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发布时间: 2025-03-12 19:44:32

Ⅰ 请各位英语高手帮忙将喜洋洋与灰太狼的主题曲翻译成英文版的,要押韵,流畅。急需,谢了!

喜羊羊,美羊羊,Lamb Joy,Lamb Beauty,
懒羊羊,沸羊羊,Lamb Lazy,Lamb Cheer,
慢羊羊,软绵绵,Lamb Slow,Lamb Soft,
红太狼,灰太狼。Wolf Red,Wolf Grey.

别看我只是一只羊,Although I'm only a Lamb,

The green grass can be more fragrant ,the sky is darker blue,and the white clouds become softer,all beczause of me.

别看我只是一只羊,Although I'm only a lamb,
羊儿的聪明难以想像 You can't imagine how smart i am.
天再高心情一样奔放 My mood is as high as the sky.
每天都追赶太阳... Run after the sun every day...
有什么难题去牵绊我都不会去心伤 Difficulty can't make me sad.
有什么危险在我面前也不会去慌乱 Danger can't make me worried.
就算有狼群把我追捕也当做游戏一场 Wolves' hunting is only a game for me.
在什么时间都爱开心 I am happy at any time.
笑容都会飞翔 Smiles always fly.
就算会摔倒站得起来永远不会沮丧 Standing up after falling,never be depressed.
Any kind of weather have the strength of making me laugh.
虽然我只是羊… … Although I am only a lamb...

Ⅱ 我是一只羊还是一头狼的英文翻译是

I am a sheep or a wolf.

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