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发布时间: 2025-01-18 03:01:06

❶ 请教各类消防器材标准英文术语

<1> abandonment 离弃(指见死不救的行为)
<2> abatement of smoke 消减烟雾(法)
<3> ABC extinguisher [消]ABC灭火器(能用来扑灭A、B、C类火灾的灭火器)
<4> ABC method 心肺复苏法
<5> ABC powder extinguishing agent [消]ABC 干粉灭火剂(适用于扑救A类、B类和C类火灾的干粉灭火剂)
<6> ablation characteristics 烧蚀特征
<7> ablation of melting body 熔融物体的烧蚀
<8> ablation-proct radiation 烧蚀生成物的辐射
<9> abnormal combustion 异常燃烧(发动机爆震,早燃等不正常的总称)
<10> abnormal condition 反常情况,不正常状态,非正常状态
<11> absolute temperature 绝对温度
<12> absolute temperature scale 绝对温标
<13> absorbed gas 吸收状态气体(或瓦斯)
<14> absorbent for confining spills 限制溢出物蔓延的吸收性材料
<15> Acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度
<16> Acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备修理质量验收制度
<17> Accessible Means of Egress 易通行的疏散通道
<18> Accident e to quality 质量事故
<19> Accident management regulation of plant 设备事故管理制度
<20> Accommodation stairway 简易楼梯
<21> acousto-optic effect 声光效应
<22> Added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率
<23> Addressable alarm system 可编程(址)报警系统
<24> Adjustable piston valve 活动式汽阀
<25> Adjustable pressure limiting valve 可调限压阀
<26> Adjustable retrictor valve 可调节流阀
<27> Aerial extinguisher 航空灭火装置
<28> Aerial ladder fire truck 云梯消防车
<29> Afterbirth-like crystal 胞状晶
<30> Agricultural fire pump 农用消防泵
<31> Air inlet 进风口
<32> Air lift pump 气泡泵
<33> Air pressure balance for fire control 均压防灭火
<34> Air-foam fire branch 空气泡沫枪
<35> Air-lift pump 气升泵
<36> Airport crash fire vehicle 机场消防车
<37> Alarm 报警
<38> Alarm (in control room) (控制室内)报警
<39> Alarm and protection system 报警保护系统
<40> Alarm device 报警装置
<41> Alarm display panel 报警显示器
<42> Alarm for voltage 电压报警器
<43> Alarm gamma ray survey 报警器伽玛测量
<44> Alarm of fire 火灾警报
<45> Alarm pressure 报警压力
<46> Alarm signal 报警信号
<47> Alarm system 报警系统
<48> Alarm unit 报警单元
<49> Alcohol resistant foam concentrate 抗溶泡沫液
<50> Alert data 报警数据
<51> Amino group powder 氨基干粉
<52> 安全方面的危险
<53> Analog warning accuracy 模拟报警精度
<54> analog warning test 模拟报警试验
<55> analogue detection and alarm system 模拟量探测报警系统
<56> Ancient and rare trees 古树名木
<57> Annular pressure loss 环空泵压损失
<58> Anti-burning mechanical draft cooling tower 阻燃型冷却塔
<59> Anti-collision warning device 防碰报警装置
<60> Appliance carrying fire vehicle 器材消防车
<61> Aqueous film forming foam concentrate 水成膜泡沫液
<62> arc resistance 耐电弧性
<63> Area of Refuge 避难区域
<64> Areal (departmental) repair center 地区(部门)修理中心
<65> Arson 放火
<66> Automatic explosion suppression system 自动抑爆系统
<67> Automatic fire a1arm system 火灾自动报警系统
<68> Automatic fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统
<69> automatic fire equipment 自动消防设备
<70> Automatic fire signa1 自动火灾信号
<71> automatic light control 自动光强控制装置
<72> Automatic sprinkling fire extinguishing system 自动喷水灭火系统
<73> Auxiliary fire vehicle 后援消防车
<74> average deviation 平均偏差
<75> Average pump pressure 平均泵压
<76>a.a.r against all risk 综合险,保一切险,保全险
<77>AA auto-alarm 自动报警
<78>AAB Aircraft Accident Board 飞行事故调查委员会
<79>AAC automat and automatical control 自动装置与自动控制
<80>AACC American automatic control council 美国自动控制委员会
<81>AACC American Association for Contamination control 美国控制污染协会
<82>AAE American Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会
<83>AAEC Australian Atomic Energy commission 澳大利亚原子能委员会
<84>AAEE American Association of Electrical Engineers 美国电气工程师委员会
<85>AAJ Architectural Association of Japan 日本建筑协会
<86>AAR aircraft accident report 飞机事故报告
<87>AAS American Association for the advancement of Science 美国科学促进协会
<88>Ab air-breaker 空气断路器

<0> baby Bangor [消]小拉梯〈一种没有绳索和滑轮的拉梯,主要用于建筑物内部〉
<1> back flame [消]复燃火焰〈熄灭后再燃的火焰〉
<2> back pack [消]背包式灭火器〈背负的五加仑灭火器,内装泵,用于扑救草地和灌木丛〉
<3> back pack pump tank 背负式带泵灭火器
<4> back pack pump tank fire extinguisher [消]小型背负泵式灭火器
<5> back pressure valve 止回阀,背压阀
<6> back scattering 反向(后向)散射
<7> back stair 后楼梯,辅助楼梯
<8> back staircase 后楼梯,辅助楼梯间
<9> back step [消](消防车的)后踏板
<10> back stopping [矿]上向梯段回采
<11> back strack 由原路退回
<12> back stretch [消]反向铺设水带
<13> back up 1、备用的,候补的2、倒转,回退
<15> back-up battery 备用电源
<16> back-up breaker 备用断路器
<17> Back-up safety functions 辅助安全功能
<18> baffle 1、隔板 2、[消]水箱隔板 3、隔火板 4、缓冲板 5、导流叶片 6、遮护物
<19> balanced system 1、[消]均衡系统 2、均衡系统,对称系统
<20> Balancing pressure on stopping 均压防灭火
<21> ball blanket [消]塑料球覆盖层
<22> ball cock 浮球阀
<23> ball hydrant [消]球形消防栓
<24> ballast tank 1、压载水枪 2、压载舱
<25> ball-float liquid-level meter 球形浮子液面计
<26> Base injection foam extinguishing system 液下喷射泡沫灭火系统
<27> Beat fireproof 建防火带
<28> Bell character 报警字符
<29> Biological Chip 生物芯片
<30> biplane butterfly valve 平板蝶阀
<31> Blower extinguishment 风机灭火
<32> Blow-off valve seat 放水阀座
<33> Boiler safety valve 安全阀
<34> Boilor check valve seat 止回阀座
<35> Branch crystal 树枝晶
<36> Budget of installation 安装预算
<37> bulk range 喷射距离
<38> Burn (Verb) 燃烧(动词)
<39> Burning behaviour 燃烧性能
<40> Bursting 爆裂
<41> butterfly valve 蝴蝶阀
<42> by-pass valve 旁通阀

<0> Cabinet extinguishing equipment 柜式灭火装置
<1> Cabinet foam extinguishing eguipment 柜式泡沫灭火装置
<2> cabinet foam extinguishing equipment [消]柜式泡沫灭火装置
<3> cabinet type hose washing machine [消]柜式洗水带机
<4> cable line-type fixed temperature detector [消]缆式线型定温探测器〈采用缆式线结构的线型定温探测器〉
<5> cable tray fire break 电缆槽盒阻火物
<6> cable vault 电缆进线室
<7> cable-tray penetration 电缆槽盒穿透(度)
<8> cable-tray temperature sensor 缆式温度传感器
<9> calamity damage insurance 火灾保险
<10> calculation of probabilities [林]可能性推算
<11> calibration criterion 校准标准
<12> call back 1、[消]火灾报警箱 2、[英]公用电话亭 3、[消]召回
<13> Calorific potential 潜热能
<14> camp boss [林]营地管理员〈负责建立和管理一个消防营地的人〉
<15> campaign fire [林]战役火灾〈要花一天以上才能扑灭的森林火灾〉
<16> campfire [林]营火
<17> camshaft 凸轮轴,分配轴
<18> can [口][消]灭火器
<19> Canadian Association of fire Chiefs 加拿大消防长官协会
<20> Canadian Association of fire Investigators 加拿大火灾调查委员会
<21> Canadian Automotive Rescue Society 加拿大汽车救援协会
<22> Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness 加拿大应急准备中心
<23> Candela 坎德拉
<24> Capital investment recovery period of plant 设备投资产出比
<25> Carbon dioxide extinguishing agent 二氧化碳灭火剂
<26> Carbon dioxide extinguishing system 二氧化碳灭火系统
<27> Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器
<28> Carbon dioxide fire vehicle 二氧化碳消防车
<29> casting-state structure 铸态组织
<30> Catchpit 集流坑
<31> Ceiling screen 挡烟垂壁
<32> Central alarm station 中央报警站
<33> Central fire alarm control unit 集中火灾报警控制器
<34> Centralized maintenance 集中维修
<35> centrifugal pump 离心泵
<36> Centrifugal pump drainage 离心泵排水
<37> Centrifugal water pump 离心式水泵
<38> Check point 检测点
<39> Check valve 止回阀
<40> Chemical foam 化学泡沫
<41> Chemical reaction extinguisher 化学反应式灭火器
<42> Chemical reaction fire extinguisher 化学反应式灭火器
<43> Chimney effect 烟囱效应
<44> Chip 芯片
<45> Chute rail smoke extinguishing system 滑道架式烟雾灭火系统
<46> CIF of imported equipment 进口设备到岸价
<47> city fire station 城镇消防站
<48> city path for fire wehicles 城镇消防通道
<49> Claims for equipment 设备索赔
<50> Class A A类火
<51> Class B B类火
<52> Class C C类火
<53> Class D D类火
<54> class of safety protection 安全防护等级
<55> Classified management of plant 设备分级管理
<56> CO&sub2; fire extinguishing system 二氧化碳灭火
<57> Cocrystallization 共晶体
<58> Coefficient of pump pressure 泵压系数
<59> Coercionary service system 强制保养制
<60> coercive force 矫顽力
<61> Combination of design, manufacturing and operation 设计、制造与使用相结合
<62> combination of professional management and mass management 专业管理与群众管理相结合
<63> Combination of repair, modernization and renewal 修理、改造与更新相结合
<64> Combination of service and planned maintenance 维护与计划检修相结合
<65> combination of technical management and economic management 技术管理与经济管理相结合
<66> Combination type fire detector 复合式火灾探测器
<67> Combined agent extinguishing system 混合灭火系统
<68> Combined extinguishing 综合灭火
<69> Combined maintenance 混合维修
<70> Combined smoke and powder extinguishing system 烟雾干粉联用灭火系统
<71> combustibility 可燃性
<72> Combustiblc 可燃的
<73> Combustion 燃烧
<74> Command and communication fire vehicle 通讯指挥消防车
<75> Commodity inspection 商检(商品检验)
<76> complete discharge 完全喷射
<77> Complete set of plant 设备的成套性
<78> Complexity coefficient of repair 修理复杂系数
<79> Comprehensive utilization ratio of plant 设备综合利用率
<80> Compressed air pump drainage 压气泵排水
<81> Constitution ratio of plant 设备构成比
<82> containment spray system 安全壳喷淋系统[压水堆]
<83> contract change and cancellation 合同变更与解除
<84> control valve 调节阀
<85> Coordinate Bond 配价键
<86> Coordination Compound 配位化合物
<87> Copper 铜
<88> core spray system 堆芯喷淋系统[沸水堆]
<89> Corridor 走廊
<90> cost for re-building the historical and cultural relics 文物建筑重建费
<91> Criticality alarm system 临界报警系统
<92> crystal boundary 晶界
<93> Crystal particle 晶粒
<94> ctric spark 电火花
<95> Current consumption at alarm 报警电流
<96> current density 电流密度
<97> cyindrical plug valve 圆柱形转阀
<98> cylindrical crystal 柱状晶
<99> cylindrical valve 圆筒阀
<100>CAFS compressed air foam system [消]压缩空气泡沫系统

<0> dabo 护墙板,墙裙
<1> Dahill hoist 达希尔升降机〈一种以压缩气体为动力的升降机〉
<2> daily burning cycle [林]日火烧周期〈24小时的燃烧周期,从上午10算起〉
<3> daily activity level [林]日常活动等级
<6> damage 损害,损失
<7> damage area [消]1、烧毁面积 2、受损地区,毁坏地区
<8> damage control tender [消]防损车〈用于预防或减少灭火战斗中水渍等损失的消防车〉
<9> damage length 烧毁长度〈烧毁面积在特定的方向的最大距离〉
<10> damagerous articles package 危险品包装
<11> Damkohler number 丹姆克尔数
<12> damming 修筑隔墙
<13> damp atmosphere 湿大气
<14> damp down fire (用沙子灭等)灭火,消火
<15> damped 被(瓦斯)窒息的
<16> damper control 风门控制装置
<17> damposcope 爆炸瓦斯指示器
<18> danger index [林]火险指数
<19> danger meter [林]火险尺(法)
<20> Dangerous Chemical Substances or Hazardous Chemicals 化学危险物品
<21> data processing system security 数据处理系统安全性
<22> Data security 数据安全
<23> Date of resial magnetism 剩磁数据
<24> dead air 1、含有大量CO2的空气。2、停滞不流动的空气
<25> Dead end 袋形走道(死胡同)
<26> dead fuel [林]死可燃物
<27> dead out [消]熄灭〈火灾的一个阶段,这时灭火的所有阶段,包括巡逻阶段都已完成〉
<28> dead spot [电]哑点〈指信号接受很弱或完全收不到的地理位置〉
<29> dead-end main 尽头管〈一头封闭的自来水总管〉
<30> dead-man abort switch 常闭式紧急停车开关
<31> deaths per fire 每次火灾造成的死亡人数
<32> debris (火灾)废墟
<33> decabromodiphenyl oxide 葵溴二苯醚
<34> deceleration valve 减速阀
<35> Decentralized maintenance 分散维修
<36> Deck foam fire extinguishing system 甲板泡沫灭火系统
<37> deck foam system [消]车载泡沫系统
<38> decomposition gas 分解气体(爆破时的)
<39> deepseated fire [消]深位火(灾)
<40> defence attack [消]防御性灭火
<41> deficiency point [险]扣除的分数
<42> Deflagration 爆燃
<43> deflagration phenomenon [消]爆燃现象
<44> deflagration behavior [消]爆燃特性,爆燃行为
<45> deflagration front [消]爆燃的正面
<46> deflagration suppression [消]爆燃抑制
<47> delayed-action time of discharge 喷射滞后时间
<48> Deluge system 雨淋灭火系统
<49> Depth of pump installation 水泵下置深度
<50> Depth of pump tube installation 泵管下置深度
<51> Descent control device 缓降器
<52> Design and construction of equipment foundation 设备基础设计与施工
<53> Detecting element 检测元件
<54> Detection 检测
<55> Detection pressure 探测压力
<56> Detection threshold 检测阈
<57> Detector 检测器
<58> Detonation 爆轰
<59> Deviation alarm sensor 偏差报警检测器
<60> device for controlling automatic fire equipments 自动消防设备控制装置
<61> Devision of safe degree 安全程度分区
<62> diamagnetism 抗磁性
<63> Diameter of pump tube 泵管直径
<64> difficult-flammability 难燃性
<65> difficult-flammble 难燃的
<66> Dip time 灭火剂浸渍时间
<67> Direct extinguishing 直接灭火
<68> Discard of plant 设备报废
<69> Discharge rate 疏散率
<70> Discharge value 疏散流量
<71> discharge valve 排气阀
<72> Distress alerting 遇险报警
<73> document content security 文件内容安全性
<74> documentation security 文件(系统)安全性
<75> domestic proction management of imported spare parts 备件国产化管理
<76> Down time ratio to accident (failure) 事故〔故障〕停机率
<77> Downtime quota for equipment repair 设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数)
<78> Draft 抽力
<79> Drain-pipe 排水泵
<80> Drencher system 水幕系统
<81> Drift smoke 漂移烟
<82> drip valve 滴水阀
<83> Dry sprinkler system 干式喷水灭火系统
<84> Dry test meter 干式检测计
<85> Durability of plant 设备的耐用性
<86> Duration of fire resistance 耐火极限
<87> Dynamic test 动态试验
<88> Dysprosium 镝
<89>DDT deflagration to detonation transision 爆燃到爆轰的跃进

❷ 英语翻译


Unkrainian unclear experts have said that people forced to leave the areas around
Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant should be able to return. Three of the plant’s reactor
Cores melted last March. Authorities declared the plant stable in December. Residents
Can now return to areas with contamination levels below 20 millisieverts per year
Funkushima evacuees ing home
Experts:low radiation areas safe to return
Ukrainian unclear experts say Japanese people who have been evacuated from around the Fukshima unclear plant should be able to return to their homes.
This is unlike the Chernboy1 site,which remains inside a wide no-go zone a quarter-century after the aident there.
The public may even eventually be able to visit the Fukushima Dai-ichi unclear power plant.Three of its reactor cores melted after a tsunami knocked out the cooling systems last March.
Ukrainian nuclear experts Oleg Nasvit and Dmytro Bobro said people learned a crucial lesson from the 1986 Chernboy1 disaster-that the government needs to tell people the truth.Only then can the people make informed decisions about their future.
乌克兰核专家奥列格和鲍勃·罗斯纳说:nasvit人学到了关键的一课从1986chernboy1disaster-that *** 需要告诉人们真相。只有人民才能作出明智的决定自己的未来。
“Residents can understand the consequences and make realistic decisions only based on aurate information,”Bobro said.
Japanese authorities and regulators have been repeatedly criticized for how they handled information ring the unfolding unclear crisis. Officials initially denied that the reactors had melted down. They have also been aused of playing down the health risks of exposure to radiation.
日本 *** 和监管机构已多次批评他们如何处理的资讯在展开不清楚危机。官员否认了的反应堆熔化。他们也被指控在健康风险暴露于辐射。
Japanese authorities declared the Fukushima plant stable in December. They have now set guidelines that allow residents to return to areas with contamination levels below 20 millisieverts per year.
More that 100,000people were displaced from a 20-kilometre no-entry zone.
Any decision on wheter to allow residents to return should be based on radiation dose of less than 20 millisieverts per year. Aording to international standards, this is possible,” Nasvit said.“This is not about this circle of 20 kilometres:it is about the radiation situation.If this is from the radiation point of permissible,why not return part of this territory to people?”
But further decontamination efforts are a must,he added.


but that does not necessarily make a language more difficult than another.
but that does not necessarily make a language more difficult than (make) another


  1. 约翰最后承认他喜欢玛丽

  2. (意译)房间被弄得乱七八糟

  3. 据我所知,你可以做你想做的

  4. 男孩捡起了那个老人的帽子

  5. 听到那个有趣的故事,他们大笑起来


During the period that Party B is awaiting the position, Party B needs to claim to Party A if he is performing paid work. If B is found to be working without claim, B will be dealt with aording to seriousness; After ecation, if B continues to violate the rule, B will be expelled. Any aidents and costs it had oured ring the period that B is working outside will be the sole responsibility of B himself.
The items which are not covered in this contract (agreement) will be handled in aordance with the national regulations.

With the rapid development of China's financial markets and the full liberalization of the banking sector, the banking instry from the planning system has an absolute monopoly of the state to the current state of relative equilibrium of petition, the mercial banking system, in addition to engineering, agriculture, in construction of four state-owned holding mercial banks, as well as about ten national joint-stock mercial bank listed. In the modern market economy, the allocation of social funds is undoubtedly represented by bank financial intermediaries and financial markets to achieve. In this context, explore the bank's petitiveness has bee a matter of great concern to the public, far-reaching significance. Factor *** ysis is a multivariate statistical method for effective petitive *** ysis and discussion of a thing, this article introces the principle of factor *** ysis and mathematical modeling using factor *** ysis, and then the various indicators of the bank's petitiveness dimension rection and the final scores do empirical *** ysis.




Klaus Rolfs相信不世纪在仅仅十年中,他能制做放射性的废物保险柜.向被对7月31日有影响的英国 *** ,深深在地下使它的核废料废物的葬礼加速的耳朵器乐轻音乐. 如果它工作,罗尔夫方法将使代价巨大的秘密处理变得不必要.他声称已经经过在几上述绝对零度程度上使百分之1在附近嵌入它在朝派钯金属冷下来切断一放射性的钠同位素的半衰期.下一步,他想要目标是镭-226的1600-年半衰期,一主要的部分核废料.他认为没价值的100年它能一直到带给a的. 他的结果驳斥长时间-心存的核腐烂不受环境影响想法.罗尔夫,的鲁尔河University在朝派波鸿,德意志说年它将需要10消除掉使他的技术变得实际所需要的理论和工程.

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