Ⅰ 裙子的英文单词怎么写
1) skirt
She usually wears a skirt that reaches below the knee. 她通常都穿着长及膝盖以下的裙子。 You can wrap the skirt around your waist. 你可以把裙子围在腰间。
This skirt needs some new elastic in the waist. 这条裙子需要换一根松紧腰带。
背心裙 Jumper skirt 斜裙 bias skirt
鱼尾裙 fish tail skirt 超短裙 mini-skirt 褶裙 pleated-skirt
筒裙 barrel skirt, tube skirt 筒裙straight skirt
旗袍裙 cheongsam skirt, hobble skirt, slim skirt 西服裙 tailored skirt 喇叭裙 flare skirt
高腰裙 HIGH-WAISTED SKIRT 吊带裙 braces skirt A字裙 A-line skirt
无袖连衣裙/背心裙/马甲裙 jumper skirt 蛋糕裙 tiered/layered skirt
拉拉队裙(荷叶边超短裙)ra-ra skirt 铅笔裙 pencil skirt 节裙/塔裙tiered skirt 泡泡裙 puff ball skirt 有裙撑的裙子 hoopskirt
2) dress
Dade picked a dress in fashion for his girlfriend. 达德给他的女朋友挑了一件时髦的裙子。
The fineness and softness of the dress caught her attention. 裙子的精致和柔软引起了她的注意。 She is wearing a severe dress. 她穿着一条朴素的裙子。
无带背心裙strapless sundress 连衣裙 dress
连衣裙 one-piece dress
Ⅱ 各种裙子在英语里怎么说
“各来种裙子”的英文翻译是Various skirts 。
Various skirts的读音是源:[ˈvɛːrɪəs][skə:ts]
Ⅲ 荷叶边雪纺衣服用英语怎么说
Falbala chiffon dress
Ⅳ 吹笛子用英语怎么写
Someone is preparing the tea for you, water jog is singing a song, friends will come just fluting heref or you!
Under the cacophony of foreign tongues, he heard queer music playing from somewhere up ahead, a thin high fluting accompanied by drums.
Ⅳ 关于服装尺寸英语的翻译 急~~
center back body length from seam to edge 后中长(领骨位至脚边)
half bottom width 1/2下摆宽
bottom height 下摆高
smock at chest 胸围
front/back rise 前/后浪
tight(bottom) 腿围
bicep 袖脾
cuff height 介英高
ruffle height 缩褶荷叶边高
armhole 夹圈
chest at cut/ chest part at front 前胸围部位
front opening/ front yoke 前开口/前单干/前机头
chest part length from HP 胸围位置(肩顶下)