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发布时间: 2025-03-11 18:47:21

A. "解决问题""有几种英文表达方法

resolve problem,solve problem, tackle the barrier, overcome a difficulty

1. solve: (solve problem)


They thought money would solve all their problems.(他们认为钱可以解决一切问题。)

The roof used to leak but last week I fitted some new tiles and that seems to have solved the problem.(之前房顶会漏,上周我换了些瓦片,现在好像不漏了。)

2. resolve: (resolve problem)


Talking is the only way to resolve your differences.(沟通是解决分歧的唯一办法。)

3. find/come up with a solution:


Crime is rapidly increasing in our inner cities. We must find a solution.(内城区的犯罪率陡增,我们得想想解决办法。)

Civil war seems increasingly likely unless the government comes up with a solution.(政府要是还想不出什么解决内部矛盾的方法,内战眼看一触即发。)

4. put right:


There seems to be something wrong with the computer but we hope to put it right before too long.(电脑好像有点问题,我们希望很快就能修好。)

If there is bullying in the classroom, it is the teacher who should put the problem right.(如果有人在班上欺负人,老师就应该站出来解决。)

5. cure:


Beveridge believed that unemployment could be cured by state intervention.(贝弗里奇认为只要有政府介入,失业问题就能得到解决。)

6. sort out:


I'm afraid I can't help you until I've sorted my own problems out.(恐怕我现在帮不了你,我得先把自己的问题解决好。)

There's been a serious misunderstanding; I'll try to sort things out and then I'll phone you back.(这里有个大误会。我把事情解决一下,然后给你回电话。)

7. sort:


Don't worry about the money. I'll sort it, OK?(你别担心钱的事,钱我来解决!)

You should be able to sort this without my help.(你应该能独立解决这件事。)

8. iron out:


We need to iron a few things out before we move in together.(我们要把一些事情解决好,才能搬到一起住。)

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