1. “无所谓失去,无所谓得到。失去只是经过,得到只是体验”用英语怎么翻译
您好,翻译为:No matter what is .lost what is..lost
2. 失去了什么又得到了什么 翻译成英文怎么翻译
What has been lost and what has been lost?
3. 英文翻译 爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕 怕得到他 怕失去他
You always feel frightened when you fall in love. The fear of gain and lost make you exhausted.
这样的话就是 the more you gain, the more you lose
4. 失物招领的英语翻译 失物招领用英语怎么说
lost and found更多释义>>
失物招领 lost and found;Lost property;The Lost Thing
失物招领通知- A Notice of Lost and Found
在失物招领 In his lost property;In the lost;In the Lost and Found
5. 一个人得到的是另一个人失去的 怎么翻译成英文
One man's gain is another's loss.
或 One man's gain is another man's loss.
6. 其实,有所失未必都是坏事;有时候,失去本身就是另外一种形式的获得用英语怎么说
In fact, losing is not always bad. sometimes, losing itself is another way of gaining.