A. 球阀的英语是什么
ball plug
float valve
spheric valve
ball valve
"Mainly used in gate, globe, and check valves for applications up 850℉, and in one-, two-, and three-piece ball valves."主要使用在温度高达850℉的闸阀、截止阀和止回阀,以及整体、对分式和三件装的球阀上。
"Where piping is insulated, ball valves shall be equipped with 2"" extended handles of non-thermal conctive material."如果要求管道处于绝缘状态,所选的球阀应该配置2英寸加长不导热手柄。
Reced port ball valves are not recommended in building services piping, but rather for process piping in hazardous material transfer.缩径流道球阀不推荐在建筑物管道系统中使用,但是可用于有害物质传输的处理管道。
"Full-Port ball valves provide pressure drop equal to equivalent length of pipe, and even slightly better than gate valves."不缩径全流道球阀具有不影响整个管道压降的性能,在此方面,甚至比闸阀性能更加优异。
Top entry is preferred in some instrial applications where access for repair is required without removing body from the line.上装式:适用于某些工业领域,例如当要求在维修过程中,不能把阀体从管道上拆卸下来时,就需要这种结构的球阀。
B. 球阀是什么