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发布时间: 2025-03-11 18:38:14

① 求帮忙翻译两段话!谢谢了!悬赏30分

Ministry of Ecation has always attached importance to strengthening construction of Academic Ethics, pay attention to promote high ethical and thorough investigation of academic misconct in two ways academic style of study. 教育部在下一步工作中,将从教育、制度、监督和查处四方面加强学风建设,并将工作的重点放在制度和查处上。 Ministry of Ecation in the next step, from ecation, system, monitor and investigate four aspects to enhance the style of study and focus on the system and the investigation on. 一是坚持把教育作为加强学风和学术道德建设的基础。 First, to strengthen the study, and ecation as the foundation of academic and moral development. 要在高校师生中加强科学精神和学术规范教育,注重发挥楷模的教育作用,强调学者的自我道德养成。 University teachers and students to strengthen the scientific spirit and academic standard of ecation, focusing on the ecational role to play model, emphasizing academics and moral self-cultivation. 二是坚持把制度作为加强学风和学术道德建设的重点。 Second, adhere to the system as strengthening the study and the focus of academic and moral development. 加强教育制度、规范制度、查处制度的建设。 Strengthen the ecation system, standardize the system, investigate and deal with the construction of the system. 用科学公正的评价聘用制度、透明高效的学术资源配置制度、良好的科技管理制度营造良好学风。 Employment with a fair evaluation system for scientific, transparent and efficient system of academic resources, good management systems technology to create a good style of study. 三是坚持把监督作为加强学风和学术道德建设的关键。 Third, uphold the Authority as to enhance the academic study, and the key to moral development. 阳光是最好的防腐剂。 Sunshine is the best preservative. 要健全学术批评机制,要有独立客观的学术监督机制,高度重视社会舆论监督。 To improve the mechanism of academic criticism, there must be an independent and objective academic supervision mechanism, attached great importance to public opinion. 四是坚持把必要的查处作为加强学风和学术道德建设的手段。 Fourth, insist on the necessary investigation to strengthen the study, and academic ethics as a means of building. 必要的查处不仅是学风不端者必须承担的成本、付出的代价,更重要的是对诚实守信学者的公正,对意志薄弱学者的警示。 Style is not only necessary to investigate misconct must bear the cost, the cost, but more importantly is honest and trustworthy scholars fair warning on weak academics.

记者11日在扬州大学采访获悉,该校动物科学院“研三”学生杨勇,不甘心毕业后成为“蚁族”,跟朋友合开了一家名为“阮氏刀剑”的网店,因为生意火爆已在国外开了两家“网络分店”,现在个人年纯收入已达20余万元。 Reporters interviewed 11 in Yangzhou University informed the school of Animal Science "Kenzo" Yong students, after graation to become reconciled to "ant" with a friend and opened a company called "Nguyen's sword" online shop, because the business popular in foreign countries opened two "network branch", and now personal annual income reached more than 20 million. 目前,小杨已在老家合肥买了两套房子,彻底告别了“蚁族”生活。 Currently, Xiao Yang has bought two houses Hefei home, goodbye to the "ant" life. 杨勇本科毕业前,由于担心考不上研究生,又不甘心成为“蚁族”,四处寻求创业机会。 Yong graated before, the fear of test into post-graate, but also not willing to be "ant", to seek business opportunities everywhere. 经过市场调研,他和一个朋友共同创办“阮氏刀剑”网店,开始就把市场定位在国外。 After market research, he and a friend co-founded, "Nguyen Thi sword" storefronts, began to put market position abroad. 小杨凭借流利的英语口语和较强的人际交往能力,很快就打拼出一片天地。 Xiao Yang with fluent English and strong interpersonal skills, and soon hit spell a world. 小杨的良苦用心很快得到了回报,生意越来越火。 Xiao Yang of the care and thought has paid off very quickly, increasing the fire business. 再后来,由于业务发展的需要,一个马来西亚朋友也加盟进来,跟小杨他们一起打拼。 Still later, as business development, a Malaysian friend came in, worked hard with them with Xiao Yang. 从2007年8月开始,3个人从当时的5万元资金起步,到目前“阮氏刀剑”已拥有国外三家店,国内一家店,年利润达60余万元。 Starting from August 2007, three indivials from the start time of 5 million yuan to the present, "Nguyen's sword," already have a foreign Penghu, a domestic stores, the annual profit of 60 million yuan.

② 求讲解英语中破折号的用法!谢谢





例如:Only one thing is now wanting—a refrigerator.现仅缺少一件东西——冰箱。


例如:New houses,larger schools,more sheep,more pigs and chickens,morehorse and
donkeys—everywhere we saw signs of the commune's


例如:I—I—I rather think—maybe—Amy has taken it.我——我——我想——也许——是爱梅拿了吧。


例如:“And may I ask—”said Xiao Wu;“but I guess it's better for you to ask him about


例如:It is clear—is it not?—that we must practise strict


例如:In a word,the spirit of the whole country may be described
as—self-relianceand arous struggle.总而言之,整个国家的精神可以说是——自力更生,艰苦奋斗。


例如:Uncle Wang laughingly answered—“No,no;stay where you


例如:Then the proposals—both Xiao Yang's and mine—were


例如:How lucky the girls nowadays are!—they can go anywhere,say


例如:William Shakespeare,1564—1616,is one of the greatest poets and dramatistsin
the history of Bristish Literature.威廉·莎士比亚(1564——1616)是英国文学史上的伟大诗人和剧作家。


例如:We'll be arriving on Monday morning—at least,I think



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