Ⅰ ''蓝田玉''的英文咋说
''蓝田玉''的英文: Lantian jade
Ⅱ 孔雀石英语怎么说
问题一:大学生怎摸赚钱? 休息天或长假可在外做短工 读书时可在多余的时间在网上卖点东西 现在网店有40%都是祥拆大学生开的
问题二:所有宝石的英文 各类宝石的英文名!!!每个宝石都有一个传奇……
Actinolite 阳起石
Chiastolite 空晶石
Jadeite 硬玉、辉玉、翡翠
Ruby 红宝石
Agate 玛瑙
Chrysoberyl Cat's eye 金绿宝石猫眼
K鸡nzite 孔赛石
Sapphire 蓝宝石
Banded Agate 条纹玛瑙
Citrine 黄水晶
Kyanite 蓝晶石
Sillimanite 硅线石
Fire Agate 火玛瑙
Coral 珊瑚
Lapis Lazuli 青金石
Smithsonite 菱锌矿
Alexandrite 亚历山大变色石
Danburite 赛黄晶
Lazulite 天蓝石
Smoky Quartz 烟水晶
Alexandrite Cat's eye 亚历山大变 *** 眼
Demantoid 翠榴石
Malachite 孔雀石
South sea Pearl 南洋珠
Aguamarine 海蓝宝石
Diamond 钻石
Marble 大理石
Spessortite 锰铝榴石
Amber 琥珀
Diopside 透辉石
Moldavite 摩达曼托石、绿曜岩、暗绿玻璃
Sphene 榍石
Amethyst 紫水晶
Dioptase 透视石
Natural Glass 天然玻璃
Spinel 尖晶石
Andradite 钙铁榴石
Emerald 祖母绿
Obsidian 黑曜岩
Spomene 锂辉石
Apatite 磷灰石
Enstatite 顽火辉石
Oligoclase 奥长石
Talc 滑石
Apophyllite 鱼眼石
Euclase 蓝柱石
Opal 蛋白石
Tanzanite 丹泉石
Augite 普通辉石
Fluorite 萤石
Black Opal 黑蛋白石
Topaz 黄玉、拓帕石
Axinite 斧石
Garnet 石榴石穗族
Fire Opal 火蛋白石
Tourmaline 碧玺、电气石
Barite 重晶石
Green Quartz 绿水晶
orthoclase 正长石
Tremolite 透闪石
Benitoite 蓝锥矿
Grossularite 钙铝榴石
Pearl 珍珠
Tsavorite 随我来、沙弗来石
Beryl 绿柱石
Hawk's eye 鹰眼石
Mother of Pearl 贝壳
Zircon 锆石
Celesite 天青石
Hydrogrossular 水钙铝榴石
Peridot 橄榄石
Ivory 象牙
Cessiterite 锡石
Iolite 堇青石
Prehnite 葡萄石
Chrysoberyl 金绿宝石
Rose Quartz 粉晶
Aries: garnet
Taurus: diamond
Gemini: agate
Cancer: moonstone, pearl
Leo: amber, ruby
Virgo: sardonyx
Libra: emerald
Scorpio: opal
Sagittarius: topaz
Capricorn: jet
Aquarius: aquamarine
Pisces: bloodstone
问题三:花皙蔻英语怎么说 ClorisLand
Chloe by natureland
问题四:孔雀石绿,孔雀石绿(隐性),结晶紫,结晶紫(隐性)英文怎么翻译 malachite green孔雀石绿
leualachite green 隐性孔雀石绿
crystal violet 结晶紫
leucocrystal violet隐性结晶紫
问题五:在魔术快斗TV10的时候,后面那部分“在法国12月是孔雀石。”是什么意思? 您好,我是柯南吧知道团队的成员,很高兴能回答您的问题^_^
接着是怪盗黑猫 露比・琼斯的名字,其发音与“ruby”(红宝石)接近,所以青子发现她的名字也是来源于其诞生石,也就是红宝石。
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Ⅲ 【悬赏50分】求碧玺的英文简介
Today, gem and specimen tourmaline is mined chiefly in Brazil and Africa. Some placer material suitable for gem use comes from Sri Lanka. Some fine gem and specimen material has been proced in the US, with the first discoveries having been made in 1822, in the state of Maine. California became a large procer of tourmaline in the early 1900s. The Maine deposits tend to proce crystals in raspberry pink-red as well as minty greens. The California deposits are known for bright pinks, as well as interesting bicolors. During the early 1900s, Maine and California were the worlds largest procers of gem tourmalines. The Empress Dowager Tz'u Hsi, the last Empress of China, loved pink tourmaline and bought large quantities for gemstones and carvings from the then new Himalaya Mine, located in San Diego County, California. [4]
Almost every color of tourmaline can be found in Brazil, especially in the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Bahia. In 1989, miners discovered a unique and brightly colored variety of tourmaline in the state of Paraíba. The new type of tourmaline, which soon became known as paraiba tourmaline, came in unusually vivid blues and greens. These colors were often described as "neon" since they appeared to glow. Brazilian paraiba tourmaline is usually heavily included. Much of the paraiba tourmaline from Brazil actually comes from the neighboring state of Rio Grande do Norte. Material from Rio Grande do Norte is often somewhat less intense in color, but many fine gems are found there. It was determined that the element copper was important in the coloration of the stone. The demand and excitement for this new material, which has fetched more than $50,000 per carat, earned more respect for the other colors of tourmaline. In the late 90s, copper-containing tourmaline was found in Nigeria. The material was generally paler and less saturated than the Brazilian materials, although the material generally was much less included. A more recent African discovery from Mozambique has also proced beautiful tourmaline colored by copper, similar to the Brazilian paraiba. While its colors are somewhat less bright than top Brazilian material, Mozambique paraiba is often less included and has been found in larger sizes. The Mozambique paraiba material usually is more intensely colored than the Nigerian. There is a significant overlap in color and clarity with Mozambique paraiba and Brazilian paraiba, especially with the material from Rio Grande do Norte. While less expensive than top quality Brazilian paraiba, some Mozambique material sells for well over $5,000 per carat, which still is extremely high compared to other tourmalines.
Tourmaline mineral (~ 10 cm tall)Another unique variety that is also highly valued is chrome tourmaline, a rare type of dravite tourmaline from Tanzania which occurs in a very rich green color caused by chromium, the same element which causes the green in emerald. Of the standard Elte colors, generally blue indicolite gems are the most expensive, followed by green verdelite and pink to red rubellite. There are also yellow tourmalines, sometimes known as canary tourmaline. Ironically the rarest variety, colorless achroite, is not appreciated and is the least expensive of the transparent tourmalines. In addition to Brazil, significant amounts of tourmaline are also mined in Tanzania, Nigeria, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, and Malawi.[5]
Some tourmaline gems, especially pink to red colored stones, are altered by irradiation to improve their color. Irradiation is almost impossible to detect in tourmalines, and does not impact the value. Heavily-included tourmalines, such as rubellite and Brazilian paraiba are sometimes clarity enhanced, which must be disclosed to the buyer. A clarity-enhanced tourmaline (especially paraiba) is worth much less than a non-treated gem。