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发布时间: 2021-02-14 17:18:26

㈠ 刮痧 英文介绍

The film “Gua Sha-the Treatment” reflects the difference of value and culture views between western society and orient society. value and culture views between western society and orient society

㈡ 刮痧用英语怎么说

a pupular treatment for sunstroke by scraping the patient`s neck

chest or back

㈢ 介绍刮痧的英文文章

Scrapping the meridian theory in Chinese medicine and bio-holographic theory under the guidance, the main function is to enhance the body's self-recovery capability. Oil and scrape with a scraping plate, scraping the oil pharmacies sale, scraping plates are commonly used in two kinds of buffalo horn and jade. How is scraping plates coated with the oil of the skin scraping scratch, because the body surface and viscera have some connection, to achieve therapeutic effect.

What is the scraping of the measles?

Sha is in the skin below, we see a red or purple spots and patches, in fact leaking outside of blood vessels containing metabolites in the blood. Rheumatic body of gas and some blood metabolites, blood circulation disorder caused by the measles will be out.

Scrape out measles and congestion not the same thing: more congestion caused by trauma, bleeding than more congestion in the area all have pain, difficulty moving. Scrapping the red or purple emerged after the spots, bleeding little penetration from out of capillaries, Guawan not hurt after, and because the discharge of measles for the blood circulation, increase metabolism rate, with treatment effect.

Scrapping it difficult?

Scrapping entry is very easy, very suitable for family health, there is no medical basis of knowledge can still learn. First, there must be scraping the oil, scraping the role of oil lubricated, which contains some Chinese medicines, blood circulation can rece the pain ring scraping to prevent infection. Scrapping plate special shape in order to meet the physical needs of the various anatomical position, so that blowing on the meridians and acupuncture points to stimulate more in place, the effect will be better.

Scraping is not difficult to learn. The human body is divided into many bands, each of the following bands have corresponding meridians, in a certain control surface, scraping plates as long as the fall The wide ribbons, through pressure on the meridians can be transmitted to the following, points, the play treatment.

Scraping can be fever, as fever, skin pores are blocked, after scraping to make the pores open, which the wind chill can be excreted, it has anti-fever effect.

Gua Sha also anti-inflammatory: inflammatory local congestion, swelling and accumulation of metabolic procts of performance, after scraping to local blood circulation is improved, the metabolism is also accelerated, partial pathological procts, such as bacteria, toxins can be excreted out faster, so inflammation can be dissipated. Scrapping of this anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory drugs is not the same, scraping through improved blood circulation, promote metabolism, enhance the ability of self-regulation achieved in vivo anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment of lumbar diseases: a lot of people on both sides of the waist back pain e to the imbalance of power, there is a small joint dysfunction, muscle strength on both sides by scraping can be a balance, a small joint dysfunction has been corrected, we can achieve the effect of treatment. Back pain can also be scraped back of the hand, to relieve symptoms.

Scrapping the method can not only treatment of cervical disease, Yao Tuiteng, frozen shoulder, bone hyperplasia, as well as visceral effect. This is because the scraping of the exact location of the internal organs are associated with, such as the little finger of the meridians is directly through to the heart, and the thumb is connected directly to the lung meridian, scraping, through the role of the meridian of the conction cardiopulmonary function can be adjusted, the actual Scraping is the mobilization of the body on the inside of a healing ability, who is sick does not necessarily Bixu injections and medicine, our bodies have a very good of Tai storeroom, the storeroom Ye is Zishen the meridian systems such Xinzang bad people can often shave off inside.

Scrapping operations

Scraping the oil before coating, hand lift up to scrape the site, to enable patients to relax the muscles and then down from the scraping scraper, scrape the basic operation method is from the down, from the inside out, and the scraper and body basically a 45 degree angle, there must be some downward pressure. Has been blown open the local pore on it. Wait until after measles can be scraped back a second time.

Scrapping Precautions

The human body's largest organ is the skin, the skin protects the body from bacteria violations, and metabolic function of the skin, open pores after scraping to the metabolism of the body's waste out through the skin, which is an aspect of scraping effect. Of course, can not be said to shave all body skin, body skin disease after open lifted. Scrapping of time to carrying the wind, because, after scraping to make the pores open easily if the wind blows in cold pathogen.

Hungry after exercise, after bleeding body are relatively weak, not scraping.

Scraping Scraping the oil must be

Instead of using safflower oil is not good. Many people think that blood circulation can safflower oil, in fact, a lot of safflower oil in adjuvant to stimulate the skin, like capsaicin, capsaicin useful in treating bruises, but will increase for scraping the skin to stimulate, the skin becomes rough, allergies, rash, dark spots appeared. If the emergency state is possible with some sesame oil, but as a long-term health effects of the treatment is certainly better than scraping oil.

If you are unsure what to do, you can find someone to do some medical diagnosis, teach you the method and location of scraping.

㈣ 急! 求英语牛人帮忙翻译几段话 关于电影《刮痧》

In the thinking mode, mainly manifests in the raise child and treats people handles matters the aspect. In China, teaches the child aspect, the parents generally believe that suitable beating and scolding to the raise child is beneficial, also ecated the child also to enhance own prestige, let the child be convinced to oneself, as the matter stands had the matter which killed two birds with one stone. “ is kisses, scolds is the love” this very universal idea also in Chinese parents' taking root at heart. In the movie, after son Dennis by father Xu Datong is only a dozen gently, calls to account when why the father does hit him, his father, grandfather also such tells him, “hits him is loves his one way.”In the Chinese inherent thought also has one idea “under the club the loyal son”, probably is also wants to express the similar meaning. This also noisily left the joke, Dennis to display to his good friend's love, has hit him unexpectedly, this naturally wrong Italy, certainly, regarding one since childhood the child who will grow up in the US, will be is impossible to understand will contain significance. In the US, hits the child is matter which violates the law, makes the wrong thing regarding one child to be most i.e. teaches, influence. The US is one pays great attention the democracy, equal state, what the guardians are more is the hope and the children treats as an equal, respects mutually, by one kind of friend's status the American is the rationalism, US's home ecation esteem by the rational basic principle treatment family member and family business. The American parents many are the foster raise child's ty, with the ty which should to do to the society regards equally, this surmounts indivial standpoint, but is not completely or parents own benefit regards the home ecation from the family itself. Since they thought that nurtures the children is the ty, also does not attempt the raise children to provide against old age, does not attempt the repayment, oneself old have entered the old folks home is a person proper home to return to (certainly, these Chinese regard as moral procere do not stem from US's social security mechanism and cultural convention). the Chinese is the cordiality is supreme, our country's home ecation take the human relations as a foundation, take the emotion reason as the principle, the whence manages family affairs the courtyard interpersonal relationship. Our country parents regard as the child are their private property, considers the child ecation from indivial retirement or indivial honor face angle, in the meticulous parents feel attached to is concealing thickly “the exchange of gifts between friends” the personal relationships. From this mentions, is not difficult to understand why the Chinese parents “do hope that a son will grow up to be successful”, “hoped female becomes the phoenix” mood by far in the US, often home ecation goal utility.

㈤ 刮痧英文怎么说怎么用英文来讲解刮痧的原理


Scrape Therapy: stimulate circulation to end stasis, warm the channels to relive pain, and clear toxin in body.

According to traditional Chinese medical theory, scraping the skin can stimmulate one's immune system and then help remove the disorder.
传统中医理论认为刮痧可以刺专激人的免疫系统, 消除身体属不适。

㈥ 英文介绍电影《刮痧》的导演,演员以及获奖情况,不要机器翻译


㈦ 帮我写一个《刮痧》的英语影评

Masterpiece on Cultural misunderstandings
Author: zzmale

Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patient's acupuncture/acupressure/massage points. It works in similar principles like that of acupuncture/acupressure/massage. This method would inevitably leave bruise on the skin, and the story begins here, when the visiting grandpa who does not speak any English used this traditional practice to treat the grandson when both son and daughter-in-law were at work.

Sadly, in US, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental immigrants lives and all of these are e to simple misunderstanding between cultures.

㈧ 怎么用英语介绍纯艺术,60个词左右

20th Century Modern Art
Three-Master Art:
Matisse (Fauvism), Picasso (cubism), Dali (surrealism).
Since the 20th century, modern fine arts school has shown repeatedly, are thousands. Born in 1905 in order to Matisse represented by Fauvism paintings, to emphasize the simple shape and flat, and the pursuit of the decorative screen. The rise in 1908 to Blake and Picasso represented by Cubist painting by Cezanne inherited form of law, natural objects into geometric block face, so as to fundamentally break free of the traditional law art visual and spatial concepts. With Germany in 1905 and Bridge Society in 1909's Blue Knight has set up a kind of expressionism as an important school of painting on board, were drawing attention to the performance of the artist's subjective feelings and internal. In 1909 in Italy there have been futuristic art movement, artists were keen to break down and use three-dimensional objects, methods and performance of the activities of the objects of the sense of movement. Abstract works of art around before and after the 1910 elections, on behalf of its artists are Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky and Mondrian Dutch painter, and the two men were also represents the lyrical abstract and geometric abstraction in both directions.
During World War I have thought of Dada, the artists were not only opposed to war against authority, against tradition, but also deny their own art, negate everything. Dusan reach Vinci's "Mona Lisa&q uot; painting on the beard and urinal as a work of art is to reflect the thinking of Dadaism. With the Dada movement faded on the basis of which appeared in art thought surrealism. Send this to Bergson's intuitive painter, Freud's psychoanalysis and the theoretical foundation for the dream psychology in an attempt to show the world the subconscious and unconscious. His painting is often the specific details and descriptions of the fictional artistic combination of performance and the illusion of a dream scene. On beh

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