① 如果你能来中国,我可以带你去看我们国家的一些标志性建筑物,如长城、故宫。这句话怎么用英语翻译
长城( The Great Wall),又称万里长城,是中国古代军事防御工程。长城修筑的历史可上溯版到西周权时期,著名的典故“烽火戏诸侯”就源于此。春秋战国时期列国争霸,互相防守,长城修筑进入第一个高潮,但此时修筑的长度都比较短。秦灭六国统一天下后,秦始皇连接和修缮战国长城,始有万里长城之称 。明朝是最后一个大修长城的朝代,今天人们所看到的长城多是此时修筑。北京故宫,全名北京故宫博物院,旧称为紫禁城,位于北京中轴线的中心,是中国明、清两代24位皇帝的皇家宫殿,是中国古代汉族宫廷建筑之精华,无与伦比的建筑杰作,也是世界上现存规模最大、保存最为完整的木质结构古建筑之一。它有大小宫殿七十多座,房屋九千余间,以太和、中和、保和三大殿为中心。
② 长城英语作文加翻译
As we all know, the Great Wall is a great building, I am proud of the Great Wall.
First, the Great Wall two thousand years of history; It is located in northern China. East from Shanhaiguan, west to Jiayuguan, total length of 8851.8 km.
Second, the Great Wall is China's ancient people created one of the great miracles on behalf of China's long history.
Third, in the past, the Great Wall was built to withstand enemy attack on the; Today, the Great Wall has become a popular tourist attraction, which every year attracts many tourists from around the world.
③ 你可以去观看长城用英语
You can go to visti the Great Wall.
Go to visit the Great Wall is a good choice.
④ 想来北京看长城 翻译成英文
他想来北京看长城: He wants to come to Beijing to see the Great Wall
想来北京看长城 - I want to come to Beijing to visit the Great Wall Of China (注:语法不通)
你是想说:”想来北京看长城“ 还是 “想去北京看长城”? 已经到了北京?一直都在北京? 刚抵达北京?
如果情况是“已经来到北京.....来看看长城”: I came to Beijing to visit The Great Wall of China.
如果情况是“人不在北京......想去北京看长城”:I want to go to Beijing to visit The Great Wall of China.
⑤ 如果她去北京,她要去参观长城。英语翻译
If she goes to Beijing, she'll visit the Great Wall.
⑥ 你想要去参观北京的长城吗 英文翻译
Would you like to visit the Great Wall in Beijing ?