1. 没注意看用英语怎么说
问题一:没注意了,用英文怎么说 是没竖销主意还是没注意呀,没注意了:No attention
问题二:“稍微不注意”,或者“一不小心”用英语怎么说 我觉得你想表达的意思就用 accidentally 就行吧
或者还有 in an unguarded moment
In an unguarded moment, he admitted taking the file. 不经意间他承认拿了文件
问题三:不小心的 用英语怎么说 careless。。。。。。
问题四:不小心用英语怎么说,,急急急 accidentally
accidentally fall in love with you
<一不小心摔跤了拿野> Accidentally wrestling
问题五:不小心粗心用英语怎么说 n. carelessness ; inattentionadj. careless ; thoughtless
问题六:不小心说错话的英文怎样翻译? 不小心说错话 Speak wrong word incautiously. 不明白余敏游 don't know 或 don't understand
问题七:我不小心点到的 英语翻译 I click it accidentally
i do not mean to click it
问题八:这句话用英语怎么说,有时候,不小心知道了一些事,才发现自己所在乎的事是那么可笑。 sometimes you know the things you care by accident. To find that it is joking.
问题九:我一不小心揭露了事实的英文 我一不小心揭露了事实
I accidentally revealed the truth.
I accidentally revealed the truth.
2. 翻译英文:我一不小心撞到了他
run into/ bump into 是撞到的意义
不小心,译为 by accident
故为,I bumped/ran into him by accident.