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发布时间: 2025-03-01 23:27:22

⑴ 有哪位达人能告诉我航空方面的"机务"指什么啊 翻译成英语的话怎么翻啊

“航空机务”英文是(Aircraft Maintenance Management)

ground crew(地勤人员)


航空机务人员日常训练及考评系统(Daily Training, Testing & Appraising System for Aircrews)


bus 公共汽车
driver 汽车司机
doubledecker bus 双层公共汽车
coach, motorcoach, bus 大客车
taxi,taxicab 计程汽车, 出租汽车
trolleybus 无轨电车
tramcar,streetcar 电车, 有轨电车
underground,tube, subway 地铁
stop 停车站
taxi rank,taxi stand 计程汽车车站, 出租汽车总站
taxi driver,cab driver 出租车司机
conctor 售票员
inspector 检查员, 稽查员
ride 乘车
minimum fare(of a taxi) 最低车费
railway 铁路 (美作:railroad)
track 轨道
train 火车
railwaysystem, railway net-work 铁路系统
expresstrain 特别快车
fasttrain 快车
throughtrain 直达快车
stoppingtrain, slow train 慢车
excursiontrain 游览列车
commutertrain, suburban train 市郊火车
railcar 轨道车
coach,carriage 车厢
sleepingcar, sleeper 卧车
dining car,restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车
sleeper withcouchettes 双层卧铺车
berth,bunk 铺位
uptrain 上行车
downtrain 下行车
luggage van,baggage car 行李车
mailcar 邮政车
station,railway station 车站
stationhall 车站大厅
bookingoffice, ticket office 售票处
ticket-collector,gateman 收票员
platform 月台, 站台
platformticket 站台票
buffet 小卖部
waitingroom 候车室
platformbridge 天桥
left-luggageoffice 行李暂存处
platform-ticket 验票门
terminal,terminus 终点站
coach,passenger train 客车
carattendant, train attendant 列车员
guard,conctor 列车长
rack,baggage rack 行李架
left-luggageoffice 行李房 (美作:checkroom)
registration 登记
timetable 时刻表
change,transfer 换乘
connection 公铁交接处
ticketinspector 验票员
porter 搬运工人
to changetrains at... 在(某地)换车
the train ise at... 在(某时)到达
to break thejourney 中途下车
boat,ship 船
(passenger)liner 邮轮, 客轮
sailingboat, sailing ship 帆船
yacht 游船
(ocean)liner 远洋班轮
packet boat 定期客船, 班轮
cabin 船舱
hovercraft 气垫船
lifebuoy 救生圈
lifeboat 救生艇
lifejacket 救生衣
berth,cabin, stateroom 客舱
first-classstateroom (cabin) 头等舱
second-classstateroom (cabin) 二等舱
steerage,third-class 三等舱
steerage 统舱
gang-plank 跳板
crossing 横渡
cruise 游弋
to embark,to ship 乘船
to land 抵岸, to sail at a speed of 20 knots, 航速为20节
totransship 换船
todisembark 上岸
to board aship; to embark; to go aboard 上船
to disembarkfrom a ship, to go ashore, to land 下船
on board aship, aboard 在船上
to stop overat... 中途在…停留
civilaviation 民用航空
plane,aircraft, airplane 飞机
airliner 班机
jet,supersonic plane 喷气机
airliner,passenger aircraft 客机
medium-haulaircraft 中程飞机
long-rangeaircraft, long-haul aircraft 远程飞机
propeller-drivenaircraft 螺旋桨飞机
jet(aircraft) 喷气飞机
turbofanjet 涡轮风扇飞机
turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机
turbojet 涡轮喷气飞机
by air, byplane 乘飞机
airline 航空线
passengercabin 客舱
touristclass 普通舱, 经济舱
firstclass 一等舱
waitinglist 登机票名单
customsformalities 报关单
boardingcheck 登机牌
airport 航空港
airterminal 航空集散站
tarmac 停机坪
air hostess,stewardess 空中小姐, 女乘务员
steward 乘务员,干事
aircraftcrew, air crew 机组, 机务人员
pilot 驾驶员, 机长
takeoff 起飞
landing 着陆
to board aplane, get into a plane 上飞机
to get off aplane, alight from a plane 下飞机
non-stopflight to 飞往, 直飞
in transit 运送中的
airpocket 气潭, 气阱

⑶ 加油英语怎么说




  • 单词发音:英[ˌriː'fjuːəl] 美[ˌriː'fjuːəl]


  • 加油;(尤指给飞机)补充燃料,加燃料




  • airplane refuel tank飞机加油箱

  • refuel system加燃油系统

  • refl refuel 加油

  • refuel pipeline 加油管路

  • probably refuel 要加油


  • 第三人称单数: refuels

  • 现在分词: refuelling

  • 过去式: refuelled

  • 过去分词: refuelled


  • .


  • . 而泰国则允许美国飞机在飞往阿富汗的途中在泰国降落并补充燃料。

  • .


  • 他的飞机经停法国续加燃油。

  • Theairline'screwrefuelledtheplane.


  • .


⑷ “驾照”用英语怎么说

“驾照”的英文翻译是Driver license.






In America you can get your driver license as early as the age of 16.




n. (名词)



n. (名词)

driver, chauffeur


1、driver包含有chauffeur的意思。driver通指司机、车夫或驱赶动物或人的人等; chauffeur专指驾驶机动车辆,尤其是小汽车的司机。

2、chauffeur通常受雇于私人或公司, driver可指任何司机。


v. (动词)




⑸ 急需一份英文翻译文章


一、Electrical safety task :
1) to study various electrical accident and the mechanism of reasons, the patterns and characteristics and protective measures. (2) to study the use of electrical methods, electrical monitoring, Electrical inspection and electrical control methods to evaluate the safety of the electricity system and electricity proction solve the security problems.
二、Electrical Safety Work content :
1) Study and to take effective security measures.
(2) research and the dissemination of advanced electrical safety technology to improve electrical safety standards.
(3) Develop and implement technical standards for security and safety technology point of order.
(4) Establish and implement a safety management system.
(5) in the thinking of electrical safety and electrical safety ecation.
(6) analyze the case, find out the cause of the accident and the law.
三、Guarantee the security of electricity fundamentals :
(1) Electrical Insulation. Maintain distribution lines and electrical equipment in good insulation, is to guarantee personal safety of electrical equipment and the normal operation of the most basic elements. Electrical Insulation whether the performance of good, by measuring the insulation resistance, crushing strength, Leakage Current and dielectric loss, and other parameters measured.

(2) a safe distance. Electrical safety distance is the body charged objects close to the body, such as dangerous without the safety and reliability of distance. If body charged with the ground between the body charged with charged between, and the human body charged between body charged with other facilities and equipment between shall maintain a certain distance. Usually, the distribution lines and changes and distribution installations near work, it should consider a safe distance from the line that changed, Distribution Equipment safe distance, a safe distance from the maintenance and safe operation of distance.
3) safety carrying capacity. Conctor set the security flow is allowed to persist through the internal conctor CURRENT. Conctor sustained through the current security set excess flow, heat conctors will exceed the allowable values, damage to the insulation, even lead to leakage and fire. Therefore, in accordance with the security conctor containing a conctor cross section to determine flow and the selection of equipment is very important.
(4) signs. Clearly, accurate, uniform signs is to ensure that electricity security of the important factors. Generally, a color logo signs, badges and signs model markings, and so on. A different color marker nature of the different uses wire; General badges as a sign of dangerous places signs; Model equipment as a sign of special signs.
四、Security technology of electrical equipment basic requirements。 electrical accident statistics show that the electrical equipment as structural defects, installation of poor quality and can not meet the safety requirements caused by the large proportion of accidents. Therefore, in order to ensure personal safety and equipment safety, technical aspects of electrical equipment have the following requirements :
1) exposed on the ground and the personal touch easier Charged equipment, should take protective measures reliable.
(2) charged equipment and the ground and some other parts should be charged to maintain a safe distance.
(3) easy to over-voltage power system, there should be a lightning lightning line arrester, Protection gap voltage protection, and other devices.
(4) low voltage power system should be grounded, zero protection device.
(5) to all high voltage electrical equipment to be taken to install high voltage circuit breakers and fuses different types of protection measures; Low-voltage electrical equipment to be used with correspondingly low electrical protection measures for the protection.
(6) in electrical equipment, the siting of safety signs should be located.
(7) According to some electrical equipment characteristics and requirements, should take special security measures. 5, electrical accidents basic reasons for the classification and the classification by electrical accident occurred in the form of disaster can be divided into personal accident, equipment accident, the electrical fire and explosion accidents

By accident when the circuit conditions can be divided into short-circuit accidents, break accident, grounding accidents, leakage accident; according to the seriousness of the incident can be divided into serious accidents, serious accidents, incidents general; by the extent of injury. can be divided into death, serious injury, three minor injuries.


(1) 研究各种电气事故及其发生的机理、原因、规律、特点和防护措施。
(2) 研究运用电气方法,即电气监测、电气检查和电气控制等方法来评价电力系统的安全性和解决生产中用电的安全问题。
二、 电气安全工作的内容
(1) 研究并采取各种有效的安全技术措施。
(2) 研究并推广先进的电气安全技术,提高电气安全水平。 (3) 制定并贯彻安全技术标准和安全技术规程。
(4) 建立并执行各种安全管理制度。
(5) 开展有关电气安全思想和电气安全知识的教育工作。 (6) 分析事故实例,从中找出事故原因和规律。
三、 保证用电安全的基础要素
(1) 电气绝缘。保持配电线路和电气设备的绝缘良好,是保证人身安全和电气设备正常运行的最基本要素。电气绝缘的性能是否良好,可通过测量其绝缘电阻、耐压强度、泄漏电流和介质损耗等参数来衡量。
(2) 安全距离。电气安全距离,是指人体、物体等接近带电体而不发生危险的安全可靠距离。如带电体与地面之间、带电体与带电体之间、带电体与人体之间、带电体与其他设施和设备之间,均应保持一定距离。通常,在配电线路和变、配电装置附近工作时,应考虑线路安全距离,变、配电装置安全距离,检修安全距离和操作安全距离等。
(3) 安全载流量。导体的安全载流量,是指允许持续通过导体内部的电流量。持续通过导体的电流如果超过安全载流量,导体的发热将超过允许值,导致绝缘损坏,甚至引起漏电和发生火灾。因此,根据导体的安全载流量确定导体截面和选择设备是十分重要的。 (4) 标志。明显、准确、统一的标志是保证用电安全的重要因素。标志一般有颜色标志、标示牌标志和型号标志等。颜色标示表示不同性质、不同用途的导线;标示牌标志一般作为危险场所的标志;型号标志作为设备特殊结构的标志。
四、 安全技术方面对电气设备基本要求

电气事故统计资料表明,由于电气设备的结构有缺陷,安装质量不佳,不能满足安全要求而造成的事故所占比例很大。因此,为了确保人身和设备安全,在安全技术方面对电气设备有以下要求: (1) 对裸露于地面和人身容易触及的带电设备,应采取可靠的防护措施。
(2) 设备的带电部分与地面及其他带电部分应保持一定的安全距离。
(3) 易产生过电压的电力系统,应有避雷针、避雷线、避雷器、保护间隙等过程电压保护装置。
(4) 低压电力系统应有接地、接零保护装置。
(5) 对各种高压用电设备应采取装设高压熔断器和断路器等不同类型的保护措施;对低压用电设备应采用相应的低电器保护措施进行保护。
(6) 在电气设备的安装地点应设安全标志。
(7) 根据某些电气设备的特性和要求,应采取特殊的安全措施。
五、 电气事故的分类及基本原因的分类 电气事故按发生灾害的形式,可以分为人身事故、设备事故、电气火灾和爆炸事故等;按发生事故时的电路状况,可以分为短路事故、断线事故、接地事故、漏电事故等;按事故的严重性,可以分为特大性事故、重大事故、一般事故等;按伤害的程度,可以分为死亡、重伤、轻伤三种。

⑹ “机务段”翻译成英语

Locomotive Depot

Design of Safety Management Information System Based on JSP Technology for Locomotive Depot

⑺ 空中乘务专业 翻译成英语是什么啊

空中乘务专业翻译成英语是Flight attendant specialty。










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