English is not only the main international language in the world, but also one of the most widely used languages in the world. English is widely used. In the world, most people's emails are written in English, and most foreign information is published in English.
With the rapid development of the Internet, English based programming language has become the mainstream of programming language. In terms of computers, English is also the language closest to computers. Most of the programming languages are related to English, and with the application of the network, the use of English is becoming more and more common.
Nowadays, with the rapid development of social economy, English is indispensable for development. When we are engaged in work, some excellent international enterprises will regard oral English as a skill more important than professional knowledge, which requires us to have good oral English ability.
If you want to work in an excellent international business environment, you must master English well. You should not only reach the standard in English, but also speak very fluently. Therefore, you will express your views more clearly and clearly in language communication.
When we negotiate with customers, we should express our English clearly and fluently, which will bring greater benefits to the company or enterprise, and you will also have the opportunity to upgrade your company. Therefore, English is very important.
2. 商务英语作文report
Propose 提案;提议
Propose 作为有「提案、提议」的意思,而名词 proposal 则有「提案」及「求婚」的含意。Propose 多用在正式场合、商业谈判等,作为职场往来、提案的主要用词。
I’m about to propose the idea of an online game company.
Suggest 建议
Suggest 与 propose 相比较委婉,相对不正式的用词,更多的是给予可行的建议或想法,接收方未必要接受、想法也未必是最佳方案。常见的句型如:I suggest that…(我建议…)。
Recommend 建议;推荐
Recommend 是建议、推荐,常用来以客气、缓和的方式提出建议,像是:「为了安全起见,空服员建议乘客全程系好安全带」、「为了健康着想,广播建议观众全程佩戴口罩」。
For the sake of your health, we recommend that you wear your face masks at all times.
而 propose、suggest、recommend 这三个动词要怎么搭配使用呢?它们常见的用侍局睁法如下:
Propose/suggest/recommend + V-ing
Propose/suggest/recommend + N
Propose/suggest/recommend + that + 子句
这边,要特别注意:suggest 后面的子句动词必须是原型动词。为什么呢?因为后面的子句原本是有个助动词 should,只是因为大家平常习惯省略这个助动词,才会误以为 suggest 后方的子句动词要做变化。
建议他人的句型:Suggest + that + 子句(子句:S + (should) + V+ O)
I suggest revising the conclusion of this proposal, we need a strong ending to conclude our opinions.
I recommend that you have a talk with Jack, you need to figure out what makes you breakup.
我建议你跟 Jack 谈一谈,你需要找出造成你们分手的原因。
I proposed my presentation to the boss for the first time and he loves it! My hard-work is worthy!
Advise 建议
Urge 敦促;力劝
Encourage 鼓励
而 advise、urge、encourage 这三个动词要怎么搭配使用呢?
Advise/urge/encourage + V-ing
Advise/urge/encourage + that + 子句
Advise/urge/encourage + N
除此之外,advise、urge、encourge 还可以搭配不定词(to VR)使用:腊正
Advise/urge/encourage + to 原形动词
Although my girlfriend couldn’t go with me, she encouraged me to pursue my dream of studying abroad.
I advise you to consider it twice before making the decision.
Persuade vs. Convince
虽然 persuade 和 convince 字面上都是「说服」的意思,但你知道他们的差别吗?
Persuade 是透过「说」的,说服对方去做某件事,后面通常会接着说服对方做的动作。
I persuaded my girlfriend not to buy that luxury purse.
Convince 则是特别指利用数据、逻辑,使某人在「心理上」相信、认同某件事,并未有任何实际的行动。
Jeff convinced the boss not to dect the marketing budget from last quarter’s data.
Jeff 用上一季的数据说服老板不要砍营销预算。
Deadlock 僵局
Leverage 手段、谈判的筹码
To reach consensus 达成共识
Propose… / Make a proposal 提出提案
Withdraw a proposal 撤回提案
A convincing pitch 有说服力的提案
Convincing/persuasive 具说服力的
Seal a deal/ close a deal 成交、定案
Presentation 简报、报告
Proposal 提案、企划书
强烈 Strong
I strongly recommend (that)… 我强烈建议…
I urge (that)… 我力劝…
I am convinced that … 我相信…
语气强烈的句型,除了选择态度强烈动词,也会加上一些表达程度的副词,像是:strongly、highly、firmly、fully 等。
I strongly recommend that we collaborate with this design studio, they are young, creative and won lots of awards, just corresponding to our core concept.
以上方这个例句来说,句子里就是用了 strongly 来修饰动词,来表达更强烈语气的建议。
中性 Neutral
I suggest (that)… 建议…
I recommend + Ving 建议去做某事
In order to improve the market share, I suggest that we revise our marketing plan and launch the proct with new cover again.
I recommend having a break, we need to calm down and talk about it later.
委婉 Tentative
If I may, I would like to suggest…如果可以,我想建议…
It might… 这可能…
I like your proposal, however I think… 我喜欢你的提案,然而我认为…
Jackson, I like your proposal, it’s impressive. However, I think it could be better if the cost can be dected 10%.
FOB 公式(Finance, Operation, Business)
F 代表的是财务(finance),也就是要降低成本;O 代表营运(operation),降低管理成本与风险;B 为商业(business),增加营收、毛利或市占率。
SWOT 可以运用在商业或个人的相关优劣分析,是非常常见且好用的分析方式。而这四个字母分别代表什么呢?
S:strength 优势
W:weakness 劣势
O:opportunity 机会
T:threat 威胁
Provide solution 遇到问题提出解决方案
Reinforce your advantage 强调自身优势
Analyze cost and effect 成本及效益分析
4. 以谈论喜欢的音乐电影展览食物等的英语作文
Having a wider face like Jack Nicholson, Jimmy Carter or Leonardo DiCaprio gives men an edge at the negotiating table but also could hurt if compromise is required.
Those are two of the findings of a new study this month in The Leadership Quarterly journal that set out to understand what role men’s wider faces – width of the face divided by upper facial height – have on negotiating performance.
“These studies show that being a man with a wider face can be both a blessing and a curse, and awareness of this may be important for future business success,” said Michael P. Haselhuhn, an assistant management professor at the University of California, Riverside and the study’s co-author.
The work builds on earlier findings comparing wider-faced men and their narrow-faced counterparts by Haselhuhn and his co-authors, Elaine M. Wong, also of U.C. Riverside, and Margaret E. Ormiston of the London Business School. Previous research has found that wider-faced men have higher testosterone and are thus more aggressive. Wider-faced hockey players get more minutes in the penalty box, for example. They’re also more financially successful and have a better chance of getting a second date.
The three researchers already shown that firms whose male CEOs have wider faces – think Dell’s Michael Dell, or Southwest Airlines’ Herb Kelleher – achieve superior financial results. In negotiations, Haselhun and Wong also found that wider-faced men demonstrate greater self-interest, deceive others and are more likely to cheat in order to increase their financial gain.
“The first paper we did looked at ethics and negotiations,” Haselhuhn said. “These guys are physically aggressive but you can’t walk into a boardroom and check a guy against the wall.”
He continued: “How does aggression play out in a corporate setting? Social aggression is lying and cheating. Indeed, we found that wide-faced guys were more likely to lie in a negotiation. This paper was a kind of a logical extension of that. Being aggressive in negotiations isn’t necessarily all about being unethical. It can just be (that) you are being persistent. You are being focused on your own self-interest.”
In the first experiment, the researchers set up a scenario in which a group of male undergrads were told they had landed a job and now had to negotiate a signing bonus. Those with the wider faces managed to get $2,200 more than those with narrower faces.
Similarly, in another scenario, the researchers found that when male MBA students with wider faces were selling a chemical factory they negotiated a higher sale price than men with a more narrow faces. When those same wide-faced men were in the buyer role, they negotiated a lower price than the narrow-faced men.
But it wasn’t all good news for men with wider faces. In a third experiment, male MBA students were asked to come up with a “creative solution” negotiate differences over the sale of a gas station. The problem, known as the Texoil negotiation exercise, meant that the lowest amount of money that the station owner would accept is greater than the highest amount of money that the buyer is authorized to spend.
This time, the wider-faced men “were less able to share information and collaborate to find a way to bridge that gap,” Haselhuhn said.
Nicholas Rule, principal investigator of the Social Perception and Cognition Lab in the psychology department at the University of Toronto ,and who was not part of the study, was intrigued by the findings.
“What’s particularly exciting about this work is that they were looking at the effects of facial-width-to-height-ratio in live interactions,” said Rule, an expert in the relationship between nonverbal behavior and leadership success.”Men are more aggressive in negotiations, tend to do better, but may not see the forest for the trees.”
No women were part of the study. The researchers focused on men, they said, because prior research has suggested that face-width-to-height ration is “particularly important” in male-to-male interactions. It is not “predictive of any changes in behavioral or psychological outcomes in women.”
Haselhuhn said he expects the findings to further help business leaders who already intuitively expect wide-faced men to be more self-interested, tough and competitive. As a result, they will typically avoid a fight with the wide-faced executive.
“When you are negotiating against somebody else, you want as much information as possible about how we should prepare and let’s anticipate how this negotiation is going to go,” he said. “This is one signal.”
Haselhuhn said the findings could also allow wide-faced men to change their strategy if they know they are going to be perceived as aggressive.
“Men should consider how their counterpart is going to view them,” he said. “If I have a wide face and the other guy expects me to be more competitive because wide-faced guys typically are and I really want to build a relationship, I know that I’d better be extra careful in starting off the negotiation on the right foot to build the level of trust.”
这是《领导者季刊》(Leadership Quarterly)本月研究得出的两项结果,该研究旨在了解男人的脸宽(脸部宽高比)对谈判表现的影响。
美国加州大学河滨分校管理助理教授迈克尔P. 哈瑟胡恩(Michael P. Haselhuhn)是此次研究的合著者,他表示:“这些研究表明,宽脸男人是一把双刃剑,而意识到这一点可能对未来业务的成功有着重要意义。”
此次研究基于以往的研究成果。哈瑟胡恩的合著者伊莱恩M•黄(Elaine M. Wong)也是加州大学河滨分校的教授,他们曾与伦敦商学院(London Business School)的玛格丽特E.奥米斯顿(Margaret E. Ormiston)教授合作开展了一项研究,将宽脸者与窄脸者进行对比。该研究发现宽脸男人体内睾酮水平更高,所以更加强势。例如,宽脸曲棍球运动员在犯规球员禁闭区待的时间更长。宽脸男性在财务上也更加成功,而且在恋爱中获得第二次约会的几率更高。
这三位研究人员的成果显示,脸型较宽的首席执行官——例如戴尔的迈克尔•戴尔(Michael Dell)以及美国西南航空公司的赫伯•凯莱赫(Herb Kelleher)——都获得了优异的财务业绩。哈瑟胡恩和伊莱恩•黄还发现,在谈判中,宽脸男人更自私,更善于欺骗别人,而且更可能会为了获得更多经济利益而作弊。
尼古拉斯•鲁尔(Nicholas Rule)是多伦多大学心理学系社会感知与认知实验室的首席研究员,虽然他并未参与这项研究,但他对这项研究结果很感兴趣。
译者: Lina