『壹』 在什么里面,用英语翻译。
比如:在房间里,in the room
在盒子里 in the box
『贰』 关于棒球的一段英语翻译
Baseball is a kind of sports involves hitting the ball by a wooden bat, which is also a sport requires good teamwork and antagonism. Baseball is played worldwide with great impact, it is also known as "the unity of competition and intelligence". Baseball is very popular in Japan and America, which is regarded as the national sport of both nations. The participants for each team is restricted to at least 9 players. Moreover, baseball is similar to softball. Players are categorised into two camps —— the attacking camp and the defending camp. They play aganst each other by using bats and mitts in a fan-shaped area. In a baseball game, two teams take turns to play offensive side. When an attacker runs back to their home base successfully, the offensive team score 1 point. The team which scores the highest in total 9 rounds will be the winning team.