group officially took over. It has 15 floors, a total area of 50,000 square meters. House for 3-7 rooms, 8-15 to make way for office buildings, 15 buildings for the management of our hotel. Restaurant The hotel features Asia, Hong Kong Global Ningna good restaurants, garden restaurants, cuisine, respectively, Japan and South Korea, the main influx of Cantonese and Western food. In order to meet the needs of the guests, the hotel also added a swimming pool, gym, sauna and other services. To arrive at the airport from the hotel about 30 minutes by car, bus airport vicinity, which is very convenient, welcome you come to stay, we will provide the best quality service. Thanks!

xx宾馆 xx Hotel

Ⅸ 酒店英文介绍翻译,高手来。


Hotel interior environment elegant, complete supporting facilities, for the vast number of guests to provide comfortable, concise, warm living space.


Equipped with standard room, big bed room, four people room and other kinds of room more than 400, to meet the Tianshi Group headquarters staff, regional dealers and external guests of different levels of accommodation needs. Rooms are equipped with air conditioning, television, telephone, free broadband.


At the same time, there are restaurant, conference center, supermarket, projection room, gym, billiard room, reading room and other supporting service facilities, to meet the meeting, dining, shopping and recreation, entertainment needs, so that you feel the same warmth at home.


International Conference Center covers an area of 30, 000 square meters, the building area is about 28000 square meters, the indoor total number of people about 6100.


The International Conference Center is divided into five floors.


On the first floor, there is a conference room for 100 people, a step training room for 500 people and a multifunction hall, one for each of the thousands of people;


The second floor has a small conference room and film and television photography studio;


The third floor has an annular staircase meeting hall and VIP reception room for more than 3700 people, simultaneous interpretation in 9 languages around the world, and simultaneous live broadcast.


This building is the global R & D quality inspection center, its completion and use will represent the most advanced and scientific research and quality inspection level of Tianshi Group, where Tianshi's scientific and technological achievements will be born and spread to all parts of the world!


Tianshi will bring together its own star procts and best-selling procts. It will be unveiled in the proct exhibition center to allow guests to feel the unique charm of Tianshi procts. Can satisfy the visitor's traveling shopping demand.


Ⅹ 用英语介绍一般酒店设施设备

■ 客房设备、用品
escalator 自动楼梯
bookshelf 书架
ground floor (英)底,层,一楼
cabinet 橱柜
switch 开关
venetian blind 百叶窗帘
curtain 窗帘
wastebasket 字纸篓tea trolley 活动茶几
night table 床头柜
first floor (英)二楼,(美)一楼
folding screen 屏风
hanger 挂钩
plug 插头
wall_plate 壁上挂盘
Chinese painting 国画elevator, lift 电梯
drawer 抽屉
second floor (英)三楼,(美)二楼
spring 弹簧
cushion 靠垫,垫子
socket 插座,插口
sitting_room 起居室
voltage 电压floor 楼层,地板
carpentry (总称)木器
tea table 茶几
bedclothes 床上用品
quilt 被子
mattress 床垫
thermos 热水瓶
transformer 变压器
adapter 连接器
brief ease 公文包
out of order 坏了
Food Mall 食品街
Ancient Culture Street古文化街
fire sprinkler 灭火喷淋
coat hanger 大衣架 pillow 枕头
heating control 加热控制
ice tongs 冰夹 chair 椅子
bedside table 床头桌
ceiling light 顶灯
luggage stand 行李架
swimming bag游泳袋
power socket 电源插座
note pad 记事簿
shoe basket鞋篮
ice bucket 冰桶
security latch安全门
dry cleaning docket 干洗单
breakfast menu 早餐菜单
light switch 灯开关
air conditioner vent 空调排风口
pillow case枕套
coffee table 咖啡桌
wall paper 壁纸
hair dryer 吹风机
standing lamp 地灯
valet stand 衣物架
switch 开关
desk chair (与书桌配套的)椅子
laundry docket 洗衣单
Do Not Disturb Sign 请勿打扰牌 DND sign请勿打扰牌
chest of drawers 带抽屉的柜厨
sheer curtains 纱窗帘
desk lamp 台灯
television cabinet 电视柜
single bed 单人床 double bed 双人床 desk书桌
sting 去尘
toilet brush 马桶刷子
refuse bag 废物袋
mopping 拖地
scrub 檫洗
stpan and brush 簸箕和刷子
detergent 清洁剂
vacuum cleaner 吸尘器
mop 拖把
shampoo 洗发水
soap 香皂
bath foam 浴液
sewing kit 针线盒
moisturizer 润肤露
shower cap 浴帽
shoe shine檫皮鞋
Bedside lamp 床头灯
smoke detector 烟感器
wardrobe 衣柜
television guide电视指南
Please Make Up sign 请收拾房间牌 PMU sign 请收拾房间牌
slippers拖鞋 drapes 布帘
Laundry docket 洗衣单
window sill 窗台
shopping bag 购物袋
bookshelf 书架

operator 电话员
house phone 内部电话
special line 专线
dial a number 拨号码
hold the line 别挂电话
can't put somebody through 接不通
ordinary telegram 普通电话receiver 听筒
city phone 城市电话
telephone number 电话号码
replace the phone 挂上电话
Line, please. 请接外线。
The line is busy(engaged) 占线。
send a telegram(cable) 发电报long distance 长途电话
telephone directory 电话簿
call somebody up 打电话给某人
can't hear somebody 听不见
can't get through 打不通
inland telegram 国内电报
ordinary mail 平信switchboard 交换台
central exchange 电话总局
The connection is bad. 听不清。
express telegram 加快电报
special despatch 专电
registered fee 挂号邮资
postcard 明信片

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