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发布时间: 2021-02-06 17:39:15

① 家里出了点事,用英语怎么说

There is some matter with me at home.
There is some trouble with me at home.
I'm having some troubles at home.

② 家里出了点事,用英语怎么说

Something happened at home

I was delayed — something came up at home

③ 英语翻译:家里有事

外国人很注重隐私的,就算是家里有事,他也不会说 family 这种词 (我自己的感觉)
have some personal things

④ 在家里有什么事做英语怎么说

Do you have anything to do at home?
Have nothing to do
Go staight along the road

⑤ 家里有事 下次再聊用英语怎么说

I have something to solve in my home,I will chat to you next time.

⑥ "家里临时有事"英语怎么说

I get a temporary home business.

⑦ 家里有事 英语句子翻译

1 我家里有些事,明天和后天,请假不来上班了。
Some 1 of my house, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, leave not to work.
2 最近家里有些事情,我想请几天假,希望您能批准
2 recent home some things, I want to take a few days off, hope you can approve
3 我想利用三天假期时间,去外地旅游,放松心情
3 I want to use three days of vacation time, to the field of tourism, relax
4 这几个月,我太累了 想好好休息一段时间。
4 months, I'm too tired and want to rest for a period of time.
5 你想要休息多啊 ?
5 you want to rest ah?
6 我临时有点事情,能提前走一会吗? / 能提前下班吗?
6 I have something, can go ahead for a while? / to leave early?

⑧ “家里有事,不能来学校”的英语怎么说

I've got some family matters, so I can't go to school.

⑨ 英语翻译 因家里有事,需请假1天.

As a result of family problems,and the need to leave 1 day.

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