<abroad student> <student abroad> <overseas student>
1. 她是个在英国的外国留学生。
She is an overseas student in Britain.
2. 几年来, 几百个留学生在那所大学学习过。
Over the years, hundreds of overseas students have studied at that university.
3. 学杂费专昂贵,外属国留学生负担不起。
The tuition and fees fall heavy on the international students.
❷ 英语,【留学生】怎么说
abroad student ,international /foreign student这种翻译词汇的问题,建议直接网络一下,这样能够快速、准确的得到答案
❸ 英语高手来
1. My firm belief advantage is the attitude and dedication.
2, such as through the interview, I can guarantee that on July 15 to September 15 period and to have ample time to time to participate in the relevant medical, training, preparations for the General Assembly, and organizational activities;
3, as I become a substitute volunteer, I can guarantee no complaints arrangements to unconditional submission, and frankly to accept the results;
4, such as the successful election to the volunteers, no complaints and unconditional guarantee arrangements subject to status and to maintain enthusiasm for the work;
5, such as the successful election to the volunteers working to get subsidies, intended to give my mother(因该是我的妈妈,不是她的妈妈,所以应该是my mother.)a pair of new shoes, and repay the upbringing of her ex.
金融专业大三的学生:Junior financial professionals to students
专业证书:Professional Certificate
二楼的那人翻译的很好,就是第五句那是以你的口气来翻译这篇文章所以应该是my mother)
❹ impart留学生什么意思
通行凯知留学生。“impart”原本的英语翻译是“通档橡唤知; 透露; 传授”的意思。impart”读作“银趴”,空耳很像那种多人运如桐动的聚会。留学生英语翻译:tudent studying abroad;returned student:正在或曾在外国学习的学生。
❺ 我是一名学生用英语怎么说外语
我是学生的英文: am a student
student 读法 英['stjuːd(ə)nt]美['studnt]
n. 学生;学者
1、good student好学生
2、international student国际学生;留学生
3、middle school student中学生
4、student loan助学贷款
5、student visa学生签证
student, disciple, pupil, scholar这四个词的共同意思是“学生”。辨析如下:
pupil特别指由老师亲自照顾和指导的对象,主要指小学生或中学生,也可指“门生,徒弟,弟子”,侧重于从学习的角度或者从对老师尊敬的角度; disciple一般和宗教有联系,作“追随者,门徒”解,主要指对某种理论或杰出人物的狂热拥护者。例如:
Judas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.犹大是耶稣十二门徒之一。scholar作“学生”解时,现在特别指那些大学里的“奖学金获得者,津贴生”。例如:
As a scholar, you will not have to pay college fees.作为津贴生,你不用交学费。student适用于任何学习或喜爱学习的人,但通常指上大学、技术学校、专业学校或夜校的“学生”。例如:
A college student goes to college to learn.一名大学生要到大学去学习。此外, student还可指“研究某门学科的人”。例如:
He is a student of human nature.他是研究人性的。
❻ 学生用英语怎么表示
英 ['stjuːdnt] 美 ['stuːdnt]
n. 学生;学者
例句:A young student fainted in the hot sun.
n. (名词)
英 ['tiːtʃə(r)] 美 ['tiːtʃər]
n. 教师
例句:The maths teacher was furious and gave me 50 lines.
n. (名词)