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发布时间: 2025-03-23 21:08:59

A. “我性格开朗,喜欢与人交往”用英语怎么翻译

您好: (很高兴为您解答) im an out-going boy(girl) i like making friends with others.

B. 我喜欢跟朋友们交谈。的英文翻译

在网上搜 英汉在线互译 解决你的一切难题

C. 我喜欢和他们一起玩耍一起学习,一起进步。用英语翻译

I like to play with them and study together and make progress together.

D. 我会和人们玩游戏用英语怎么说我经常和同学一起玩游戏用英语怎么说

1,我经常和同学一起玩游戏用英语怎么说I often play (computer) games with my classmates.

2,玩游戏这个词用英语怎么说play game.play game play game play game

3,玩电脑游戏用英语翻译play computer gamesplay computer gamesplay cyber gamesplay computer games 希望能帮到你~play computer gamesplay computer games

4,玩用英语怎么说play玩就是play和某人玩/玩什么东西就是 play withplay除了玩还有播放和演奏的意思。要看放在什么语境里面 玩什么一般 就是 playplayhave funTo play withplay make fun ofplay,就是它

5,和里面的人玩游戏用英语怎么说play games 玩游戏;捣鬼;敷衍搪塞 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你考上理想的学校你好,参考如下:Play games with people in there网络教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~Play a game with the guys inside.And the people playing the game in.And the inside of the games people play.

6,初中英语翻译如果我是一名老师我会允许学生们在周末打游戏我如果我是一名老师,我会允许学生们在周末打游戏,我不会给学生们布置作业,我会和学生们做好朋友,我会帮助他们学习If I were a teacher, I would allow the students to play the game at weekends, I will not give students homework, I will make friends with them and help them with their study.i like to write and play the game at the weekend

7,我非常喜欢和他玩用英语怎么说我非常喜欢和他玩I like to play with him very much喜欢,动词like,喜欢、喜爱、喜、喜好、爱 love,爱, 喜欢, 恋, 恋爱, 喜爱, 喜好be fond of 喜好, 喜欢, 喜, 喜爱, 爱好, 疼be keen on 爱, 爱好, 热中, 喜欢玩 名词 play玩, 游戏, 戏, 戏剧, 比赛, 剧 动词play 玩, 玩耍, 游玩, 演, 玩儿, 玩弄 toy 玩, 玩弄enjoy 享受, 享有, 欣赏, 享, 拥有, 玩have fun玩, 玩耍amuse 游玩, 玩耍, 娱, 玩, 敖, 惊愕joke开玩笑, 玩, 戏, 敖treat lightly玩, 等闲观之i like playing with he very muchl like playing with he very much.I wavery like $bftnch gfvtxgu yfhudvi like it very much to play with them

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