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发布时间: 2025-02-27 17:21:10

❶ 一篇关于美人鱼的英语作文


In Denmark’s fairy tale, mermaid is the symbol of beauty, kindness and pureness. The story of little mermaid moves people, she sacrifices herself and saves the prince. But in the modern movies, mermaid subverts people’s recognition, it is the symbol of evil. In the movie, the mermaids are still beautiful outside and they use their faces and beautiful voice to lure the human beings. When people get close to them, they will change their faces and eat them. What’s the mermaid’s real face, angle or evil?We don’t know, it has the different faces among different people. Mermaid lives in the fairy tale, for kids, they just need to believe in its beautiful sides.


我是一条美人鱼,在浩瀚的深海底谷过着嬉闹而自满的日子,随着时光的流逝,逐渐感受到成长给我带来的郁闷。我开始对水以外的世界感到好奇,对海里隐约渗透进来的光亮感到一种强烈的探知欲念。在某天,我再也抑制不住那逐日膨胀的强烈好奇心,挺尽全力地往上游,我想看看到底是什么有如此能耐能穿透海的蓝在我眼前自由地闪着光? 当我的脑袋得以脱离海面的那一刹那,一束刺眼的光亮刺痛我的眼瞳,我立即用双手挡住这突如其来的光亮,再慢慢地让眼睑去适应它带与的震憾。一个泛着白色光晕的圆家伙。那就是鱼族们所论及的“太阳”么?我兴奋地将被照射得艳丽夺目的尾巴往海面上狠狠“啪啪啪”地拍起节奏来。 正当我为自己的发现感到兴奋不已时,顺着太阳的方向,一艘看似巨大的轮船从太阳的光晕里缓缓地朝我驶来,好奇心驱赶着我追赶而去,我想要一探这个大家伙到底有何本领在我的区域里如此横行? “扑通”个一声巨响,海面泛起一阵浪花,一阵混乱而嘈杂的喊救声促使我奋力地游过去。在深海里我捞到一个家伙,用力地将他推出水面,可是,“大家伙”已经走远,而我手里的家伙又似乎被这湛蓝的海水呛到快断了气,我别无选择,只能耗尽我所有的力气把他推到岸边,然后浮在海面上了望着这个跟我长得一模一样,却没有尾巴的家伙。 我听到自己突如其来慌乱而急促的心跳声,时间似乎已经被凝结在他的脸上。我失魂落魄地回到海底世界,心里满满的一个念头——我想见到他! 于是有一天,当我在深谷里掉下一滴红色的泪珠时,我决定去找万能的女巫,把自己美丽的尾巴贡献与她,从而在她那里换取一双能在陆地上行走自如的脚,即使每走一步都会换来如针灸般的疼痛。 我被一阵急促的敲门声闹醒,带着还沉浸在美人鱼里的朦胧打开房门,清宁那张俊俏的脸出现在我眼前。手里抱着一大篮被强迫围成“心”字形的深红色玫瑰花。他把花放在我的梳妆台上,从花丛中变出一颗透明无暇的银白色钻戒,眼里闪着亮光,嘴角带着微笑轻轻地拉过我的右手,把钻戒套进我的中指。珊瑚,嫁给我,做我最幸福的新娘。幸福!是的,这一刻我找不到任何形容词可来比拟我此刻的心情。我脑海里忽然闪过。美人鱼的疼痛是值得的。 结婚五年,生活平淡似水,如果真要用水来比喻,我想白温水会更贴切我的生活,因为我的肚子也同白温水一样,毫无动静,直到某天我接到一个莫名其妙的突袭电话才晃悟过来。原来温水也有滚起来的时候。 电话是由一个声音听起来嗲得让人起鸡皮疙瘩的女人打来的,她大概的意思就是想告诉我她已经怀了清宁的孩子,想让我自动把“内人”的位置让出来。别死皮赖脸地赖着不放手。这是她用来形容我的。我想,她错了,既然已经死了,那么,要脸来何用?所以,也就无所谓赖或不赖着了。 我抬起冰凉的手指在手机号码键上按出一串沁凉入骨的号码。我把这个女子的话转达给他听。电话那头一片沉默,我的心有如抽搐般疼痛,我多么希望他能有所解释,然而,还是一片沉寂。我咬咬牙说。我们离了吧。我只要你幸福。 时针虽然依旧在那里滴答地转个不停,可我的生物钟早就停止远作。今昔是何昔? 晃忽间,清宁手里抱着一个小男孩出现在我面前。我知道,我的脸是冰冷的,感觉不到一丝气息,那上面是早已涸干眼泪的荒田。 清宁说。珊瑚,回来吧,我需要你,我只想要个孩子而已,我是爱你的。然后,我居然非常没志气地听到心脏重新启动的声音。谁让我不能生育呢?他只不过想要个孩子而已,只要他爱我,这并不算过分。 于是,我安心地为他抚养孩子。孩子的母亲起初一两个星期过来看望一下孩子,接着是每隔三四天来一次,再接着她每天都会来,而且每次来的时候都会是清宁在家的空档,因为这样,她们三个人就可以围在一起做各种育儿游戏,最后,孩子的母亲干脆搬到家里来住。清宁说。你一个人带孩子太辛苦了,让她帮帮你也好。我心酸地收下清宁给予的体贴关怀,悄悄地告诉自己。他也是为你着想,心疼你。 一天晚上我从睡梦中突然惊醒过来,我把用双眼所能及的地方都扫视了一遍。清宁不见了!我走出房间,下意识把我带到另一个房间,隔着一扇薄薄的棕色木门,我清晰地听见里面传来一阵忽有忽无的窸窣喘息声。我站在门口,感觉脚底踩在无数的针灸上,疼痛在身体里讯速漫延开来。哦!我忘了,我是一条带着疼痛而来的美人鱼。 门突然打开,清宁惊讶地望着我那因疼痛而扭曲得毫无血色的脸。既然你都知道了,我知道你是不可能睁一只眼闭一只眼地过,那咱俩就离了吧。他避开我沾满水珠的眼睛底着头说。我颤缩着抬起手去擦拭。望着满手红色的湿润,瞬间已感觉不到任何疼痛。 我拖着疲惫来到海边,站在礁石上往下看,望着卷起的巨浪拍打在岩石上那一声声巨响。啪啪啪。声音如此有力,感觉美妙而熟悉。风轻轻地抚摸 *** 涩的脸庞,感觉如此温暖可亲。回家吧。我轻轻地对自己说。然后缓缓地张开双臂,带着游子对家的无限渴望,慢慢地踮起脚尖。越起。在最后触及海面的那一刻,我终于完全释怀。我是一条美人鱼。




AMC's The Walking Dead is sadly wrapping up its first season tonight after a short six-episode run. To help bring the season to a close, AMC has released the following three-minute preview clip from episode 106, 'TS-19,' which you can enjoy below.
In the clip, CDC survivor Dr. Jenner demonstrates to Rick and the other survivors how someone bees a "walker." His demonstration uses some fancy CGI animations that break down the biological process in which the virus attacks and takes over the brain.
Though The Walking Dead's short first season es to a close tonight, an additional 13 episodes have been ordered to prise season o. They aren't expected to begin airing until next October.


故事男主人公刘轩(邓超)乃白手起家的亿万富豪,以巨资投入地产计划涉及填海工程赚取无以计数的金钱,填海前需赶走周围海生物,为了该目的,却凭借声纳危及甚至杀害周围海洋生物为代价,恰巧背负家族秘密的美人鱼珊珊(林允)被派遣前往杀死刘轩,二人在复杂的交手过程中,姗姗以其独有的人鱼智商争得观众前俯后仰,其亲信八爪鱼(罗志祥)更是添油加料,风格迥异,笑点百出,值得一提的是补刀大姐(未知名人鱼)突如其来的神句让观众欲罢不能,美人鱼姗姗的种种素雅纯真征服了富豪刘轩,二人互生情愫。因世俗逼迫,危及对方性命时,跨越种族的爱恋愿为彼此付出所有。故事的结尾以朴素的方式赞扬了心系环保的每一个人,此外以独特视角阐述了海域之美。当然该剧也设有彩蛋,若兰(张雨绮)以女富豪身份书写及魅力妩媚于一身的求金女企业家,将故事推向 *** 。






This film is best described as a tearjerker. This film tires everything known to get the audience to shed a few tears, and the best way to do this is through an animal. A well- trained Golden Retriever is the animal of choice. The story develops around a girl named Akira and her dog Socks. Akira's mother makes her promise 10 different things to Socks, which is more of an acknowledgment of what Akira needs to do to raise Socks. While the title suggests this film is about a girl's relationship with her dog, it really develops into Akira's story about growing up.
While Socks is a well-trained dog that follows the mands he is the only interesting one to watch. Everything else in the film seems over exaggerated from the acting to the situations that arise. The film tries so hard to make you cry that it seems to have fotten all about the basic aesthetics. In an attempt to create a specific mood the story gets jumbled and lost. From a story about a dog and its master it bees a love story. The ending seems out of place, focusing on the romantic side instead of the relationship beeen Akira and Socks.
If you have seen a film that is about a pet and its owner, then you have already seen this film. Everything is predictable, and especially the ending. This story about the cute dog and the owner, that cares more about them than the dog, has been done and is very overrated. The only point of this film is to try to make you cry, and while it may sueed in that objective, the film seems to have lost the story. Scenes seem to appear for the sake of a tear instead of their importance to the plot. While having an emotional reaction to a film can be good, if emotion is only achieved through certain scenes and not the entire film, it is a waste of time, which is exactly what this film is.



❷ 假如你最喜欢的男演员是邓超,请根据以下提示以"My favourite star"为题写一篇英语作文

My favorite actor is Deng Chao, who is now a well-known movie star. His father is a secretary of a library, while his mother is a leader in a factory. They all loved him deeply. When in middle school, Deng Chao was not interested in study, so he always broke school rules. As a result, he was forced to changed school for several times. But actually, he was very smart. Everyone around him thought that he was sure to go to a famous university. So did his parents. Finally, he was moved by what his parents had done for him, and worked hard. In the end, he was admitted to the Central Drama Academy in Peking. Now, he has played a major role in a number of movies and was very popular with people of all ages. Besides, he has been married and has a lovely son. I think i will always like him.

❸ 奔跑吧兄弟 受欢迎的原因英语作文

但是,没有一个能比得上奔跑吧兄弟搞笑。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?奔跑吧兄弟的队长是:邓超,专成员们是:李晨、属杨颖、郑恺、陈赫、王宝强、王祖蓝。看到这里,想必你们非常想看了吧!邓超:娘娘(孙俪)的老公,李晨:大龄剩男(人称“大黑牛”)杨颖:黄晓明女友,郑恺:(人称“猎豹”)总“死”在女人手里,陈赫:不用我介绍了吧!他就是曾贱人,王宝强:少林宝强,王祖蓝:……。里面有很多的游戏哟!比如:撕名牌……
? ???想看吗,搜索奔跑吧兄弟吧!对了,看完后千万别关,因为还有巜跑男来了》幕后花絮、尖锐问题问跑男。…………………

❹ 我的偶像是邓超英语作文,120字左右

Since the read Deng Chao's "sweet", ray ray image has been present in my mind. He dedicated to love, to people sincerely, is I like role. I also recommend the mother looked at the TV, she also likes the thunder, also like to see other TV speech Deng Chao.
Every evening after dinner, I and my mother sat in front of the computer to watch a few episode. This period of time has been to see the works of Deng Chao. "Sweet", "happiness is like the flowers", "tough love", "baby don't cry". Very love!
Now he has become my idol, I became his "fried rice". Always in the attention of his message about him. Accidentally saw Deng Chao's blog, I feel very deep, I opened the blog moved. This is also the reason I blog.
I also hope that, also in the fantasy my blog can be Deng Chao browse, let him know that he is my idol. Let him know that I will support him forever. I like him not only because of his charm, his appearance, the more I like his vigor at work, because of his efforts, just let us see his achievements, his excellent. I'll watch him for my work and strive. When I work in the bad days, I will be in his blog to enjoy his work, dynamic moment I will have been working. Let me have a goal, I think this is a good thing ah. The idol is to learn from, isn't it?
At the same time, I also hope that Deng Chao can have better performance on the job, hope everything goes well with him, let him know, in an obscure corner there will be a support him forever silently looking at him, watching him, encourage him. As long as he knows I'll be satisfied, very happy.

❺ 假如你最喜欢的男演员是邓超,请根据以下提示以"My favourite star"为题写一篇英语作文

My favorite actor is Deng Chao, who is now a well-known movie star. His father is a secretary of a library, while his mother is a leader in a factory. They all loved him deeply. When in middle school, Deng Chao was not interested in study, so he always broke school rules. As a result, he was forced to changed school for several times. But actually, he was very smart. Everyone around him thought that he was sure to go to a famous university. So did his parents. Finally, he was moved by what his parents had done for him, and worked hard. In the end, he was admitted to the Central Drama Academy in Peking. Now, he has played a major role in a number of movies and was very popular with people of all ages. Besides, he has been married and has a lovely son. I think i will always like him.

❻ 英语作文,我喜欢的一部电影《中国合伙人》

I thought Chan Ho-sun’s latest movie, American Dreams in China, would be a more masculine version of Zhao Wei’s So Young. But not quite, as it turns out.
Although the film depicts a nostalgic campus life full of idealism for the future and the impulses of love, the story is more about starting out after innocent youth has faded.
Through the intertwined destinies of the movie’s protagonists, the audience witnesses a triangle of friendship, career ambitions and personal dreams seemingly collapse as three best friends desperately try to tie and twist these elements together.
That’s why Wang Yang (Tong Dawei), one of the three best friends, who start a business together, shares this lesson of life: “Never start a business with your best friends.”
He may be right. After all, no matter how close they are, differences in their professional and personal aspirations can drive friends apart. Every indivial has a distinct outlook on the world and their future, which determines the trajectory of their career and life.
Without knowing of Meng Xiaojun’s (Deng Chao) struggles in the US and his disillusion toward the country, there’s no way Cheng Dongqing (Huang Xiaoming) can understand why Meng is pushing all the agendas so hard. The parting of the invincible trio, to some extent, is predestined.
Even so, despite these differences, friendship always prevails. Cheng’s difficulties become a podium on which the three friends stand together. It’s through the emotional connection they developed over many years that they finally overcome their differences and reform the alliance.
What the film tries to convey is the triumph of brotherhood, which dates back to our naive, passionate youth when unconditional bonds of emotion are shaped.
So the film was never about business after all.

❼ 喜爱的电视奔跑吧兄弟 英语作文


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