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发布时间: 2025-02-25 10:40:11

1. 以"我的学习计划"为题目的英语作文,带翻译,字数在100字左右


New term is coming. I am going to concentrate on my study and spend more time learning English because I am weak in it. I will try as hard as possible to improve my spoken English because my oral English is really bad.

I will ask my teacher and friends for help when I have problem.I will do sports every day because it's good to keep healthy. I will help others when they are in trouble and help my parents with more housework.



2. 《我的计划》英语作文,带翻译

In this weekend,I have a plan,if tomorrow is a sunny day.
Saturday morning,I am going to visit my grandparents.after lunch I have good friends and I go to the movies and football.At night,I can stay home and watch cartoons.
Sunday,I will go fishing with dad.After that I will go home to do my homework.
I hope this weekend I can live very happy!

3. 澶у﹁嫳璇浣滄枃锛氭垜灏嗘潵鐨勮″垝 My Future Plans

銆 #鑻辫璧勬簮# 瀵艰銆戝︿範鑻辫锛岄槄璇荤湡鐨勫緢閲嶈侊紝澶氶槄璇讳竴浜涚煭绡囪嫳璇鏂囩珷涔熸槸鎻愰珮鑻辫闃呰昏兘鍔涚殑涓绉嶃備笅闈㈡槸 锛
銆銆銆愮瘒涓銆戞垜灏嗘潵鐨勮″垝 My Future Plans

When I chose to study further, it is because I want to avoid the job pressure, now three years will pass, I come to my cross road again, at this time, I must make my choice, I can鈥檛 avoid the pressure anymore. I have already made my future plan, it has two parts. 褰撴垜閫夋嫨娣遍犵殑鏃跺欙紝鏄鍥犱负鎴戞兂瑕侀伩寮宸ヤ綔鐨勫帇鍔涳紝濡備粖涓夊勾鍗冲皢杩囧幓锛屾垜鍙堟潵鍒颁簡鍗佸瓧璺鍙o紝杩欎竴娆★紝鎴戝繀椤诲仛鍑哄喅瀹氾紝鎴戝啀涔熶笉鑳介冮伩鍘嬪姏浜嗐傛垜宸茬粡鍒跺畾浜嗗皢鏉ョ殑璁″垝锛岄偅鏈変袱閮ㄥ垎銆

One part of my future plan is that I want to be a teacher. This is my career plan, being a teacher is always my dream, I can pass my knowledge to students, I like to talk to them, I want to lead them to the successful road. So now I must pay attention to the recruit message, I should seize every chance to be a teacher. 鎴戝皢鏉ヨ″垝鐨勫叾涓涓閮ㄥ垎灏辨槸鎴戞兂瑕佹垚涓轰竴鍚嶆暀甯堛傝繖鏄鎴戠殑鑱屼笟璁″垝锛屾垚涓轰竴鍚嶆暀甯堜竴鐩翠互鏉ラ兘鏄鎴戠殑姊︽兂锛屾垜鑳芥妸鎴戠殑鐭ヨ瘑浼犻掔粰鎴戠殑瀛︾敓锛屾垜鍠滄㈠拰浠栦滑鑱婂ぉ锛屾垜鎯宠佹妸浠栦滑寮曞煎埌鎴愬姛鐨勮矾涓娿傛墍浠ョ幇鍦ㄦ垜蹇呴』瑕佸叧娉ㄦ嫑鑱樹俊鎭锛屽簲璇ユ姄浣忔瘡涓涓鎴愪负鏁欏笀鐨勬満閬囥

The other part of my future plan is that I want to travel around the world. Being a teacher can make me have many vacations, so I can make used of these vacations and to carry out my travel plan. I have heard about many interesting foreign things, so I want to go out and have a look at the world. 鎴戝皢鏉ヨ″垝鐨勫彟涓閮ㄥ垎灏辨槸鎴戞兂瑕佺幆娓镐笘鐣屻傛垚涓轰竴浣嶆暀甯堣兘璁╂垜鏈夊氱偣鍋囨湡锛岃繖鏍锋垜灏卞彲浠ュ厖鍒嗗埄鐢ㄨ繖浜涘亣鏈熸潵瀹炵幇鎴戠殑鏃呮父璁″垝銆傛垜宸茬粡鍚璇翠簡寰堝氬浗澶栨湁瓒g殑涓滆タ锛屾垜鎯宠佽蛋鍑哄幓鐪嬩竴鐪嬭繖涓涓栫晫銆

My future plans are so perfect for me, it needs me to hard work to make it come true. 鎴戝皢鏉ョ殑璁″垝瀵逛簬鎴戞潵璇存槸濡傛ょ殑瀹岀編锛岃繖闇瑕佹垜鍔鍔涘伐浣滄潵瀹炵幇銆

銆銆銆愮瘒浜屻戞垚涓轰竴鍚嶄即濞 To be a Bridesmaid

About a month ago, I got my friend鈥檚 invitation, she told me that she would be married in a month, she hoped me to be his bridesmaid, I felt so happy for her and I also felt excited to be her bridesmaid. Last night, I finished my bridesmaid job and the memory still lingers on my mind. 澶х害涓涓鏈堜互鍓嶏紝鎴戞敹鍒颁簡鏈嬪弸鐨勯個璇凤紝濂瑰憡璇夋垜濂瑰皢瑕佷竴涓鏈堝悗缁撳氾紝濂瑰笇鏈涙垜鑳芥垚涓哄ス鐨勪即濞橈紝鎴戜负濂规劅鍒伴珮鍏达紝鏄ㄦ櫄锛屾垜瀹屾垚浜嗕綔涓轰即濞樼殑宸ヤ綔锛岄偅浜涙儏褰㈠備粖杩樺湪鎴戣剳娴烽噷銆

When my friend鈥檚 big day came, all the bridesmaids need to wake up early up in the morning and waited to be made up. We dressed the purple dresses, when we were ready, I found the bridesmaids looked almost the same, but we were pretty. After a while, I saw my friend, she was get ready, too, all of us were so chocked by her wonderful look, she was gorgeous, no wonder people said that to be a bride is the most beautiful. 褰撴垜鏈嬪弸鐨勫ぇ鏃ュ瓙鏉ヤ复锛屾墍鏈変即濞橀渶瑕佷竴澶ф棭璧锋潵锛岀瓑寰呯潃鍖栧嗐傛垜浠绌夸簡娴呯传鑹茬殑绀兼湇锛屽綋鎴戝噯澶囧ソ浜嗭紝鎴戝彂鐜颁即濞樼湅璧锋潵閮藉樊涓嶅氾紝浣嗘槸閮藉緢缇庛傝繃浜嗕竴浼氾紝鎴戠湅鍒颁簡鎴戞湅鍙嬶紝濂逛篃鍑嗗囧ソ浜嗭紝鎴戜滑閮借濂圭編涓界殑瀹归滈渿鎯婂埌锛屽ス鐪嬭捣鏉ユ槸濡傛ょ殑缇庝附锛屾涓嶅緱浜轰滑璇存垚涓烘柊濞樻槸鏈缇庝附鐨勩

When the bridegroom came, we hided the bride, and asked him to played the game, the first was to ask him to call his bride in ten ways. The second was to ask him some privacy about the bride, at last, the bridegroom picked up my friend to his home. 褰撴柊閮庢潵鍒扮殑鏃跺欙紝鎴戜滑鎶婃柊濞樺瓙钘忚捣鏉ワ紝瑕佹眰浠栫帺娓告垙锛岀涓浠朵簨鎯呭氨鏄瑕佹眰浠栫敤濮嬬粓鏂瑰紡绉板懠浠栫殑鏂板樺瓙銆傜浜屼欢浜嬪氨鏄闂浠栦竴浜涘叧浜庢柊濞樺瓙鐨勯殣绉侊紝鏈鍚庯紝鏂伴儙缁堜簬鎶婃柊濞樺瓙鎺ュ幓浜嗕粬瀹堕噷銆

The experience of being a bridesmaid is so wonderful, I witness my friend鈥檚 happiness and I wish I could be the next bride. 鎴愪负浼村樼殑缁忓巻鏄寰堢編濡欑殑锛屾垜瑙佽瘉浜嗘湅鍙嬬殑骞哥忥紝甯屾湜鑷宸辫兘鎴愪负涓嬩竴涓鏂板樸

銆銆銆愮瘒涓夈戞垜鏈嬪弸鐨勫氱ぜMy Friend鈥檚 Wedding

As the holiday comes, I was asked to come to my friend鈥檚 wedding, I felt so excited, this is my first time to see a wedding. I was so impressed by the situation. Marriage is sacred, when the couple gets combined, it means so much, I also broaden my vision at the great ceremony. 闅忕潃鍋囨湡鐨勫埌鏉ワ紝鎴戞湅鍙嬮個璇锋垜鍘诲弬鍔犲ス鐨勫氱ぜ锛屾垜鎰熷埌寰堥珮鍏达紝杩欐槸鎴戠涓娆¤佽瘉濠氱ぜ銆傛垜琚濠氱ぜ鐨勫満鏅闇囨儕鍒般傚氬Щ鏄绁炲湥鐨勶紝褰撲竴瀵规柊浜虹粨鍚堬紝杩欐剰鍛崇潃寰堝氾紝鍦ㄥ傛ら噸澶х殑鍦哄悎锛屾垜寮闃斾簡鑷宸辩殑鐪肩晫銆

When it was almost about five o鈥檆lock in the afternoon, I was ready to go out of my house and headed to the restaurant, because it was my friend鈥檚 wedding, I was so excited to witness her happiness. When I arrived the place, my friend and her husband came to welcomed me, I gave them a big hug, and then I found a table to sit down after I headed them the money. 褰撲笅鍗堜簲鐐瑰皢鍒扮殑鏃跺欙紝鎴戝凡缁忓噯澶囪蛋鍑烘埧闂锛屽幓楗搴楋紝鍥犱负杩欐槸鎴戞湅鍙嬬殑濠氱ぜ锛屾垜鎰熷埌寰堝叴濂嬶紝鎴戝皢瑕佽佽瘉濂圭殑骞哥忋傚綋鎴戝埌杈鹃偅涓鍦版柟鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鎴戠殑鏈嬪弸鍜屽ス涓堝か鍓嶆潵杩庢帴鎴戯紝鎴戝ぇ澶у湴鎷ユ姳浜嗕粬浠锛岀劧鍚庢壘浜嗙粰浜嗕竴涓绾㈠寘锛屾壘浜嗗紶妗屽瓙鍧愪笅鏉ャ

When the wedding ceremony began, my friend and her husband gave their vows to each other and then kissed, I was so moved, my tear came out of my eyes, I was happy for them and wished them all the happiness. 褰撳氱ぜ寮濮嬬殑鏃跺欙紝鎴戠殑鏈嬪弸鍜屽ス涓堝か褰兼よ歌猴紝鎷ュ惢锛屾垜寰堟劅鍔锛屾垜鐨勭溂娉閮芥祦鍑烘潵浜嗭紝鎴戜负浠栦滑鎰熷埌楂樺叴锛岀濇効浠栦滑骞哥忋

Joining my friend鈥檚 wedding changes me, before I was a little afraid of getting married, because I fear the responsibility, but now I not afraid, I feel the happiness, I wish I could find the one soon. 鍙傚姞鎴戞湅鍙嬬殑濠氱ぜ鏀瑰彉浜嗘垜锛屼箣鍓嶏紝鎴戞湁鐐瑰虫曠粨濠氾紝鍥犱负鎴戝虫曟壙鎷呰矗浠伙紝浣嗘槸鐜板湪鎴戜笉瀹虫曚簡锛屾垜甯屾湜鎴戣兘灏藉揩鎵惧埌鍙︿竴鍗娿

4. "我的计划"英语作文 (最好是期末复习计划,要1.……2……)

No plan, no goal.
As a student ,I should put study in my first place,so I wants to make a plan about studying English.
In the morning, I will read English texts to improve my spoken English.
In each class, I will listen to the teachers carefully and make notes.
After school, I will come back home on time and do my homework at once.
After supper, I will go over what I learned in the day time and prepare for the tomorrow‘s classes.
This is my school schele.

5. 我的大学计划英语作文带翻译怎么写


My plan for College life


I'm extremely excited now ,In face of new envirenment of study and life ,I must make a good plan for it .


Study comes first so I should make new goal and improve my study method.Hard will I study in the college as I do now.It is also important to learn how to live by myself . I will join in various activities and try my best to manage the relationship with other classmates.


No matter what I will meet in the future,happiness or sorrow,keep an optimistic attitud towards life and I believe that my college life will be colorfull as planned.


6. 初一英语作文《我的计划》 不少于60词

I am not good at English . I decide to study English every day. In the morning I read the text and dialog aloud and try to remember at least two sentences. In class I listen to the teacher carefully, take notes and answer questions activily. After class I do my homework on my own and if I have any difficulties, I will ask my teacher and classmates for help. I want to read a shot passage in English every day. I am sure I can make great progress.

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