1、 government is trying to protect and repair the old wall.
2、Every year, many people visit the Great Wall in gain a lot of fun.
3、Now Beijing still has many of the ancient Great Wall, isn't it?
4、Use the live who built the model, isn't?
5、Let's go to see, ok?
6、You know very well to them, is it?
7、From then on, people put the Great Wall as the symbol of the Chinese nation.
8、The Great Wall of China is the world's greatest wonders.
9、The great pyramid have all around, each face 230.4 meters long.
10、100000 people spent more than 20 years to build it.
11、Most of the city in the 1960 s were broken down, because they have been broken.
12、This building is composed of two million blocks, and each have two tons of multiple.
13、Qin shihuang, China's first emperor, and old wall together.
14、Located in the center of the xian xian.
15、It is the best of China to protect the wall. It has a history of over six hundred years.
《介绍中国》英语作文 篇一:
China, officially known as the People's Republic of China, a vast country located in Eastern Asia. It is the world's most populous nation, with over 1.4 billion people. China has a rich history that spans over 5,000 years, making it one of the world's oldest continuous civilizations. The Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Warriors are just a few examples of the country's many remarkable historical sites. China is also known for its diverse cuisine, traditional arts, and martial arts practices.
《介绍中国》英语作文 篇二:
The economy of China is the second-largest in the world, and it is well known for its rapid instrialization and significant contributions to global trade. Major instries include manufacturing, agriculture, and technology. The country is the world's largest exporter and has been the world's largest trading nation since 2013. China is home to some of the most famous and innovative companies, including Alibaba, Tencent, and Huawei.
《介绍中国》英语作文 篇三:
China has a diverse landscape that ranges from the highest peak, Mount Everest, along the border with Nepal, to the vast deserts of the Gobi and Taklamakan. It also includes large plains, impressive rivers such as the Yangtze River, and beautiful lakes like West Lake. This extensive variety of landscapes makes China a popular travel destination for tourists, offering countless opportunities to explore natural wonders, historical relics, and cultural experiences.
《介绍中国》英语作文 篇四:
One of the most distinctive aspects of Chinese culture is its rich tradition of performing arts. These include traditional Chinese opera, acrobatics, and dance. Peking Opera, Kunqu Opera, and Yue Opera are popular forms of Chinese opera that incorporate singing, dancing, martial arts, and elaborate costumes and makeup. The Chinese New Year celebrations and Dragon Boat Festival are some of the most significant events in China, showcasing the country's vibrant culture and customs.
《介绍中国》英语作文 篇五:
The Chinese language, also known as Mandarin, is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is a tonal language with a unique writing system consisting of thousands of characters. Chinese calligraphy, the art of writing Chinese characters, is highly regarded and considered an essential skill in traditional Chinese culture. Alongside the language, Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism have all significantly influenced Chinese philosophy, art, and culture throughout its history.
⑶ 以……闻名和以……著称用英语翻译有区别吗
Guilin is famous for its hills and water.
⑷ “中国以长城而闻名于世。”英语怎么翻译
China is famous for the Great Wall.
⑸ 为什么"中国"的英文翻译是China,而不是CenterCountry
十八世纪以前,欧洲人还不会制造瓷器,因此中国特别是昌南镇的精美瓷器很受欢迎。在欧洲,昌南镇瓷器是十分受人珍爱的贵重物品,人们以能获得一件昌南镇瓷器为荣。就这样欧洲人就以“昌南”作为瓷器(china)和生产瓷器的“中国”(China)的代称,久而久之,欧洲人就把昌南的本意忘却了,只记得它是 “瓷器”,即“中国”了。
西方瓷器原本是从中国输入的。明朝的时候,大批的中国瓷器产品就开始输往西方世界。波斯人称中国的瓷器为chini,欧洲商人在波斯购买中国瓷器也同时把一词带回了西方。后来,他们又把chini改为china,并且把生产china的中国也一并称为China。欧美人谈到China的时候,往往联想到 China(中国)是china(瓷器)之乡。
说china最初是昌南地名译音,我觉得很新鲜。景德镇原名昌南镇,在宋真宗景德年间(1004年起)改名景德镇。此时所制瓷器已负盛名,特供御用。按照 “景德镇最为流行的说法”推论,其后本镇瓷器外销朝鲜、日本、越南,又其后经阿拉伯远销到欧洲,皆以产地昌南作为商品名称。昌南两音,口碑远播,写成法文便是chine,写成英文便是china。china又回译成汉文瓷器。瓷器名声响遍全球,欧洲人就把中国也叫作瓷器,而大写其字头,成了China。这个推论亦能自圆其说。
外邦对我华夏称呼,最早曰支那Cina,其后曰拓跋Tabac,最后曰契丹Kitai。今之China即支那,先是国名。明代中期葡萄牙人贩瓷器到欧洲,称其商品名曰Chinaware,若汉译应该是“支那瓦”。陶瓷产品,古称瓦器。此处ware应是瓦之译音。支那瓦者,中国瓷也。China放在ware 之前,可知China国名,初无瓷器一义。后来省掉ware,简称为China,才小写其字头,获得瓷器之义。这已经是晚近的事了。