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发布时间: 2021-02-12 04:47:28

『壹』 圣诞帽的英文怎么写

Christmas hat

『贰』 圣诞节的礼物和装饰的英文介绍


Christmas cards are popular in America and Europe.Many families bring family photos or news every year.


News generally includes the strengths and strengths of family members in the past year.


At Christmas, it was pointed out that the ideal of world harmony can only be realized through peace and kindness.


Sending out Christmas cards is not only a joy to celebrate Christmas, but also a feeling of remembrance to relatives and friends.


Especially for lonely relatives and friends, this is also a kind of care and comfort.



Christmas decorations include Christmas trees decorated with Christmas decorations and colorful lights, as well as indoor garlands and evergreen plants.


Special holly and mistletoe are traditional materials.


In South America and some parts of Europe, outdoor lighting is traditionally used, including sledges, snowmen and other Christmas pictures decorated with lights.


Municipalities will also support Christmas decoration by hanging Christmas slogans on streets or placing Christmas trees in squares.





『叁』 圣诞树和圣诞帽用英语这么说

圣诞树:christmas tree
圣诞帽:Christmas Cap

『肆』 圣诞帽用英语怎么说

a Christmas cap

『伍』 圣诞帽的介绍

圣诞帽(Santa’shat)与圣诞树、圣诞袜一样,是圣诞节不可或缺的物品之一。 它是一顶版红色帽子,据说晚上戴上睡觉权除了睡得安稳和有点暖外,第二天你还会发现在帽子里多了点心爱的人送的礼物。在狂欢夜它更是全场的主角,无论你到那个角落,都会看到各式各样的红帽子,有的是帽尖发亮的,有的是金光闪闪的。随着社会的进步,圣诞帽的样式也越来越多种多样。

『陆』 英语高手请进 怎样用英语介绍圣诞用品

圣诞帽:Christmas hat
圣诞袜:Christmas stockings
装饰用的小球:Christmas ornaments
圣诞树:christmas tree

『柒』 用英语介绍圣诞帽

Santa hat is made of soft cloth. It is triangular in shape with a cotton ball at the tip. The hat is red in color and the cotton ball at the tip is white. The hat is wore by Santa Clause.

『捌』 圣诞帽用英语怎么说是许多的哦

有两种表达法:Santa Hats; Christmas Hats

『玖』 圣诞节的英文介绍的翻译

Apple juice
Xiang Bin
Christmas Cookies
Man blueberry sauce
Fruit cake
Honey ham
Hot chocolate
Small almond cake
Strawberry rhubarb pie
Walnut cake
Pumpkin pie
Christmas customs ck States:

France-central France, Quarless, a few days before Christmas each year will drop snow, snow Aiai, it is refreshing. In Western eyes, a white Christmas is a propitious. In France, the manger is the most marked characteristic of Christmas, because Legend has it that Jesus was born in the manger next. People sing the praise of Jesus Kudange after drinking must be joyful, champagne and brandy France is the traditional Christmas wine.

Finland Finland in December before Christmas, the Violets All the hills are in full bloom, set in the land of the white, nondescript building a fuchsia, purple people delightful Christmas.

Britain and Germany, like Britain and Germany, the Christmas drink beer, eat Kaoe, they prefer to use the Christmas holiday travel.

Americans focus on the United States over Christmas family layout, placement Christmas tree, filled with gifts of socks, eating turkey mainly to the Christmas meal, at the family party.

Switzerland Swiss in the four weeks before Christmas, it will be four giant candles lit on the tree branches into a decorative ring, the weekly one point, when ignited after the first four Christmas comes.

Denmark were not agreeable to the Christmas gifts, dollar stores can go to other similar commodity prices.

Australia Australia is one of the countries in the southern hemisphere. By the end of December, when the countries of Western Europe in the cold wind whistled in celebrating Christmas, the Australian is not heat-resistant summer season. Therefore, in Australia over Christmas, can be seen everywhere-chested sweat Lee Lee and the young girls wear miniskirts, and the store windows decorated with a winter snow scene, covered with snowflakes Chuangongmianao the Christmas tree and Santa Claus, a unique Australia festive picture. This winter and the sweltering heat of the scene in stark contrast, I am afraid that in Western countries is unique. Parents to give their children the best Christmas gift than a SWATH zoned. Christmas try their hand is a feature of Australia. A festive night, with a beverage to be held in the forest, "Babel Habitat" picnic. People to the open-air kitchen stone barrier used dry twig fire, a top-plate, sausage, beef, fish and other fried put forward. Chibaoheju, on the up and "disco" or "kangaroo dance," and has been Nao before the end of the night. Drunk, and had to go straight one lying on the lawn in the loud snoring of the visit to meet Santa Claus.

Poland in Poland every year on December 25, 26 at each and every household decorated Christmas trees, the streets are selling decorations on the Christmas tree. Festival, among relatives and friends congratulated each other, presented gifts that friendly. Wallpaper below the evening meal to put some grass to show the birth of Jesus. Dinner is very rich, but we can not eat meat. 0:00, the family church to worship. Christmas period, usually less than in the house of someone's home, but the warm invitation owner exceptions.

According to the calendar, Bulgaria Bulgaria, Christmas is the soul planes Jiaoye frenzied days. Therefore, people should take advantage of the town fire to drive evil demon. Christmas Eve, the families have rekindled fire has been burning to dawn, not extinguished Otherwise, it will bring about Henghuo. Christmas trees by men from the ignition and entered the house, read aloud: "Christmas fell, cattle, sheep, pigs, horses covered laps, a full longitudinal WHEAT SEEDLINGS everyone good luck." In the house while waiting - Sound replied: "Amen!"

In the December 24 Christmas Eve, you asked around 24 different surnames to a person who fell by 0.1 yuan, with these two 4 for a big, red, and beautiful apple eaten within five minutes, the next year Oh, there will be good luck
Please note! 24 fell by 0.1 yuan! Apple must be a big, red point. This can represent the festive mood. So Christmas are generally a happy heart! ! !

Roast goose

『拾』 英语翻译 圣诞老人, 圣诞花, 圣诞袜, 圣诞树, 圣诞帽. 快,

圣诞老人Santa Claus
圣诞树Christmas tree
圣诞花Christmas flower
圣诞帽Christmas chapeau
圣诞袜Christmas sock

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