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发布时间: 2025-02-17 07:55:15

㈠ 宣讲会,用英文怎么翻译

校园招聘的宣讲会为Campus Talk OR Campus Recruitment

㈡ 校园招聘怎么翻译成英语

campus recruitment

㈢ 人力资源相关术语用英语怎么说啊

人力资源管理 Human Resources Management
人力资源规划 Human Resources Planning
企业组织信息的采集与处理 Enterprise information acquisition and processing
组织结构图 Organization chart
工作岗位调查 Survey work
企业员工与工时统计 Employees working hours and Statistics
企业劳动定额管理 Labor quota management
人力资源费用预算与核算 Human resources and budget accounting
招聘与配置 Recruitment and deployment
培训与开发 Training and Development
绩效管理 ance Management
绩效考核 Performance Assessment
薪酬管理 Management salaries
薪酬福利 Salaries and benefits
劳动关系管理 Labor Management Relations
职业生涯规划 Career Planning

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