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发布时间: 2025-02-18 00:30:27

A. 为什么birds and bees在西方文化中用来代指性启蒙教育

鸟和蜜蜂是一个隐喻的故事。 例如,蜜蜂携带花粉使花朵受精,可以理解成雄性授精。鸟类产蛋,可以理解成女性排卵。



(1)"The birds and the bees" is an English-language idiomatic expression that refers to courtship and sexual intercourse, and is usually used in reference to teaching someone, often a young child, about sex and pregnancy.

(2)The phrase is evocative of the metaphors and euphemisms often used to avoid speaking openly and technically about the subject.

(3)According to tradition, the birds and the bees is a metaphorical story sometimes told to children in an attempt to explain the mechanics and good consequences of sexual intercourse through reference to easily observed natural events.

(4)For instance, bees carry and deposit pollen into flowers, a visible and easy-to-explain example of male fertilisation. Another example, birds lay eggs, a similarly visible and easy-to-explain example of female ovulation.








“Have you toldJohnny about the birds and bees yet?”




"The birds and the bees"出处:

1、William and Mary Morris hint that it may have been inspired by words like these from the poet Samuel Coleridge (1825):“All Nature seems at work.Slugs leave their lair— The bees are stirring—birds are on the wing—”

2、在Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins, (1977) 这部字典中,作者认为首次将birds和bees搭配在一起出自塞缪尔·柯尔律治(1772-1834,英国诗人和评论家)的诗——Work Without Hope。

B. lay和lie的区别





lie如果lie解释为撒谎,那么过去式和过去分词,就是标准的变化,分别在lie后面跟上d就可以,lie,lied, lied。lie如果解释为躺下,那么过去式和过去分词,就是不规则的变化,lie,lay,lain。

lay的过去式以及过去分词都是laid, lay laid laid,比如lay the book on the table 把书放在桌上,lay an egg母鸡下蛋 。The dog laid its ears back.小狗把耳朵耷拉下来。




1.lie-lied-lied 说谎(是规则动词变化)

2.lie-lay-lain 位于,躺(不规则动词)

3.lay-laid-laid:.置放;铺;产(蛋,卵) 。

1和2的现在分词都是lying,如He lying in bed lied that his turtle laid 100 eggs. 他躺在床上说谎他家乌龟下了100个蛋。

C. 初三英语 急!

fun [fʌn]
1. 玩笑,嬉笑,戏谑,游戏2. 娱乐,消遣,乐趣3. 乐事,趣事,妙人,有趣(或逗人)的人(或物)4. 嘲笑5. 激烈的争论;紧张的活动;刺激的场面adj.[口语]有趣的;供娱乐用的,给人乐趣的,开玩笑的古怪;引人注意的,艳丽的vi.[口语]取笑,开玩笑,逗弄;玩,游戏,嬉戏:例句: The fellow was just funning.

1. all the fun of the fair

a. [口语]
b. 所有的乐趣
c. 一股脑儿在内
2. be great fun极为有趣的
3. for (或 in) fun开玩笑地,闹着玩儿地,不是认真地[亦作 for the fun of it (或 the thing)]
4. fun and games

a. [口语]
b. (如社交聚会中)欢乐,热闹有趣的玩乐,玩笑,轻松的娱乐;并轮喧闹;嬉闹,闹着玩;欢乐的聚会,狂欢会[常为讽刺语]
c. 轻而易举的琐事
d. 特别困难的任务,相当棘手的事情[用作反语]
e. (男女之间)动手动脚;拥抱;ML[1915~1920]
5. good (或 great) fun有趣的人(或事物)
6. have fun开心,作乐;寻欢作乐(尤指ML)[亦作 have (或 do) a bit of fun]
7. have rare fun[口语]尽情欢乐,玩得很愉快
8. in fun=for fun
9. like fun

a. [口语]很快地,迅速地;非常;奋力地,强有力地
b. [美国俚语]靠不住,决不会,毫不;当然不(强调否定或怀疑)
10. make fun of someone[口语]取笑(或嘲弄、奚落)某人,拿某人开玩笑
11. not see the fun

a. 看不出有什么逗乐的地方
b. 缺乏幽默感
12. poke fun at someone= make fun of someone
13. out of fun=for fun

vi.funned funning

lay [lei]
v. 放置,铺设,产卵
vbl. 横躺,摆放,说谎

[ 过去式laid 过去分词laid 现在分词laying 第三人称单数lays ]
lay1 [lei]
1. 打倒,击倒,使…倒下,将…打倒在地:例句: a blow laid him in the st
他被一下打倒在地The summer storm laid the crops.
夏日的风暴刮倒了庄稼。2. 使…躺下休息,将…放下使休息:例句: to lay a little girl down on the bed
将小女孩放在床上睡觉3. 放;放置;搁;平放;放下(常与 on 或in 连用):例句: to lay a watch on the table
把手表放在桌上4. 有次序地放置;砌(砖);铺放(地毯等);敷设:例句: to lay bricks
砌砖They are laying sewers.
他缺蔽碧们在铺设下水道。5. 以…为背景;故事发生在…[常用于 the scene is laid …中]:例句: The scene of the novel is laid in a hotel.
小说的故事发生在一家旅馆里。6. 奠基;打基础:例句: to lay the foundation of something
奠定某物的基础7. 安置;布置(餐桌);准备好:例句: to lay the table for lunch
摆好餐具准备吃午饭8. 设陷阱:例伏举句: to lay a trap for the burglar
设计擒夜盗9. 把(负担、命令、责任、惩罚等)加于;课税;归(咎)于,将罪责归咎于:例句: to lay a penalty
惩罚to lay a light fine
处以小额罚款10. 埋,埋葬:例句: The old man was laid in a cemetery.
老人葬在一座公墓。11. 产卵,生蛋;[俚语]飞机投弹:例句: to lay an egg
生蛋12. 平息,消除,减轻,使镇定;使沉降:例句: to lay the fears of the patient
消除病人的顾虑to lay the st
使尘土不飞扬13. 把…弄平整,使平滑;熨平:例句: to lay the nap of cloth
熨平布的绒毛14. 制定,拟定(计划等);设计:例句: to lay a five-year plan
制定五年计划15. 提交;提出(要求、指控等);引起…考虑;陈述;宣称:例句: We laid our question before the committee.
我们把问题提交委员会。to lay claim to property
声称对财产拥有所有权16. laid 或layed和…打赌,赌(钱等),下赌注:例句: I lay 100 dollars Brazilian team will be the champion.
我赌100美元,巴西队将是冠军。17. 涂抹,涂覆:例句: to lay paint upon canvas
在画布上涂油彩18. 使…处于某种状态:例句: Gambling laid him in debt.
赌博使他负了债。19. (扭)绞:搓成(绳子的)股;搓(股索)成绳:例句: to lay (up) a rope
搓绳子20. 【航海学】使(船)向某方向行驶;驶到看不见(陆地等)的地方21. 【军事】瞄准(炮);将(大炮)调到所需射角22. [美国俚语]与…性交,与…发生性关系
1. 下蛋,产卵:例句: These hens are laying well.
这些母鸡产蛋很多。2. 打赌,押赌注:例句: to lay with him on the result of horse race
和他赌跑马结果3. [方言]躺;斜倚[不规范用法]:例句: to lay in bed
躺在床上4. 致力于;竭尽全力;狠打:例句: He caught the thief and began to lay on.
他抓住小偷并开始狠揍他。He laid to his work.
他努力工作。5. [方言]准备;拟定(计划),策划:例句: to lay to rob a supermarket
策划抢劫超级市场6. 【航海学】就位,定向:例句: to lay forward
1. 方位,放置方向;地形(走向),地理形势2. [美国用语]利润分红(尤指捕鲸船上的捕获物分红)3. 列;层;层面4. (绳索等的)股数(或搓合方式);绳索质地;绳索绞距5. 隐蔽处6. [俚语]企图;计划;方针7. [美国口语](雇用)条件;销售价格(条件等)8. [俚语]职业,工作;行业,行当(尤指违法勾当)9. [美国俚语]性交,交媾;姘头10. 产卵,下蛋
1. a good (或 fair) lay

a. [口语]
b. 有利的价格;有利的事
c. [裁缝用语]经济的裁衣法2. in lay

a. (母鸡)会下蛋[亦作 in full (或 good) lay]
b. (母鸡的)产卵期3. kid (或 kinchin) lay[黑话、行话]抢夺(或盗窃)出外购物的儿童的财物4. lay aboard(为了越舷进攻而)将船靠近(他船);靠上(敌船)5. lay a (或 one's) course

a. 制订计划;按计划进行
b. 【航海学】(朝某一方向)直驶6. lay a fire堆好燃料(准备生火)7. lay a flattering unction to one's soul自我安慰;自我陶醉8. lay all irons in the fire用尽一切办法,试用种种手段9. lay an information (或 a charge) against告发;起诉;控告10. lay an injunction on (或 upon) someone命令某人…;对某人下禁令11. lay asleep

a. 使…入睡
b. 埋葬,使永眠地下
c. 使无足轻重,使无人过问12. lay claim to声称(有权拥有)…13. lay close to

a. 接近,靠近
b. 遵循
c. 与…有关14. lay down a kell安龙骨,开工造船15. lay eggs[俚语](飞机) 投弹16. lay (或 put) emphasis (或 stress,weight) on (或 upon)强调;着重于17. lay eyes on发现,看见,(初次)见到[常用否定或虚拟式]18. lay fast (by the hells)监禁;拘束19. lay field to field不断增加财产20. lay heavy odds that坚决主张21. lay (或 put) it on the line

a. [美国俚语]
b. 坦率地说
c. 付款22. lay it on (thick)

a. [口语]
b. 夸张;过分地说
c. 乱吹捧;露骨地恭维;过分责备;做得过分(如过分奉承、赞扬、责备、辩解等)[亦作 lay it on with a trowel]23. lay off with[俚语]与(女人)发生性关系24. lay off your lid别摆架子25. lay one to someone[美国俚语]给某人一拳26. lay one's account with期待,指望;把…算在内27. lay one's bones死,被埋葬28. lay one's hopes on期待,指望29. lay one's plans准备;布置30. lay on the gridiron使受折磨;使成为取笑对象31. lay one's head on the block上断头台32. lay oneself open to使自己遭到(攻击、责难等)33. lay oneself out (to do something)竭力,尽力(干某事);想方设法(做某事)34. lay paper[美国俚语]用伪支票;用假钞35. lay pipes[美国俚语]收买选票;从事政治舞弊36. lay something at someone's door[亦作 lay something at the door of someone]见door37. lay up for oneself自找(麻烦),自讨(苦吃)38. lay the blame on the right (或 wrong) shoulders责备(或不应该)受责备的人;让该(或不应该)负责的人负责39. lay the bridle on the neck of放松缰绳;放弃控制40. lay the butter on对…说恭维(奉承)话41. lay the corner stone奠基42. lay to rest (或 sleep)

a. 安葬,埋葬
b. 消除;永远放弃;停止43. lay wait for见wait44. on a lay分红45. on the lay[黑话、行话]做(违法)买卖;干活(如偷、扒、抢等)46. the lay (或 lie) of the land

a. 地形,地貌
b. 布局,安排,总的形势;情况,当前的事态
c. 【航海学】海岸的方向;陆地的位置


lay2 [lei] lie2过去式

lay3 [lei]
1. 世俗的;凡俗的;凡人的;非神职的(与教会中神职人员相对)2. (修士在修道院)干勤杂的3. 没有经验的;外行的;非专业性的;未经专门训练的4. 【牌戏】非主牌的

lay4 [lei]
1. (能唱的)短诗;短叙事诗2. 歌,歌曲;曲调;旋律;(鸟的)啭鸣

lay5 [lei] n.【冶金学】花纹方向;捻向,捻距

lay [lei] vi.lie1的变形

lie1 [lai]
1. 躺;卧;平躺;平卧;横卧(常与 down 连用):例句: She is lying in bed with a severe cold.
她因重感冒躺在床上。2. 处于某种状态(或地位):例句: The town lay in ruins after a heavy bombardment.
在猛烈轰炸以后城镇成了一片废墟。3. (物体)被平放,平放在;平放着:例句: The novel is lying on the table.
小说平放在桌子上。4. 存在于;在于(常与 in 连用):例句: The fundamental way out lies in reform and openness.
根本出路在于改革开放。5. 位于:例句: The supermarket lies opposite our college.
超市正对着我们学院。Canada lies to the north of America.
加拿大在美国以北。6. 展现;伸展:例句: The road lies to the east.
道路向东伸展。7. 在于;存在;所在:例句: They don't know where their weaknesses lie.
他们不知道他们的弱点所在。8. 被埋葬;长眠于:例句: The martyr lies in the cemetery.
烈士被葬在公墓。9. (比赛时)占名次:例句: Japan lies third in the quarter-final.
在四分之一决赛时日本排第三。10. (船只)停泊:例句: The pleasure boat is lying at anchor.
游艇正抛锚停泊着。11. (部队)驻扎;设营12. (风)保持某一方向;位于特定方向:例句: We should first see where the wind lies.
我们应该首先看看风向如何。13. 【法律】(诉讼、上诉等)成立;可受理:例句: a civil action that will not lie
不被受理的民事诉讼14. (鸟等)(在猎人或猎狗接近时)蹲着,不飞走15. [古语]过夜;投宿;留宿;逗留;稍事停留16. [古语]性交 (与 with 连用)
1. 位置;状态;方向2. 兽穴:(动物的)栖息处,隐藏处3. 【高尔夫球】球的位置4. [英国英语]躺;休息时间
1. as (或 so) far as in me lies[口语]尽力,尽我所能,尽我力量2. lie at someone's door见 door3. lie at death's door在死神的门口,行将就木,快要死了4. lie at (或 on) the catch埋伏以待;设陷阱捕捉5. lie by the heels坐牢,被监禁6. lie dead隐藏着7. lie doggo见 doggo8. lie down on the job偷懒;不干活;不卖力;磨洋工9. lie heavy (或 hard) on (或 to, upon)压迫;使痛苦;使烦恼;使…不安,对…加重负担10. lie idle不活动;被搁置不用;(资金)呆滞11. lie in a nutshell一言以蔽之;容易讲清楚12. lie low见 low13. lie on the bed one has made自作自受;自食其果 [亦作 As you make your bed, so you must lie in (或 on) it.]14. lie in store (for)(某事)将要发生(于某人)15. lie open开着;暴露着16. take…lying down甘心屈服,甘心忍受 (惩罚、侮辱、冤枉等);俯首屈从于;逆来顺受17. the lie of the land= the lay of the land [见lay]
变形:vi.lay lain lying

lie [lai] n. 谎言
v. 躺着,说谎,位于

[ 过去式lay 过去分词lain 现在分词lying 第三人称单数lies ]

lie1 [lai]
1. 躺;卧;平躺;平卧;横卧(常与 down 连用):例句: She is lying in bed with a severe cold.
她因重感冒躺在床上。2. 处于某种状态(或地位):例句: The town lay in ruins after a heavy bombardment.
在猛烈轰炸以后城镇成了一片废墟。3. (物体)被平放,平放在;平放着:例句: The novel is lying on the table.
小说平放在桌子上。4. 存在于;在于(常与 in 连用):例句: The fundamental way out lies in reform and openness.
根本出路在于改革开放。5. 位于:例句: The supermarket lies opposite our college.
超市正对着我们学院。Canada lies to the north of America.
加拿大在美国以北。6. 展现;伸展:例句: The road lies to the east.
道路向东伸展。7. 在于;存在;所在:例句: They don't know where their weaknesses lie.
他们不知道他们的弱点所在。8. 被埋葬;长眠于:例句: The martyr lies in the cemetery.
烈士被葬在公墓。9. (比赛时)占名次:例句: Japan lies third in the quarter-final.
在四分之一决赛时日本排第三。10. (船只)停泊:例句: The pleasure boat is lying at anchor.
游艇正抛锚停泊着。11. (部队)驻扎;设营12. (风)保持某一方向;位于特定方向:例句: We should first see where the wind lies.
我们应该首先看看风向如何。13. 【法律】(诉讼、上诉等)成立;可受理:例句: a civil action that will not lie
不被受理的民事诉讼14. (鸟等)(在猎人或猎狗接近时)蹲着,不飞走15. [古语]过夜;投宿;留宿;逗留;稍事停留16. [古语]性交 (与 with 连用)
1. 位置;状态;方向2. 兽穴:(动物的)栖息处,隐藏处3. 【高尔夫球】球的位置4. [英国英语]躺;休息时间
1. as (或 so) far as in me lies[口语]尽力,尽我所能,尽我力量2. lie at someone's door见 door3. lie at death's door在死神的门口,行将就木,快要死了4. lie at (或 on) the catch埋伏以待;设陷阱捕捉5. lie by the heels坐牢,被监禁6. lie dead隐藏着7. lie doggo见 doggo8. lie down on the job偷懒;不干活;不卖力;磨洋工9. lie heavy (或 hard) on (或 to, upon)压迫;使痛苦;使烦恼;使…不安,对…加重负担10. lie idle不活动;被搁置不用;(资金)呆滞11. lie in a nutshell一言以蔽之;容易讲清楚12. lie low见 low13. lie on the bed one has made自作自受;自食其果 [亦作 As you make your bed, so you must lie in (或 on) it.]14. lie in store (for)(某事)将要发生(于某人)15. lie open开着;暴露着16. take…lying down甘心屈服,甘心忍受 (惩罚、侮辱、冤枉等);俯首屈从于;逆来顺受17. the lie of the land= the lay of the land [见lay]


lie2 [lai]
1. 说谎,撒谎,讲假话:例句: The child lied to the teacher about his reasons for being late.
孩子向老师谎报迟到的原因。2. (事物)给以错觉;造成假象;不可靠;欺骗:例句: The statistics must be lying.
统计数字一定有假。vi.[ lie oneself]用欺骗或说谎获得;谎骗:例句: He lied himself into our confidence.
他骗取我们的信任。to lie oneself into office
1. 谎言;谎话;假话2. 假象,造成错觉的事物;欺诈,欺骗行为3. 对谎言的申斥;直截了当的反驳
prevaricate . equivocate .
1. a lie (made) out of (the) whole cloth= a lie with a latchet 一派谎言;全是假话2. act a lie用行为骗人,行骗3. eighteen carat lie[美国英语]彻头彻尾的谎言,厚颜无耻的谎话,弥天大谎4. give someone the lie in his throat指责某人撒谎5. give the lie to

a. 当面拆穿(某人的)谎言,指责(某人)撒谎;反驳
b. 证明(某事)不实,证明…虚假;揭穿6. lie in one's throat (或 teeth)撒弥天大谎;信口开河7. lie like a gas meter见 gas meter8. Lies have short (或 on) legs (或 wings).[谚语]谎言总是要败露的。9. live a lie做人虚伪;过欺骗人的生活10. nail a lie (to the counter)戳穿谎言;戳穿西洋镜11. swap lies[美国口语] 聊天,闲聊;胡扯;讲空话12. throw a lie in someone's face当面指责某人撒谎

变形:vt.lied lying

D. 下蛋的英语是什么

lay eggs。







E. 位于。 躺。。 撒谎 。。下蛋。。 英语翻译,各种形式

v. 躺下, 位于, 在于, 平放, 存在, 延伸, 说谎
v. If you feel unwell, go and lie down.

v. 如果你感到不舒服,就去躺下。

v. 躺下

v. If you feel unwell, go and lie down.

v. 如果你感到不舒服,就去躺下。

v. 位于

v. My home town lies low in a hidden valley.

v. 我的家乡位于一个隐蔽的山谷里。

v. 在于

v. The fundamental way out lies in reform and openness.

v. 根本出路在于改革开放。

v. 平放

v. The novel is lying on the table.

v. 小说平放在桌子上。

v. 存在

v. The truth lies between two extremes.

v. 真理存在两个极端之间。

v. 延伸

v. Our land lies between these trees and the river.

v. 我们的土地位于这些树和那条河之间

v. 说谎

v. I promise never to lie to you from now on.

v. 我发誓从今以后再也不向你说谎话。

n. 谎言

v. 放置, 躺下, 打赌, 设计, 击倒, 产卵, 使平静, 压平
v. 放置

v. You may lay it on the table.

v. 你可以把它放在桌子上。

v. 躺下

v. I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.

v. 我躺下来与其说是要睡觉,倒不如说是要思考。

v. 打赌

v. I'll lay odds of three to one that he gets the job.

v. 我以三比一的赔率打赌,他能得到那份工作。

v. 设计

v. He showed us how to lay out a printed page.

v. 他告诉我们怎样设计版面。

v. Surveyors lay out Wall Street along the line of the stockade.

v. 测量员沿着栅栏设计出墙街。

v. 击倒
v. 产卵

v. They lay eggs from the beginning of July to the middle of August.

v. 它们在7月初到8月中这段时间产卵。

v. 使平静
v. 压平

n. 地形, 位置, 叙事短诗, 交媾
n. 地形

n. He knows the lay of the land here.

n. 他了解这里的地形。

n. 位置

n. Lay more emphasis on combating corruption and advocating integrity.

n. 把反腐倡廉放在更加突出的位置上。

n. A lay figure can be placed in any position, or attitude, and clothed in any costume and thus serves as a model for the drapery.

n. 人体模型可以放在任何位置,摆成任何姿势,穿上任何服装,作为服装店的模特儿。

n. 叙事短诗
n. 交媾

adj. 外行的, 世俗的


F. 英语翻译:医生让她躺在床上休息一两天

The doctor made her to lay on the bed to rest for a few days.
lie,lay,lain,lie in bed again;

撒谎 lie,lied,lied,don't be a liar;

产蛋 lay,laid,laid,a hen laid an egg;

放置 A loy picked it up,and laid it in the bag.

The fireman's ty is to put out fire.
Playing with fire is dangerous. 动名词作主语
The children are told to keep off the lawn.
解析: keep off n. 不践踏草地(谨慎小心)
step off 走出

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