『壹』 纽约夜景英文介绍
New York probably has the most interesting nightlife in the country. New Yorkers love to go out almost every night. There are more than 20,000 restaurants, numbers of bars and clubs, opera and concert halls, Broadway theaters and dance companies, sports games and rock star performances. You can easily find things to do for fun according to your interests.
Almost every block in Manhattan has at least one restaurant or a bar, therefore there is no problem finding a place to eat, have a drink or just hang out and meet people.
If you want to be surrounded mostly by tourists, there are plenty of bars and restaurants on Times Square and Theater District.
If you like to hang out with the native people, there are plenty friendly bars and restaurants at Upper East Side.
Meatpacking district, TriBeCa and Low East Side are the greatest neighborhoods in Manhattan, which attracts all kinds of crowds. Here, you will find great restaurants and bars, the hottest New York nightclubs, as well as great spots (场所) and famous New York landmarks (标志性建筑).
Have a good night out in New York!
『贰』 夜景,英文
night piece nocturne
『叁』 急求一篇用英文介绍重庆夜景的文章。
山城夜景的特色之一得益于起伏的地势和依山而上的重重楼房。每当夜色降临,万家灯火高低辉映,如漫天星汉,极为瑰丽;二得益于两江环抱,双桥相邻。江中百舸争流,流光溢彩。桥面千红万紫,宛如游龙,动静有别,有似不夜之天。 初夜时分,以繁华区灯饰群为中心,干道和桥梁华灯为纽带,万家民居灯火为背景,层见叠出,构成一片高低井然、错落有致、曲直相映、远近互衬的灯的海洋。车辆舟船流光,不停穿梭于茫茫灯海之中,且依稀飞起喇叭、汽笛、欢笑、笙歌之声,给夜山城平添无限动感与生机。更兼两江波澄银树,浪卷金花,满天繁星似人间灯火,遍地华灯若天河群星,上下浑然一体,五彩交相辉映,俯仰顾盼,情境各异,如梦如幻,如诗如歌,堪足撩人耳目,动人心旌。重庆的夜景是公认的比上海和香港还要漂亮的地方,你可以登高俯瞰两江风景,也可以游江观夜景。重庆著名的一棵树观景台,于02年新建一观景楼,门票15,观景台有一大的停车场,你可以自行开车前往,夜空中的重庆,俯瞰江中点点灯光,犹如闪烁的星星掉多在水里,亦真亦幻。你也可以乘坐重庆著名的满江红游船,环游重庆市区,别有一番风味。
『肆』 以夜景而著名 的英文怎么说
be famous for its night sight
『伍』 急求一篇用英文介绍重庆夜景的文章.用英文介绍重庆夜景 要有翻译的
『陆』 用英语介绍重庆夜景
chongqing is famous for its beautiful night scene, at night , you will see bright lights everywhere, If you want to enjoy the beautiful night sence , you can go to the nanshan to see it with your friends ,and you will see the most beautiful night sence
『柒』 夜景很漂亮的英文怎么说
If you visit Shanghai, you will enjoy the night scene
英 [si:n] 美 [sin]
n. 场面,现场; (戏剧的)一场; 景色,风景; 事件;
『捌』 以夜景而著名用英语怎么说
Famous for the night scene
Famous for the night scene
『玖』 夜景用英语
The beauty of Shanghai Bund in the evening is beyond description.
She speaks English quite well,considering that she has learnt English for only one year.
3 别闯红灯,否则你要被罚款的.(or)
Don't rush when the traffic lights are red,or you'll be fined.
『拾』 上海夜景 英语
the night scenery of the Bunds is beyond description.
No sooner did i went out of the school gate than it rained.
Considering that she has learned English for no more than one year,she speaks quite good English.