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发布时间: 2025-03-24 08:44:11

『壹』 专业英语翻译

Thermogravimetric analysis of rubber and coal TGA diagrams expressed as rates of mass loss from the gasification/combustion of ground SBR, tyre chunks, polystyrene of various degrees of cross-linking, carbon black and coal are shown in Figure 5, at a heating rate of 20Kmin -l. Polystyrene devolatilized entirely at temperatures in the vicinity of 680 K. SBR and tyre chunks showed signs of weight loss at temperatures as low as 550K (15wt% loss). This may possibly be associated with evolution of aliphatic pyrolysates of butadiene. A second peak followed around 700 K (in the range 17- 39wt% loss), presumably corresponding to the lighter pyrolysates of the decomposition of polystyrene (polystyrene decomposes to styrene, 40wt%, and other longer chain pyrolysates37).

A third strong peak was recorded at or slightly above 800 K (representing 40-50wt% loss). Finally, a weak peak was recorded around 1000K, which accounted for up to 5wt% of the total mass and was attributed to part of the carbon black oxidation. A few per cent of the initial weight remained as a white resie and was classified as ash.

In separate runs, pure carbon black burned in the temperature region 780-900 K (see Figure 5). Thus, since the carbon black content of the rubber was determined to be 35wt%, it becomes evident that the third and largest peak, observed at 800K, was e to simultaneous oxidation/gasification of most of the carbon black content (35 - 5 = 30 wt%) and heavy pyrolysates from polystyrene (accounting for 10-20wt%) that has been cross-linked in rubber ring the vulcanization process.

The possibility of the evolution of the latter components was supported by TGA experiments with home-made 25% cross-linked polystyrene (described in Reference 38). Such particles exhibited two peaks, one at 600 and another at 800K, in contrast to the single peak of uncross-linked polystyrene mentioned above. The second peak of this material overlaps with the largest mass loss peak of the tyres, and also with that of carbon black oxidation. Coal particles of the larger size (180-212#m) exhibited a sharp peak at about 720 K and a wide peak in the range 800-900 K, presumably attributed to the gasification and oxidation of volatiles and char, respectively.

This behaviour strikingly resembles that recorded in the pyrometric radiation intensity profiles, which will be presented in the following section. Coal particles of the smaller size cut (75-90 #m) sustained a very broad single oxidation peak, 700-900 K, which may be perceived as an indication of, at least partially, overlapping volatile evolution and char oxidation of these smaller particles. The gasification/combustion rates of all materials in the TGA were similar at the heating rates of either 10 or 20 Kmin -] , concted here.
这种特性与将在下节介绍的测高温辐射的强度谱有惊人的相似之处。较小的煤粒(75-90 #m)持续一个很宽的氧化高峰,700-900K,这种表现的原因可以被认为可能是这些小粒子的挥发物演变和半焦氧化过程重叠所造成,最少是部分原因。本次试验的所有材料在TGA里执行每分钟10或20K升温率时的气化 / 燃烧率是一样的。

问题补充:The temperatures at which mass loss occurred changed little, if any, with either the heating rate in the TGA or the particle size in the sample.
However, devolatilization at different temperatures may be expected at the much higher heating rates of the droptube furnace.(紧接着的)注:#m为微米的单位





分 区:中科院4区;JCR:Q2




语 种:英语


出版商:Springer Singapore



Science Citation Index Expanded


Carbon Letters专注于碳材料和碳基分子的全面报道。从钻石到石墨,从焦炭、半焦、中间物质、碳纤维、碳纳米管、石墨烯、碳黑、活性炭、热解碳、玻璃状碳等,所有涉及的碳材料均在期刊范围内。对于由上述各种碳材料二次生产的新型碳和复合材料的研究报告,以及与产生的碳材料紧密相关的有机物质(如煤)的研究,均在期刊覆盖范围内。同时,Carbon Letters致力于追踪其专业领域的新发展,致力于寻找解决温室效应和臭氧层耗损等当前问题的替代能源解决方案。可再生能源基础、能源存储与转换、太阳能、风能、水能、核能、生物质能、氢能生产技术以及其他清洁能源技术均在期刊范围之内。Carbon Letters诚邀所有碳科学与技术理论与实践领域的基础研究原始报告。

『叁』 化学专业英语翻译

含氮对rubeanic酸化合物的热分解增加。 Bordzilovskii,V.Ya.; Gerega,室颤;空隙率; Dergunov,Yu.I.; Kheidorov,副总裁(Gos. Nauchno - Issled。研究所。Azotn。舞会。│。org的。圣马丁。莫斯科,苏联)。深航。 Prikl。黄淑琴。(列宁格勒)1986,59(4),834 - 8(罗斯)。 Ph2NH,PhNO2(Ⅰ),环己胺和RC6H4NH2(Ⅱ与r = 4,二氧化氮,4 -氯,高),而Et2NH加快,三乙胺,Ⅱ的H2NCSCSNH2(Ⅲ)异戊醇热解,相关(r = 4 - ME公司,3 -甲氧)阻碍了铱。在Ⅱ线性哈米特关系案,得到了ρ= 1.1,Ⅲ形成的N - contg电荷转移配合物。添加剂,以及与Ⅰ,Ⅲ络合焓是detd。

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