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发布时间: 2025-03-12 00:02:46

① 什么是归化和异化

归化和异化是翻译理论中的两个重要概念,由美国学者L.Venuti在1995年提出,其理论源于1813年德国学者Schleiermacher的研究。翻译的本质是翻译者在读者与作者之间架起桥梁,归化(domesticating translation)让作者接近读者,旨在保持原文的文化特色和风格,如"爱屋及乌","拦路虎"等例子,译者需兼顾原文内容和读者理解,力求翻译贴近读者。而异化(foreignizing translation)则强调将读者引入异国文化情境,如"芭蕾舞"、"鳄鱼的眼泪"等,通过保留原文的异域特色和语言形式,如朱生豪翻译的莎士比亚戏剧中的欧化句式。



② 英语中归化与异化的关系

翻译的归化与异化(domesticating translation and foreignizing translation)虽由韦努蒂所提出的,而这一术语又直接来源于德国语言学家、翻译理论家 Schleiermacher(施莱尔马赫)1813 年宣读的一篇论文。施莱尔马赫在《论翻译的方法》中提出的两种翻译途径,即一种是尽可能让作者安居不动,而引导读者去接近作者;另一种是尽可能让读者安居不动,而引导作者去接近读者。韦努蒂(2001:240)对归化翻译的定义是:遵守目标语言文化当前的主流价值观,有意对原文采用保守的同化手段,使其迎合本土的典律(canon)出版潮流和政治需求。。韦努蒂(2001:240)对异化的定义概括起来就是:偏离本土主流价值观,保留原文的语言和文化差异。异化翻译是以源语文化为归宿的翻译,即努力做到尽可能地保持原作的风味,使源语文化的异国情调得以存续,为了使目的语读者能够领略到“原汁原味”的异域而不惜采用不符合目的语的语言规范。总体来说,归化认为译文应以目的语或译文读者为归宿,异化则主张应以源语或原文作者为归宿。这里所谓的“归宿”都不仅仅只是语言层面的,而更是跨文化意义上的。异化归化从语言形式和文化内容两个层面上来考察问题,可以兼容并存于同一次翻译行为之中,因此,异化和归化除了排斥性和对立性之外,更有兼容性和并存性的一面。

③ 谁能帮我翻译一下 归化 / 异化

在英汉语中,异化与归化的内涵究竟有多宽?异化 / 归化翻译的结果不能用形似和神似来描述。异化和归化是一种策略,在实践中,直译、改译、增译等方法都可能被采用。作为一对专有翻译术语, Foeignizing translation / domesticating translation 只是在最新的英文学术著作中得到阐述。而 free translation / literal translation 则不然。 “ 看一个翻译是归化翻译还是异化翻译,完全取决于文化形态的重构,翻译在这一形态中得到生产和销售;什么是归化或异化只有在考虑到改变译入语文化的价值关系时才能得到界定。 ”[2] ( Mona Baker, 1998:243 )
“ 当前在对 ‘ 归化 ' 问题的认识上,译界同仁应该区分归化法的两种前提:一是忠实原则下的归化,二是非忠实前提下的归化。前者总体上是规定性的,后者则是描述性的;前者是原语中心论的,后者则是译语和译语文化取向的。 ” (葛校琴, 2002 : 33 )这一区分基本上是对的。然而,我们还可对它们的性质作出区分:忠实原则下的归化是语言层面的,关心的是翻译的艺术效果,是一种翻译的方法;非忠实前提下的归化是文化层面的,关心的是翻译的意识形态,是一种翻译的策略。至今我们讨论的翻译研究存在两种不同的异化和归化,第一种是 Venuti 的术语,已在在前面提到,另一种是一些中国反复使用的归化 / 异化,笔者用英文的 assimilation ( adaptation )和 adaptation 来指代它们。异化和归化翻译表现为文化的思考,从翻译的意识形态看其对文学乃至文化产生的影响,属于文学批评和哲学范畴。带有后殖民的解构意义的异化一词运用到翻译之中是近几年的事,反映在翻译实践上,主要体现为以书写符号为表现形式的文学翻译。
西方学者用一个图表来大致显示 Jerome 对不同性质的翻译所作的区分 [2] ,根据当前关于翻译的归化 / 异化讨论,笔者同样想借用两个图表来揭示它们之间的差异:

1 .( If translation is carried out on the dimension of linguistics )

2. (If translation is carried out on the dimension of cultural studies)

上述图表说明了传统意义上的异化 / 归化和现代意义上的异化 / 归化具有不同的功能与目的,在汉语中我们用同样的词语来表示它们,但在英语中,语言层面的归化 / 异化是用 assimilation (adaptation) / alienation 来表达的 , 而文化层面的归化 / 异化是用 domesticating/ foreignzing 来表达的。当然,我们也可象处理文化一词一样,用首字母大写的 Domesticating/ Foreignzing 来指作为文化策略的归化和异化,用首字母小写的 domesticating/foreignizing 来指当今文化层面上的直译。小写字母的归化 / 异化是意译 / 直译的延伸与发展,而大写字母归化 / 异化是意译 / 直译的革命,开拓了翻译研究的新的领域。

In English and Chinese, alienation and the content of naturalization Just how wide » Alienation / naturalization translation of the results can not be used to describe the shape and spirit likeness. Alienation and naturalization is a strategy, in practice, the literal translation, to translate, by translation, and other methods may be used. As a proprietary translation of the term, Foeignizing translation / domesticating translation only in the latest academic works in English have described. And free translation / literal translation are not. "Read a translation of translation is to the alienation or translation, depends entirely on the cultural patterns of the reconstruction, translation in this form are in proction and sales; What is the naturalization or alienation only taking into account the change in the target language and cultural relations between the value of When can be defined. "[2] (Mona Baker, 1998:243)
"At present in the 'naturalization' awareness of the problem, the translation instry colleagues naturalization law should distinguish between the two premises: First, faithfully under the principles of naturalization, the non-faithful under the prerequisite of naturalization. The former general is to provide sexual , While the latter is descriptive of the former is the original language of the Centre, while the latter is the target language and cultural orientation of the target language. "(GE Xiao Qin, 2002: 33) This distinction is basically correct. However, we can for them to distinguish the nature of: faithfully under the principles of naturalization is the language level, the concern is the translation of the artistic effect, is a translation; non-faithful to the premise of the cultural dimension of care Is the translation of ideology, is a translation of the strategy. So far we discussed the existence of two different translation of alienation and naturalization, the first Venuti is the terminology, have mentioned earlier, and the other is China's repeated use of some of the naturalization / alienation, the author of assimilation in English (Adaptation) and adaptation to refer to them. In the translation of alienation and cultural performance for the thinking, from ideology to see the translation of literary and cultural impact of a literary criticism and philosophical context. Deconstruction of a post-colonial sense of alienation to the use of the word translation of the past few years, reflected in the practice of translation, mainly reflected in the form of written symbols for the performance of literary translation.
Western scholars have generally used a chart to show Jerome's translation of the different nature of the distinction made [2], in accordance with the current translation on the naturalization / alienation of discussion, I would like to borrow the same two charts to reveal the differences between them:

1. (If translation is carried out on the dimension of linguistics)

2. (If translation is carried out on the dimension of cultural studies)

Note the chart above the traditional sense of alienation / naturalization and the modern sense of alienation / naturalization have different functions and purposes, in Chinese, we use the same words to express them, but in English, the language level of naturalization / Alienation is assimilation (adaptation) / alienation to express, and cultural dimensions of the naturalization / alienation is domesticating / foreignzing to express. Of course, we can deal with culture as the word, with initial capital letters of Domesticating / Foreignzing to refer to as a cultural strategy of naturalization and alienation, using the lowercase first letter of domesticating / foreignizing to refer to the contemporary culture at the level of literal translation. Lowercase letters of naturalization / alienation is a free translation / transliteration of the extension and development, and capital letters naturalization / alienation is a free translation / transliteration of the revolution, opened up the translation of the new field of study.

④ 翻译方法 | 归化(domestication)和异化(foreignization)













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